'.' and $dirname<>'..') { if(!is_dir($dirname)) { if(mkdir($dirname,777,true)) echo "\ndirectory is made: ($dirname)\n"; else "\nerror occured while making directory: ($dirname)\n"; } } } if(!function_exists("print_r2")){ function print_r2($array) { if (is_array($array)) return "
Array:\n".str_replace(array("\n" , " "), array('
', ' '), print_r($array, true)).'
'; elseif ($array===null) return "(null) "; elseif ($array==="") return "(bosluk= \"\")"; elseif ($array===false) return "(bool-false)"; elseif ($array===true) return "(bool-true)"; else { return "Array degil:
(normal gosterim:$array)
var_dump:".var_dump($array); } } } if(!function_exists('print_r3')){ function print_r3($ar,$header='') { if(!$ar) return "(BOS-EMPTY)"; if(!is_array) return "Not Array:".$ar; $sayi=count($ar); $tr=""; $td=""; $res.=" $header"; foreach($ar as $key=>$val) { $res.="$tr$td".$key."$td".$val.""; } $res.="
"; return $res; /* ic ice (recursive) yapmak icin, en basa, if(!is_array($ar)) return $ar; $res.="".print_r3(key($ar))."".print_r3($val).""; */ } } if(!function_exists("andle")){ function andle($s1,$s2) { //iki string'in andlenmi halini bulur. bir bosa "and" kullanlmaz. delphiden aldim..:) if($s1=='')$s1=$s2; elseif ($s2<>'')$s1=$s1.' and '.$s2; return $s1; } } function to_array($ar){ # convert a variable to array if it is not already, if(is_array($ar)) return $ar; # if array, dont do anything if(!$ar) return array(); # bos ise, bos array dondur. if(!is_array($ar)) return array($ar); # array olmayan bir degisken ise, arraya dondur ve return et. return "(arraya cevirme yapilamadi.)"; # hicbiri degilse hata var zaten. } function array_merge2($ar1,$ar2){ return array_merge(to_array($ar1),to_array($ar2)); } if(!function_exists("writeoutput")){ function writeoutput($file, $string, $mode="w",$log=true) { mymkdir(dirname($file)); # auto make the dir of filename if (!($fp = fopen($file, $mode))) { echo "hata: dosya acilamadi: $file (writeoutput) !"; return false; } if (!fputs($fp, $string . "\n")) { fclose($fp); echo "hata: dosyaya yazilamadi: $file (writeoutput) !"; return false; } fclose($fp); if($log) echo "\n".basename(__FILE__).": file written successfully: $file, mode:$mode \n"; return true; } } if(!function_exists("writeoutput2")){ function writeoutput2($file, $string, $mode="w",$debug=true) { $file=removeDoubleSlash($file); if ($debug){ echo "\n".__FUNCTION__.":*** Writing to file ($file) the contents:\n\n$string\n\n"; } mymkdir(dirname($file)); # auto make the dir of filename if (!($fp = fopen($file, $mode))) { echo "hata: dosya acilamadi: $file (writeoutput) !"; return false; } if (!fputs($fp, $string . "\n")) { fclose($fp); echo "hata: dosyaya yazilamadi: $file (writeoutput) !"; return false; } fclose($fp); return true; } } if(!function_exists("alanlarial")){ function alanlarial($db2,$tablo) { // adodb de calsyor. foreach($db2->MetaColumnNames($tablo) as $alan) $alanlar[]=$alan; return $alanlar; } } if(!function_exists("strop")){ function strop($str,$bas,$son) { return $bas.$str.$son; } } if(!function_exists("arrayop")){ function arrayop($arr,$op) { foreach($arr as $ar) $ret[]=$op($ar,"{","}"); return $ret; } } if(!function_exists("executeprog2")){ function executeprog2($prog){ // echoes output. passthru($prog, $val); return ($val==0); } } if(!function_exists('executeProg3')){ function executeProg3($prog,$echooutput=False){ # executes program and return output if($echooutput) echo "\n".__FUNCTION__.": executing: ($prog)\n"; exec($prog,$topcmd); if(!is_array($topcmd)) return ""; foreach($topcmd as $t) $topoutput.=$t."\n"; $out=trim($topoutput); if($echooutput and ($out<>'')) echo "\n$out\n"; return $out; } } if(!function_exists("executeprog")){ function executeprog($prog){ // does not echo output. only return it. $fp = popen("$prog", 'r'); if(!$fp){ return "
Cannot Execute: $prog ".__FUNCTION__; } $read = fread($fp, 8192); pclose($fp); return $read; } } if(!function_exists('degiskenal')){ function degiskenal($degiskenler) { $alansayisi=count($degiskenler); for ($i=0;$i<$alansayisi;$i++) { global ${$degiskenler[$i]}; if($_POST[$degiskenler[$i]]<>"") ${$degiskenler[$i]}=$_POST[$degiskenler[$i]]; else ${$degiskenler[$i]}=$_GET[$degiskenler[$i]]; $degerler[]=${$degiskenler[$i]}; }; return $degerler; } } if(!function_exists('replacelineinfile')){ function replacelineinfile($find,$replace,$where,$addifnotexists=false) { // edit a line starting with $find, to edit especially conf files.. debugecho("\nreplaceline: ($find -> $replace) in ($where) \n "); $bulundu=false; $filearr=@file($where); //if($find=='$dbrootpass=') print_r($filearr); if(!