2018-04-02 16:26:17 -06:00

478 lines
19 KiB

@version v5.20.4 30-Mar-2016
@copyright (c) 2000-2013 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
@copyright (c) 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community
Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
the BSD license will take precedence.
/* this file is used by the ADODB test program: test.php */
<table><tr valign=top><td>
<form method=get>
<input type=checkbox name="testaccess" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testaccess) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>Access</b><br>
<input type=checkbox name="testibase" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testibase) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>Interbase</b><br>
<input type=checkbox name="testmssql" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testmssql) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>MSSQL</b><br>
<input type=checkbox name="testmysql" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testmysql) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>MySQL</b><br>
<input type=checkbox name="testmysqlodbc" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testmysqlodbc) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>MySQL ODBC</b><br>
<input type=checkbox name="testmysqli" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testmysqli) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>MySQLi</b>
<td><input type=checkbox name="testsqlite" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testsqlite) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>SQLite</b><br>
<input type=checkbox name="testproxy" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testproxy) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>MySQL Proxy</b><br>
<input type=checkbox name="testoracle" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testoracle) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>Oracle (oci8)</b> <br>
<input type=checkbox name="testpostgres" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testpostgres) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>PostgreSQL</b><br>
<input type=checkbox name="testpostgres9" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testpostgres9) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>PostgreSQL 9</b><br>
<input type=checkbox name="testpgodbc" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testpgodbc) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>PostgreSQL ODBC</b><br>
<input type=checkbox name="testpdopgsql" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testpdopgsql) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>PgSQL PDO</b><br>
<input type=checkbox name="testpdomysql" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testpdomysql) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>MySQL PDO</b><br>
<input type=checkbox name="testpdosqlite" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testpdosqlite) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>SQLite PDO</b><br>
<input type=checkbox name="testpdoaccess" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testpdoaccess) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>Access PDO</b><br>
<input type=checkbox name="testpdomssql" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testpdomssql) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>MSSQL PDO</b><br>
<input type=checkbox name="testpdoora" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testpdoora) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>OCI PDO</b><br>
<td><input type=checkbox name="testdb2" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testdb2) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> DB2<br>
<input type=checkbox name="testvfp" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testvfp) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> VFP+ODBTP<br>
<input type=checkbox name="testado" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testado) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> ADO (for mssql and access)<br>
<input type=checkbox name="nocountrecs" value=1 <?php echo !empty($nocountrecs) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> $ADODB_COUNTRECS=false<br>
<input type=checkbox name="nolog" value=1 <?php echo !empty($nolog) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> No SQL Logging<br>
<input type=checkbox name="time" value=1 <?php echo !empty($_GET['time']) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> ADOdb time test
<input type=submit>
if (isset($nocountrecs)) $ADODB_COUNTRECS = false;
