#!/bin/bash # EHCP Force Edition - Easy Hosting Control Panel Installation Script # http://ehcpforce.tk # by earnolmartin@gmail.com ######################## # FORK INFORMATION # ######################## # Fork created by earnolmartin@gmail.com # http://ehcpforce.tk # This forked version of EHCP offers new functionality and features (custom FTP accounts, proper web user permissions so that PHP scripts work as intended, and more) # that were not previously available in the main EHCP release. # Also, this forked version is updated on a regular basis when a new version of Ubuntu comes out. # You should run this fork on Ubuntu. It will work perfectly on all supported Ubuntu versions (The ones Ubuntu officially supports such as the LTS release and latested versions). # Debian should work as well, but if it doesn't, please let me know. # Based on Yeni EHCP Release # Source code available via git so that multiple people can develop and track changes! # Does not add a EHCP reseller account by default without your knowledge ensuring security # Main Web Panel GUI theme is Ep-Ic V2 (theme I custom developed which links to all of the new functionality) # Other themes may not have the latest and greatest operations available ehcpversion="1.0.1" echo echo #echo "Beginning EHCP FoRcE Version Installation" echo echo chmod -Rf a+r * # Get parameters for varCheck in "$@" do if [ "$varCheck" == "unattended" ]; then unattended="unattended" elif [ "$varCheck" == "light" ]; then installmode="light" elif [ "$varCheck" == "extra" ]; then installmode="extra" elif [ "$varCheck" == "noapt" ]; then noapt="noapt" elif [ "$varCheck" == "skipupdates" ] || [ "$varCheck" == "devmode" ]; then skip_updates="yes" elif [ "$varCheck" == "debug" ]; then debug="debug" elif [ "$varCheck" == "nginx" ]; then webserver="nginx" fi done if [ -z "$installmode" ]; then installmode="normal" fi ################################################################################################ # Function Definitions # ################################################################################################ # Stub function for apt-get function setGlobalVars(){ installerDir="$(pwd)" FIXDIR="/var/www/new/ehcp/fixes" serviceNameTempFile="/root/ehcp_service_name_search_temp_file" logInfoFile="/root/ehcp_info" patchDir="/root/Downloads" if [ ! -e "$patchDir" ]; then mkdir -p "$patchDir" fi backupDir="/var/backup" if [ ! -e "$backupDir" ]; then mkdir -p "$backupDir" fi userScriptDir="/root/scripts" if [ ! -e "$userScriptDir" ]; then mkdir -p "$userScriptDir" fi pwd=$(pwd) logToInstallLogFile "Present working directory is ${pwd}..." FQDNCFG="fqdn_amavis.cfg" if [ -e "$FQDNCFG" ]; then source "$FQDNCFG" else logToInstallLogFile "${FQDNCFG} file is not present." fi INSPDCFG="ins_policyd.cfg" if [ -e "$INSPDCFG" ]; then source "$INSPDCFG" else logToInstallLogFile "${INSPDCFG} file is not present." fi initProcessStr=$(ps -p 1 | awk '{print $4}' | tail -n 1) if [ "$initProcessStr" == "systemd" ]; then systemdPresent=1 fi UserDefinedPostScript="/root/scripts/ehcp_force_post_install_script.sh" } function installaptget () { echo "now let's try to install apt-get on your system." echo "Not yet implemented" exit } # Stub function fot yum function installyum () { echo "now let's try to install yum on your system." echo "Not yet implemented" } # Initial Welcome Screen function ehcpHeader() { echo echo echo "STAGE 1" echo "=====================================================================" echo echo "--------------------EHCP PRE-INSTALLER $ehcpversion -------------------------" echo "-----Easy Hosting Control Panel for Ubuntu, Debian, and Alikes-------" echo "---------------------- FoRcE Edition (a fork) -----------------------" echo "---------------------- http://www.ehcpforce.tk ----------------------" echo "-------------------------Non-Fork Version: www.ehcp.net-------------" echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------" echo echo echo "Now, ehcp pre-installer begins, a series of operations will be performed and main installer will be invoked. " echo "if any problem occurs, refer to www.ehcpforce.tk forum section, or contact me, mail/msn: info@ehcpforce.tk" echo "Please be patient, press enter to continue" if [ "$unattended" == "" ] ; then read fi echo echo "Note that ehcp can only be installed automatically on Debian based Linux OS'es or Linux'es with apt-get enabled..(Ubuntu, Kubuntu, debian and so on) Do not try to install ehcp with this installer on redhat, centos and non-debian Linux's... To use ehcp on no-debian systems, you need to manually install.. " echo "this installer is for installing onto a clean, newly installed Ubuntu/Debian. If you install it on existing system, some existing packages will be removed after prompting, if they conflict with packages that are used in ehcp, so, be careful to answer yes/no when using in non-new system" echo "Actually, I dont like saying like, 'No warranty, I cannot be responsible for any damage.... ', But, this is just a utility.. use at your own." echo "ehcp also sends some usage data to developer for statistical purposes" echo "press enter to continue" if [ "$unattended" == "" ] ; then read fi } # Check for yum function checkyum () { which yum > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then echo "yum is available" return 0 else # This should never happen echo "Please install yum" installyum fi } # Check for apt-get function checkAptget(){ sayi=`which apt-get | wc -w` if [ $sayi -eq 0 ] ; then ehco "apt-get is not found." installaptget fi echo "apt-get seems to be installed on your system." aptIsInstalled=1 sayi=`grep -v "#" /etc/apt/sources.list | wc -l` if [ $sayi -lt 10 ] ; then echo echo "WARNING ! Your /etc/apt/sources.list file contains very few sources, This may cause problems installing some packages.. see http://www.ehcp.net/?q=node/389 for an example file" echo "This may be normal for some versions of debian" echo "press enter to continue or Ctrl-C to cancel and fix that file" if [ "$unattended" == "" ] ; then read fi fi } # Function to be called when installing packages, by Marcel function installPack(){ if [ -n "$noapt" ] ; then # skip install echo "skipping apt-get install for:$1" return fi if [ $distro == "ubuntu" ] || [ $distro == "debian" ];then # first, try to install without any prompt, then if anything goes wrong, normal install.. apt-get -y --no-remove --allow-unauthenticated install $1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then apt-get -y --allow-unauthenticated install $1 fi else # Yum is nice, you don't get prompted :) yum -y -t install $1 fi } function logToFile(){ logfile="ehcp-apt-get-install.log" echo "$1" >> $logfile } function logToInstallLogFile(){ # Only log if debug is enabled if [ ! -z "$debug" ]; then loginstallfile="install_log_bash.txt" echo "$1" >> "${installerDir}/${loginstallfile}" echo -e "\n$1" fi } function aptget_Update(){ if [ -n "$noapt" ] ; then # skip install echo "skipping apt-get update" return fi apt-get update } function aptgetInstall(){ # Parameter $1 is a list of programs to install # Parameter $2 is used to specify runlevel 1 in front of the command to prevent daemons from automatically starting (needed for amavisd-new) if [ -n "$noapt" ] ; then # skip install echo "skipping apt-get install for:$1" return fi # first, try to install without any prompt, then if anything goes wrong, normal install.. cmd="apt-get -y --no-remove --allow-unauthenticated install $1" if [ ! -z "$2" ]; then cmd="RUNLEVEL=1 $cmd" fi # Run the command sh -c "$cmd" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then cmd="apt-get -y --allow-unauthenticated install $1" if [ ! -z "$2" ]; then cmd="RUNLEVEL=1 $cmd" fi sh -c "$cmd" fi PackageFailed="$?" } function aptPackageInstallOrManualGet(){ cd "$patchDir" aptgetInstall "$1" AptExitCode="$PackageFailed" if [ "$AptExitCode" -eq "100" ]; then PackageExists=$(echo "$AptExitCode") else PackageExists= fi if [ ! -z "$PackageExists" ]; then echo -e "\nPackage $1 was not found in the main Ubuntu repository. However, it is needed in EHCP. Checking EHCP fix directory for local fix.\n" # See if the package exists locally if [ $OSBits -eq "64" ]; then localPackageName="$1_x64.deb" else localPackageName="$1.deb" fi localSearchResults=$(find "$FIXDIR" -name "$localPackageName") if [ ! -z "$localSearchResults" ]; then cp "$localSearchResults" "$1.deb" fi # Clear the flag as we have found it locally... if [ -e "$1.deb" ]; then PackageExists= fi fi # If the package was not found locally, get it from the web baseDLURL="http://www.dinofly.com/files/linux/" if [ ! -z "$PackageExists" ]; then echo -e "\nPackage $1 was not found in the main Ubuntu repository. However, it is needed in EHCP. Checking developer's server for appropriate package.\n" # Get proper version of package from if [ $OSBits -eq "64" ]; then # Check to see if package exists fExists=$(wget --spider -v "$baseDLURL$1_x64.deb") fExistsCheck=$(echo "$fExists" | grep "404") if [ -z "$fExistsCheck" ]; then echo -e "Package $1 was found on developer server. Downloading and installing now!" wget -N -O "$1.deb" "$baseDLURL$1_x64.deb" fi else fExists=$(wget --spider -v "$baseDLURL$1.deb") fExistsCheck=$(echo "$fExists" | grep "404") if [ -z "$fExistsCheck" ]; then echo -e "Package $1 was found on developer server. Downloading and installing now!" wget -N -O "$1.deb" "$baseDLURL$1.deb" fi fi fi # Install the missing package if it exists within our repository if [ -e "$1.deb" ]; then gdebi --n "$1.deb" fi } function aptgetRemove(){ if [ -n "$noapt" ] ; then # skip uninstall echo "skipping apt-get remove for:$1" return fi # first, try to uninstall without any prompt, then if anything goes wrong, normal uninstall.. cmd="apt-get -y remove $1" logToFile "$cmd" # Run the command sh -c "$cmd" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then cmd="apt-get remove $1" logToFile "$cmd" # Run the command sh -c "$cmd" fi } # Get distro name , by Marcel , thanks to marcel for fixing whole code syntax # No longer works in Ubuntu 13.04 # Fixed by Eric Martin function checkDistro() { # Get distro properly if [ -e /etc/issue ]; then distro=$( cat /etc/issue | awk '{ print $1 }' | head -n 1 ) fi if [ ! -z "$distro" ]; then # Convert it to lowercase distro=$( echo $distro | awk '{print tolower($0)}' ) fi if [ -z "$distro" ] || [[ "$distro" != "ubuntu" && "$distro" != "debian" ]]; then if [ -e /etc/os-release ]; then distro=$( cat /etc/os-release | grep -o "^NAME=.*" | grep -o "[^NAME=\"].*[^\"]" | awk '{print $1}' | awk '{print tolower($0)}' ) fi fi # Assume Ubuntu if [ -z "$distro" ]; then distro="ubuntu" else # Convert it to lowercase distro=$( echo $distro | awk '{print tolower($0)}' ) fi # Get actual release version information version=$( lsb_release -r | awk '{ print $2 }' ) if [ -z "$version" ]; then version=$( cat /etc/issue | awk '{ print $2 }' ) fi # Separate year and version if [[ "$version" == *.* ]]; then yrelease=$( echo "$version" | cut -d. -f1 ) mrelease=$( echo "$version" | cut -d. -f2 ) else yrelease="$version" mrelease="0" fi # Get 64-bit OS or 32-bit OS [used in vsftpd fix] if [ $( uname -m ) == 'x86_64' ]; then OSBits=64 else OSBits=32 fi # Another way to get the version number # version=$(lsb_release -r | awk '{ print $2 }') echo "Your distro is $distro runnning version $version." logToInstallLogFile "Your distro is $distro runnning version $version." if [ "$distro" != "debian" ]; then echo "Your distros yearly release is $yrelease. Your distros monthly release is $mrelease." logToInstallLogFile "Your distros yearly release is $yrelease. Your distros monthly release is $mrelease." fi logToInstallLogFile "OSBits is set to ${OSBits}" if [ "$distro" == "debian" ] && [ "$yrelease" -lt "8" ]; then echo "Debian 7.x and lower are no longer supported." exit fi } # Check if the running user is root, if not restart with sudo function checkUser() { if [ `whoami` != "root" ];then echo "you are $who, you have to be root to use ehcp installation program. switching to root mode, please enter password or re-run install.sh as root" sudo $0 # restart this with superuser-root privileges exit fi } # Function to kill any running ehcp / php daemons function killallEhcp() { for i in `ps aux | grep ehcpdaemon.sh | grep -v grep | awk -F " " '{ print $2 }'`;do kill -9 $i done for i in `ps aux | grep 'php index.php' | grep -v grep | awk -F " " '{ print $2 }'`;do kill -9 $i done } function checkPhp(){ which php if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then echo "php seems installed. This is good.." else echo "PHP IS STILL NOT INSTALLED. THIS IS A SERIOUS PROBLEM. MOST PROBABLY, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CONTINUE. TRY TO INSTLL PHP yourself." echo "if rest of install is successfull, then, this is a false alarm, just ignore" fi } function launchPanel(){ # NEVER LAUNCH FIREFOX AS THE ROOT USER. IT WILL MESS IT UP FOR THE NORMAL USER if [ -z "$unattended" ] || [ "$unattended" == "" ] ; then if [ ! -z "$SUDO_USER" ] && [ "$SUDO_USER" != "root" ]; then echo echo "The EHCP panel is now accessible!" echo "Sleeping for 15 seconds to make sure any remaining ehcp daemon operations are completed..." sleep 15s echo "Your panel administrative login is: admin" echo "Attempting to load the control panel via web browser from the local machine." sudo -u "$SUDO_USER" xdg-open http://localhost/ fi fi } # Thanks a lot to earnolmartin@gmail.com for fail2ban integration & vsftpd fixes. function slaveDNSApparmorFix(){ # by earnolmartin@gmail.com if [ -e /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.named ]; then echo -e "\nChanging bind apparmor rule to allow master DNS synchronization for slave setups.\n" sed -i 's#/etc/bind/\*\* r,#/etc/bind/\*\* rw,#g' /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.named manageService "apparmor" "restart" fi } function libldapFix(){ # by earnolmartin@gmail.com # install libldap, for vsftpd fix, without prompts #Remove originally installed libpam-ldap if it exists origDir=$(pwd) aptgetRemove libpam-ldap DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install libpam-ldap cd "$patchDir" mkdir lib32gccfix cd lib32gccfix cp "$FIXDIR/vsftpd/x64/ldap_conf_64bit_vsftpd.tar.gz" "ldap_conf.tar.gz" tar -zxvf ldap_conf.tar.gz cp ldap.conf /etc/ cd $origDir } function fixVSFTPConfig(){ # by earnolmartin@gmail.com # VSFTPD config file VSFTPDCONF="/etc/vsftpd.conf" # Check to see if the chroot_local_user setting is present chrootLocalCheck=$(cat "$VSFTPDCONF" | grep "chroot_local_user") if [ -z "$chrootLocalCheck" ]; then sh -c "echo 'chroot_local_user=YES' >> $VSFTPDCONF" else sed -i 's/chroot_local_user=.