$filearr) { echo "cannot open file... returning...\n"; return false; } //else print_r($file); $len=strlen($find); $newfile=array(); foreach($filearr as $line){ $line=trim($line)."\n"; $sub=substr($line,0,$len); if($sub==$find) { $line=$replace."\n"; $bulundu=true; } $newfile[]=$line; } if($addifnotexists and !$bulundu){ echo "Line not found, adding at end: ($replace)\n"; $newfile[]=$replace; } return arraytofile($where,$newfile); } function replaceOrAddLineInFile($find,$replace,$where){ return replacelineinfile($find,$replace,$where,true); } } if(!function_exists("addifnotexists")){ function addifnotexists($what,$where) { debugecho("\naddifnotexists: ($what) -> ($where) \n ",4); #bekle(__FUNCTION__." basliyor.."); $what.="\n"; $filearr=@file($where); if(!$filearr) { echo "cannot open file, trying to setup: ($where)\n"; $fp = fopen($where,'w'); fclose($fp); $filearr=file($where); } //else print_r($file); if(array_search($what,$filearr)===false) { echo "dosyada bulamadı ekliyor: $where -> $what \n"; $filearr[]=$what; arraytofile($where,$filearr); } else { //echo "buldu... sorun yok. \n"; // already found, so, do not add } #bekle(__FUNCTION__." bitti..."); } } if(!function_exists("removeifexists")){ function removeifexists($what,$where) { debugecho("\nremoveifexists: ($what) -> ($where) \n ",4); $filearr=@file($where); if(!$filearr) { echo "cannot open file, trying to setup: ($where)\n"; $fp = fopen($where,'w'); fclose($fp); $filearr=file($where); } if(is_array($filearr) && count($filearr) > 0){ $newFileArr = array(); foreach($filearr as $line){ if(!startsWith($line, $what)){ $newFileArr[] = $line; } } if(is_array($newFileArr) && count($newFileArr) > 0){ arraytofile($where,$newFileArr); } } } } if(!function_exists('getlocalip')){ function getlocalip($interface='eth0') { global $localip; $ipline=exec("ifconfig | grep -Eo 'inet (addr:)?([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -Eo '([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | head -1"); if(!isset($ipline) || empty($ipline)){ $ipline = ""; } $localip=$ipline; return $ipline; } } if(!function_exists("debugecho")){ function debugecho($str,$level=0) { $currentlevel=4; if($level>=$currentlevel) echo $str; } } if(!function_exists("arraytofile")){ function arraytofile($file,$lines) { $new_content = join('',$lines); $fp = fopen($file,'w'); $write = fwrite($fp, $new_content); fclose($fp); } } function inputform5ForTableConfig($tableConfig,$addArray,$isAdmin=false){ // $isAdmin can be used in combo with another parameter in an input array to determine if a field should be enabled for administrators or disabled for non-administators including resellers. // It's an optional parameter that can be used to limit things further during form construction depending on which user submitted the request to build a form, so to speak // You have to tell this function how to use it, as it really doesn't have any purpose other than being a value you can use should you need it. # written for compatibility with inputform5 general function. # convert a table config (like in start of classapp.php, 'subdomainstable'=>array....) to an array that is acceptable by function inputform5 and call inputform5 $fields=$tableConfig['insertfields']; $fields2=array(); $say=count($fields); for($i=0;$i<$say;$i++) { if(is_array($fields[$i])) $newitem=$fields[$i]; # accept fields both arrays and non-arrays else $newitem=array($fields[$i]); if($tableConfig['insertfieldlabels'][$i]<>'') $newitem['lefttext']=$tableConfig['insertfieldlabels'][$i]; $fields2[]=$newitem; } #$out.="Say:$say,
insertFields".print_r2($fields).print_r2($fields2); $fields2=array_merge($fields2,$addArray); #$out.=print_r2($fields2); return $out.inputform5($fields2,'',$isAdmin); } function inputform5($alanlar,$action='',$isAdmin = false) { // $isAdmin can be used in combo with another parameter in an input array to determine if a field should be enabled for administrators or disabled for non-administators including resellers. // It's an optional parameter that can be used to limit things further during form construction depending on which user submitted the request to build a form, so to speak // You have to tell this function how to use it, as it really doesn't have any purpose other than being a value you can use should you need it. global $debuglevel,$output; /* * general purpose input form generator. examples below. * sadece echo yapmaz. degistirildi. artik textarea gosterebiliyor. $res.="alanlar:".print_r2($alan); $res.="degerler:".print_r2($deger); */ if(!is_array($alanlar)) $alanlar=array($alanlar);# convert to array if not , i.e, you dont need to use an array if you only has one input element, $alanlar[]=array('_insert','tip'=>'hidden','varsayilan'=>'1'); $alansayisi=count($alanlar); $res.="