// cannot test databases below, but we include them anyway to check
// if they parse ok...
if (sizeof($_GET) || !isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
echo "<BR>";
if (defined('ODBC_BINMODE_RETURN')) {
function ADOLoadCode2($d)
$c = ADONewConnection($d);
echo "Loaded $d ",($c ? 'ok' : 'extension not installed'),"<br>";
// dregad 2014-04-15 added serial field to avoid error with lastval()
$pg_test_table = "create table ADOXYZ (id integer, firstname char(24), lastname varchar,created date, ser serial)";
$pg_hostname = 'localhost';
$pg_user = 'tester';
$pg_password = 'test';
$pg_database = 'northwind';
$pg_errmsg = "ERROR: PostgreSQL requires a database called '$pg_database' "
. "on server '$pg_hostname', user '$pg_user', password '$pg_password'.<BR>";
if (!empty($testpostgres)) {
$db = ADONewConnection('postgres');
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
if ($db->Connect($pg_hostname, $pg_user, $pg_password, $pg_database)) {
testdb($db, $pg_test_table);
} else {
print $pg_errmsg . $db->ErrorMsg();
if (!empty($testpostgres9)) {
$db = ADONewConnection('postgres9');
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
if ($db->Connect($pg_hostname, $pg_user, $pg_password, $pg_database)) {
testdb($db, $pg_test_table);
} else {
print $pg_errmsg . $db->ErrorMsg();
if (!empty($testpgodbc)) {
$db = ADONewConnection('odbc');
$db->hasTransactions = false;
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
if ($db->PConnect('Postgresql')) {
$db->hasTransactions = true;
"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date) type=innodb");
} else print "ERROR: PostgreSQL requires a database called test on server, user tester, password test.<BR>".$db->ErrorMsg();
if (!empty($testibase)) {
//$_GET['nolog'] = true;
$db = ADONewConnection('firebird');
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
if ($db->PConnect("localhost:d:\\firebird\\151\\examples\\EMPLOYEE.fdb", "sysdba", "masterkey", ""))
testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id integer, firstname char(24), lastname char(24),price numeric(12,2),created date)");
else print "ERROR: Interbase test requires a database called employee.gdb".'<BR>'.$db->ErrorMsg();
if (!empty($testsqlite)) {
$path =urlencode('d:\inetpub\adodb\sqlite.db');
$dsn = "sqlite://$path/";
$db = ADONewConnection($dsn);
//echo $dsn;
//$db = ADONewConnection('sqlite');
if ($db && $db->PConnect("d:\\inetpub\\adodb\\sqlite.db", "", "", "")) {
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24),created datetime)");
} else
print "ERROR: SQLite";
if (!empty($testpdopgsql)) {
$connstr = "pgsql:dbname=test";
$u = 'tester';$p='test';
$db = ADONewConnection('pdo');
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
$db->Connect($connstr,$u,$p) || die("CONNECT FAILED");
"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date)");
if (!empty($testpdomysql)) {
$connstr = "mysql:dbname=northwind";
$u = 'root';$p='';
$db = ADONewConnection('pdo');
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
$db->Connect($connstr,$u,$p) || die("CONNECT FAILED");
"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date)");
if (!empty($testpdomssql)) {
$connstr = "mssql:dbname=northwind";
$u = 'sa';$p='natsoft';
$db = ADONewConnection('pdo');
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
$db->Connect($connstr,$u,$p) || die("CONNECT FAILED");
"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date)");
if (!empty($testpdosqlite)) {
$connstr = "sqlite:d:/inetpub/adodb/sqlite-pdo.db3";
$u = '';$p='';
$db = ADONewConnection('pdo');
$db->hasTransactions = false;
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
$db->Connect($connstr,$u,$p) || die("CONNECT FAILED");
"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date)");
if (!empty($testpdoaccess)) {
$connstr = 'odbc:nwind';
$u = '';$p='';
$db = ADONewConnection('pdo');
$db->hasTransactions = false;
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
$db->Connect($connstr,$u,$p) || die("CONNECT FAILED");
"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date)");
if (!empty($testpdoora)) {
$connstr = 'oci:';
$u = 'scott';$p='natsoft';
$db = ADONewConnection('pdo');
#$db->hasTransactions = false;
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
$db->Connect($connstr,$u,$p) || die("CONNECT FAILED");
"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date)");
if (!empty($testaccess)) {
$db = ADONewConnection('access');
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
$access = 'd:\inetpub\wwwroot\php\NWIND.MDB';
$dsn = "nwind";
$dsn = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=$access;Uid=Admin;Pwd=;";