*/chroot_local_user=YES/g' "$VSFTPDCONF" fi # Check to see if allow writeable chroot is present allowWriteValue=$(cat "$VSFTPDCONF" | grep "allow_writeable_chroot") if [ -z "$allowWriteValue" ]; then sh -c "echo 'allow_writeable_chroot=YES' >> $VSFTPDCONF" else sed -i 's/allow_writeable_chroot=.*/allow_writeable_chroot=YES/g' "$VSFTPDCONF" fi if [ $OSBits -eq "64" ]; then #aptgetInstall libpam-ldap # this is required in buggy vsftpd installs.. ubuntu 12.04,12.10, 13.04, now... libldapFix aptgetInstall libgcc1 # 64-bit 500 OOPS: priv_sock_get_cmd Fix # seccomp_sandbox=NO allowSandBox=$(cat "$VSFTPDCONF" | grep "seccomp_sandbox") if [ -z "$allowSandBox" ]; then if [[ "$distro" == "ubuntu" && "$yrelease" -ge "13" ]] || [[ "$distro" == "debian" && "$yrelease" -ge "8" ]]; then sh -c "echo 'seccomp_sandbox=NO' >> $VSFTPDCONF" fi else sed -i 's/seccomp_sandbox=.*/seccomp_sandbox=NO/g' "$VSFTPDCONF" fi fi # Restart the VSFTPD service manageService "vsftpd" "restart" } function remove_vsftpd(){ # Remove the hold if any: echo "vsftpd install" | dpkg --set-selections # Remove originally installed vsftpd aptgetRemove vsftpd # Just incase it's been installed already or another version has been installed using dpgk, let's remove it dpkg --remove vsftpd } function fixApacheDefault(){ ApacheFile="/etc/apache2/apache2.conf" confStr="IncludeOptional sites-enabled/\*.conf" correctConfStr="Include sites-enabled/" if [ -e "$ApacheFile" ]; then ConfCheck=$( cat "$ApacheFile" | grep -o "$confStr" ) if [ ! -z "$ConfCheck" ]; then sed -i "s#$confStr#$correctConfStr#g" "$ApacheFile" manageService "apache2" "restart" fi fi } function removeNameVirtualHost(){ ApacheFile="/etc/apache2/ports.conf" confStr="NameVirtualHost.*" if [ -e "$ApacheFile" ]; then ConfCheck=$( cat "$ApacheFile" | grep -o "$confStr" ) if [ ! -z "$ConfCheck" ]; then sed -i "s#$confStr##g" "$ApacheFile" manageService "apache2" "restart" fi fi } function genUbuntuFixes(){ # Ubuntu packages keep coming with new features that mess things up # Thanks Ubuntu for the unneccessary headaches! # Includes debian too... jesus christ if [ ! -z "$yrelease" ]; then # Due to template changes, we need to set older web servers to use nginx because the ondrej version of apache2 will not work in 12.04 and earlier if [[ "$distro" == "ubuntu" && "$yrelease" -le "14" ]] || [[ "$distro" == "debian" && "$yrelease" -le "8" ]]; then setWebServerModeToNginx syncDomainsPostInstall=true fi if [[ "$distro" == "ubuntu" && "$yrelease" == "13" && "$mrelease" == "10" ]] || [[ "$distro" == "ubuntu" && "$yrelease" -ge "14" ]] || [[ "$distro" == "debian" && "$yrelease" -ge "8" ]]; then fixApacheDefault removeNameVirtualHost addConfDFolder getRidOfExtraPHPMyAdminAlias fixApache2ConfigInvalidLockFileLine fixMariaDBSkippingInnoDB fi # Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian 10 Fixes if [[ "$distro" == "ubuntu" && "$yrelease" -eq "18" && "$mrelease" == "04" ]]; then fixQuotaForEmailsPostfix3x fi # Ubuntu 14.04 Fix 2022 if [[ "$distro" == "ubuntu" && "$yrelease" -eq "14" ]]; then fixUbuntu14SSL fi fi } function fixApache2ConfigInvalidLockFileLine(){ sed -i "s/^LockFile/#LockFile/g" "/etc/apache2/apache2.conf" } function addConfDFolder(){ # If the conf.d folder doesn't exist, we must create it! if [ ! -e "/etc/apache2/conf.d" ]; then mkdir -p "/etc/apache2/conf.d" fi # Include it in apache2 config if [ -e "/etc/apache2/apache2.conf" ]; then APACHECONFCONTENTS=$(cat "/etc/apache2/apache2.conf" | grep "conf.d") if [ -z "$APACHECONFCONTENTS" ]; then echo "Include conf.d/" >> "/etc/apache2/apache2.conf" fi fi } function ubuntuVSFTPDFix(){ # by earnolmartin@gmail.com # Get currently working directory origDir=$( pwd ) # Install vsftpd if for some reason it wasn't installed earlier aptgetInstall vsftpd # Ubuntu VSFTPD Fixes if [ ! -z "$yrelease" ]; then if [ "$distro" == "ubuntu" ]; then if [ "$yrelease" == "12" ] ; then if [ "$mrelease" == "04" ]; then # Run 12.04 Fix remove_vsftpd echo -e "\nRunning VSFTPD fix for Ubuntu 12.04\n" add-apt-repository -y ppa:thefrontiergroup/vsftpd aptget_Update aptgetInstall vsftpd elif [ "$mrelease" == "10" ]; then # Run 12.10 Fix remove_vsftpd echo -e "\nRunning VSFTPD fix for Ubuntu 12.10\n" #get the code cd "$patchDir" if [ ! -e vsftpd_2.3.5-3ubuntu1.deb ]; then if [ $OSBits -eq "32" ]; then cp "$FIXDIR/vsftpd/ubuntu/12.10/vsftpd_2.3.5-3ubuntu1_i386.deb" "vsftpd_2.3.5-3ubuntu1.deb" else cp "$FIXDIR/vsftpd/ubuntu/12.10/vsftpd_2.3.5-3.jme_amd64.deb" "vsftpd_2.3.5-3ubuntu1.deb" fi fi #install dpkg -i vsftpd_2.3.5-3ubuntu1.deb echo "vsftpd hold" | dpkg --set-selections # Official updates to the VSFTPD package will break functionality since the package is broken OOTB cd $origDir fi elif [ "$yrelease" == "13" ]; then # Ubuntu 13.04 if [ "$mrelease" == "04" ]; then remove_vsftpd echo -e "\nRunning VSFTPD fix for Ubuntu 13.04\n" cd "$patchDir" if [ ! -e vsftpd_3.0.2-patched_ubuntu.deb ]; then if [ $OSBits -eq "32" ]; then cp "$FIXDIR/vsftpd/ubuntu/13.04/vsftpd_3.0.2-patched_ubuntu_13.04_x86.deb" "vsftpd_3.0.2-patched_ubuntu.deb" else cp "$FIXDIR/vsftpd/ubuntu/13.04/vsftpd_3.0.2-1ubuntu1_amd64_patched.deb" "vsftpd_3.0.2-patched_ubuntu.deb" fi fi dpkg -i vsftpd_3.0.2-patched_ubuntu.deb echo "vsftpd hold" | dpkg --set-selections # Official updates to the VSFTPD package will break functionality since the package is broken OOTB cd $origDir fi # Ubuntu 13.10 if [ "$mrelease" == "10" ]; then echo -e "\nRunning VSFTPD fix for Ubuntu 13.10\n" fi elif [ "$yrelease" == "14" ]; then # Ubuntu 14.04 if [ "$mrelease" == "04" ]; then echo -e "\nRunning VSFTPD fix for Ubuntu 14.04\n" if [ $OSBits -eq "64" ]; then remove_vsftpd cp "$FIXDIR/vsftpd/ubuntu/14.04/vsftpd_3.0.2-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb" "vsftpd_3.0.2-1ubuntu2.deb" dpkg -i vsftpd_3.0.2-1ubuntu2.deb echo "vsftpd hold" | dpkg --set-selections # Official updates to the VSFTPD package will break functionality since the package is broken OOTB fi fi # Ubuntu 14.10 if [ "$mrelease" == "10" ]; then echo -e "\nRunning VSFTPD fix for Ubuntu 14.10\n" if [ $OSBits -eq "64" ]; then remove_vsftpd cp "$FIXDIR/vsftpd/ubuntu/14.10/vsftpd_3.0.2-14ubuntu1_amd64.deb" "vsftpd_3.0.2-14ubuntu1.deb" dpkg -i vsftpd_3.0.2-14ubuntu1.deb echo "vsftpd hold" | dpkg --set-selections # Official updates to the VSFTPD package will break functionality since the package is broken OOTB fi fi fi fi fi # Run our fixes to the vsftpd config file fixVSFTPConfig } function logDirFix(){ # by earnolmartin@gmail.com chmod 755 /var/www/new/ehcp/log chmod 744 /var/www/new/ehcp/log/ehcp_failed_authentication.log chown ${VSFTPDUser}:www-data /var/www/new/ehcp/log/ehcp_failed_authentication.log } function fixBINDPerms(){ # by earnolmartin@gmail.com chmod -R 774 /etc/bind # Set correct owner on the bind directory: if [ -e "/etc/bind" ]; then BINDUser=$(ls -alhi /etc/bind | awk '{print $4}' | head -n2 | tail -n1) if [ "$BINDUser" == "root" ]; then BINDUser=$(ls -alhi /etc/bind | awk '{print $5}' | head -n2 | tail -n1) fi if [ ! -z "$BINDUser" ] && [ "$BINDUser" != "root" ]; then chown "$BINDUser":root -R /etc/bind else BINDUser=$(cat /etc/passwd | grep -o "^bind.*") if [ ! -z "$BINDUser" ]; then chown bind:root -R /etc/bind else BINDUser=$(cat /etc/passwd | grep -o "^named.*") if [ ! -z "$BINDUser" ]; then chown named:root -R /etc/bind fi fi fi fi } function fixEHCPPerms(){ # by earnolmartin@gmail.com # Make backup dir for install log file genEHCPBackupDIR="/root/Backup/ehcpforce" if [ ! -e "$genEHCPBackupDIR" ]; then mkdir -p "$genEHCPBackupDIR" fi # Secure ehcp files chown -R root:root /var/www/new/ehcp chmod -R 755 /var/www/new/ehcp/ # Correct net2ftp permissions chown -R ${VSFTPDUser}:www-data /var/www/new/ehcp/net2ftp chmod -R 755 /var/www/new/ehcp/net2ftp # Correct permissions on test folder - used for testing some things like SSL certs # Delete old security risk files from the directory first if [ -e "/var/www/new/ehcp/test" ]; then rm -r "/var/www/new/ehcp/test" fi mkdir -p /var/www/new/ehcp/test chown -R ${VSFTPDUser}:www-data /var/www/new/ehcp/test chmod -R 755 /var/www/new/ehcp/test # Correct extplorer permissions if [ -e "/var/www/new/ehcp/extplorer" ]; then chown -R ${VSFTPDUser}:www-data /var/www/new/ehcp/extplorer chmod -R 755 /var/www/new/ehcp/extplorer fi # Make default index readable chmod 755 /var/www/new/index.html # Set proper permissions on vhosts chown ${VSFTPDUser}:www-data -R /var/www/vhosts/ chmod 0755 -R /var/www/vhosts/ # Secure webmail fixSQMailPerms # Fix EHCP security if [ -e "/var/www/new/ehcp/ehcpbackup.php" ]; then rm "/var/www/new/ehcp/ehcpbackup.php" fi if [ -e "/var/www/new/ehcp/phpadmin.php" ]; then rm "/var/www/new/ehcp/phpadmin.php" fi if [ -e "/var/www/new/ehcp/install_log.txt" ]; then rm "/var/www/new/ehcp/install_log.txt" fi if [ -e "/var/www/new/ehcp/install_log_bash.txt" ]; then rm "/var/www/new/ehcp/install_log_bash.txt" fi chmod 700 "/var/www/new/ehcp/install_1.php" chmod 700 "/var/www/new/ehcp/install_2.php" chmod 700 "/var/www/new/ehcp/install_lib.php" chmod 700 "/var/www/new/ehcp/install2.1.php" chmod 700 "/var/www/new/ehcp/ehcp_fix_apache.php" # Create php error log file and use proper permissions if [ ! -e "/var/log/php_errors.log" ]; then > "/var/log/php_errors.log" fi chown ${VSFTPDUser}:adm "/var/log/php_errors.log" chmod 774 "/var/log/php_errors.log" } function fixPHPConfig(){ # by earnolmartin@gmail.com PHPConfFile="$PHPCONFDir/cli/php.ini" if [ -e $PHPConfFile ]; then PHPConfCheck=$( cat $PHPConfFile | grep -o ";extension=mysql.so" ) if [ -z "$PHPConfCheck" ]; then sed -i "s/extension=mysql.so/;extension=mysql.so/g" $PHPConfFile manageService "apache2" "restart" fi fi } function copyNginxConf(){ # by earnolmartin@gmail.com # Make sure to copy our modified nginx.conf over to /etc/nginx cp -f "/var/www/new/ehcp/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" "/etc/nginx" } function fixNginxSessions(){ nginxFPMPHPConfig="$PHPCONFDir/fpm/php.ini" if [ -e "$nginxFPMPHPConfig" ]; then SESSIONPathConfigured=$(cat "$nginxFPMPHPConfig" | grep -o "^session.save_path.*") if [ -z "$SESSIONPathConfigured" ]; then echo -e "session.save_path = \"/tmp\"" >> "$nginxFPMPHPConfig" fi managePHPFPMService "restart" fi } function changeApacheUser(){ # by earnolmartin@gmail.com # Apache should run as the vsftpd account so that FTP connections own the file and php scripts can own the file # Without this fix, files uploaded by ftp could not be changed by PHP scripts... AND # Files uploaded / created by PHP scripts could not be modified (chmod) via FTP clients # Logging logToInstallLogFile "Changing apache user..." manageService "apache2" "stop" if [ -e "/etc/apache2/envvars" ]; then sed -i "s/export APACHE_RUN_USER=.*/export APACHE_RUN_USER=${VSFTPDUser}/g" "/etc/apache2/envvars" if [ -e "/var/lock/apache2" ]; then chown ${VSFTPDUser}:www-data "/var/lock/apache2" else mkdir "/var/lock/apache2" chown ${VSFTPDUser}:www-data "/var/lock/apache2" fi manageService "apache2" "restart" fi # Also change nginx user changeNginxUser # Also change php-fpm user if [ -e "$PHPCONFDir/fpm/pool.d/www.conf" ]; then sed -i "s/user = .*/user = ${VSFTPDUser}/g" "$PHPCONFDir/fpm/pool.d/www.conf" sed -i "s/group = .*/group = www-data/g" "$PHPCONFDir/fpm/pool.d/www.conf" fi # Create EHCP Pool and Secure WWW Pool # VHOSTs can't run protected functions :) createEHCPPool # Secure Pools securePHPFPMPools } function securePHPFPMPools(){ for i in `find ${PHPCONFDir}/fpm/pool.d -name "*.conf" -type f`; do hasLocalAllowedClients=$(cat "${i}" | grep -o "^listen.allowed_clients") if [ -z "$hasLocalAllowedClients" ]; then echo "listen.allowed_clients =" >> "${i}" fi done } function createEHCPPool(){ # Create EHCP Pool if [ ! -e "$PHPCONFDir/fpm/pool.d/ehcp.conf" ]; then cp "$PHPCONFDir/fpm/pool.d/www.conf" "$PHPCONFDir/fpm/pool.d/ehcp.conf" sed -i "s/^\[www\]/\[ehcp\]/g" "$PHPCONFDir/fpm/pool.d/ehcp.conf" sed -i "s/^listen[^.].*/listen = 9001/g" "$PHPCONFDir/fpm/pool.d/ehcp.conf" fi hasDisableFunctions=$(cat "$PHPCONFDir/fpm/pool.d/www.conf" | grep -o "php_admin_value\[disable_functions\].*") if [ -z "$hasDisableFunctions" ]; then echo "php_admin_value[disable_functions] = exec,passthru,shell_exec,system,proc_open,popen" >> "$PHPCONFDir/fpm/pool.d/www.conf" fi # Remove it from ehcp if it's there hasDisableFunctionsTwo=$(cat "$PHPCONFDir/fpm/pool.d/ehcp.conf" | grep -o "php_admin_value\[disable_functions\].*") if [ ! -z "$hasDisableFunctionsTwo" ]; then sed -i "s/^php_admin_value\[disable_functions\]/;php_admin_value\[disable_functions\]/g" "$PHPCONFDir/fpm/pool.d/ehcp.conf" fi } function apacheUseFPM(){ a2enmod proxy_fcgi a2enmod ssl a2dismod php5 a2dismod php7.0 a2dismod php7.1 a2dismod php7.2 a2dismod php7.3 a2dismod php7.4 a2dismod php8.1 # We need a newer version of Apache for this to work properly! if [[ "$distro" == "ubuntu" && "$yrelease" -eq "16" && "$mrelease" == "04" ]]; then add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrej/apache2 aptget_Update apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" apache2 fi if [ "$distro" == "debian" ] && [ "$yrelease" -eq "9" ]; then apt-get -y install apt-transport-https lsb-release ca-certificates curl wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/apache2.gpg https://packages.sury.org/apache2/apt.gpg sh -c 'echo "deb https://packages.sury.org/apache2/ $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/apache2.list' aptget_Update apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" apache2 fi } function changeNginxUser(){ # Change nginx user if [ -e "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" ]; then sed -i "s/^user .