""){$res.=" action='$action'";}; $res.=">"; if($debuglevel>2) $output.=print_r2($alanlar); foreach($alanlar as $alan) $res.=inputelement2($alan, $isAdmin); $res.="
"; if(strstr($res,"input type='submit' ")===false) $res.=""; $res.="
"; return $res; /* this function is very flexible, cok esnek yani... ingilizce yazdik diye yanlis anlasilmasin, anadoluda yazildi bu...;) * example usages: * echo inputform5('name') # displays only an input form with field name * echo inputform5(array('name','surname')) # input form with name, surname * echo inputform5(array(array('name','varsayilan'=>'defaultname'),'surname')) # using default value * etc... */ } function inputelement2($alan, $isAdmin = false){ // $isAdmin can be used in combo with another parameter in an input array to determine if a field should be enabled for administrators or disabled for non-administators including resellers. // It's an optional parameter that can be used to limit things further during form construction depending on which user submitted the request to build a form, so to speak // You have to tell this function how to use it, as it really doesn't have any purpose other than being a value you can use should you need it. if(!is_array($alan)) $alan=array($alan); # convert to array if not $solyazi=$alan['solyazi'].$alan['lefttext']; $alanadi=$alan['alanadi'].$alan['name']; $alantipi=$alan['tip'].$alan['type']; $sagyazi=$alan['sagyazi'].$alan['righttext']; // CSS Class for row $cssclass = $alan['cssclass']; if(!isset($cssclass) || empty($cssclass)){ $cssclass = ""; } $cols=$alan['cols']; $rows=$alan['rows']; $cols=($cols==""?40:$cols); $rows=($rows==""?10:$rows); if(!$alantipi or $alantipi=='') $alantipi=$alan[1]; # second array element is field type if(!$alantipi or $alantipi=='') $alantipi='text'; if($alanadi=='') $alanadi=$alan[0]; # fieldname is the first element, if not defined as 'alanadi'=>'fieldname_example' // Left text handling if(!$solyazi and !in_array($alantipi,array('hidden','comment','submit'))){ $solyazi=ucwords($alanadi); $lastCharacter = substr($solyazi, -1); if($lastCharacter != ":"){ // Append a Colon $solyazi = $solyazi . ":"; } }else if($solyazi && !in_array($alantipi,array('hidden','comment','submit'))){ if(strpos($solyazi, ' ') != false){ $wordsInLeftText = explode(' ', $solyazi); if(count($wordsInLeftText) <= 5){ $solyazi=ucwords($solyazi); } } $lastCharacter = substr($solyazi, -1); if($lastCharacter != ":" && (!isset($alan['skip-ending-colon']) || $alan['skip-ending-colon'] != true)){ // Append a Colon $solyazi = $solyazi . ":"; } }else if(in_array($alantipi,array('hidden','comment','submit'))){ $solyazi = ""; } if($alantipi=='comment') $span=" colspan=3 "; # no 3 columns for comment type $varsayilan=$alan['varsayilan']; if(!$varsayilan) $varsayilan=$alan['default']; if(!$varsayilan and $alan['value']<>'') $varsayilan=$alan['value']; if(!$varsayilan and $alan['deger']<>'') $varsayilan=$alan['deger']; # ister varsayilan, ister value, ister deger de, gine de calisir.. if($deger=='') $deger=$value=$varsayilan; if($alan['readonly']<>'') $readonly='readonly="yes"'; $res.=""; if($span=='') $res.=$solyazi."\n"; # no need to a new td if there is a col span switch($alantipi) { case 'password_with_generate': #$alantipi='password'; #$alantipi='text'; /* Password generator by cs4fun.lv */ $res.=" $sagyazi\n"; break; /* END Password generator by cs4fun.lv */ case 'comment': $res.="$varsayilan\n"; break; case 'hidden&text': $res.="$varsayilan\n"; break; case 'password': case 'text': case 'hidden': $res.="\n"; break; case 'textarea': $res.="
\n"; break; case 'checkbox': if($alan['checked']) $checked="checked=".$alan['checked']; else $checked=''; if($alan['disabled'] == 'disabled' || (!empty($alan['requires_admin']) && ($alan['requires_admin'] == true) && !$isAdmin)) $disabledInput="disabled"; else $disabledInput = ''; if($deger=='') $deger=$alanadi; $res.="".$alan['secenekyazisi']."\n"; break; case 'radio': foreach($alan['secenekler'] as $deger2=>$yazi2) $res.="$yazi2
"; $res.=""; /* echo print_r2($alan); echo "
