'; } elseif(in_array(".".strtolower(pathinfo($item,PATHINFO_EXTENSION )), $GLOBALS["editable_ext"])) { $geshiFile = _EXT_PATH . '/libraries/geshi/geshi.php'; ext_RaiseMemoryLimit('32M'); // GeSHi 1.0.7 is very memory-intensive include_once( $geshiFile ); // Create the GeSHi object that renders our source beautiful $geshi = new GeSHi( '', '', dirname( $geshiFile ).'/geshi' ); $file = get_abs_item($dir, $item); $pathinfo = pathinfo( $file ); if( ext_isFTPMode() ) { $file = ext_ftp_make_local_copy( $file ); } if( is_callable( array( $geshi, 'load_from_file'))) { $geshi->load_from_file( $file ); } else { $geshi->set_source( file_get_contents( $file )); } if( is_callable( array($geshi,'get_language_name_from_extension'))) { $lang = $geshi->get_language_name_from_extension( $pathinfo['extension'] ); } else { $pathinfo = pathinfo($item); $lang = $pathinfo['extension']; } $geshi->set_language( $lang ); $geshi->enable_line_numbers( GESHI_NORMAL_LINE_NUMBERS ); $langs = $GLOBALS["language"]; if ($langs == "japanese"){ $enc_list = Array("ASCII", "ISO-2022-JP", "UTF-8", "EUCJP-WIN", "SJIS-WIN"); $_e0 = strtoupper(mb_detect_encoding($geshi->source, $enc_list, true)); if ($_e0 == "SJIS-WIN"){ $_encoding = "Shift_JIS"; } elseif ($_e0 == "EUCJP-WIN"){ $_e0 = "EUC-JP"; } elseif ($_e0 == "ASCII"){ $_e0 = "UTF-8"; } else { $_encoding = $_e0; } $geshi->set_encoding( $_encoding ); } $html = $geshi->parse_code(); if ($langs == "japanese"){ if (empty($lang) || strtoupper(mb_detect_encoding($html, $enc_list)) != "UTF-8"){ $html = mb_convert_encoding($html, "UTF-8", $_e0 ); } } if( ext_isFTPMode() ) { unlink( $file ); } $html .= '
Rendering Time: '.$geshi->get_time().' Sec.
'; } else { $html = ' '; } $html = str_replace(Array("\r", "\n"), Array('\r', '\n') , addslashes($html)); ?> { "dialogtitle": "", "height": 500, "autoScroll": true, "html": "" } file_exists( $abs_item )) { if(!in_array(".".strtolower(pathinfo($item,PATHINFO_EXTENSION )), $GLOBALS["images_ext"])) { return; } while( @ob_end_clean() ); $pathinfo = pathinfo( $item ); switch(strtolower($pathinfo['extension'])) { case "gif": header ("Content-type: image/gif"); break; case "jpg": case "jpeg": header ("Content-type: image/jpeg"); break; case "png": header ("Content-type: image/png"); break; } echo $GLOBALS['ext_File']->file_get_contents( $abs_item ); } exit; } } ?>