*/user ${VSFTPDUser} www-data;/g" "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" fi } function nginxRateLimit(){ if [ -e "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" ]; then NGINXHASRATELIMIT=$(cat "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" | grep "limit_req_zone") if [ -z "$NGINXHASRATELIMIT" ]; then sed -i '/http {/a limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=one:10m rate=10r/s;' "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" fi fi } function updateBeforeInstall(){ # by earnolmartin@gmail.com # Update packages before installing to avoid errors if [ -z "$skip_updates" ]; then if [ "$aptIsInstalled" -eq "1" ] ; then echo "Updating package information and downloading package updates before installation." # Make sure the system will update and upgrade if [ -e "/var/lib/apt/lists/lock" ]; then rm "/var/lib/apt/lists/lock" fi # Make sure the system will update and upgrade if [ -e "/var/cache/apt/archives/lock" ]; then rm "/var/cache/apt/archives/lock" fi # Run update commands apt-key update apt-get update -y --allow-unauthenticated apt-get upgrade -y --allow-unauthenticated fi fi } function secureApache(){ APACHE2Conf="/etc/apache2/apache2.conf" if [ -e "$APACHE2Conf" ]; then containsDef=$(cat "$APACHE2Conf" | grep "") if [ ! -z "$containsDef" ]; then sed -i "s/Options Indexes FollowSymLinks/Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks/g" "$APACHE2Conf" else containsCorrectIndexs=$(cat "$APACHE2Conf" | grep "Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks") if [ -z "$containsCorrectIndexs" ]; then echo "Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks" >> "$APACHE2Conf" fi fi fi } function allowHTACCESSOverrides(){ APACHE2Conf="/etc/apache2/apache2.conf" if [ -e "$APACHE2Conf" ]; then # This should only be done for Apache versions in latest versions of Ubuntu where they define specifically allow override perms containsDef=$(cat "$APACHE2Conf" | grep "") if [ ! -z "$containsDef" ]; then containsDef=$(cat "$APACHE2Conf" | grep "") if [ -z "$containsDef" ]; then echo -e "\n\tOptions -Indexes +FollowSymLinks\n\tAllowOverride All\n\tRequire all granted\n" >> "$APACHE2Conf" fi fi fi } function restartDaemons(){ # by earnolmartin@gmail.com # Enable php-fpm enablePHPFPMService # Restart MySQL Service killAllMySQLAndRestart # Restart php-fpm managePHPFPMService # Restart apache2 daemon manageService "apache2" "restart" if [ "$syncDomainsPostInstall" = true ]; then manageService "apache2" "stop" manageService "nginx" "restart" managePHPFPMService "stop" managePHPFPMService "start" fi # Restart the EHCP daemon after installation is completed manageService "ehcp" "restart" # Restart PolicyD if available if [ "$insPolicyD" = true ]; then manageService "policyd_agent" "stop" manageService "policyd_agent" "start" fi # Make sure courier daemon is enabled (mainly for Ubuntu 16.04 and up) update-rc.d courier-authdaemon enable update-rc.d courier-authdaemon defaults manageService "courier-authdaemon" "restart" # Restart postfix manageService "postfix" "restart" } # Secures BIND and prevents UDP Recursion Attacks: # https://www.team-cymru.org/Services/Resolvers/instructions.html # Good explanation FROM MS Forums (LOL): http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/24ea1094-0ae4-47b5-9b74-2f77884cce15/dns-recursion?forum=winserverNIS function disableRecursiveBIND(){ # by earnolmartin@gmail.com # Get Resolv.conf and do not run this code if nameserver is set to RESOLVCOUNT=$(cat "/etc/resolv.conf" | grep -c "nameserver") RESOLVLOCAL=$(cat "/etc/resolv.conf" | grep "nameserver") if [ "$RESOLVCOUNT" == "1" ] && [ ! -z "$RESOLVLOCAL" ]; then echo -e "Skipping Bind Recursion Settings Due to Nameserver" else bindOptionsFile="/etc/bind/named.conf.options" bindBckFile="/etc/bind/named.conf.options_backup" if [ -e "$bindOptionsFile" ]; then # Create a backup of the original if [ ! -e "$bindBckFile" ]; then cp "$bindOptionsFile" "$bindBckFile" fi # Remove all blank lines at the end of the file: # BINDNoEmptyLines=$(sed '/^ *$/d' "$bindOptionsFile") # Better code here to strip out ending lines of empty text: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7359527/removing-trailing-starting-newlines-with-sed-awk-tr-and-friends # Can also do this for leading and trailing empty lines: sed -e :a -e '/./,$!d;/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba' file BINDNoEmptyLines=$(sed -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba' "$bindOptionsFile") BINDNoEmptyLines=$(trim "$BINDNoEmptyLines") echo "$BINDNoEmptyLines" > "$bindOptionsFile" # Add recursion no RecursiveSettingCheck=$( cat "$bindOptionsFile" | grep -o "^recursion .*" | grep -o " .*$" | grep -o "[^ ].*" ) if [ -z "$RecursiveSettingCheck" ]; then # Put it one line before close pattern sed -i '$i \recursion no;' "$bindOptionsFile" else sed -i 's/^recursion .*/recursion no;/g' "$bindOptionsFile" fi # Add additional-from-cache no # No longer needed for Ubuntu 22.04+ if [[ "$distro" == "ubuntu" && "$yrelease" -le "20" ]] || [[ "$distro" == "debian" && "$yrelease" -le "11" ]]; then RecursiveCacheCheck=$( cat "$bindOptionsFile" | grep -o "^additional-from-cache .*" | grep -o " .*$" | grep -o "[^ ].*" ) if [ -z "$RecursiveCacheCheck" ]; then sed -i '$i \additional-from-cache no;' "$bindOptionsFile" else sed -i 's/^additional-from-cache .*/additional-from-cache no;/g' "$bindOptionsFile" fi fi fi # Extra optional step #if [ -e "/etc/default/bind9" ]; then # sed -i 's/^RESOLVCONF=.*/RESOLVCONF=no/g' "/etc/default/bind9" #fi manageService "bind9" "restart" fi } function killAllMySQLAndRestart(){ # Stop service manageService "mysql" "stop" # Get each PID of mysqld and kill it --- random bug occurs sometimes after install ps -ef | grep mysqld | while read mysqlProcess ; do kill -9 $(echo $mysqlProcess | awk '{ print $2 }') ; done # Restart the service manageService "mysql" "start" } function removeInstallSilently(){ if [ -e "/var/www/new/ehcp/install_silently.php" ]; then rm "/var/www/new/ehcp/install_silently.php" fi if [ -e "/var/www/new/ehcp/admin_email.php" ]; then rm "/var/www/new/ehcp/admin_email.php" fi } function installExtras(){ if [ "$installmode" == "extra" ]; then if [ -z "$unattended" ]; then # Attended install, so ask questions # Spam Assassin echo "" echo -n "Install Amavis, SpamAssassin, and ClamAV? [y/n]: " read insMode insMode=$(echo "$insMode" | awk '{print tolower($0)}') if [ "$insMode" != "n" ]; then installAntiSpam fi echo "" echo -n "Install fail2ban? [y/n]: " read insMode insMode=$(echo "$insMode" | awk '{print tolower($0)}') if [ "$insMode" != "n" ]; then echo -e "Installing Fail2Ban\n" # Install Fail2Ban fail2ban fi echo "" echo -n "Install Apache2 security modules (mod-security and mod-evasive)? [y/n]: " read insMode insMode=$(echo "$insMode" | awk '{print tolower($0)}') if [ "$insMode" != "n" ]; then echo -e "Installing Apache2 Security Modules\n" # Install Apache2 Security Modules apacheSecurity fi else # Unattended mode... install them all by default installAntiSpam fail2ban apacheSecurity fi fi # Clone nginx bat bots blocker installBadBotsBlockerNginx } function apacheSecurity(){ aptgetInstall libapache2-mod-evasive aptgetInstall libapache-mod-security aptgetInstall libapache2-modsecurity aptgetInstall libapache2-mod-security2 # Make sure the conf.d directory exists addConfDFolder # Shouldn't be running, but attempt to stop it anyways just in case manageService "apache2" "stop" # Ensures that we always get the latest security rules and apply only the latest if [ -e "/etc/apache2/mod_security_rules" ]; then rm -R "/etc/apache2/mod_security_rules" fi mkdir /etc/apache2/mod_security_rules cd "$patchDir" if [ -e "mod_security_rules_latest" ]; then rm -R "mod_security_rules_latest" fi mkdir "mod_security_rules_latest" # Different rules based on different versions if [[ "$distro" == "ubuntu" && "$yrelease" == "13" && "$mrelease" == "10" ]] || [[ "$yrelease" -ge "14" && "$distro" == "ubuntu" ]] || [[ "$distro" == "debian" && "$yrelease" -ge "8" ]]; then cp "$FIXDIR/apache2/modsecurity/mod_security_rules_13.10.tar.gz" "mod_security_rules.tar.gz" else cp "$FIXDIR/apache2/modsecurity/mod_security_base_rules.tar.gz" "mod_security_rules.tar.gz" fi tar -zxvf "mod_security_rules.tar.gz" -C "mod_security_rules_latest" mv mod_security_rules_latest/* /etc/apache2/mod_security_rules chown -R root:root /etc/apache2/mod_security_rules # Config file names ModSecureNewConfFile="security2.conf" ModSecureNewLoadFile="security2.load" ModEvasiveNewConfFile="evasive.conf" ModEvasiveNewLoadFile="evasive.load" ModSecureOldConfFile="mod-security.conf" ModSecureOldLoadFile="mod-security.load" ModEvasiveOldConfFile="mod-evasive.conf" ModEvasiveOldLoadFile="mod-evasive.load" # Cleanup mod security if [ -e "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModSecureNewConfFile}" ]; then # Overwrite official config in use cp "/var/www/new/ehcp/mod_secure/modsecure" "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModSecureNewConfFile}" # If it's enabled file also exists, copy that too if [ -e "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModSecureNewConfFile}" ]; then cp "/var/www/new/ehcp/mod_secure/modsecure" "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModSecureNewConfFile}" fi # Cleanup old config it exists from an OS upgrade if [ -e "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModSecureOldConfFile}" ]; then rm "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModSecureOldConfFile}" fi rm "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModSecureOldConfFile}" # Remove old load file as well if [ -e "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModSecureOldLoadFile}" ]; then rm "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModSecureOldLoadFile}" fi rm "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModSecureOldLoadFile}" # Cleanup our old version which is no longer needed since we'll use the official configuration if [ -e "/etc/apache2/conf.d/modsecure" ]; then rm "/etc/apache2/conf.d/modsecure" fi elif [ -e "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModSecureOldConfFile}" ]; then # Overwrite official config in use cp "/var/www/new/ehcp/mod_secure/modsecure" "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModSecureOldConfFile}" # If it's enabled file also exists, copy that too if [ -e "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModSecureOldConfFile}" ]; then cp "/var/www/new/ehcp/mod_secure/modsecure" "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModSecureOldConfFile}" fi # Remove incorrect config file if it exists if [ -e "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModSecureNewConfFile}" ]; then rm "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModSecureNewConfFile}" fi if [ -e "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModSecureNewLoadFile}" ]; then rm "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModSecureNewLoadFile}" fi rm "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModSecureNewConfFile}" rm "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModSecureNewLoadFile}" # Cleanup our old version which is no longer needed since we'll use the official configuration if [ -e "/etc/apache2/conf.d/modsecure" ]; then rm "/etc/apache2/conf.d/modsecure" fi else # None exist if [[ "$distro" == "ubuntu" && "$yrelease" -gt "13" ]] || [[ "$distro" == "ubuntu" && "$yrelease" == "13" && "$mrelease" == "10" ]] || [[ "$distro" == "debian" && "$yrelease" -ge "8" ]]; then cp "/var/www/new/ehcp/mod_secure/modsecure" "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModSecureNewConfFile}" cp "/var/www/new/ehcp/mod_secure/modsecure" "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModSecureNewConfFile}" rm "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModSecureOldConfFile}" rm "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModSecureOldConfFile}" rm "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModSecureOldLoadFile}" rm "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModSecureOldLoadFile}" else cp "/var/www/new/ehcp/mod_secure/modsecure" "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModSecureOldConfFile}" cp "/var/www/new/ehcp/mod_secure/modsecure" "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModSecureOldConfFile}" rm "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModSecureNewConfFile}" rm "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModSecureNewConfFile}" rm "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModSecureNewLoadFile}" rm "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModSecureNewLoadFile}" fi # Cleanup our old version which is no longer needed since we'll use the official configuration if [ -e "/etc/apache2/conf.d/modsecure" ]; then rm "/etc/apache2/conf.d/modsecure" fi fi # Cleanup mod evasive if [ -e "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModEvasiveNewConfFile}" ]; then # Overwrite official config in use cp "/var/www/new/ehcp/mod_secure/modevasive" "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModEvasiveNewConfFile}" # If it's enabled file also exists, copy that too if [ -e "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModEvasiveNewConfFile}" ]; then cp "/var/www/new/ehcp/mod_secure/modevasive" "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModEvasiveNewConfFile}" fi # Cleanup old config it exists from an OS upgrade if [ -e "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModEvasiveOldConfFile}" ]; then rm "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModEvasiveOldConfFile}" fi rm "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModEvasiveOldConfFile}" # Remove old load file as well if [ -e "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModEvasiveOldLoadFile}" ]; then rm "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModEvasiveOldLoadFile}" fi rm "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModEvasiveOldLoadFile}" # Cleanup our old version which is no longer needed since we'll use the official configuration if [ -e "/etc/apache2/conf.d/modevasive" ]; then rm "/etc/apache2/conf.d/modevasive" fi elif [ -e "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModEvasiveOldConfFile}" ]; then # Overwrite official config in use cp "/var/www/new/ehcp/mod_secure/modevasive" "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModEvasiveOldConfFile}" # If it's enabled file also exists, copy that too if [ -e "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModEvasiveOldConfFile}" ]; then cp "/var/www/new/ehcp/mod_secure/modevasive" "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModEvasiveOldConfFile}" fi # Remove incorrect config file if it exists if [ -e "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModEvasiveNewConfFile}" ]; then rm "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModEvasiveNewConfFile}" fi if [ -e "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModEvasiveNewLoadFile}" ]; then rm "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModEvasiveNewLoadFile}" fi rm "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModEvasiveNewConfFile}" rm "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModEvasiveNewLoadFile}" # Cleanup our old version which is no longer needed since we'll use the official configuration if [ -e "/etc/apache2/conf.d/modevasive" ]; then rm "/etc/apache2/conf.d/modevasive" fi else # None exist if [[ "$distro" == "ubuntu" && "$yrelease" -gt "13" ]] || [[ "$distro" == "ubuntu" && "$yrelease" == "13" && "$mrelease" == "10" ]] || [[ "$distro" == "debian" && "$yrelease" -ge "8" ]]; then cp "/var/www/new/ehcp/mod_secure/modevasive" "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModEvasiveNewConfFile}" cp "/var/www/new/ehcp/mod_secure/modevasive" "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModEvasiveNewConfFile}" rm "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModEvasiveOldConfFile}" rm "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModEvasiveOldLoadFile}" rm "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModEvasiveOldConfFile}" rm "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModEvasiveOldLoadFile}" else cp "/var/www/new/ehcp/mod_secure/modevasive" "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModEvasiveOldConfFile}" cp "/var/www/new/ehcp/mod_secure/modevasive" "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModEvasiveOldConfFile}" rm "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModEvasiveNewConfFile}" rm "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/${ModEvasiveNewLoadFile}" rm "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModEvasiveNewConfFile}" rm "/etc/apache2/mods-available/${ModEvasiveNewLoadFile}" fi # Cleanup our old version which is no longer needed since we'll use the official configuration if [ -e "/etc/apache2/conf.d/modevasive" ]; then rm "/etc/apache2/conf.d/modevasive" fi fi if [[ "$distro" == "ubuntu" && "$yrelease" -gt "13" ]] || [[ "$distro" == "ubuntu" && "$yrelease" == "13" && "$mrelease" == "10" ]] || [[ "$distro" == "debian" && "$yrelease" -ge "8" ]]; then a2enmod evasive a2enmod security2 else a2enmod mod-evasive a2enmod mod-security fi } function fail2ban(){ aptgetInstall fail2ban manageService "fail2ban" "stop" cp "/var/www/new/ehcp/fail2ban/apache-dos.conf" "/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/apache-dos.conf" cp "/var/www/new/ehcp/fail2ban/ehcp.conf" "/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ehcp.conf" cp "/var/www/new/ehcp/fail2ban/postfix-sasl.conf" "/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/postfix-sasl.conf" if [ ! -e "/etc/fail2ban/jail.local" ]; then cp "/var/www/new/ehcp/fail2ban/jail.local" "/etc/fail2ban/jail.local" fi EHCPINF2BAN=$(cat /etc/fail2ban/jail.local | grep "\[ehcp\]") APACHEDOSINF2BAN=$(cat /etc/fail2ban/jail.local | grep "\[apache-dos\]") POSTFIXSASLINF2BAN=$(cat /etc/fail2ban/jail.local | grep "\[sasl\]") if [ -z "$EHCPINF2BAN" ]; then echo " [ehcp] # fail2ban section for Easy Hosting Control Panel, ehcp.net enabled = true port = http,https filter = ehcp logpath = /var/www/new/ehcp/log/ehcp_failed_authentication.log maxretry = 10" >> "/etc/fail2ban/jail.local" fi if [ -z "$APACHEDOSINF2BAN" ]; then echo " [apache-dos] # Apache Anti-DDoS Security Based Log Entries from Mod Evasive Apache Module enabled = true port = http,https filter = apache-dos logpath = /var/log/apache*/*error.log maxretry = 5" >> "/etc/fail2ban/jail.local" fi if [ -z "$POSTFIXSASLINF2BAN" ]; then echo " [sasl] enabled = true port = smtp,ssmtp,imap2,imap3,imaps,pop3,pop3s filter = postfix-sasl # You might consider monitoring /var/log/warn.log instead # if you are running postfix. See http://bugs.debian.org/507990 logpath = /var/log/mail.log maxretry = 4" >> "/etc/fail2ban/jail.local" fi manageService "fail2ban" "restart" } function installAntiSpam(){ logToInstallLogFile "Start of install anti-spam function call..." # Postfix must be installed CURDIR=$(pwd) ANTISPAMINSTALLED=$(which "spamassassin") POSTFIXInstalled=$(which "postfix") postFixUserExists=$(grep postfix /etc/passwd) if [ ! -z "$POSTFIXInstalled" ] && [ ! -z "$postFixUserExists" ] && [ "$installmode" == "extra" ]; then logToInstallLogFile "Installing spam assassin..." # SpamAssassin is not installed / configured # Lets roll # Set variables SPConfig="/etc/default/spamassassin" PHeadChecks="/etc/postfix/header_checks" PostFixConf="/etc/postfix/main.cf" PostFixMaster="/etc/postfix/master.cf" CONTENTFILTER="/etc/amavis/conf.d/15-content_filter_mode" SPAMASSASSCONF="/etc/spamassassin/local.cf" AMAVISHOST="/etc/amavis/conf.d/05-node_id" AMAVISDEBDEFAULTSCONF="/etc/amavis/conf.d/20-debian_defaults" AMAVISDOMAINIDCONF="/etc/amavis/conf.d/05-domain_id" CLAMAVCONFFILE="/etc/clamav/clamd.conf" # Install Anti-Spam Software aptgetInstall "amavisd-new" "runlevel=1" # amavisd-new install should not start the daemon immediately after installation since we haven't configured our fully qualified domain name of the server yet # Use FQDN for mail server (used by Amavis) as entered by user earlier if [ -z "$FQDNName" ]; then # Just replace it with ehcpforce.tk sed -i "s/^#\$myhostname.*/\$myhostname = \"ehcpforce.tk\";/g" "$AMAVISHOST" sed -i "s#^\$myhostname.*#\$myhostname = \"ehcpforce.tk\";#g" "$AMAVISHOST" else sed -i "s/^#\$myhostname.*/\$myhostname = \"$FQDNName\";/g" "$AMAVISHOST" sed -i "s#^\$myhostname.*#\$myhostname = \"$FQDNName\";#g" "$AMAVISHOST" fi # Install SpamAssassin and Clamav-Daemon aptgetInstall "spamassassin clamav-daemon" # Install individually incase some packages are not found aptgetInstall libnet-dns-perl aptgetInstall pyzor aptgetInstall razor aptgetInstall arj aptgetInstall bzip2 aptgetInstall cabextract aptgetInstall cpio aptgetInstall file aptgetInstall gzip aptgetInstall lha aptgetInstall nomarch aptgetInstall pax aptgetInstall rar aptgetInstall unrar aptgetInstall unzip aptgetInstall zip aptgetInstall zoo aptgetInstall unzoo aptgetInstall libdbi-perl aptgetInstall opendkim aptgetInstall postfix-policyd-spf-python # Only keep going if we have the basic packages installed AMAVISINS=$(which amavisd-new) AMAVISINSNEW=$(which amavisd) SPAMASSASSINS=$(which spamassassin) if [[ ! -z "$AMAVISINS" || ! -z "$AMAVISINSNEW" ]] && [ ! -z "$SPAMASSASSINS" ]; then # Add Users adduser clamav amavis adduser amavis clamav # Enable SpamAssassin if [ -e "$SPConfig" ]; then sed -i "s#ENABLED=.*#ENABLED=1#g" "$SPConfig" sed -i "s#CRON=.*#CRON=1#g" "$SPConfig" # More settings if [ -e "$SPAMASSASSCONF" ]; then # Rewrite the header sed -i "s/#rewrite_header.*/rewrite_header Subject \*\*\*\*\*SPAM\*\*\*\*\*/g" "$SPAMASSASSCONF" sed -i "s/# rewrite_header.*/rewrite_header Subject \*\*\*\*\*SPAM\*\*\*\*\*/g" "$SPAMASSASSCONF" sed -i "s#rewrite_header.*#rewrite_header Subject \*\*\*\*\*SPAM\*\*\*\*\*#g" "$SPAMASSASSCONF" # Set the spam score sed -i "s/#required_score.*/required_score 12.0/g" "$SPAMASSASSCONF" sed -i "s/# required_score.*/required_score 12.0/g" "$SPAMASSASSCONF" sed -i "s#required_score.*#required_score 12.0#g" "$SPAMASSASSCONF" # use bayes 1 sed -i "s/#use_bayes.*/use_bayes 1/g" "$SPAMASSASSCONF" sed -i "s/# use_bayes.*/use_bayes 1/g" "$SPAMASSASSCONF" sed -i "s#use_bayes.*#use_bayes 1#g" "$SPAMASSASSCONF" # use bayes auto learn sed -i "s/#bayes_auto_learn.*/bayes_auto_learn 1/g" "$SPAMASSASSCONF" sed -i "s/# bayes_auto_learn.*/bayes_auto_learn 1/g" "$SPAMASSASSCONF" sed -i "s#bayes_auto_learn.*#bayes_auto_learn 1#g" "$SPAMASSASSCONF" fi manageService "spamassassin" "restart" fi # Integrate into postfix postconf -e "content_filter = smtp-amavis:[]:10024" echo "use strict; # You can modify this file to re-enable SPAM checking through spamassassin # and to re-enable antivirus checking. # # Default antivirus checking mode # Uncomment the two lines below to enable it # @bypass_virus_checks_maps = ( \%bypass_virus_checks, \@bypass_virus_checks_acl, \$bypass_virus_checks_re); # # Default SPAM checking mode # Uncomment the two lines below to enable it # @bypass_spam_checks_maps = ( \%bypass_spam_checks, \@bypass_spam_checks_acl, \$bypass_spam_checks_re); 1; # insure a defined return" > "$CONTENTFILTER" if [ -e "$PostFixMaster" ]; then POSTFIXMASCHECK1=$(cat "$PostFixMaster" | grep "smtp-amavis") if [ -z "$POSTFIXMASCHECK1" ]; then echo " smtp-amavis unix - - - - 2 smtp -o smtp_data_done_timeout=1200 -o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes -o disable_dns_lookups=yes -o max_use=20" >> "$PostFixMaster" fi POSTFIXMASCHECK2=$(cat "$PostFixMaster" | grep "") if [ -z "$POSTFIXMASCHECK2" ]; then echo " inet n - - - - smtpd -o content_filter= -o local_recipient_maps= -o relay_recipient_maps= -o smtpd_restriction_classes= -o smtpd_delay_reject=no -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject -o smtpd_helo_restrictions= -o smtpd_sender_restrictions= -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject -o smtpd_data_restrictions=reject_unauth_pipelining -o smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions= -o mynetworks= -o smtpd_error_sleep_time=0 -o smtpd_soft_error_limit=1001 -o smtpd_hard_error_limit=1000 -o smtpd_client_connection_count_limit=0 -o smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit=0 -o receive_override_options=no_header_body_checks,no_unknown_recipient_checks" >> "$PostFixMaster" fi fi #http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11694980/using-sed-insert-a-line-below-or-above-the-pattern POSTFIXMASCHECK3=$(cat "$PostFixMaster" | grep -A2 "pickup" | grep -v "pickup" | grep -o "\-o receive_override_options=no_header_body_checks$") if [ -z "$POSTFIXMASCHECK3" ]; then sed -i "/pickup.*/a\\\t-o receive_override_options=no_header_body_checks" "$PostFixMaster" fi POSTFIXMASCHECK4=$(cat "$PostFixMaster" | grep -A2 'pickup' | grep -v "pickup" | grep -o "\-o content_filter=$") if [ -z "$POSTFIXMASCHECK4" ]; then sed -i "/pickup.*/a\\\t-o content_filter=" "$PostFixMaster" fi # Change settings for amavis deb defaults if [ -e "$AMAVISDEBDEFAULTSCONF" ]; then # Set spam scores higher for a few levels # Change $sa_kill_level_deflt to 8.01 sed -i "s/^#\$sa_kill_level_deflt.*/\$sa_kill_level_deflt = 8.01; # triggers spam evasive actions/g" "$AMAVISDEBDEFAULTSCONF" sed -i "s/^# \$sa_kill_level_deflt.*/\$sa_kill_level_deflt = 8.01; # triggers spam evasive actions/g" "$AMAVISDEBDEFAULTSCONF" sed -i "s/^\$sa_kill_level_deflt.*/\$sa_kill_level_deflt = 8.01; # triggers spam evasive actions/g" "$AMAVISDEBDEFAULTSCONF" # Change $sa_dsn_cutoff_level to 11 sed -i "s/^#\$sa_dsn_cutoff_level.*/\$sa_dsn_cutoff_level = 11; # spam level beyond which a DSN is not sent/g" "$AMAVISDEBDEFAULTSCONF" sed -i "s/^# \$sa_dsn_cutoff_level.*/\$sa_dsn_cutoff_level = 11; # spam level beyond which a DSN is not sent/g" "$AMAVISDEBDEFAULTSCONF" sed -i "s/^\$sa_dsn_cutoff_level.*/\$sa_dsn_cutoff_level = 11; # spam level beyond which a DSN is not sent/g" "$AMAVISDEBDEFAULTSCONF" # Check to see if we have the rewrite subject line in the configuration file amavisHasSubjRewrite=$(cat "$AMAVISDEBDEFAULTSCONF" | grep '$sa_spam_modifies_subj') if [ -z "$amavisHasSubjRewrite" ]; then sed -i "/^\$sa_spam_subject_tag.*/a\$sa_spam_modifies_subj = 1;" "$AMAVISDEBDEFAULTSCONF" else sed -i "s/^\$sa_spam_modifies_subj.*/\$sa_spam_modifies_subj = 1;/g" "$AMAVISDEBDEFAULTSCONF" fi fi # Allow for any domain configuration if [ -e "$AMAVISDOMAINIDCONF" ]; then # Check to see if we have the rewrite subject line in the configuration file amavisHasLocalDomainMaps=$(cat "$AMAVISDOMAINIDCONF" | grep '@local_domains_maps') if [ -z "$amavisHasLocalDomainMaps" ]; then sed -i "/^@local_domains_acl.*/a@local_domains_maps = \( \[\"\.\"\] \);" "$AMAVISDOMAINIDCONF" else sed -i "s/^@local_domains_maps.*/@local_domains_maps = \( \[\"\.\"\] \);/g" "$AMAVISDOMAINIDCONF" fi fi # Needed in Ubuntu 16.04 # Allow supplementary groups to fix permissions if [ -e "$CLAMAVCONFFILE" ]; then sed -i "s/^AllowSupplementaryGroups.*/AllowSupplementaryGroups true/g" "$CLAMAVCONFFILE" fi # Install and configure policyd if [ "$insPolicyD" = true ]; then installPolicyD fi # Should be good to go? # Restart Amavis manageService "amavis" "restart" # Restart services manageService "postfix" "restart" # Get lastest clamav definitions freshclam # Restart clamav-daemon manageService "clamav-daemon" "restart" fi fi } function fixPHPFPMListen(){ FPMConfFile="$PHPCONFDir/fpm/pool.d/www.conf" if [ -e "$FPMConfFile" ]; then sed -i "s#^listen =.*#listen = 9000#g" "$FPMConfFile" fi } function removeApacheUmask(){ APACHE2ENVVARS="/etc/apache2/envvars" if [ -e "$APACHE2ENVVARS" ]; then sed -i "s/^umask/#umask/g" "$APACHE2ENVVARS" fi } function securePHPMyAdminConfiguration(){ # Variables PHPMYADMINMAINCONFFILE="/etc/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php" PHPMYADMINTMPDIR="/var/lib/phpmyadmin/tmp" PHPMYADMINCONFFILE="/usr/share/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php" PHPMYADMINROOTWL="/usr/share/phpmyadmin/rootip_whitelist.php" PHPMYADMINROOTWLFunctions="/usr/share/phpmyadmin/rootip_whitelist_functions.php" PHPMYADMINTEMPUPDIR="/usr/share/phpmyadmin/upload" WHITELISTEMPLATEFILE="/var/www/new/ehcp/etc/phpmyadmin/rootip_whitelist.php" WHITELISTEMPLATEFILEFunctions="/var/www/new/ehcp/etc/phpmyadmin/rootip_whitelist_functions.php" DEFAULTPHPMYADMINCONFTEMPLATE="/var/www/new/ehcp/etc/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin_default_conf" DEFAULTPHPMYADMINMAINCONFTEMPLATE="/var/www/new/ehcp/etc/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin_default_main_conf" # Fix perms on temporary directory that may be used for file uploads (importing exported sql files for example): if [ -e "$PHPMYADMINTMPDIR" ]; then chown -R ${VSFTPDUser}:www-data "$PHPMYADMINTMPDIR" fi # See if PHPMyAdmin config.inc.php exists and secure its configuration if it does if [ -e "$PHPMYADMINMAINCONFFILE" ]; then phpMyAdminConfigurationTweaks "$PHPMYADMINMAINCONFFILE" else # Copy template over to have a valid phpmyadmin config cp "$DEFAULTPHPMYADMINMAINCONFTEMPLATE" "$PHPMYADMINMAINCONFFILE" fi if [ -e "$PHPMYADMINCONFFILE" ]; then phpMyAdminConfigurationTweaks "$PHPMYADMINCONFFILE" else # Copy template over to have a valid phpmyadmin config cp "$DEFAULTPHPMYADMINCONFTEMPLATE" "$PHPMYADMINCONFFILE" fi # Copy root ip address whitelist over to phpmyadmin directory if it doesn't exist if [ ! -e "$PHPMYADMINROOTWL" ]; then cp "$WHITELISTEMPLATEFILE" "$PHPMYADMINROOTWL" fi # Copy root ip address whitelist functions over to phpmyadmin directory if it doesn't exist if [ ! -e "$PHPMYADMINROOTWLFunctions" ]; then cp "$WHITELISTEMPLATEFILEFunctions" "$PHPMYADMINROOTWLFunctions" fi # Create temporary upload directory for large SQL database imports if [ ! -e "$PHPMYADMINTEMPUPDIR" ]; then mkdir -p "$PHPMYADMINTEMPUPDIR" fi # Replace rootip if the function is in it because this had to be separated to avoid errors in some configurations... if [ -e "$PHPMYADMINROOTWL" ]; then hasFunctionPrivateIP=$(cat "$PHPMYADMINROOTWL" | grep -o "function isPrivateIP") if [ ! -z "$hasFunctionPrivateIP" ]; then cp "$WHITELISTEMPLATEFILE" "$PHPMYADMINROOTWL" fi fi fixPHPMyAdminIssuesSpecificOSVer chown ${VSFTPDUser}:www-data -R $PHPMYADMINTEMPUPDIR chmod 775 -R $PHPMYADMINTEMPUPDIR # Required in Ubuntu 16.04 and up aptgetInstall "php-gettext" } function fixPHPMyAdminIssuesSpecificOSVer(){ # Code fixes in Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian 10 if [[ "$distro" == "ubuntu" && "$yrelease" -eq "18" ]] || [[ "$distro" == "debian" && "$yrelease" -eq "10" ]]; then sed -i "s/|\s*\((count(\$analyzed_sql_results\['select_expr'\]\)/| (\1)/g" "/usr/share/phpmyadmin/libraries/sql.lib.php" # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48001569/phpmyadmin-count-parameter-must-be-an-array-or-an-object-that-implements-co sed -i 's/if (\$options != null \&\& count(\$options) > 0) {/if (\$options != null \&\& count((array)\$options) > 0) {/g;' "/usr/share/phpmyadmin/libraries/plugin_interface.lib.php" # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55066509/error-in-phpmyadmin-warning-in-libraries-plugin-interface-lib-php551 fi } function phpMyAdminConfigurationTweaks(){ if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then # Config file to modify = $1 phpmyadminCONFToModify="$1" # Run checks for various extra config settings hasNoRootCheck=$(cat "$phpmyadminCONFToModify" | grep -o "$cfg\['Servers'\]\[1\]\['AllowRoot'\]") hasTmpUploadDir=$(cat "$phpmyadminCONFToModify" | grep -o "$cfg\['UploadDir'\]") hasIncludeApprovedIPAddressesFunction=$(cat "$phpmyadminCONFToModify" | grep -o "include_once 'rootip_whitelist_functions.php'") hasIncludeApprovedIPAddressesFunctionTwo=$(cat "$phpmyadminCONFToModify" | grep -o "include_once '/usr/share/phpmyadmin/rootip_whitelist_functions.php'") hasIncludeApprovedIPAddresses=$(cat "$phpmyadminCONFToModify" | grep -o "include 'rootip_whitelist.php'") hasIncludeApprovedIPAddressesTwo=$(cat "$phpmyadminCONFToModify" | grep -o "include '/usr/share/phpmyadmin/rootip_whitelist.php'") hasPHPCloseTag=$(cat "$phpmyadminCONFToModify" | grep -o "^?