"; */ break; case 'select': $res.="\n"; break; case 'fileupload': $res.="\n\n"; break; case 'submit': if($deger == "No/Yes"){ // Special no yes confirm case $res.="\n  \n"; }else{ $res.="\n\n"; } break; default: $res.="\n"; } if($span=='' and $alantipi<>'password_with_generate') $res.="$sagyazi"; #$res.="($alantipi)\n"; $res.="\n"; return $res; } if(!function_exists("tablobaslikyaz")){ function tablobaslikyaz($alan,$baslik,$extra) {// tablolistelede kullanilmak icin yazildi. $tr=""; $td=""; $th=""; $alansayisi=count($alan); $result2=" \n $tr"; if (count($baslik)>0) { for ($i=0;$i<$alansayisi;$i++){ if($baslik[$i]<>"") { $yaz=$baslik[$i]; } else { $yaz=$alan[$i]; } $result2.="$th$yaz"; } } else { for ($i=0;$i<$alansayisi;$i++){ $yaz=$alan[$i]; $result2.="$th$yaz"; }; } // Handle extra for ($i=0;$i"; }else{ $result2.=$th . ""; } } $result2.="\n "; return $result2; } } function timediffhrs($timein, $timeout){ $timeinsec = strtotime ($timein); $timeoutsec = strtotime ($timeout); $timetot = $timeoutsec - $timeinsec; $timehrs = intval($timetot/3600); $timehrsi =(($timetot/3600)-$timehrs)*60; $timemins = intval(($timetot/60) -$timehrs*60); return $timehrs; } function getFirstPart($str,$splitter){ $position = strpos($str,$splitter); if($position===false) return $str; else return substr($str, 0,$position); } function getLastPart($str,$splitter){ $position = strrpos($str,$splitter); return substr($str, $position + 1); } function get_filename_from_url($url){ $lastslashposition = strrpos($url,"/"); $filename=substr($url, $lastslashposition + 1); return $filename; } function removeDoubleSlash($str){ # why this function?: some directory names contain trailing slash like /example/this/, and some portions of existing codes uses that. Until fixed, new codes are written using this, to let both style work.. # this function may be removed after all trailing slashes removed.. return str_replace("//","/",$str); } function get_filename_extension($filename) { $lastdotposition = strrpos($filename,"."); if ($lastdotposition === 0) { $extension = substr($filename, 1); } elseif ($lastdotposition == "") { $extension = $filename; } else { $extension = substr($filename, $lastdotposition + 1); } return strtolower($extension); } if(!function_exists('securefilename')){ function securefilename($fn){ $ret=str_replace(array("\\",'..','%','&'),array('','',''),$fn); #$ret=escapeshellarg($ret); return $ret; } } function passthru2($cmd,$no_remove=false,$no_escape=false){ $cmd1=$cmd; if(!$no_remove) $cmd=removeDoubleSlash($cmd); if(!$no_escape) $cmd=escapeshellcmd($cmd); echo "\nexecuting command: $cmd1 \n(escapedcmd: $cmd)\n"; passthru($cmd); return true; } function escapeDollarSignsBash($cmd){ return str_replace('$', '\$', $cmd); } function passthru2_silent($cmd,$no_remove=false,$no_escape=false){ $cmd1=$cmd; if(!$no_remove) $cmd=removeDoubleSlash($cmd); if(!$no_escape) $cmd=escapeshellcmd($cmd); passthru($cmd); return true; } function passthru3($cmd,$source=''){ $cmd=removeDoubleSlash($cmd); # Echoes command and execute, does not escapeshellcmd echo "\n$source:Executing command: ($cmd) \n"; passthru($cmd); } function date_tarih(){ return date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); } function my_shell_exec($cmd,$source=''){ echo "\n$source: ".date_tarih()." Executing command: ($cmd)"; echo shell_exec($cmd); } function trimstrip($str){ return trim(stripslashes($str)); } function isNumericField($f){ return (substr_count($f,'int')>0 or substr_count($f,'float')>0) ; } function stripslashes_deep($value) { $value = is_array($value) ? array_map('stripslashes_deep', $value) : stripslashes($value); return $value; } function validateIpAddress($ip_addr) { return filter_var($ip_addr, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP); } if(!function_exists('buildoption2')) { function buildoption2($adi,$arr,$selected) { $res=""; return $res; } } if(!function_exists("debug_print_backtrace2")){ function debug_print_backtrace2(){ echo "
	echo "
"; } } if(!function_exists("debug_backtrace2")){ function debug_backtrace2(){ $ar=debug_backtrace(); $out="
"; array_shift($ar); # enson cagrilan zaten bu. ona gerek yok. $ar=array_reverse($ar); foreach($ar as $a) { $f=$a['file']; $f=explode("/",$f); $f=array_pop($f); #$nf=array(); #$nf[]=array_pop($f); #$nf[]=array_pop($f); #$nf[]=array_pop($f); # son uc elemani al. cok uzun dosya adi/yolu olmasin diye #$nf=array_reverse($nf); #$f=implode("/",$nf); $out.="(".$f.':'.$a['line'].':'.$a['function'].")->"; #$out.="(".$f.'->'.$a['function'].")->"; } return $out."
