- [Apps] This is a feature that has been highly requested by the community. Import the original Docker application into CasaOS. Now it's easy to import with just a few clicks! - [Apps] App list supports a custom sorting function! You can arrange apps in different orders by dragging the icons. - [Apps] App custom installation supports Docker Compose configuration import in YAML format. - [Files] Added thumbnail preview function for image files. - [Connect] Multiple CasaConenct devices in the LAN will be transmitted through the LAN network. - [System] Added a switch for auto-mounting USB disk devices. 🎈 Enhancement - [System] Optimized the system update alert, you will see the new version update log from the next version. - [Apps] Added live preview for icons in custom installed apps. - [Apps] Optimized the input of WebUI. - [Files] Completely updated the image preview, now it supports switching all images in the same folder, as well as dragging, zooming, rotating and resetting. - [Widgets] Added color levels for CPU and RAM charts. - [Conenct] Optimized the display of the right-click menu of the Connect friends list. 🎈 Changed - [Files] Change the initial display directory to /DATA 🐞 Fixed - [System] Fixed an issue with Raspberry Pi devices failing to boot using USB disks. (Achieved by disabling USB disk auto-mount) - [Apps] Fixed the issue that some Docker CLI commands failed to import. - [Apps] Fixed the issue that the app is not easily recognized in /DATA/AppData directory and docker command line after installation, it will be shown as the app name. (Newly installed apps only) - [Apps] Fixed the issue that Pi-hole cannot be launched after installation in the app store. - [Apps] Fixed the issue that apps cannot be updated with WatchTower. - [Files] Fixed the issue that when there is an upload task, the task status is lost after closing Files.
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module github.com/IceWhaleTech/CasaOS
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