>") # Prevent root mysql user from logging in if [ -z "$hasNoRootCheck" ]; then if [ -z "$hasIncludeApprovedIPAddresses" ]; then # Put it above the close tag if it exists or at the end of the file if [ ! -z "$hasPHPCloseTag" ]; then sed -i "/^?>/i\$cfg\['Servers'\]\[1\]\['AllowRoot'\] = FALSE;" "$phpmyadminCONFToModify" else echo -e "\$cfg['Servers'][1]['AllowRoot'] = FALSE;" >> "$phpmyadminCONFToModify" fi else # Put it before the include white_list setting since IP addresses may set it to true sed -i "/^include 'rootip_whitelist.php'/i\$cfg\['Servers'\]\[1\]\['AllowRoot'\] = FALSE;" "$phpmyadminCONFToModify" fi else sed -i "s#^\$cfg\['Servers'\]\[1\]\['AllowRoot'\].*#\$cfg\['Servers'\]\[1\]\['AllowRoot'\] = FALSE;#g" "$phpmyadminCONFToModify" fi # Add a temporary upload directory for files if [ -z "$hasTmpUploadDir" ]; then if [ ! -z "$hasPHPCloseTag" ]; then sed -i "/^?>/i\$cfg\['UploadDir'\] = '\./upload';" "$phpmyadminCONFToModify" else echo -e "\$cfg['UploadDir'] = './upload';" >> "$phpmyadminCONFToModify" fi else sed -i "s#^\$cfg\['UploadDir'\].*#\$cfg\['UploadDir'\] = '\./upload';#g" "$phpmyadminCONFToModify" fi # White listed IP addresses that can login to root account via PHPMyAdmin if [ -z "$hasIncludeApprovedIPAddresses" ] && [ -z "$hasIncludeApprovedIPAddressesTwo" ]; then if [ ! -z "$hasPHPCloseTag" ]; then sed -i "/^?>/iinclude 'rootip_whitelist.php';" "$phpmyadminCONFToModify" else echo -e "include 'rootip_whitelist.php';" >> "$phpmyadminCONFToModify" fi fi # Make sure rootip_whitelist functions are included if [ -z "$hasIncludeApprovedIPAddressesFunction" ] && [ -z "$hasIncludeApprovedIPAddressesFunctionTwo" ]; then hasIncludeApprovedIPAddresses=$(cat "$phpmyadminCONFToModify" | grep -o "include 'rootip_whitelist.php'") if [ ! -z "$hasIncludeApprovedIPAddresses" ]; then sed -i "/^include 'rootip_whitelist.php';/iinclude_once 'rootip_whitelist_functions.php';" "$phpmyadminCONFToModify" fi fi # Use shared path for /etc/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php # Fixes PHPMyAdmin root login issues in Ubuntu 18.04 if [ "$phpmyadminCONFToModify" == "/etc/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php" ] && [ -e "$phpmyadminCONFToModify" ]; then sed -i "s#^include_once 'rootip_whitelist_functions.php';#include_once '/usr/share/phpmyadmin/rootip_whitelist_functions.php';#g" "$phpmyadminCONFToModify" sed -i "s#^include 'rootip_whitelist.php';#include '/usr/share/phpmyadmin/rootip_whitelist.php';#g" "$phpmyadminCONFToModify" fi fi } function fixPHPmcrypt(){ aptgetInstall php5-mcrypt aptgetInstall php-mcrypt php5enmod mcrypt phpenmod mcrypt } function fixPopBeforeSMTP(){ # Logging logToInstallLogFile "Fixing POP before SMTP..." aptPackageInstallOrManualGet "pop-before-smtp" } function generatePassword(){ if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then PLENGTH="$1" else PLENGTH="10" fi #rPass=$(date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c "$PLENGTH") rPass=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1 | head -c "$PLENGTH") } function configurePHPIni(){ # Variables PHPINIFORAPACHE="$PHPCONFDir/apache2/php.ini" PHPINIFORNGINX="$PHPCONFDir/fpm/php.ini" # Logging logToInstallLogFile "Changing PHP settings in the following configuration file: $PHPINIFORAPACHE" logToInstallLogFile "Changing PHP settings in the following configuration file: $PHPINIFORNGINX" ModifyPHPIniConfigForFile "$PHPINIFORAPACHE" ModifyPHPIniConfigForFile "$PHPINIFORNGINX" #Opcache seems to have some random php session issues. If it should be disabled in the future, run this: #ModifyPHPIniConfigForFile "$PHPINIFORNGINX" "disableOpcache" # Create /var/www/php_sessions directory to store PHP session files for the default configuration file only # All defined vhosts have their own php_sessions directory for permissions sake... setupPHPSessionsDir # Bump limit in nginx for max client size if [ -e "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" ]; then sed -i "s#client_max_body_size.*#client_max_body_size 1024m;#g" "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" fi } function ModifyPHPIniConfigForFile(){ # $1 is the php.ini file to modify # $2 is additional action such as disble opcache completely if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then PHPINIFILE="$1" if [ -e "$PHPINIFILE" ]; then # Turn error displaying on sed -i "s#^display_errors.*#display_errors = On#g" "$PHPINIFILE" # Set upload limit higher to 1024MB (We don't live in the 90s anymore...) sed -i "s#^upload_max_filesize.*#upload_max_filesize = 1024M#g" "$PHPINIFILE" # Set max post size to 1024MB (We don't live in the 90s anymore...) sed -i "s#^post_max_size.*#post_max_size = 1024M#g" "$PHPINIFILE" # And for gods sake, please set error reporting so that it doesn't annoy anyone! sed -i "s#^error_reporting.*#error_reporting = E_ALL \& \~E_DEPRECATED \& \~E_NOTICE \& \~E_STRICT#g" "$PHPINIFILE" # Set max execution time higher to 180 seconds sed -i "s#^max_execution_time.*#max_execution_time = 180#g" "$PHPINIFILE" # Configure opcache "properly" for PHP 5.5.x and up hasOpCache=$(cat "$PHPINIFILE" | grep -o "^\[opcache\]") if [ ! -z "$hasOpCache" ]; then # Correct opcache based on this bug report: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=68869 # Timestamps sed -i "s#^;opcache.validate_timestamps=.*#opcache.validate_timestamps=1#g" "$PHPINIFILE" sed -i "s#^opcache.validate_timestamps=.*#opcache.validate_timestamps=1#g" "$PHPINIFILE" # Revalidation frequency sed -i "s#^;opcache.revalidate_freq=.*#opcache.revalidate_freq=0#g" "$PHPINIFILE" sed -i "s#^opcache.revalidate_freq=.*#opcache.revalidate_freq=0#g" "$PHPINIFILE" if [ ! -z "$2" ] && [ "$2" == "disableOpcache" ]; then # Disable it completely sed -i "s#^;opcache.enable=.*#opcache.enable=0#g" "$PHPINIFILE" sed -i "s#^opcache.enable=.*#opcache.enable=0#g" "$PHPINIFILE" fi fi # Fix PHP error logging hasPHPErrLogging=$(cat "$PHPINIFILE" | grep -o "^error_log.*") if [ -z "$hasPHPErrLogging" ]; then echo "error_log=/var/log/php_errors.log" >> "$PHPINIFILE" else sed -i "s#^error_log.*#error_log=/var/log/php_errors.log#g" "$PHPINIFILE" fi else # Logging logToInstallLogFile "$PHPINIFILE does not exist!" fi fi } function fixSASLAUTH(){ update-rc.d saslauthd defaults systemctl enable saslauthd # Fix SASLAUTH CACHE and limit to no threads for better performance if [ -e "/etc/default/saslauthd" ]; then backupFile "/etc/default/saslauthd" echo "NAME=\"saslauthd\" START=yes MECHANISMS=\"pam\" PARAMS=\"-n 0 -m /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd -r\" OPTIONS=\"-n 0 -m /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd -r\" " > "/etc/default/saslauthd" # restart the service manageService "saslauthd" "restart" fi } function backupFile(){ # Backups up a file in the general backup directory. # Params: # $1 = filepath to backup genBackupDIR="/root/Backup/general" if [ ! -e "$genBackupDIR" ]; then mkdir -p "$genBackupDIR" fi if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then FileToBackup="$1" if [ -e "$FileToBackup" ]; then nameOfFileToBeBackedUp=$(basename "$FileToBackup") dirOfFileToBeBackedUp=$(dirname "$FileToBackup") # Replace "/" with underscores so that the directory where the file should # be if the user wishes to restore the file is in the file name of the backup fileStructure=$(echo "$dirOfFileToBeBackedUp" | tr "/" "_") # Get first character that isn't underscore fileStructure=$(echo "$fileStructure" | cut -c 2-) nowDate=$(date +"%m_%d_%Y_%H%M%S") backupFullPath="${genBackupDIR}/${fileStructure}_${nameOfFileToBeBackedUp}_${nowDate}" cp "$FileToBackup" "$backupFullPath" fi fi } function postInstallInformation(){ echo "Thank you for installing the FoRcE Edition (a fork) of EHCP. The following ports are used by EHCP and must be open: 20,21,22,25,53,80,110,143 (tcp+udp) Please visit our website for updates, support, and community additions. http://ehcpforce.tk Your web hosting control panel can be accessed via http://yourip/ Enjoy!" if [ -e "$logInfoFile" ]; then echo -e "\nEHCP Various Account Credentials:\n-----------------------------------" CREDS=$(cat "$logInfoFile") echo -e "$CREDS" echo -e "\nThe above information is also stored in $logInfoFile for future reference." fi } function installNeededDependencies(){ aptgetInstall "gdebi-core" aptgetInstall python-software-properties # for add-apt-repository # Work around for Ubuntu 16.04 if [ ! -z "$unattended" ]; then echo "postfix postfix/main_mailer_type select Internet Site" | debconf-set-selections echo "postfix postfix/mailname string $HOSTNAME" | debconf-set-selections fi # apt-get upgrade # may be cancelled later... this may be dangerous... server owner should do it manually... aptgetInstall git aptgetInstall php aptgetInstall php-mysql aptgetInstall php-cli aptgetInstall php5 aptgetInstall php5-mysql aptgetInstall php5-cli aptgetInstall sudo aptgetInstall wget aptgetInstall aptitude aptgetInstall ftp aptgetInstall php-mail-mimedecode aptgetInstall php7.0-zip aptgetInstall php-zip aptgetInstall php5-gd aptgetInstall php7.0-gd aptgetInstall php-gd aptgetInstall php5-zip aptgetInstall bc aptgetInstall rsyslog # Required for Certbot aptgetInstall python aptgetInstall python2.7 aptgetInstall libexpat1-dev aptgetInstall libpython-dev aptgetInstall libpython2.7-dev aptgetInstall python-setuptools aptgetInstall python2.7-dev aptgetInstall libssl-doc aptgetInstall openssl gcc build-essential aptgetInstall python-pip aptgetInstall augeas-tools aptgetInstall libffi-dev aptgetInstall libssl-dev aptgetInstall python-dev aptgetInstall python-virtualenvs aptgetInstall python-virtualenv aptgetInstall python3-distutils aptgetInstall python3-lib2to3 aptgetInstall python3-virtualenv aptgetInstall virtualenv # This is needed to provide a default answer for configuring certain packages such as mysql and phpmyadmin if [ ! -z "$unattended" ]; then aptgetInstall debconf-utils fi # Install sshpass used for scp copying aptgetInstall sshpass # Needed for Ubuntu 14 and up: aptgetInstall apache2-utils # ifconfig aptgetInstall net-tools # python pip installPipManuallyIfNeeded } function getRidOfExtraPHPMyAdminAlias(){ # Remove extra phpmyadmin.conf file which may have been used for older versions if [ -e "/etc/apache2/conf-enabled/phpmyadmin.conf" ] && [ -e "/etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf" ]; then rm "/etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf" fi } function turnOffIPv6PostFix(){ PostFixConfFile="/etc/postfix/main.cf" if [ -e "$PostFixConfFile" ]; then ProtocolsSetting=$(cat "$PostFixConfFile" | grep -o "^inet_protocols.*") CurrentProtocolSetting=$(echo "$ProtocolsSetting" | grep -o "=.*" | grep -o "[^= ].*") if [ ! -z "$ProtocolsSetting" ]; then sed -i 's/^inet_protocols.*/inet_protocols = ipv4/g' "$PostFixConfFile" fi fi } function manageService(){ # by earnolmartin@gmail.com # Linux is introducing systemd booting, so now I gotta handle craziness # $1 is the service name # $2 is the service action service "$1" "$2" } function getVSFTPDUser(){ vsftpdUserExists=$(cat "/etc/passwd" | grep "vsftpd") if [ -z "$vsftpdUserExists" ]; then VSFTPDUser="ftp" else VSFTPDUser="vsftpd" fi } function setupPHPSessionsDir(){ PHPSessDir="/var/www/php_sessions" mkdir -p "$PHPSessDir" chown -R ${VSFTPDUser}:www-data "$PHPSessDir" } function stopServices(){ # Stop services manageService "ehcp" "stop" manageService "apache2" "stop" managePHPFPMService "stop" manageService "nginx" "stop" } function fixRoundCubeFileAttachments(){ roundCubeConfigFile="/etc/roundcube/main.inc.php" if [ -e "$roundCubeConfigFile" ]; then sed -i "s/^\$rcmail_config\['temp_dir'\].*/\$rcmail_config\['temp_dir'\] = '\/tmp';/g" "$roundCubeConfigFile" hasRCTempDirSetting=$(cat "$roundCubeConfigFile" | grep -o "\$rcmail_config\['temp_dir'\].*") if [ -z "$hasRCTempDirSetting" ]; then echo "\$rcmail_config['temp_dir'] = '/tmp';" >> "$roundCubeConfigFile" fi fi } function setDefaultRoundCubeServer(){ # Logging logToInstallLogFile "Setting RoundCube as default mail client..." if [ -e "/etc/roundcube/config.inc.php" ]; then sed -i "s/^\$config\['default_host'\].