//$dsn = 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=' . $access . ';';
if ($db->PConnect($dsn, "", "", ""))
testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24),created datetime)");
else print "ERROR: Access test requires a Windows ODBC DSN=nwind, Access driver";
if (!empty($testaccess) && !empty($testado)) { // ADO ACCESS
$db = ADONewConnection("ado_access");
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
$access = 'd:\inetpub\wwwroot\php\NWIND.MDB';
$myDSN = 'PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;'
. 'DATA SOURCE=' . $access . ';';
$_GET['nolog'] = 1;
if ($db->PConnect($myDSN, "", "", "")) {
print "ADO version=".$db->_connectionID->version."<br>";
testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24),created datetime)");
} else print "ERROR: Access test requires a Access database $access".'<BR>'.$db->ErrorMsg();
if (!empty($testvfp)) { // ODBC
$db = ADONewConnection('vfp');
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";flush();
if ( $db->PConnect("vfp-adoxyz")) {
testdb($db,"create table d:\\inetpub\\adodb\\ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24),created date)");
} else print "ERROR: Visual FoxPro test requires a Windows ODBC DSN=vfp-adoxyz, VFP driver";
echo "<hr />";
$db = ADONewConnection('odbtp');
if ( $db->PConnect('localhost','DRIVER={Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver};SOURCETYPE=DBF;SOURCEDB=d:\inetpub\adodb;EXCLUSIVE=NO;')) {
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";flush();
testdb($db,"create table d:\\inetpub\\adodb\\ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24),created date)");
} else print "ERROR: Visual FoxPro odbtp requires a Windows ODBC DSN=vfp-adoxyz, VFP driver";
// REQUIRES MySQL server at localhost with database 'test'
if (!empty($testmysql)) { // MYSQL
if (PHP_VERSION >= 5 || $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'localhost') $server = 'localhost';
else $server = "mangrove";
$user = 'root'; $password = ''; $database = 'northwind';
$db = ADONewConnection("mysqlt://$user:$password@$server/$database?persist");
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
if (true || $db->PConnect($server, "root", "", "northwind")) {
//$db->Execute("DROP TABLE ADOXYZ") || die('fail drop');
//$db->debug=1;$db->Execute('drop table ADOXYZ');
"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date) Type=InnoDB");
} else print "ERROR: MySQL test requires a MySQL server on localhost, userid='admin', password='', database='test'".'<BR>'.$db->ErrorMsg();
// REQUIRES MySQL server at localhost with database 'test'
if (!empty($testmysqli)) { // MYSQL
$db = ADONewConnection('mysqli');
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
if (PHP_VERSION >= 5 || $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'localhost') $server = 'localhost';
else $server = "mangrove";
if ($db->PConnect($server, "root", "", "northwind")) {
//$db->debug=1;$db->Execute('drop table ADOXYZ');
"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date)");
} else print "ERROR: MySQL test requires a MySQL server on localhost, userid='admin', password='', database='test'".'<BR>'.$db->ErrorMsg();
// REQUIRES MySQL server at localhost with database 'test'
if (!empty($testmysqlodbc)) { // MYSQL
$db = ADONewConnection('odbc');
$db->hasTransactions = false;
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'localhost') $server = 'localhost';
else $server = "mangrove";
if ($db->PConnect('mysql', "root", ""))
"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date) type=innodb");
else print "ERROR: MySQL test requires a MySQL server on localhost, userid='admin', password='', database='test'".'<BR>'.$db->ErrorMsg();
if (!empty($testproxy)){
$db = ADONewConnection('proxy');
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'localhost') $server = 'localhost';
if ($db->PConnect('http://localhost/php/phplens/adodb/server.php'))
"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date) type=innodb");
else print "ERROR: MySQL test requires a MySQL server on localhost, userid='admin', password='', database='test'".'<BR>'.$db->ErrorMsg();
if (!empty($testoracle)) {
$dsn = "oci8";//://scott:natsoft@kk2?persist";
$db = ADONewConnection($dsn );//'oci8');
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
if ($db->Connect('mobydick', "scott", "natsoft",'SID=mobydick'))
testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname varchar(24), lastname varchar(24),created date)");
print "ERROR: Oracle test requires an Oracle server setup with scott/natsoft".'<BR>'.$db->ErrorMsg();
ADOLoadCode("oracle"); // no longer supported
if (false && !empty($testoracle)) {
$db = ADONewConnection();