"; } } function textarea_to_array($area,$start=array(),$end=array()){ $templ=array(); $templates=explode("\n",$area); #echo print_r2($templates); $templates=array_merge($start,$templates,$end); foreach($templates as $t) { $t=trim($t); $templ[$t]=$t; #echo "$t -> $t ekleniyor
"; } #echo print_r2($templ); # bu çalışmadı, bug var veya anlamadım: $templ=array_merge($start,$templ,$end); #array_push($templ,$end); # bunlar da çalışmadı. #array_unshift($templ,$start); #echo print_r2($templ); return $templ; /* çok ilginç, yukardaki array_merge fonksiyonları, array'ın indexlerini değiştiriyor: çıktısı: * Array gosteriliyor: Array ( [4096] => 4096 [2048] => 2048 [256] => 256 [512] => 512 [1024] => 1024 [1536] => 1536 ) Array gosteriliyor: Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => seç ) [1] => 4096 [2] => 2048 [3] => 256 [4] => 512 [5] => 1024 [6] => 1536 [7] => Array ( ) ) * * */ } /* Ubuntu Specific Functions */ function getUbuntuVersion(){ exec("lsb_release -r | awk '{ print $2 }'", $version); if(!empty($version) && is_array($version)){ return $version[0]; } return false; } function getUbuntuReleaseYear(){ $version = getUbuntuVersion(); return substr($version, 0, stripos($version, ".")); } function getUbuntuReleaseMonth(){ $version = getUbuntuVersion(); return substr($version, stripos($version, ".") + 1); } function getIsUbuntu(){ exec("cat /etc/issue | awk '{ print $1 }' | head -n 1", $distro); if(is_array($distro) && !empty($distro)){ if(strtolower(trim($distro[0])) == "ubuntu"){ return true; } } return false; } function getIsDebian(){ exec("cat /etc/issue | awk '{ print $1 }' | head -n 1", $distro); if(is_array($distro) && !empty($distro)){ if(strtolower($distro[0]) == "debian"){ return true; } } return false; } /* End Ubuntu Specific Functions */ /* Start OS Specific Functions */ function sysIsUsingSystemD(){ exec("ps -p 1 | awk '{print $4}' | tail -n 1", $sysd); if(!empty($sysd) && is_array($sysd)){ if(!empty($sysd[0]) && $sysd[0] == "systemd"){ return true; } } return false; } function serviceExists($service){ // Neat: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2427913/how-can-i-grep-for-a-string-that-begins-with-a-dash-hyphen if(isset($service) && !empty($service)){ // Below command is too slow // $serviceExists = shell_exec('service --status-all 2>&1 | grep -F -- "' . $service . '" | awk \'{print $4}\' | tr -d \'\n\''); $serviceExists = shell_exec('ls /etc/init.d 2>/dev/null | grep -F -- "' . $service . '" | head -n 1'); if(isset($serviceExists) && !empty($serviceExists)){ return true; } $serviceExists = shell_exec('find /lib/systemd/system -name "*' . $service . '*" -exec basename {} .service \; 2>/dev/null | head -n 1'); if(isset($serviceExists) && !empty($serviceExists)){ return true; } $serviceExists = shell_exec('find /etc/systemd/system -name "*' . $service . '*" -exec basename {} .service \; 2>/dev/null | head -n 1'); if(isset($serviceExists) && !empty($serviceExists)){ return true; } } return false; } function determinePHPFPMName(){ // Below command takes too long // $serviceExists = shell_exec('service --status-all 2>&1 | grep -F -- "-fpm" | awk \'{print $4}\' | grep "php" | tr -d \'\n\''); $serviceExists = shell_exec('ls /etc/init.d 2>/dev/null | grep -F -- "-fpm" | head -n 1'); if(isset($serviceExists) && !empty($serviceExists) && stripos($serviceExists, 'php') !== false){ return $serviceExists; } $serviceExists = shell_exec('find /lib/systemd/system -name "*-fpm*" -exec basename {} .service \; 2>/dev/null | head -n 1'); if(isset($serviceExists) && !empty($serviceExists) && stripos($serviceExists, 'php') !== false){ return $serviceExists; } $serviceExists = shell_exec('find /etc/systemd/system -name "*-fpm*" -exec basename {} .service \; 2>/dev/null | head -n 1'); if(isset($serviceExists) && !empty($serviceExists) && stripos($serviceExists, 'php') !== false){ return $serviceExists; } return false; } function determineFTPUserFromCMD(){ exec("cat /etc/passwd | grep vsftpd", $vsftpd_user_exists); if(!empty($vsftpd_user_exists) && is_array($vsftpd_user_exists)){ if(!empty($vsftpd_user_exists[0])){ return "vsftpd"; } } return "ftp"; } function determineBindUserFromCMD(){ $bindUser = "bind"; // Try bind - which is standard for Ubuntu exec('cat /etc/passwd | grep -o "^bind.*"', $bind_user_exists); if(!empty($bind_user_exists) && is_array($bind_user_exists)){ if(!empty($bind_user_exists[0])){ return "bind"; } } // Unset bind user array unset($bind_user_exists); // Try named which may be used for other distros exec('cat /etc/passwd | grep -o "^named.