*/\$config\['default_host'\] = 'localhost';/g" "/etc/roundcube/config.inc.php" fi } function installPolicyD(){ logToInstallLogFile "Installing policyd if requirements are met..." if [[ "$distro" == "ubuntu" && "$yrelease" -ge "14" ]] || [[ "$distro" == "debian" && "$yrelease" -ge "8" ]]; then logToInstallLogFile "Installing policyd..." # Create policyd mysql database under ehcp mysql user and populate it with policyd sql curDir=$(pwd) # install prereqs aptgetInstall libconfig-inifiles-perl aptgetInstall libcache-fastmmap-perl aptgetInstall libdbd-mysql-perl #create policyd users policyDUserCheck=$(cat /etc/passwd | grep "cbpolicyd") if [ -z "$policyDUserCheck" ]; then groupadd cbpolicyd useradd -M cbpolicyd -g cbpolicyd -s /usr/sbin/nologin passwd -d cbpolicyd fi # Create needed directories and log files: mkdir -p "/var/log/cbpolicyd" touch "/var/log/cbpolicyd/cbpolicyd.log" chown cbpolicyd:cbpolicyd -R "/var/log/cbpolicyd" mkdir -p "/var/run/cbpolicyd" chown cbpolicyd:cbpolicyd -R "/var/run/cbpolicyd" # Generate password for policyd mysql user generatePassword policyDMySQLUser="ehcp_policyd" policyDMySQLPass="$rPass" # Create the database with the username and password and populate it with the policyd mysql cd "$patchDir" cp "$FIXDIR/api/create_mysql_db_user.tar.gz" "create_mysql_db_user.tar.gz" tar -zxvf "create_mysql_db_user.tar.gz" php -f create_mysql_db_user.php "policyd" "$policyDMySQLUser" "$policyDMySQLPass" "$FIXDIR/policyd/policyd.mysql" # No longer used, but might be used one day for something else... so leaving here just in-case # Crude but works... #EHCPMySQLPass=$(cat "/var/www/new/ehcp/config.php" | grep -o "dbpass=.*" | grep -o "=.*" | grep -o "[^='].*" | grep -o ".*[^';]") #EHCPMySQLUser=$(cat "/var/www/new/ehcp/config.php" | grep -o "dbusername=.*" | grep -o "=.*" | grep -o "[^='].*" | grep -o ".*[^';]") logToInstallLogFile "Replacing PolicyD MySQL Information in cluebringer.conf" # Copy the main config file to this directory, replace some variables, and then move it to /etc/ cp "$FIXDIR/policyd/cluebringer.conf" ./ sed -i "s/{ehcpusername}/$policyDMySQLUser/g" "cluebringer.conf" sed -i "s/{ehcppass}/$policyDMySQLPass/g" "cluebringer.conf" mkdir -p "/etc/cbpolicyd" mv "cluebringer.conf" "/etc/cbpolicyd/cluebringer.conf" # Create the proper directories mkdir -p "/usr/local/lib/cbpolicyd-2.1" cp -r "$FIXDIR/policyd/cbp" "/usr/local/lib/cbpolicyd-2.1/" cp -r "$FIXDIR/policyd/awitpt/awitpt" "/usr/local/lib/cbpolicyd-2.1/" # Copy script files for policyD cp "$FIXDIR/policyd/cbpadmin" "/usr/local/bin/" cp "$FIXDIR/policyd/cbpolicyd" "/usr/local/sbin/" cp "$FIXDIR/policyd/run_policyd_async.sh" "/etc/cbpolicyd" # Replace vars in async script sed -i "s/{policyDMySQLUser}/$policyDMySQLUser/g" "/etc/cbpolicyd/run_policyd_async.sh" sed -i "s/{policyDMySQLPass}/$policyDMySQLPass/g" "/etc/cbpolicyd/run_policyd_async.sh" # Append configuration to main.cf postfix settings CurRecipRestrictions=$(cat "/etc/postfix/main.cf" | grep -o "smtpd_recipient_restrictions\( \)*=.*" | grep -o "=.*" | grep -o "[^=\( \)*].*") if [ ! -z "$CurRecipRestrictions" ]; then lastCharInRestriction="${CurRecipRestrictions: -1}" if [ "$lastCharInRestriction" == "," ]; then CurRecipRestrictions="${CurRecipRestrictions: : -1}" fi fi CurEndOfDataRestrictions=$(cat "/etc/postfix/main.cf" | grep -o "smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions\( \)*=.*" | grep -o "=.*" | grep -o "[^=\( \)*].*") if [ ! -z "$CurEndOfDataRestrictions" ]; then lastCharInRestriction="${CurEndOfDataRestrictions: -1}" if [ "$lastCharInRestriction" == "," ]; then CurEndOfDataRestrictions="${CurEndOfDataRestrictions: : -1}" fi fi hasPolicyDRecipRestr=$(echo $CurRecipRestrictions | grep -o "check_policy_service inet:") hasPolicyDEndOfData=$(echo $CurEndOfDataRestrictions | grep -o "check_policy_service inet:") if [ -z "$hasPolicyDRecipRestr" ]; then logToInstallLogFile "Adding PolicyD SMTP Recipient Restriction and then Appending Original Entries" sed -i "s#smtpd_recipient_restrictions\( \)*=.*#smtpd_recipient_restrictions = check_policy_service inet:,$CurRecipRestrictions#g" "/etc/postfix/main.cf" fi if [ -z "$hasPolicyDEndOfData" ]; then hasSMTPDEndLine=$(cat "/etc/postfix/main.cf" | grep -o "smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions") if [ ! -z "$hasSMTPDEndLine" ]; then logToInstallLogFile "Adding PolicyD SMTP End of Data Restriction and then Appending Original Entries" sed -i "s#smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions\( \)*=.*#smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions = check_policy_service inet:,$CurEndOfDataRestrictions#g" "/etc/postfix/main.cf" else logToInstallLogFile "Adding SMTP End of Data Restrictions" echo "smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions = check_policy_service inet:" >> "/etc/postfix/main.cf" fi fi # Make AMAVISD work with policyD mkdir -p "/etc/amavis/plugins" cp "$FIXDIR/policyd/amavisd-policyd.pm" ./ logToInstallLogFile "Updating PolicyD MySQL Information in amavisd-policyd.pm Plugin" sed -i "s/{ehcpusername}/$policyDMySQLUser/g" "amavisd-policyd.pm" sed -i "s/{ehcppass}/$policyDMySQLPass/g" "amavisd-policyd.pm" cp "amavisd-policyd.pm" "/etc/amavis/plugins" hasPolicyAmavisInclude=$(cat "/etc/amavis/conf.d/01-debian" | grep -o "include_config_files('/etc/amavis/plugins/amavisd-policyd.pm');") if [ -z "$hasPolicyAmavisInclude" ]; then echo "include_config_files('/etc/amavis/plugins/amavisd-policyd.pm');" >> "/etc/amavis/conf.d/01-debian" fi # Copy webui to main ehcp folder cp -R "$FIXDIR/policyd/webui" "/var/www/new/ehcp/policyd" # Fix mysql info in webui policyd folder logToInstallLogFile "Updating PolicyD MySQL Information in PolicyD Config.php for Web UI" sed -i "s/{ehcpusername}/$policyDMySQLUser/g" "/var/www/new/ehcp/policyd/includes/config.php" sed -i "s/{ehcppass}/$policyDMySQLPass/g" "/var/www/new/ehcp/policyd/includes/config.php" # Copy init.d script to /etc/init.d and start it cp "$FIXDIR/policyd/policyd_agent" "/etc/init.d/" systemctl daemon-reload manageService "policyd_agent" "start" # Start the service on boot update-rc.d policyd_agent defaults else echo "Failed to install policyd! This feature requires Ubuntu 14.04 and up!"; fi } function removeSystemCronJob(){ # by earnolmartin@gmail.com # $1 is the command or script to run that needs to be deleted # Example of what $1 should be: echo hello if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then CURDIR=$(pwd) cd "$patchDir" # Get the current crontab crontab -l > mycron if [ -s mycron ]; then echo -e "Removing cronjob $1!" # remove cronjob if it exists sed -i "\\#$1.*\$#c\\" mycron # Install the new crontab file crontab mycron fi # Delete the crontab file rm mycron cd "$CURDIR" fi } function addSystemCronJob(){ # by earnolmartin@gmail.com # $1 is the cronjob syntax # $2 is the command or script to run # Example of what $1 should be: 00 09 * * 1-5 # Example of what $2 should be: echo hello if [ ! -z "$1" ] && [ ! -z "$2" ]; then CURDIR=$(pwd) cd "$patchDir" # Get the current crontab crontab -l > mycron if [ ! -s mycron ]; then echo -e "$1 $2\n" >> mycron else # check to make sure the command or script isn't already being called scriptRunAlreadyCheck=$(cat mycron | grep "$2") if [ -z "$scriptRunAlreadyCheck" ]; then # Add the cronjob to the top of the file since custom EHCP admin defined cronjobs may have already been created. sed -i "1s#^#$1 $2\n#" mycron fi fi # Install the new crontab file crontab mycron # Delete the crontab file rm mycron cd "$CURDIR" fi } function getPHPSessionTimeout(){ nginxFPMPHPConfig="$PHPCONFDir/fpm/php.ini" if [ -e "$nginxFPMPHPConfig" ]; then SessionTimeoutSetting=$(cat "$nginxFPMPHPConfig" | grep -o "^session.gc_maxlifetime.*" | grep -o "=.*" | grep -o "[^= ].*") if [ ! -z "$SessionTimeoutSetting" ] && (isnum "$SessionTimeoutSetting"); then SessionTimeoutSetting=$((SessionTimeoutSetting/60)) if [ "$SessionTimeoutSetting" -le "0" ]; then SessionTimeoutSetting=1 fi echo -e "Session timeout is configured to be to $SessionTimeoutSetting minutes!" fi fi if [ ! -z "$SessionTimeoutSetting" ] && (isnum "$SessionTimeoutSetting"); then if [ "$SessionTimeoutSetting" -ge "5" ] && [ "$SessionTimeoutSetting" -lt "60" ]; then echo -e "Adding cronjob to clear sessions last accessed more than $SessionTimeoutSetting minutes ago." removeSystemCronJob "/var/www/new/ehcp/scripts/cleanup/remove_old_php_tmp_session_files.sh" addSystemCronJob "*/$SessionTimeoutSetting * * * *" "/var/www/new/ehcp/scripts/cleanup/remove_old_php_tmp_session_files.sh $SessionTimeoutSetting" else SessionTimeoutSetting= fi else SessionTimeoutSetting= fi } function isnum(){ # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/806906/how-do-i-test-if-a-variable-is-a-number-in-bash result=$(awk -v a="$1" 'BEGIN {print (a == a + 0)}';) if [ "$result" == "1" ]; then # 0 = true return 0 else # 1 = false return 1 fi } function getPHPConfigPath(){ if [ -d "/etc/php5" ]; then PHPCONFDir="/etc/php5" else if [ -d "/etc/php" ]; then PHPCONFDir=$(ls "/etc/php" | head -n 1) PHPCONFDir="/etc/php/$PHPCONFDir" fi fi } # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/369758/how-to-trim-whitespace-from-a-bash-variable function trim() { local var="$*" var="${var#"${var%%[![:space:]]*}"}" # remove leading whitespace characters var="${var%"${var##*[![:space:]]}"}" # remove trailing whitespace characters echo -n "$var" } function addToPostFixRecipientRestrictions(){ CurRecipRestrictions=$(cat "/etc/postfix/main.cf" | grep -o "smtpd_recipient_restrictions\( \)*=.*" | grep -o "=.*" | grep -o "[^=\( \)*].*") if [ ! -z "$CurRecipRestrictions" ]; then # Remove last character if it's a comma which is used as the separator lastCharInRestriction="${CurRecipRestrictions: -1}" if [ "$lastCharInRestriction" == "," ]; then CurRecipRestrictions="${CurRecipRestrictions: : -1}" fi hasSpamhaus=$(echo "$CurRecipRestrictions" | grep -o "zen.spamhaus.org") hasSpamCop=$(echo "$CurRecipRestrictions" | grep -o "bl.spamcop.net") if [ -z "$hasSpamhaus" ]; then CurRecipRestrictions="${CurRecipRestrictions},reject_rbl_client zen.spamhaus.org" fi if [ -z "$hasSpamCop" ]; then CurRecipRestrictions="${CurRecipRestrictions},reject_rbl_client bl.spamcop.net" fi sed -i "s#^smtpd_recipient_restrictions\( \)*=.*#smtpd_recipient_restrictions = $CurRecipRestrictions#g" "/etc/postfix/main.cf" fi } function changeSquirrelMailConfigurationUseSendmail(){ # If newer than Ubuntu 18.04, use newer version of sendmail if [[ "$distro" == "ubuntu" && "$yrelease" -ge "18" ]] || [[ "$distro" == "debian" && "$yrelease" -ge "10" ]]; then if [ -e "/var/www/new/ehcp/webmail2" ] && [ -e "/var/www/new/ehcp/webmail2/config/config.php" ]; then sqVersion=$(cat /var/www/new/ehcp/webmail2/config/config.php | grep -o "config_version =.*" | awk '{print $3}' | grep -o "[^';].*" | grep -o ".*[^';]") if [ "$sqVersion" == "1.4.0" ]; then bkDateSQMail=$(date +%Y_%m_%d_%s) mv "/var/www/new/ehcp/webmail2" "/var/www/webmail_old_squirrel_mail_bk_${bkDateSQMail}" unzip "$FIXDIR/squirrel_mail/squirrel_mail_1.5.x.zip" -d "/var/www/new/ehcp/" fixSQMailPerms fi fi fi # SquirrelMail webmail folder should be renamed to webmail2 if [ -e "/var/www/new/ehcp/webmail2/config/config.php" ]; then SquirrelMailConf="/var/www/new/ehcp/webmail2/config/config.php" else if [ -e "/var/www/new/ehcp/webmail/config/config.php" ]; then isSquirrelMail=$(cat "/var/www/new/ehcp/webmail/config/config.php" | grep -o "squirrelmail") if [ ! -z "$isSquirrelMail" ]; then SquirrelMailConf="/var/www/new/ehcp/webmail/config/config.php" fi fi fi hasSendMailSetting=$(cat "$SquirrelMailConf" | grep -o "\$useSendmail") if [ -z "$hasSendMailSetting" ]; then echo -e "\$useSendmail = true;" >> "$SquirrelMailConf" else currentSQMailSetting=$(cat "$SquirrelMailConf" | grep -o "\$useSendmail.*" | grep -o "=.*" | grep -o "[^=( )*].*") currentSQMailSetting=${currentSQMailSetting%?} if [ "$currentSQMailSetting" == "false" ]; then # Set it to true sed -i "s#^\$useSendmail\( \)*=.*#\$useSendmail = true;#g" "$SquirrelMailConf" fi fi sed -i "s#^\$data_dir\( \)*=.*#\$data_dir = '/var/www/new/ehcp/webmail2/data/';#g" "$SquirrelMailConf" sed -i "s#^\$attachment_dir\( \)*=.*#\$attachment_dir = '/var/www/new/ehcp/webmail2/data/';#g" "$SquirrelMailConf" } function makeRoundCubeDefaultMailClient(){ if [ -e "/var/www/new/ehcp/webmail2" ]; then if [ ! -e "/var/www/new/ehcp/webmail2/config/config.php" ] ; then mv "/var/www/new/ehcp/webmail2" "/var/www/new/ehcp/webmail_roundcube" mv "/var/www/new/ehcp/webmail" "/var/www/new/ehcp/webmail2" mv "/var/www/new/ehcp/webmail_roundcube" "/var/www/new/ehcp/webmail" fi fi } function writeOutVersionInfo(){ if [ ! -z "$yrelease" ] && [ ! -z "$mrelease" ]; then echo -e "$yrelease $mrelease" > "/var/www/new/ehcp/version_during_install.txt" fi if [ ! -z "$distro" ]; then echo -e "$distro" > "/var/www/new/ehcp/distro_during_install.txt" fi } function daemonUseSystemd(){ # Stop services manageService "ehcp" "stop" manageService "policyd_agent" "stop" # Get rid of experimental python daemon # It was never used to begin with if [ -e "/etc/init.d/ehcp_daemon.py" ]; then rm "/etc/init.d/ehcp_daemon.py" fi # Use systemd Service for EHCP on newer systems if ([ "$distro" == "ubuntu" ] && [ "$yrelease" -ge "16" ]) || [ ! -z "$systemdPresent" ]; then if [ -e "/lib/systemd/system" ]; then cp "$FIXDIR/daemon/systemd/ehcp.service" "/lib/systemd/system" rm -rf "/etc/init.d/ehcp" elif [ -e "/etc/systemd/system" ]; then cp "$FIXDIR/daemon/systemd/ehcp.service" "/etc/systemd/system" rm -rf "/etc/init.d/ehcp" fi fi # Use systemd Service for policyd on newer systems if ([ "$distro" == "ubuntu" ] && [ "$yrelease" -ge "16" ]) || [ ! -z "$systemdPresent" ]; then if [ -e "/etc/cbpolicyd" ]; then if [ -e "/lib/systemd/system" ]; then cp "$FIXDIR/daemon/systemd/policyd_agent.service" "/lib/systemd/system" rm "/etc/init.d/policyd_agent" elif [ -e "/etc/systemd/system" ]; then cp "$FIXDIR/daemon/systemd/policyd_agent.service" "/etc/systemd/system" rm "/etc/init.d/policyd_agent" fi fi fi # Reload systemd to pick up on the new daemon if applicable systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable policyd_agent.service systemctl enable ehcp.service # Enable webserver service by default so it's enabled on system boot if [[ "$distro" == "ubuntu" && "$yrelease" -gt "14" ]] || [[ "$distro" == "debian" && "$yrelease" -gt "8" ]]; then update-rc.d apache2 enable update-rc.d apache2 defaults systemctl enable apache2.service else update-rc.d nginx enable update-rc.d nginx defaults systemctl enable nginx.service fi if [ -e "/etc/init.d/ehcp" ]; then update-rc.d ehcp enable update-rc.d ehcp defaults fi } function installCertBotLetsEncrypt(){ curDir="$(pwd)" cd "$patchDir" packageCanBeInstalledFromRepo "certbot" if [ "$packageSearchedExists" = true ]; then # Logging logToInstallLogFile "Installing Let's Encrypt certbot from Ubuntu apt repository..." aptgetInstall certbot if [ -e "/usr/bin/certbot" ]; then if [ -e "/usr/local/bin/certbot" ]; then rm "/usr/local/bin/certbot" fi ln -s /usr/bin/certbot /usr/local/bin/certbot fi else # Logging logToInstallLogFile "Installing Let's Encrypt certbot-auto from their website..." # Go download it if [ ! -e "/usr/local/bin/certbot" ] || [ ! -s "/usr/local/bin/certbot" ]; then wget -O "certbot-auto.zip" -N https://ehcpforce.tk/files/certbot.zip --no-check-certificate unzip "certbot-auto.zip" chmod a+x certbot-auto mv certbot-auto /usr/local/bin/certbot fi fi /usr/local/bin/certbot --quiet cd "$curDir" addSystemCronJob "45 4 * * *" "/var/www/new/ehcp/scripts/certbot_renew_certs.sh" # Check for common errors capturedCertbotOutput=$(/usr/local/bin/certbot -q 2>&1) frozensetIssue=$(echo "$capturedCertbotOutput" | grep -o "'frozenset' object is not callable") if [ ! -z "$frozensetIssue" ]; then echo "Running hashlib fix!" find /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages -type f -name 'chardet*.egg-info' -exec rm {} \; rm -rf /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/chardet rm /usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/_hashlib.x86_64-linux-gnu.so rm /usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/_hashlib.i386-linux-gnu.so installPipPackages fi } function searchForServiceName(){ # $1 is the search string... find a service that contains this string if [ -e "${serviceNameTempFile}" ]; then rm -rf "${serviceNameTempFile}" fi if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then serviceName=$(ls /etc/init.d 2>/dev/null | grep -F -- "${1}" | head -n 1) if [ ! -z "$serviceName" ]; then echo "${serviceName}" > "${serviceNameTempFile}" fi serviceName=$(find /lib/systemd/system -name "*${1}*" -exec basename {} .service \; 2>/dev/null | head -n 1) if [ ! -z "$serviceName" ]; then echo "${serviceName}" > "${serviceNameTempFile}" fi serviceName=$(find /etc/systemd/system -name "*${1}*" -exec basename {} .service \; 2>/dev/null | head -n 1) if [ ! -z "$serviceName" ]; then echo "${serviceName}" > "${serviceNameTempFile}" fi if [ -z "${serviceNameTempFile}" ]; then > "${serviceNameTempFile}" fi fi } function managePHPFPMService(){ # $1 is the action if [ -z "$1" ]; then fpmAction="restart" else fpmAction="$1" fi searchForServiceName "-fpm" fpmService=$(cat "${serviceNameTempFile}") if [ ! -z "$fpmService" ]; then echo -e "${fpmAction}ing specifically detected php-fpm service ${fpmService}...