
351 lines
9.1 KiB

package service
import (
json2 "encoding/json"
model2 ""
socketio ""
type NotifyServer interface {
GetLog(id string) model.AppNotify
AddLog(log model.AppNotify)
UpdateLog(log model.AppNotify)
UpdateLogByCustomID(log model.AppNotify)
DelLog(id string)
GetList(c int) (list []model.AppNotify)
MarkRead(id string, state int)
// SendText(m model.AppNotify)
// SendUninstallAppBySocket(app notifyCommon.Application)
SendFileOperateNotify(nowSend bool)
//SendInstallAppBySocket(app notifyCommon.Application)
SendNotify(name string, message map[string]interface{})
SettingSystemTempData(message map[string]interface{})
GetSystemTempMap() syncmap.Map
type notifyServer struct {
db *gorm.DB
SystemTempMap syncmap.Map //[string]interface{}
func (i *notifyServer) SettingSystemTempData(message map[string]interface{}) {
for k, v := range message {
i.SystemTempMap.Store(k, v)
//i.SystemTempMap[k] = v
func (i *notifyServer) SendNotify(name string, message map[string]interface{}) {
msg := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range message {
bt, _ := json.Marshal(v)
msg[k] = string(bt)
response, err := MyService.MessageBus().PublishEventWithResponse(context.Background(), common.SERVICENAME, name, msg)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to publish event to message bus", zap.Error(err), zap.Any("event", msg))
if response.StatusCode() != http.StatusOK {
logger.Error("failed to publish event to message bus", zap.String("status", response.Status()), zap.Any("response", response))
// SocketServer.BroadcastToRoom("/", "public", path, message)
// Send periodic broadcast messages
func (i *notifyServer) SendFileOperateNotify(nowSend bool) {
if nowSend {
len := 0
FileQueue.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool {
return true
model := notify.NotifyModel{}
listMsg := make(map[string]interface{})
if len == 0 {
model.Data = []string{}
listMsg["file_operate"] = model
msg := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range listMsg {
bt, _ := json.Marshal(v)
msg[k] = string(bt)
response, err := MyService.MessageBus().PublishEventWithResponse(context.Background(), common.SERVICENAME, "casaos:file:operate", msg)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to publish event to message bus", zap.Error(err), zap.Any("event", msg))
if response.StatusCode() != http.StatusOK {
logger.Error("failed to publish event to message bus", zap.String("status", response.Status()), zap.Any("response", response))
model.State = "NORMAL"
list := []notify.File{}
OpStrArrbak := OpStrArr
for _, v := range OpStrArrbak {
tempItem, ok := FileQueue.Load(v)
temp := tempItem.(model2.FileOperate)
if !ok {
task := notify.File{}
task.Id = v
task.ProcessedSize = temp.ProcessedSize
task.TotalSize = temp.TotalSize
task.To = temp.To
task.Type = temp.Type
if task.ProcessedSize == 0 {
task.Status = "STARTING"
} else {
task.Status = "PROCESSING"
if temp.Finished || temp.ProcessedSize >= temp.TotalSize {
task.Finished = true
task.Status = "FINISHED"
OpStrArr = OpStrArr[1:]
go ExecOpFile()
list = append(list, task)
for _, v := range temp.Item {
if v.Size != v.ProcessedSize {
task.ProcessingPath = v.From
list = append(list, task)
model.Data = list
listMsg["file_operate"] = model
msg := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range listMsg {
bt, _ := json.Marshal(v)
msg[k] = string(bt)
response, err := MyService.MessageBus().PublishEventWithResponse(context.Background(), common.SERVICENAME, "casaos:file:operate", msg)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to publish event to message bus", zap.Error(err), zap.Any("event", msg))
if response.StatusCode() != http.StatusOK {
logger.Error("failed to publish event to message bus", zap.String("status", response.Status()), zap.Any("response", response))
} else {
for {
len := 0
FileQueue.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool {
return true
if len == 0 {
listMsg := make(map[string]interface{})
model := notify.NotifyModel{}
model.State = "NORMAL"
list := []notify.File{}