*"', $bind_user_exists); if(!empty($bind_user_exists) && is_array($bind_user_exists)){ if(!empty($bind_user_exists[0])){ return "named"; } } // Return bind9 user. return $bindUser; } /* End OS Specific Functions */ function startsWith($haystack, $needle) { $length = strlen($needle); return (substr($haystack, 0, $length) === $needle); } function endsWith($haystack, $needle) { $length = strlen($needle); if ($length == 0) { return true; } return (substr($haystack, -$length) === $needle); } function removeInvalidCharsFromDomainName($string, $regexPattern){ $string = strtolower($string); if(stripos($string, "http://") !== false){ $string = str_replace("http://", "", $string); } if(stripos($string, "https://") !== false){ $string = str_replace("https://", "", $string); } if(stripos($string, "www.") !== false){ $string = str_replace("www.", "", $string); } // Need to replace invalid characters now!!!! if(isset($regexPattern) && !empty($regexPattern)){ $string = preg_replace($regexPattern, "", $string); } // Break the domain name into parts (name and TLD) $positionOfFirstDot = stripos($string, "."); if($positionOfFirstDot !== false){ $domainNameWithoutTLD = substr($string, 0, $positionOfFirstDot); $domainTLD = substr($string, $positionOfFirstDot); } // Remove hyphens from front while(isset($domainNameWithoutTLD) && startsWith($domainNameWithoutTLD, "-")){ $domainNameWithoutTLD = substr($domainNameWithoutTLD, 1); } // Remove hyphens from front of tld while(isset($domainTLD) && startsWith($domainTLD, "-")){ $domainTLD = substr($domainTLD, 1); } // Remove hyphens from back while(isset($domainNameWithoutTLD) && endsWith($domainNameWithoutTLD, "-")){ $domainNameWithoutTLD = substr($domainNameWithoutTLD, 0, strlen($domainNameWithoutTLD) - 1); } // Remove hyphens from back of tld while(isset($domainTLD) && endsWith($domainTLD, "-")){ $domainTLD = substr($domainTLD, 0, strlen($domainTLD) - 1); } if(isset($domainNameWithoutTLD) && isset($domainTLD)){ $string = $domainNameWithoutTLD . $domainTLD; } return $string; } function removeAllTrailingSlashes($str){ while(isset($str) && endsWith($str, "/")){ $str = substr($str, 0, strlen($str) - 1); } return $str; } function removeInvalidChars($string, $mode){ switch($mode){ case "directory": $pattern = "/[^A-Za-z0-9\/_\-]/i"; $string = preg_replace($pattern, "", $string); break; case "database": $pattern = "/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/i"; $string = preg_replace($pattern, "", $string); break; case "title": $pattern = "/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-\s']/i"; break; case "strictTitle": $pattern = "/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-\s]/i"; break; case "name": $pattern = "/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-]/i"; break; case "properName": $pattern = "/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-\s]/i"; break; case "email": $pattern = "/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-@\.]/i"; break; case "lettersandnumbers": $pattern = "/[^A-Za-z0-9]/i"; break; case "domainname": // Lowercase for domain names only!!! $pattern = "/[^a-z0-9\-\.]/i"; $string = removeInvalidCharsFromDomainName($string, $pattern); break; case "domainnamewithseparatorchar": // Lowercase for domain names only!!! $pattern = "/[^a-z0-9\-\.,=;]/i"; $string = removeInvalidCharsFromDomainName($string, $pattern); break; case "domainnameport": // Lowercase for domain names only!!! // Allow port in the domain name for custom ports (example: ehcpforce.tk:8777) $pattern = "/[^a-z0-9:\-\.]/i"; $string = removeInvalidCharsFromDomainName($string, $pattern); // Make sure we only have one : port colon $positionOfFirstColon = stripos($string, ":"); if($positionOfFirstColon !== false){ // count the colon characters $colonSplit = explode(":", $string); if(is_array($colonSplit)){ array_filter($colonSplit); // Remove empty records if(count($colonSplit) != 2){ // Remove all colons since there is more than one $string = str_replace(":", "", $string); } } } break; case "subdomainname": // Lowercase for subdomains too $pattern = "/[^a-z0-9\-]/i"; $string = strtolower($string); if(stripos($string, "http://") !== false){ $string = str_replace("http://", "", $string); } if(stripos($string, "https://") !== false){ $string = str_replace("https://", "", $string); } if(stripos($string, "www.") !