\n" manageService "${fpmService}" "${fpmAction}" else echo -e "Restarting php-fpm generically...\n" manageService "php5-fpm" "${fpmAction}" manageService "php-fpm" "${fpmAction}" manageService "php7.0-fpm" "${fpmAction}" manageService "php7.1-fpm" "${fpmAction}" manageService "php7.2-fpm" "${fpmAction}" manageService "php7.3-fpm" "${fpmAction}" manageService "php7.4-fpm" "${fpmAction}" manageService "php8.1-fpm" "${fpmAction}" fi } function enablePHPFPMService(){ searchForServiceName "-fpm" fpmService=$(cat "${serviceNameTempFile}") if [ ! -z "$fpmService" ]; then echo -e "Enabling specifically detected php-fpm service ${fpmService}...\n" update-rc.d "${fpmService}" enable update-rc.d "${fpmService}" defaults systemctl enable "${fpmService}.service" else echo -e "Enabling php-fpm service generically...\n" update-rc.d "php5-fpm" enable update-rc.d "php5-fpm" defaults update-rc.d "php-fpm" enable update-rc.d "php-fpm" defaults update-rc.d "php7.0-fpm" enable update-rc.d "php7.0-fpm" defaults update-rc.d "php7.1-fpm" enable update-rc.d "php7.1-fpm" defaults update-rc.d "php7.2-fpm" enable update-rc.d "php7.2-fpm" defaults update-rc.d "php7.3-fpm" enable update-rc.d "php7.3-fpm" defaults update-rc.d "php7.4-fpm" enable update-rc.d "php7.4-fpm" defaults update-rc.d "php8.1-fpm" enable update-rc.d "php8.1-fpm" defaults systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable php5-fpm.service systemctl enable php-fpm.service systemctl enable php7.0-fpm.service systemctl enable php7.1-fpm.service systemctl enable php7.2-fpm.service systemctl enable php7.3-fpm.service systemctl enable php7.4-fpm.service systemctl enable php8.1-fpm.service fi } function finalCleanup(){ if [ -e "${serviceNameTempFile}" ]; then rm -rf "${serviceNameTempFile}" fi # Restart php-fpm one last time echo -e "Restarting php-fpm one last time...\n" sleep 10s managePHPFPMService if [ -e "$UserDefinedPostScript" ]; then echo -e "\nRunning user defined post install script.\n" bash "$UserDefinedPostScript" fi # Disable cloud init Ubuntu 20.04+ if [ -e "/etc/cloud" ] && [ ! -e "/etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled" ]; then > /etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled fi } function fixMariaDBSkippingInnoDB(){ # Check to see if allow writeable chroot is present # MariaDB Config file mariaDBConfFile="/etc/mysql/mariadb.cnf" if [ -e "$mariaDBConfFile" ]; then sed -i 's/^skip-innodb/#skip-innodb/g' "$mariaDBConfFile" fi } function getImportantPreReqs(){ aptgetInstall coreutils aptgetInstall lsb-release # debian fix aptgetInstall software-properties-common aptgetInstall dirmngr } function setWebServerModeToNginx(){ # Set the web server mode to nginx curDir=$(pwd) cd "$patchDir" cp "$FIXDIR/api/use_nginx_server_type.tar.gz" "use_nginx_server_type.tar.gz" tar -zxvf "use_nginx_server_type.tar.gz" runPHPOutput=$(php -f use_nginx_server_type.php | xargs) cd "$curDir" } function setWebServerModeToApache2(){ # Set the web server mode to apache2 curDir=$(pwd) cd "$patchDir" cp "$FIXDIR/api/use_apache2_server_type.tar.gz" "use_apache2_server_type.tar.gz" tar -zxvf "use_apache2_server_type.tar.gz" runPHPOutput=$(php -f use_apache2_server_type.php | xargs) cd "$curDir" } function syncDomainsEHCP(){ if [ "$syncDomainsPostInstall" = true ]; then # Sync domains curDir=$(pwd) cd "$patchDir" cp "$FIXDIR/api/syncdomains_apiscript.tar.gz" "syncdomains_apiscript.tar.gz" tar -zxvf "syncdomains_apiscript.tar.gz" php syncdomains.php cd "$curDir" fi } function fixQuotaForEmailsPostfix3x(){ # Get currently working directory origDir=$( pwd ) cd "$patchDir" # Do normal postfix dpkg first if [ ! -e postfix_3.3.0-1ubuntu0.2.deb ]; then if [ $OSBits -eq "32" ]; then cp "$FIXDIR/postfix/postfix_3.3.0-1ubuntu0.2_i386.deb" "postfix_3.3.0-1ubuntu0.2.deb" else cp "$FIXDIR/postfix/postfix_3.3.0-1ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb" "postfix_3.3.0-1ubuntu0.2.deb" fi fi #install dpkg -i postfix_3.3.0-1ubuntu0.2.deb echo "postfix hold" | dpkg --set-selections # Ignore official updates to postfix package # Handle postfix-mysql if [ ! -e postfix-mysql_3.3.0-1ubuntu0.2.deb ]; then if [ $OSBits -eq "32" ]; then cp "$FIXDIR/postfix/postfix-mysql_3.3.0-1ubuntu0.2_i386.deb" "postfix-mysql_3.3.0-1ubuntu0.2.deb" else cp "$FIXDIR/postfix/postfix-mysql_3.3.0-1ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb" "postfix-mysql_3.3.0-1ubuntu0.2.deb" fi fi #install dpkg -i postfix-mysql_3.3.0-1ubuntu0.2.deb echo "postfix-mysql hold" | dpkg --set-selections # Ignore official updates to postfix-mysql package # Update the settings mailLimitFile="/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual_mailbox_limit_maps.cf" if [ -e "$mailLimitFile" ]; then hasQueryInMailboxLimitFile=$(cat "$mailLimitFile" | grep -o "query") if [ ! -z "$hasQueryInMailboxLimitFile" ]; then sed -i "s/^query.*/query = SELECT quota*1048576 FROM emailusers WHERE email='%s'/g" "$mailLimitFile" else echo -e "query = SELECT quota*1048576 FROM emailusers WHERE email='%s'" >> "$mailLimitFile" fi fi # Make sure main.cf has virtual_mailbox_extended PostfixMainConf="/etc/postfix/main.cf" hasVMExtended=$(cat "$PostfixMainConf" | grep -o "virtual_maildir_extended") if [ -z "$hasVMExtended" ]; then echo -e "virtual_maildir_extended = yes" >> "$PostfixMainConf" fi cd $origDir } function getServerIPAddr(){ MYIP=$(wget -qO- "https://dynamix.run/ip.php" | xargs) if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ -z "$MYIP" ]; then MYIP=$(wget -qO- "http://dinofly.com/ip.php" | xargs) fi if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ -z "$MYIP" ]; then MYIP=$(wget -qO- "https://hostmon.tk/ip.php" | xargs) fi } function installBadBotsBlockerNginx(){ origDir=$( pwd ) if [ -e "/etc/nginx" ]; then cd /etc/nginx if [ ! -e "nginx-badbot-blocker" ]; then git clone https://github.com/own3mall/nginx-badbot-blocker.git if [ -e "/etc/nginx/nginx-badbot-blocker/blacklist.conf" ]; then getServerIPAddr if [ ! -z "$MYIP" ]; then sed -i "s#${MYIP}#g" "/etc/nginx/nginx-badbot-blocker/blacklist.conf" fi fi fi fi cd "$origDir" } function detectRunningWebServer(){ # Get the web server type from the database curDir=$(pwd) cd "$patchDir" cp "$FIXDIR/api/getwebservertype.tar.gz" "getwebservertype.tar.gz" tar -zxvf "getwebservertype.tar.gz" WebServerType=$(php -f getwebservertype.php | xargs) if [ -z "$WebServerType" ] || [[ "$WebServerType" != "nginx" && "$WebServerType" != "apache2" ]]; then nginxIsRunning=$(pidof nginx) apache2IsRunning=$(pidof apache2) if [ ! -z "$nginxIsRunning" ]; then WebServerType="nginx" fi if [ ! -z "$apache2IsRunning" ]; then WebServerType="apache2" fi fi cd "$curDir" } function checkApacheVersionForProxyFCGI(){ switchToNginx=false detectRunningWebServer if [ "$WebServerType" == "apache2" ]; then apache2Version=$(apache2 -v | head -n 1 | grep -o "/.*" | grep -o "[^/].*" | cut -d ' ' -f1) if [ ! -z "$apache2Version" ]; then apache2MajorVersion=$(echo "$apache2Version" | cut -d '.' -f1) apache2MinorVersion=$(echo "$apache2Version" | cut -d '.' -f2) apache2RevisionVersion=$(echo "$apache2Version" | cut -d '.' -f3) if [ ! -z "$apache2MajorVersion" ] && [ ! -z "$apache2MinorVersion" ] && [ ! -z "$apache2RevisionVersion" ]; then echo "Detected apache2 version of ${apache2MajorVersion}.${apache2MinorVersion}.${apache2RevisionVersion}" if [ "$apache2MajorVersion" -lt "2" ]; then switchToNginx=true else if [ "$apache2MinorVersion" -lt "4" ] && [ "$apache2MajorVersion" -eq "2" ]; then switchToNginx=true else if [ "$apache2RevisionVersion" -lt "26" ] && [ "$apache2MinorVersion" -le "4" ] && [ "$apache2MajorVersion" -eq "2" ]; then switchToNginx=true fi fi fi fi else echo "Can't detect apache2 version!" fi if [ "$switchToNginx" = true ]; then setWebServerModeToNginx syncDomainsPostInstall=true fi fi } function updateMySQLModeVariableIfNeeded(){ if [ -e "/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf" ]; then sqlModeExists=$(cat "/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf" | grep -o "^sql_mode") if [ ! -z "$sqlModeExists" ]; then sed -i "s/^sql_mode.*/sql_mode=/g" "/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf" else mysqldSectionExists=$(cat "/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf" | grep -o "^\[mysqld\]") if [ ! -z "$mysqldSectionExists" ]; then sed -i "s/^\[mysqld\]/\[mysqld\]\\nsql_mode=/g" "/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf" fi fi fi if [ -e "/etc/mysql/my.cnf" ]; then sqlModeExists=$(cat "/etc/mysql/my.cnf" | grep -o "^sql_mode") if [ ! -z "$sqlModeExists" ]; then sed -i "s/^sql_mode.*/sql_mode=/g" "/etc/mysql/my.cnf" else mysqldSectionExists=$(cat "/etc/mysql/my.cnf" | grep -o "^\[mysqld\]") if [ ! -z "$mysqldSectionExists" ]; then sed -i "s/^\[mysqld\]/\[mysqld\]\\nsql_mode=/g" "/etc/mysql/my.cnf" fi fi fi } function packageCanBeInstalledFromRepo(){ #$1 is the package name if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then packageSearchResult=$(apt-cache policy "$1" | grep -o "Candidate:.*" | grep -o "[^Candidate: ].*") if [ ! -z "$packageSearchResult" ] && [ "$packageSearchResult" != "(none)" ]; then packageSearchedExists=true return fi fi packageSearchedExists=false } function installPHPMyAdminManually(){ curDir=$(pwd) packageCanBeInstalledFromRepo "phpmyadmin" if [ "$packageSearchedExists" = false ] && [ ! -e "/usr/share/phpmyadmin" ]; then echo -e "Installing phpmyadmin manually!" # Install phpmyadmin manually cd "$patchDir" wget -O "phpmyadmin.zip" -N "https://files.phpmyadmin.net/phpMyAdmin/4.9.1/phpMyAdmin-4.9.1-all-languages.zip" unzip "phpmyadmin.zip" cd "phpMyAdmin-4.9.1-all-languages" if [ ! -d "/usr/share/phpmyadmin" ]; then mkdir -p "/usr/share/phpmyadmin" fi cp -R ./* /usr/share/phpmyadmin # Create database and user for phpmyadmin generatePassword phpmyadminMySQLUser="phpmyadmin_sys" phpmyadminMySQLPass="$rPass" # Create the database with the username and password and populate it with the policyd mysql cd "$patchDir" cp "$FIXDIR/api/create_mysql_db_user.tar.gz" "create_mysql_db_user.tar.gz" tar -zxvf "create_mysql_db_user.tar.gz" php -f create_mysql_db_user.php "phpmyadmin" "$phpmyadminMySQLUser" "$phpmyadminMySQLPass" # Update the config to use the database info cp "$FIXDIR/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php" "/usr/share/phpmyadmin" sed -i "s#{PHPMYADMINUSER}#$phpmyadminMySQLUser#g" "/usr/share/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php" sed -i "s#{PHPMYADMINPASS}#$phpmyadminMySQLPass#g" "/usr/share/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php" ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/new/phpmyadmin fi cd "$curDir" } function adjustOpenSSLConfiguration(){ # Allow "weaker" keys for nginx / apache if [ -e "/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf" ]; then secLevelOpenSSL=$(cat "/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf" | grep -o "SECLEVEL=2") if [ ! -z "$secLevelOpenSSL" ]; then sed -i "s#SECLEVEL=2#SECLEVEL=1#g" "/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf" fi fi } function updateWebalizerIfNeeded(){ curDir=$(pwd) if [[ "$distro" == "ubuntu" && "$yrelease" -lt "18" ]] || [[ "$distro" == "debian" && "$yrelease" -lt "10" ]]; then # Only applies to Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 / applies to Debian 8 & 9 whichWebalizer=$(which webalizer) if [ -z "$whichWebalizer" ]; then upgradeWebalizer else curWebalizerVer=$(webalizer -V | head -n 1 | grep -o "V.*"| cut -d ' ' -f 1) if [ "${curWebalizerVer:0:2}" = "V2" ]; then curWebalizerRev=$(echo "$curWebalizerVer" | cut -d '-' -f 2) curWebalizerVerNum=$(echo "$curWebalizerVer" | cut -d '-' -f 1 | grep -o '[0-9.]