2018-04-02 16:26:17 -06:00

234 lines
9.6 KiB

function PackCrypt(&$Data, $WeakKey, $options=array() ) {
$result = array(
'success' => false,
'reason' => 'Incomplete pack for unknown reason; indicates horrible failure.',
'output' => false
// load options
if (isset($options['cipher'])) { // Check whether user specified an alternate cipher in the options
$CipherType = $options['cipher']; // if so, use it
} else {
$CipherType = DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_METHOD; // otherwise, use the default cipher
if (isset($options['mode'])) { // Check whether user specified an alternate block mode in the options
$mode = $options['mode']; // if so, use it
} else {
$mode = DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_MODE; // otherwise, use the default block mode
if (isset($options['salt'])) { // Check whether user specified an alternate md5 salt in the options
$salt = $options['salt']; // if so, use it
} else {
$salt = DEFAULT_MD5_SALT; // otherwise, use the default salt
// do preparation
$SecretData = serialize($Data); // Convert data into a serialized string for single packing
$compressor = false;
global $compressors;
// handle potential compression
if (isset($options['compressor'])) {
if (isset($compressors[$options['compressor']])) {
$compressor = $compressors[$options['compressor']];
if (function_exists($compressor['encode']['fname'])) {
if (function_exists($compressor['decode']['fname'])) {
if (isset($compressor['encode']['args'])) {
if (isset($compressor['encode']['data_arg'])) {
$largs = $compressor['encode']['args'];
$largs[$compressor['encode']['data_arg']] = $SecretData;
$SecretData = call_user_func_array($compressor['encode']['fname'], $largs);
} else {
$result['reason'] = 'The requested compressor, "' . $options['compressor'] . '", requires an argument list; however the data argument has not been specified, making call impossible.';
return $result;
} else {
$SecretData = $compressor['encode']['fname']($SecretData);
} else {
$result['reason'] = 'The requested compressor, "' . $options['compressor'] . '", requires the decode function "' . $compressor['decode']['fname'] . '", which is not present in this PHP installation.';
return $result;
} else {
$result['reason'] = 'The requested compressor, "' . $options['compressor'] . '", requires the encode function "' . $compressor['encode']['fname'] . '", which is not present in this PHP installation.';
return $result;
} else {
$result['reason'] = 'The requested compressor, "' . $options['compressor'] . '", is not configured in this script.';
return $result;
// do work
$td = mcrypt_module_open($CipherType, '', $mode, ''); // Open the cipher module
$ks = mcrypt_enc_get_key_size($td); // Get required key size
$strongkey = substr(md5($salt . $WeakKey), 0, $ks); // Harden key data into safe key
$ivsz = mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td); // Get the size of the appropriate local initialization vector
// net2ftp - the 2nd argument of mcrypt_create_iv must be different on Unix and Windows
// Try first Unix, and if $iv is empty try Windows
// Use prefix @ to suppress PHP Warning messages
$iv = @mcrypt_create_iv($ivsz, MCRYPT_DEV_RANDOM); // Generate an initialization vector ** Unix **
if ($iv == "") {
$iv = @mcrypt_create_iv($ivsz, MCRYPT_RAND); // Generate an initialization vector ** Windows **
mcrypt_generic_init($td, $strongkey, $iv); // Init encryption engine
$encrypted = mcrypt_generic($td, $SecretData); // Perform encryption
mcrypt_generic_deinit($td); // Shut down encryption engine
mcrypt_module_close($td); // Close the cipher module
$IvDataPack = $iv . $encrypted; // Prepend the IV onto the data stream for convenient transfer
$result['output'] = BlockScramble($IvDataPack, $strongkey); // Return the IV prepended to the data stream, CBC tamper protected
$result['success'] = true;
$result['reason'] = 'Successful pack.';
return $result;
function UnpackCrypt(&$SecretData, $WeakKey, $options=array() ) {// $CipherType = 'tripledes', $mode = 'ofb') {
$result = array(
'success' => false,
'reason' => 'Incomplete unpack for unknown reason; indicates horrible failure.',
'output' => false
// load options
if (isset($options['cipher'])) { // Check whether user specified an alternate cipher in the options
$CipherType = $options['cipher']; // if so, use it
} else {
$CipherType = DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_METHOD; // otherwise, use the default cipher
if (isset($options['mode'])) { // Check whether user specified an alternate block mode in the options
$mode = $options['mode']; // if so, use it
} else {
$mode = DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_MODE; // otherwise, use the default block mode
if (isset($options['salt'])) { // Check whether user specified an alternate md5 salt in the options
$salt = $options['salt']; // if so, use it
} else {
$salt = DEFAULT_MD5_SALT; // otherwise, use the default salt
// do work
$td = mcrypt_module_open($CipherType, '', $mode, ''); // Open the cipher module
$ks = mcrypt_enc_get_key_size($td); // Get required key size
$strongkey = substr(md5($salt . $WeakKey), 0, $ks); // Regenerate hardened key from weak key
$DescrambleData = BlockDescramble($SecretData, $strongkey); // Remove leading-block CBC tampering attack protection
$ivsz = mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td); // Get the size of the appropriate local initialization vector
$iv = substr($DescrambleData, 0, $ivsz); // Recover the initialization vector
$WorkData = substr($DescrambleData, $ivsz); // Recover the data block
mcrypt_generic_init($td, $strongkey, $iv); // Init decryption engine
$decrypted = mdecrypt_generic($td, $WorkData); // Perform decryption
mcrypt_generic_deinit($td); // Shut down decryption engine
mcrypt_module_close($td); // Close the cipher module
// handle potential decompression
global $compressors;
$compressor = false;
if (isset($options['compressor'])) {
if (isset($compressors[$options['compressor']])) {
$compressor = $compressors[$options['compressor']];
if (function_exists($compressor['encode']['fname'])) {
if (function_exists($compressor['decode']['fname'])) {
if (isset($compressor['decode']['args'])) {
if (isset($compressor['decode']['data_arg'])) {
$largs = $compressor['decode']['args'];
$largs[$compressor['decode']['data_arg']] = $decrypted;
$decrypted = call_user_func_array($compressor['decode']['fname'], $largs);
} else {
$result['reason'] = 'The requested compressor, "' . $options['compressor'] . '", requires an argument list; however the data argument has not been specified, making call impossible.';
return $result;
} else {
$decrypted = $compressor['decode']['fname']($decrypted);
} else {
$result['reason'] = 'The requested compressor, "' . $options['compressor'] . '", requires the decode function "' . $compressor['decode']['fname'] . '", which is not present in this PHP installation.';
return $result;
} else {
$result['reason'] = 'The requested compressor, "' . $options['compressor'] . '", requires the encode function "' . $compressor['encode']['fname'] . '", which is not present in this PHP installation.';
return $result;
} else {
$result['reason'] = 'The requested compressor, "' . $options['compressor'] . '", is not configured in this script.';
return $result;
$result['success'] = true;
$result['reason'] = 'Successful unpack.';
$result['output'] = unserialize($decrypted); // Convert data from a serialized string and return
return $result;