== false){ $string = str_replace("www.", "", $string); } // Need to replace invalid characters now!!!! if(isset($pattern) && !empty($pattern)){ $string = preg_replace($pattern, "", $string); } // Remove hyphens from front while(startsWith($string, "-")){ $string = substr($string, 1); } // Remove hyphens from back while(endsWith($string, "-")){ $string = substr($string, 0, strlen($string) - 1); } break; default: return $string; } if(isset($pattern) && !empty($pattern)){ return preg_replace($pattern, "", $string); } return $string; } function setOwner($file, $owner){ if(file_exists($file)){ if(chown($file, $owner)){ return true; } } return false; } function setPermissions($file, $mode){ if(file_exists($file)){ if(chmod($file, $mode)){ return true; } } return false; } function domainNameValid($string, $skipRegex = false){ $valid = true; if(empty($string)){ $valid = false; } if(stripos($string, "http://") !== false){ $valid = false; } if(stripos($string, "https://") !== false){ $valid = false; } if(stripos($string, "www.") !== false){ $valid = false; } // If it's still valid, run regex to see if it's a valid domain if($valid && !$skipRegex){ $valid = preg_match("/^([a-z\d](-*[a-z\d])*)(\.([a-z\d](-*[a-z\d])*))*$/i", $string) //valid chars check && preg_match("/^.{1,253}$/", $string) //overall length check && preg_match("/^[^\.]{1,63}(\.[^\.]{1,63})*$/", $string); } // If it's still valid, make sure there is a domain ending and TLD if($valid){ $positionOfLastDot = strrpos($string, "."); // Must have period in the domainname if($positionOfLastDot === false){ $valid = false; }else{ // If we have a period, make sure the length following it is greater than 2 $remainingChars = substr($string, $positionOfLastDot); if(strlen($remainingChars) < 3){ $valid = false; } } } return $valid; } function getIPAddress(){ $ip = ""; if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'])){ $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP']; }else if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])){ $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; }else if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'])){ $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP']; }else{ $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } if(!isValidIPAddress($ip)){ return ""; } return $ip; } function isValidIPAddress($ip, $allowLocalIPs = false){ $valid = false; if(!$allowLocalIPs){ $valid = filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE | FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE); }else{ $valid = filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP); } return $valid; } function inputValid($string, $mode){ $valid = true; switch($mode){ case "domainname": $valid = domainNameValid($string); break; case "domainnameport": // Do normal domain name validation $valid = domainNameValid($string, true); // Check colon count $colonParts = explode(":", $string); if(count($colonParts) > 2){ $valid = false; } break; case "certificate_key": if(strpos($string, "PRIVATE KEY") === FALSE){ $valid = false; } break; case "certificate": if(strpos($string, "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----") === FALSE){ $valid = false; } if(strpos($string, "-----END CERTIFICATE-----") === FALSE){ $valid = false; } break; case "directory_at_least_two_levels": if(substr_count($string, '/') < 2){ $valid = false; } $protectedPaths = array("/var/www/vhosts", "/var/www/new", "/var/www/php_sessions", "/var/www/webalizer", "/var/www/passivedomains"); if(in_array($string, $protectedPaths)){ $valid = false; } break; case "email_address": $valid = filter_var($string, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); break; case "url": $valid = filter_var($string, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL, FILTER_FLAG_SCHEME_REQUIRED); break; } return $valid; } function testCertificateAndPrivateKeyHashMatch($cert, $key){ $testCertPath = "/var/www/new/ehcp/test/test.crt"; $testCertKeyPath = "/var/www/new/ehcp/test/test.key"; writeoutput2($testCertPath, $cert, "w+", false); writeoutput2($testCertKeyPath, $key, "w+", false); // Unset our arrays if they were set at some point if(isset($errorsWithCert)){ unset($errorsWithCert); } if(isset($errorsWithCertKey)){ unset($errorsWithCertKey); } if(isset($openSSLCertHash)){ unset($openSSLCertHash); } if(isset($openSSLCertKeyHash)){ unset($openSSLCertKeyHash); } // Check to make sure we have a valid cert and cert key file exec("openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in " . $testCertPath . " 2>&1 | grep -o -e error -e unable", $errorsWithCert); exec("openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in " . $testCertKeyPath . " 2>&1 | grep -o -e error -e