*') curWebalizerVerNumInt=$(echo "scale=0;$curWebalizerVerNum*100" | bc | cut -d '.' -f 1) echo -e "Webalizer full version detected as ${curWebalizerVer} \nWebalizer revision number detected as ${curWebalizerRev} \nWebalizer version number detected as ${curWebalizerVerNum} \nWebalizer version number INT detected as ${curWebalizerVerNumInt}" if [ "$curWebalizerVerNumInt" -le "223" ]; then if [ "$curWebalizerRev" -le "8" ]; then if [ ! -e "/etc/ehcp/webalizer_patched" ]; then echo -e "Webalizer is going to be upgraded..." upgradeWebalizer else echo -e "Webalizer version is current. No need to update. Skipping..." fi else echo -e "Webalizer version is current. No need to update. Skipping..." fi fi fi fi fi updateWebalizerGeoDBFile cd "$curDir" } function upgradeWebalizer(){ # Install prereqs aptgetInstall libbz2-1.0 aptgetInstall libpng++-dev aptgetInstall libdb++-dev aptgetInstall libgd-dev apt-get purge -y webalizer if [ -e "/root/Downloads/webalizer" ]; then rm -rf "/root/Downloads/webalizer" fi updateWebalizerGeoDBFile # Compile and install latest version of webalizer cd /root/Downloads/webalizer cp "$FIXDIR/webalizer/webalizer-2.23-08-src.tgz" "webalizer-2.23-08-src.tgz" tar -xzf webalizer-2.23-08-src.tgz cd webalizer-2.23-08 cp "$FIXDIR/webalizer/webalizer-2.23-08-memmove.patch" "webalizer-2.23-08-memmove.patch" patch < webalizer-2.23-08-memmove.patch ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc --enable-dns --with-geodb=/usr/share/GeoIP2 --enable-bz2 --enable-geoip && make && make install && mkdir -p "/etc/ehcp" && echo "1" > "/etc/ehcp/webalizer_patched" || rm -rf "/etc/ehcp/webalizer_patched" } function updateWebalizerGeoDBFile(){ # Handle updated geodb files mkdir -p /root/Downloads/webalizer cd /root/Downloads/webalizer if [ -e "webalizer-geodb-latest.tgz" ]; then rm "webalizer-geodb-latest.tgz" fi # Download the latest GEO DB wget --timeout=10 --tries=2 -O "webalizer-geodb-latest.tgz" -N "ftp://ftp.mrunix.net/pub/webalizer/webalizer-geodb-latest.tgz" # If mirror isn't online, then use our local copy if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ ! -s "webalizer-geodb-latest.tgz" ]; then cp "$FIXDIR/webalizer/webalizer-geodb-latest.tgz" "webalizer-geodb-latest.tgz" fi tar -xzf webalizer-geodb-latest.tgz mkdir -p "/usr/share/GeoIP2" cp GeoDB.dat /usr/share/GeoIP2 if [ -e "/usr/share/GeoIP" ]; then cp GeoDB.dat "/usr/share/GeoIP" fi if [ -e "/usr/share/GeoDB" ]; then cp GeoDB.dat "/usr/share/GeoDB" fi } function postfixEnableSubmissionPortByDefault(){ PostFixMaster="/etc/postfix/master.cf" if [ -e "$PostFixMaster" ]; then sed -i 's/^submission inet.*/submission inet n - y - - smtpd/g' "$PostFixMaster" fi } function fixSQMailPerms(){ chown root:www-data -R /var/www/new/ehcp/webmail2 chmod 754 -R /var/www/new/ehcp/webmail2 if [ ! -e "/var/www/new/ehcp/webmail2/data" ]; then mkdir -p "/var/www/new/ehcp/webmail2/data" fi chmod -R 774 /var/www/new/ehcp/webmail2/data chown "${VSFTPDUser}:www-data" -R /var/www/new/ehcp/webmail2/data } function installPipManuallyIfNeeded(){ curDir=$(pwd) if [[ "$distro" == "ubuntu" && "$yrelease" -ge "23" ]] || [[ "$distro" == "debian" && "$yrelease" -ge "12" ]]; then aptgetInstall "python3" aptgetInstall "python3-pip" aptgetInstall "python3-configargparse" aptgetInstall "python3-passlib" aptgetInstall "python3-mysqldb" aptgetInstall "python3-chardet" aptgetInstall "python3-requests" ln -s "/usr/bin/python3" "/usr/bin/python" else aptgetInstall "python-pip" if [ ! -e "/usr/bin/python2" ]; then # We need python2 still cd "$patchDir" wget -N "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.18/Python-2.7.18.tgz" tar zxvf "Python-2.7.18.tgz" cd "Python-2.7.18" ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-ensurepip=install make make install fi # Create a symlink for python if one doesn't exist if [ ! -e "/usr/bin/python" ]; then if [ -e "/usr/bin/python2" ]; then ln -s "/usr/bin/python2" "/usr/bin/python" fi else currentPythonVersion=$(python --version 2>&1 | grep -o "Python 3") if [ ! -z "$currentPythonVersion" ]; then if [ -e "/usr/bin/python2" ]; then ln -f -s "/usr/bin/python2" "/usr/bin/python" fi fi fi # Create a symlink for python pip 2 if one doesn't exist if [ ! -e "/usr/bin/pip" ] && [ -e "/usr/bin/pip2" ]; then ln -s "/usr/bin/pip2" "/usr/bin/pip" fi # Install pip if it's not found on the system manually currentPip=$(which pip) insPip2=0 if [ ! -z "$currentPip" ]; then currentPipVersion=$(pip --version 2>&1 | grep -o "python3") if [ ! -z "$currentPipVersion" ]; then insPip2=1 fi else insPip2=1 fi if [ "$insPip2" == 1 ]; then cd "$patchDir" curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/pip/2.7/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py python get-pip.py fi fi cd "$curDir" } function createSymlinks(){ if [ ! -e "/var/www/new/ehcp/webmail" ] && [ -e "/usr/share/roundcube" ]; then ln -s /usr/share/roundcube /var/www/new/ehcp/webmail fi if [ ! -e "/var/www/new/ehcp/phpmyadmin" ] && [ -e "/usr/share/phpmyadmin" ]; then ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/new/ehcp/phpmyadmin fi if [ ! -e "/var/www/new/phpmyadmin" ] && [ -e "/usr/share/phpmyadmin" ]; then ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin "/var/www/new/phpmyadmin" fi # Remove some symlinks that can break things depending on certain situations # Nginx # Remove /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default symlink if exists if [ -L "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default" ]; then rm -f "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default" if [ -e "/etc/nginx/sites-available/default" ]; then cp "/etc/nginx/sites-available/default" "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default" fi fi #Apache2 # Remove /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default symlink if exists if [ -L "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf" ]; then rm -f "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf" if [ -e "/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf" ]; then cp "/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf" "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default" fi fi } function preventUserCronFromWebUser(){ if [ ! -e "/etc/cron.deny" ]; then echo "${VSFTPDUser}" >> /etc/cron.deny echo -e "Blocking FTP from running cronjob" else hasFTPDenied=$(cat /etc/cron.deny | grep -o "^${VSFTPDUser}\$") if [ -z "$hasFTPDenied" ]; then echo "${VSFTPDUser}" >> /etc/cron.deny echo -e "Blocking FTP from running cronjob" fi fi } function fixUbuntu14SSL(){ openSSLVersion=$(openssl version | grep -o "OpenSSL 1.1.1b") if [ -z "$openSSLVersion" ] || [ ! -e "${patchDir}/openssl-1.1.1b" ]; then # Compile openssl 1.1.1b origDir=$(pwd) cd "$patchDir" wget https://www.openssl.org/source/old/1.1.1/openssl-1.1.1b.tar.gz tar -xf openssl-1.1.1b.tar.gz cd openssl-1.1.1b ./config --prefix=/usr/local/ssl --openssldir=/usr/local/ssl shared make make install echo "/usr/local/ssl/lib" > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/openssl-1.1.1b.conf ldconfig -v mv /usr/bin/c_rehash /usr/bin/c_rehash.BEKUP mv /usr/bin/openssl /usr/bin/openssl.BEKUP ln -s /usr/local/ssl/bin/c_rehash /usr/bin/c_rehash ln -s /usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl /usr/bin/openssl # Update CA Certificates cd "$patchDir" wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+sourcefiles/ca-certificates/20210119~20.04.2/ca-certificates_20210119~20.04.2.tar.xz tar -xJf ca-certificates_20210119~20.04.2.tar.xz cd ca-certificates-20210119~20.04.1 make sudo make install sudo dpkg-reconfigure -fnoninteractive ca-certificates sudo update-ca-certificates /usr/bin/c_rehash /etc/ssl/certs rm -rf /usr/local/ssl/certs ln -s /etc/ssl/certs /usr/local/ssl/certs rm -rf /usr/local/ssl/private ln -s /etc/ssl/private /usr/local/ssl/private cd $origDir fi # Update python and pip python2MajorVersion=$(python2 -V 2>&1 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d. -f1) python2MinorVersion=$(python2 -V 2>&1 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d. -f2) python2ReleaseVersion=$(python2 -V 2>&1 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d. -f3) if [ "$python2ReleaseVersion" -lt "15" ] && [ "$python2MajorVersion" == "2" ] && [ "$python2MinorVersion" == "7" ] && [ -e "${patchDir}/openssl-1.1.1b" ] && [ -e "/etc/ld.so.conf.d/openssl-1.1.1b.conf" ]; then origDir=$(pwd) cd "$patchDir" wget -N "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.18/Python-2.7.18.tgz" tar -xf "Python-2.7.18.tgz" cd "Python-2.7.18" ./configure --with-ensurepip=install --with-openssl="${patchDir}/openssl-1.1.1b/" --enable-optimizations --with-ssl-default-suites=openssl CFLAGS="-I${patchDir}/openssl-1.1.1b/include" LDFLAGS="-L${patchDir}/openssl-1.1.1b/" make make install /usr/local/bin/certbot --quiet cd $origDir fi } function installPipPackages(){ pip install requests pip install chardet pip install mysqlclient pip install passlib pip install mysqlclient pip2Instance=$(which "pip2") if [ ! -z "$pip2Instance" ]; then pip2 install requests pip2 install chardet pip2 install mysqlclient pip2 install passlib pip2 install mysqlclient fi } ############################################################# # End Functions & Start Install # ############################################################# installdir=$(pwd) if [ ! -f $installdir/install.sh ] ; then echo "install.sh is not in install dir. Run install.sh from within ehcp installation dir." exit 1 fi #echo "`date`: initializing.b" # i added these echo's because on some system, some stages are very slow. i need to investigate that. checkUser ehcpHeader # Check that we are using apt checkAptget # Update the system before installation # If your package information is out of date, MySQL and others may fail to install updateBeforeInstall # Check distribution checkDistro # Get some additional prereqs getImportantPreReqs # Set global variables setGlobalVars # Turn off apprmor manageService "apparmor" "stop" # apparmor causes many problems... manageService "apparmor" "teardown" # apparmor causes many problems..if anybody knows a better solution, let us know. # Kill all running EHCP killallEhcp if [ -z "$distro" ] ; then echo "Your system type could not be detected or detected to be ($distro), You may not install ehcp automatically on this system, anyway, to continue press enter" read fi #----------------------start some install -------------------------------------- #echo "`date`: initializing.g" mkdir /etc/ehcp # Update everything aptget_Update # Install prereqs installNeededDependencies # Get PHP Config Path getPHPConfigPath #outside_ip=`echo "" > ip ; wget -q -O ip http://ehcp.net/diger/myip.php ; echo ip` #rm -f ip echo echo checkPhp echo echo echo echo "STAGE 2" echo "=====================================================================" echo "now running install_1.php " php install_1.php $version $distro $noapt $unattended $installmode $debug $webserver echo echo echo "STAGE 3" echo "=====================================================================" echo "now running install_2.php " #Send version to avoid installing nginx on Ubuntu 12.10 --- there is a bug and it's not supported #php install_2.php $noapt || php /etc/ehcp/install_2.php $noapt # start install_2.php if first install is successfull at php level. to prevent many errors. php install_2.php $version $distro $noapt $unattended $installmode $debug $webserver ############################################### # Post Install Functions by Eric Arnol-Martin # ############################################### # Get PHP Config Path Again Just In Case getPHPConfigPath mv /var/www/new/ehcp/install_?.php /etc/ehcp/ # move it, to prevent later unauthorized access of installer from web cd "/var/www/new/ehcp" # Stop Services While We Perform Changes stopServices # Get ftpuser getVSFTPDUser # Run VSFTPD Fix depending on version ubuntuVSFTPDFix # Run SlaveDNS Fix So that DNS Zones can be transfered slaveDNSApparmorFix # Fix EHCP Permissions fixEHCPPerms # Run log chmod fix logDirFix # Fix openssl configuration adjustOpenSSLConfiguration # Copy over nginx conf file copyNginxConf # Fix php-fpm to listen to port 9000 fixPHPFPMListen # Fix session saving for nginx fixNginxSessions # Change Apache user to vsftpd to ensure chmod works via PHP and through FTP Clients changeApacheUser # Use FPM for apache apacheUseFPM # Check which version of apache we have... if it doesn't support ProxyFCGISetEnvIf (Available in version 2.4.26 and later), then set web server to nginx checkApacheVersionForProxyFCGI # Add rate limiting option to nginx if it doesn't have it nginxRateLimit # Fix extra mysql module getting loaded in the PHP config printing warning messages fixPHPConfig # Fix /etc/bind directory permissions required for slave dns fixBINDPerms # Fix generic problems in Ubuntu genUbuntuFixes # Secure BIND9 Configuration if [ ! -e "/etc/bind/ehcp-skip-recursion" ]; then # Disable Bind Recursion: disableRecursiveBIND fi # Make it so that strangers can't just browse folders without an index file secureApache # Allow .htaccess file overrides for Ubuntu 14.04 and up (hopefully versions above) allowHTACCESSOverrides # Remove unattended install file if exists removeInstallSilently # Install and enable php mcrypt module --- if not enabled already fixPHPmcrypt #Fix pop-before-smtp fixPopBeforeSMTP #Fix apache2 umask issue #For some reason, new distros include umask 111 in apache2 envvars which really messes stuff up removeApacheUmask # Install phpmyadmin manually if needed installPHPMyAdminManually # Secure PHPMyAdmin Configuration to Prevent Root Logins Except for Local Connections securePHPMyAdminConfiguration #Change settings in php.ini to allow 50MB upload files, turn on displaying errors, and setting the error_reporting to something practical configurePHPIni # Install Fail2Ban, Apache Modules, and Antispam Depending on Install Mode installExtras # Fix saslauthd fixSASLAUTH # Turn off IPv6 support in postfix if applies (will fix email issues) turnOffIPv6PostFix # Fix roundcube config for file attachments fixRoundCubeFileAttachments # Set localhost as server to use for roundcube setDefaultRoundCubeServer # Make roundcube default webmail makeRoundCubeDefaultMailClient # Fix SquirrelMail config to use Sendmail changeSquirrelMailConfigurationUseSendmail # Download and install certbot (let's encrypt) installCertBotLetsEncrypt # Update sql_mode variable updateMySQLModeVariableIfNeeded # Get PHP Session Timeout and Create Cronjob to Clean Expired Sessions Up! WebServerType="apache2" getPHPSessionTimeout if [ -z "$SessionTimeoutSetting" ]; then echo -e "Adding cronjob to cleanup old php session files" # Add cronjob to clean up old php session files addSystemCronJob "0 2 */5 * *" "/var/www/new/ehcp/scripts/cleanup/remove_old_php_tmp_session_files.sh" fi # Add blacklist email lookup to block incoming spam addToPostFixRecipientRestrictions # Upgrade webalizer if needed updateWebalizerIfNeeded # Write out version information to version_during_install.txt... that way, if it changes later, we can reprocess it writeOutVersionInfo # Use systemd services if systemd is present daemonUseSystemd if [ "$webserver" == "nginx" ]; then setWebServerModeToNginx syncDomainsPostInstall=true fi # Enable postfix submission port by default postfixEnableSubmissionPortByDefault # Create symlinks createSymlinks # Prevent web user from running cron tasks preventUserCronFromWebUser # Restart neccessary daemons echo "Initializing the EHCP Daemon" restartDaemons # Make sure python2 pip is installed installPipManuallyIfNeeded # Install pip packages installPipPackages # Inform installation is complete postInstallInformation # Syncdomains if needed syncDomainsEHCP # Run final cleanup finalCleanup # Launch firefox and the panel ############################################## launchPanel