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
if ($db->PConnect("", "scott", "tiger", "natsoft.domain"))
testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname varchar(24), lastname varchar(24),created date)");
else print "ERROR: Oracle test requires an Oracle server setup with scott/tiger".'<BR>'.$db->ErrorMsg();
ADOLoadCode("odbc_db2"); // no longer supported
if (!empty($testdb2)) {
if (PHP_VERSION>=5.1) {
$db = ADONewConnection("db2");
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
#$db->curMode = SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC;
#$dsn = "driver={IBM db2 odbc DRIVER};Database=test;hostname=localhost;port=50000;protocol=TCPIP; uid=natsoft; pwd=guest";
if ($db->Connect('localhost','natsoft','guest','test')) {
testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname varchar(24), lastname varchar(24),created date)");
} else print "ERROR: DB2 test requires an server setup with odbc data source db2_sample".'<BR>'.$db->ErrorMsg();
} else {
$db = ADONewConnection("odbc_db2");
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
$dsn = "db2test";
#$db->curMode = SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC;
#$dsn = "driver={IBM db2 odbc DRIVER};Database=test;hostname=localhost;port=50000;protocol=TCPIP; uid=natsoft; pwd=guest";
if ($db->Connect($dsn)) {
testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname varchar(24), lastname varchar(24),created date)");
} else print "ERROR: DB2 test requires an server setup with odbc data source db2_sample".'<BR>'.$db->ErrorMsg();
echo "<hr />";
$dsn = "driver={IBM db2 odbc DRIVER};Database=sample;hostname=localhost;port=50000;protocol=TCPIP; uid=root; pwd=natsoft";
$db = ADONewConnection('odbtp');
if ($db->Connect('',$dsn)) {
$arr = $db->GetArray( "||SQLProcedures" ); adodb_pr($arr);
$arr = $db->GetArray( "||SQLProcedureColumns|||GET_ROUTINE_SAR" );adodb_pr($arr);
testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname varchar(24), lastname varchar(24),created date)");
} else echo ("ERROR Connection");
echo $db->ErrorMsg();
$server = 'localhost';
if (false && !empty($testmssql)) { // MS SQL Server -- the extension is buggy -- probably better to use ODBC
$db = ADONewConnection("mssqlpo");
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
$ok = $db->Connect('','sa','natsoft','northwind');
echo $db->ErrorMsg();
if ($ok /*or $db->PConnect("mangrove", "sa", "natsoft", "ai")*/) {
// $db->Execute('drop table adoxyz');
testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24) null, lastname char(24) null,created datetime null)");
} else print "ERROR: MSSQL test 2 requires a MS SQL 7 on a server='$server', userid='adodb', password='natsoft', database='ai'".'<BR>'.$db->ErrorMsg();
if (!empty($testmssql)) { // MS SQL Server via ODBC
$db = ADONewConnection();
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
$dsn = "PROVIDER=MSDASQL;Driver={SQL Server};Server=$server;Database=northwind;";
$dsn = 'condor';
if ($db->PConnect($dsn, "sa", "natsoft", "")) {
testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24) null, lastname char(24) null,created datetime null)");
else print "ERROR: MSSQL test 1 requires a MS SQL 7 server setup with DSN setup";
if (!empty($testmssql) && !empty($testado) ) { // ADO ACCESS MSSQL -- thru ODBC -- DSN-less
$db = ADONewConnection("ado_mssql");
print "<h1>Connecting DSN-less $db->databaseType...</h1>";
. "SERVER=$server;DATABASE=NorthWind;UID=adodb;PWD=natsoft;Trusted_Connection=No";
if ($db->PConnect($myDSN, "", "", ""))
testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24) null, lastname char(24) null,created datetime null)");
else print "ERROR: MSSQL test 2 requires MS SQL 7";
if (!empty($testmssql) && !empty($testado)) { // ADO ACCESS MSSQL with OLEDB provider
$db = ADONewConnection("ado_mssql");
print "<h1>Connecting DSN-less OLEDB Provider $db->databaseType...</h1>";
if ($db->PConnect($myDSN, "adodb", "natsoft", 'SQLOLEDB')) {
testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24),created datetime)");
} else print "ERROR: MSSQL test 2 requires a MS SQL 7 on a server='mangrove', userid='sa', password='', database='ai'";
if (extension_loaded('odbtp') && !empty($testmssql)) { // MS SQL Server via ODBC
$db = ADONewConnection('odbtp');
$dsn = "PROVIDER=MSDASQL;Driver={SQL Server};Server=$server;Database=northwind;uid=adodb;pwd=natsoft";
if ($db->PConnect('localhost',$dsn, "", "")) {
print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24) null, lastname char(24) null,created datetime null)");
else print "ERROR: MSSQL test 1 requires a MS SQL 7 server setup with DSN setup";
print "<h3>Tests Completed</h3>";