unable", $errorsWithCertKey); if(is_array($errorsWithCert) && count($errorsWithCert) > 0){ return false; } if(is_array($errorsWithCertKey) && count($errorsWithCertKey) > 0){ return false; } // Now that we know the keys are OK, check the hashes and make sure they match... exec("openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in " . $testCertPath . " | openssl md5", $openSSLCertHash); exec("openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in " . $testCertKeyPath . " | openssl md5", $openSSLCertKeyHash); if(is_array($openSSLCertHash) && is_array($openSSLCertKeyHash)){ if(trim($openSSLCertHash[0]) == trim($openSSLCertKeyHash[0])){ return true; } } return false; } function makeSureSSLTestFileMatches($cert, $key){ $testCertPath = "/var/www/new/ehcp/test/test.crt"; $testCertKeyPath = "/var/www/new/ehcp/test/test.key"; // Make sure the files contain what has been sent in... $inTestCrt = trim(file_get_contents($testCertPath)); $inTestKey = trim(file_get_contents($testCertKeyPath)); if($cert != $inTestCrt || $key != $inTestKey){ return false; } return true; } function testCertificateChainValid($chain){ // Unset variable if set before... if(isset($openSSLResultsChainValid)){ unset($openSSLResultsChainValid); } // Check to see if the chain certificate entered is valid $testCertChainPath = "/var/www/new/ehcp/test/chain.crt"; writeoutput2($testCertChainPath, $chain, "w+", false); exec("openssl verify $testCertChainPath 2>&1 | grep OK", $openSSLResultsChainValid); if(is_array($openSSLResultsChainValid) && count($openSSLResultsChainValid) > 0){ if(stripos($openSSLResultsChainValid[0], "OK") !== false){ return true; } } return false; } function makeSureSSLTestChainFileMatches($chain){ $testCertChainPath = "/var/www/new/ehcp/test/chain.crt"; $inTestChain = trim(file_get_contents($testCertChainPath)); if($chain != $inTestChain){ return false; } return true; } function manageService($service, $action){ passthru2("service $service $action", true, true); } function getServiceActionStr($service, $action){ return "service $service $action"; } function getCustomApache2ListenPorts(){ // Get the ports Apache2 is listening on $originalBindPorts = shell_exec('cat "/etc/apache2/ports.conf" | grep "Listen"'); if(isset($originalBindPorts) && !empty($originalBindPorts)){ // Split each Listen match into an array if(stripos($originalBindPorts, "\n") != False){ $originalBindPorts = explode("\n", $originalBindPorts); }else{ // Must be only one port, so add it to our array. $originalBindPorts[] = $originalBindPorts; } // Remove any empty values in our array $originalBindPorts = array_filter($originalBindPorts); // We want to ignore these ports, as the replacement file will handle the correct base ports based on web server configuration $ignorePorts = array("80", "443"); // Loop through each listen entry, get only the port, and add it to the list of custom ports if it's not in our ignore ports array. foreach($originalBindPorts as $port){ $port = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/","", $port); if(!in_array($port, $ignorePorts)){ $realPorts[] = $port; } } if(isset($realPorts) && is_array($realPorts)){ return $realPorts; } } // Default return return false; } function addCustomPortsToApache($ports){ if(is_array($ports)){ foreach($ports as $port){ writeoutput2("/etc/apache2/ports.conf", "Listen " . $port, "a+"); } } } if(!function_exists("stripContentsAfterLine")){ function stripContentsAfterLine($firstMatch, $content){ $finalContent = ""; foreach(preg_split("/((\r?\n)|(\r\n?))/", $content) as $line){ if(trim($line) == trim($firstMatch) || startsWith(trim($line), $firstMatch)){ return $finalContent . $firstMatch . "\n"; } $finalContent .= $line . "\n"; } return $finalContent; } } if(!function_exists("getContentsAfterLine")){ function getContentsAfterLine($firstMatch, $content){ $finalContent = ""; $foundMatch = false; foreach(preg_split("/((\r?\n)|(\r\n?))/", $content) as $line){ if(trim($line) == trim($firstMatch) || startsWith(trim($line), $firstMatch) || $foundMatch){ if($foundMatch === true){ $finalContent .= $line . "\n"; } $foundMatch = true; } } return $finalContent; } } /* LEFT OVERS FROM DBUTIL */ function selectstring($alanlar) { //if(count($alanlar)==0) return false; $res=$alanlar[0]; $alansayisi=count($alanlar); for($i=1;$i<$alansayisi;$i++) { if(trim($alanlar[$i])<>"")$res.=",".$alanlar[$i]; } return $res; } function buildquery2($select,$filtre,$orderby){ // v1.0 $res=$select; if($filtre<>"") { $res.=" where $filtre"; }; if($sirala<>"") { $res.=" order by $sirala"; }; return $res; } ?>