OpStrArrbak := OpStrArr
for _, v := range OpStrArrbak {
tempItem, ok := FileQueue.Load(v)
temp := tempItem.(model2.FileOperate)
if !ok {
task := notify.File{}
task.Id = v
task.ProcessedSize = temp.ProcessedSize
task.TotalSize = temp.TotalSize
task.To = temp.To
task.Type = temp.Type
if task.ProcessedSize == 0 {
task.Status = "STARTING"
} else {
task.Status = "PROCESSING"
if temp.Finished || temp.ProcessedSize >= temp.TotalSize {
task.Finished = true
task.Status = "FINISHED"
OpStrArr = OpStrArr[1:]
go ExecOpFile()
list = append(list, task)
for _, v := range temp.Item {
if v.Size != v.ProcessedSize {
task.ProcessingPath = v.From
list = append(list, task)
model.Data = list
listMsg["file_operate"] = model
msg := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range listMsg {
bt, _ := json.Marshal(v)
msg[k] = string(bt)
response, err := MyService.MessageBus().PublishEventWithResponse(context.Background(), common.SERVICENAME, "casaos:file:operate", msg)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to publish event to message bus", zap.Error(err), zap.Any("event", msg))
if response.StatusCode() != http.StatusOK {
logger.Error("failed to publish event to message bus", zap.String("status", response.Status()), zap.Any("response", response))
time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
// func (i *notifyServer) SendInstallAppBySocket(app notifyCommon.Application) {
// SocketServer.BroadcastToRoom("/", "public", "app_install", app)
// }
// func (i *notifyServer) SendUninstallAppBySocket(app notifyCommon.Application) {
// SocketServer.BroadcastToRoom("/", "public", "app_uninstall", app)
// }
func (i *notifyServer) SSR() {
server := socketio.NewServer(nil)
func (i notifyServer) GetList(c int) (list []model.AppNotify) {
i.db.Where("class = ?", c).Where(i.db.Where("state = ?", types.NOTIFY_DYNAMICE).Or("state = ?", types.NOTIFY_UNREAD)).Find(&list)
func (i *notifyServer) AddLog(log model.AppNotify) {
func (i *notifyServer) UpdateLog(log model.AppNotify) {
func (i *notifyServer) UpdateLogByCustomID(log model.AppNotify) {
if len(log.CustomId) == 0 {
i.db.Model(&model.AppNotify{}).Select("*").Where("custom_id = ? ", log.CustomId).Updates(log)
func (i *notifyServer) GetLog(id string) model.AppNotify {
var log model.AppNotify
i.db.Where("custom_id = ? ", id).First(&log)
return log
func (i *notifyServer) MarkRead(id string, state int) {
if id == "0" {
i.db.Model(&model.AppNotify{}).Where("1 = ?", 1).Update("state", state)
i.db.Model(&model.AppNotify{}).Where("id = ? ", id).Update("state", state)
func (i *notifyServer) DelLog(id string) {
var log model.AppNotify
i.db.Where("custom_id = ?", id).Delete(&log)
func SendMeg() {
// for {
// mt, message, err := ws.ReadMessage()
// if err != nil {
// break
// }
// notify := model.NotifyMssage{}
// json2.Unmarshal(message, &notify)
// if notify.Type == "read" {
// service.MyService.Notify().MarkRead(notify.Data, types.NOTIFY_READ)
// }
// if notify.Type == "app" {
// go func(ws *websocket.Conn) {
for {
list := MyService.Notify().GetList(types.NOTIFY_APP)
json, _ := json2.Marshal(list)
if len(list) > 0 {
var temp []*websocket.Conn
for _, v := range WebSocketConns {
err := v.WriteMessage(1, json)
if err == nil {
temp = append(temp, v)
WebSocketConns = temp
for _, v := range list {
MyService.Notify().MarkRead(v.Id, types.NOTIFY_READ)
if len(WebSocketConns) == 0 {
SocketRun = false
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
// }(ws)
// }
// }
// func (i notifyServer) SendText(m model.AppNotify) {
// list := []model.AppNotify{}
// list = append(list, m)
// json, _ := json2.Marshal(list)
// var temp []*websocket.Conn
// for _, v := range WebSocketConns {
// err := v.WriteMessage(1, json)
// if err == nil {
// temp = append(temp, v)
// }
// }
// WebSocketConns = temp
// if len(WebSocketConns) == 0 {
// SocketRun = false
// }
// }
func (i *notifyServer) GetSystemTempMap() syncmap.Map {
return i.SystemTempMap
func NewNotifyService(db *gorm.DB) NotifyServer {
return &notifyServer{db: db, SystemTempMap: syncmap.Map{}}