package v1 import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "log" "net/http" "net/url" url2 "net/url" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" model2 "" "" uuid "" "" "" ) type ListReq struct { model.PageReq Path string `json:"path" form:"path"` //Refresh bool `json:"refresh"` } type ObjResp struct { Name string `json:"name"` Size int64 `json:"size"` IsDir bool `json:"is_dir"` Modified time.Time `json:"modified"` Sign string `json:"sign"` Thumb string `json:"thumb"` Type int `json:"type"` Path string `json:"path"` Date time.Time `json:"date"` Extensions map[string]interface{} `json:"extensions"` } type FsListResp struct { Content []ObjResp `json:"content"` Total int64 `json:"total"` Readme string `json:"readme,omitempty"` Write bool `json:"write,omitempty"` Provider string `json:"provider,omitempty"` Index int `json:"index"` Size int `json:"size"` } var ( // 升级成 WebSocket 协议 upgraderFile = websocket.Upgrader{ // 允许CORS跨域请求 CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool { return true }, } conn *websocket.Conn err error ) // @Summary 读取文件 // @Produce application/json // @Accept application/json // @Tags file // @Security ApiKeyAuth // @Param path query string true "路径" // @Success 200 {string} string "ok" // @Router /file/read [get] func GetFilerContent(c *gin.Context) { filePath := c.Query("path") if len(filePath) == 0 { c.JSON(common_err.CLIENT_ERROR, model.Result{ Success: common_err.INVALID_PARAMS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.INVALID_PARAMS), }) return } if !file.Exists(filePath) { c.JSON(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, model.Result{ Success: common_err.FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST), }) return } // 文件读取任务是将文件内容读取到内存中。 info, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filePath) if err != nil { c.JSON(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, model.Result{ Success: common_err.FILE_READ_ERROR, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.FILE_READ_ERROR), Data: err.Error(), }) return } result := string(info) c.JSON(common_err.SUCCESS, model.Result{ Success: common_err.SUCCESS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SUCCESS), Data: result, }) } func GetLocalFile(c *gin.Context) { path := c.Query("path") if len(path) == 0 { c.JSON(http.StatusOK, model.Result{ Success: common_err.INVALID_PARAMS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.INVALID_PARAMS), }) return } if !file.Exists(path) { c.JSON(http.StatusOK, model.Result{ Success: common_err.FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST), }) return } c.File(path) } // @Summary download // @Produce application/json // @Accept application/json // @Tags file // @Security ApiKeyAuth // @Param format query string false "Compression format" Enums(zip,tar,targz) // @Param files query string true "file list eg: filename1,filename2,filename3 " // @Success 200 {string} string "ok" // @Router /file/download [get] func GetDownloadFile(c *gin.Context) { t := c.Query("format") files := c.Query("files") if len(files) == 0 { c.JSON(common_err.CLIENT_ERROR, model.Result{ Success: common_err.INVALID_PARAMS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.INVALID_PARAMS), }) return } list := strings.Split(files, ",") for _, v := range list { if !file.Exists(v) { c.JSON(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, model.Result{ Success: common_err.FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST), }) return } } c.Header("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream") c.Header("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary") c.Header("Cache-Control", "no-cache") // handles only single files not folders and multiple files if len(list) == 1 { filePath := list[0] info, err := os.Stat(filePath) if err != nil { c.JSON(http.StatusOK, model.Result{ Success: common_err.FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST), }) return } if !info.IsDir() { // 打开文件 fileTmp, _ := os.Open(filePath) defer fileTmp.Close() // 获取文件的名称 fileName := path.Base(filePath) c.Header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename*=utf-8''"+url2.PathEscape(fileName)) c.File(filePath) return } } extension, ar, err := file.GetCompressionAlgorithm(t) if err != nil { c.JSON(common_err.CLIENT_ERROR, model.Result{ Success: common_err.INVALID_PARAMS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.INVALID_PARAMS), }) return } err = ar.Create(c.Writer) if err != nil { c.JSON(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, model.Result{ Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR), Data: err.Error(), }) return } defer ar.Close() commonDir := file.CommonPrefix(filepath.Separator, list...) currentPath := filepath.Base(commonDir) name := "_" + currentPath name += extension c.Header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename*=utf-8''"+url.PathEscape(name)) for _, fname := range list { err = file.AddFile(ar, fname, commonDir) if err != nil { log.Printf("Failed to archive %s: %v", fname, err) } } } func GetDownloadSingleFile(c *gin.Context) { filePath := c.Query("path") if len(filePath) == 0 { c.JSON(common_err.CLIENT_ERROR, model.Result{ Success: common_err.INVALID_PARAMS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.INVALID_PARAMS), }) return } fileName := path.Base(filePath) // c.Header("Content-Disposition", "inline") c.Header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename*=utf-8''"+url2.PathEscape(fileName)) fi, err := os.Open(filePath) if err != nil { panic(err) } // We only have to pass the file header = first 261 bytes buffer := make([]byte, 261) _, _ = fi.Read(buffer) kind, _ := filetype.Match(buffer) if kind != filetype.Unknown { c.Header("Content-Type", kind.MIME.Value) } node, err := os.Stat(filePath) // Set the Last-Modified header to the timestamp c.Header("Last-Modified", node.ModTime().UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat)) knownSize := node.Size() >= 0 if knownSize { c.Header("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(node.Size(), 10)) } http.ServeContent(c.Writer, c.Request, fileName, node.ModTime(), fi) //http.ServeFile(c.Writer, c.Request, filePath) defer fi.Close() return fileTmp, err := os.Open(filePath) if err != nil { c.JSON(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, model.Result{ Success: common_err.FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST), }) return } defer fileTmp.Close() c.File(filePath) } // @Summary 获取目录列表 // @Produce application/json // @Accept application/json // @Tags file // @Security ApiKeyAuth // @Param path query string false "路径" // @Success 200 {string} string "ok" // @Router /file/dirpath [get] func DirPath(c *gin.Context) { var req ListReq if err := c.ShouldBind(&req); err != nil { c.JSON(common_err.CLIENT_ERROR, model.Result{Success: common_err.CLIENT_ERROR, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.CLIENT_ERROR), Data: err.Error()}) return } req.Validate() info, err := service.MyService.System().GetDirPath(req.Path) if err != nil { c.JSON(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, model.Result{Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR), Data: err.Error()}) return } shares := service.MyService.Shares().GetSharesList() sharesMap := make(map[string]string) for _, v := range shares { sharesMap[v.Path] = fmt.Sprint(v.ID) } // if len(info) <= (req.Page-1)*req.Size { // c.JSON(common_err.CLIENT_ERROR, model.Result{Success: common_err.CLIENT_ERROR, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.INVALID_PARAMS), Data: "page out of range"}) // return // } forEnd := req.Index * req.Size if forEnd > len(info) { forEnd = len(info) } for i := (req.Index - 1) * req.Size; i < forEnd; i++ { if v, ok := sharesMap[info[i].Path]; ok { ex := make(map[string]interface{}) shareEx := make(map[string]string) shareEx["shared"] = "true" shareEx["id"] = v ex["share"] = shareEx ex["mounted"] = false info[i].Extensions = ex } } if strings.HasPrefix(req.Path, "/mnt") || strings.HasPrefix(req.Path, "/media") { for i := (req.Index - 1) * req.Size; i < forEnd; i++ { ex := info[i].Extensions if ex == nil { ex = make(map[string]interface{}) } mounted := service.IsMounted(info[i].Path) ex["mounted"] = mounted info[i].Extensions = ex } } // Hide the files or folders in operation fileQueue := make(map[string]string) if len(service.OpStrArr) > 0 { for _, v := range service.OpStrArr { v, ok := service.FileQueue.Load(v) if !ok { continue } vt := v.(model.FileOperate) for _, i := range vt.Item { lastPath := i.From[strings.LastIndex(i.From, "/")+1:] fileQueue[vt.To+"/"+lastPath] = i.From } } } pathList := []ObjResp{} for i := (req.Index - 1) * req.Size; i < forEnd; i++ { if info[i].Name == ".temp" && info[i].IsDir { continue } if _, ok := fileQueue[info[i].Path]; !ok { t := ObjResp{} t.IsDir = info[i].IsDir t.Name = info[i].Name t.Modified = info[i].Date t.Date = info[i].Date t.Size = info[i].Size t.Path = info[i].Path t.Extensions = info[i].Extensions pathList = append(pathList, t) } } flist := FsListResp{ Content: pathList, Total: int64(len(info)), // Readme: "", // Write: true, // Provider: "local", Index: req.Index, Size: req.Size, } c.JSON(common_err.SUCCESS, model.Result{Success: common_err.SUCCESS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SUCCESS), Data: flist}) } // @Summary rename file or dir // @Produce application/json // @Accept application/json // @Tags file // @Security ApiKeyAuth // @Param oldpath body string true "path of old" // @Param newpath body string true "path of new" // @Success 200 {string} string "ok" // @Router /file/rename [put] func RenamePath(c *gin.Context) { json := make(map[string]string) c.ShouldBind(&json) op := json["old_path"] np := json["new_path"] if len(op) == 0 || len(np) == 0 { c.JSON(common_err.CLIENT_ERROR, model.Result{Success: common_err.INVALID_PARAMS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.INVALID_PARAMS)}) return } mounted := service.IsMounted(op) if mounted { c.JSON(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, model.Result{Success: common_err.MOUNTED_DIRECTIORIES, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.MOUNTED_DIRECTIORIES), Data: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.MOUNTED_DIRECTIORIES)}) return } success, err := service.MyService.System().RenameFile(op, np) c.JSON(common_err.SUCCESS, model.Result{Success: success, Message: common_err.GetMsg(success), Data: err}) } // @Summary create folder // @Produce application/json // @Accept application/json // @Tags file // @Security ApiKeyAuth // @Param path body string true "path of folder" // @Success 200 {string} string "ok" // @Router /file/mkdir [post] func MkdirAll(c *gin.Context) { json := make(map[string]string) c.ShouldBind(&json) path := json["path"] var code int if len(path) == 0 { c.JSON(common_err.CLIENT_ERROR, model.Result{Success: common_err.INVALID_PARAMS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.INVALID_PARAMS)}) return } // decodedPath, err := url.QueryUnescape(path) // if err != nil { // c.JSON(http.StatusOK, model.Result{Success: common_err.INVALID_PARAMS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.INVALID_PARAMS)}) // return // } code, _ = service.MyService.System().MkdirAll(path) c.JSON(common_err.SUCCESS, model.Result{Success: code, Message: common_err.GetMsg(code)}) } // @Summary create file // @Produce application/json // @Accept application/json // @Tags file // @Security ApiKeyAuth // @Param path body string true "path of folder (path need to url encode)" // @Success 200 {string} string "ok" // @Router /file/create [post] func PostCreateFile(c *gin.Context) { json := make(map[string]string) c.ShouldBind(&json) path := json["path"] var code int if len(path) == 0 { c.JSON(common_err.CLIENT_ERROR, model.Result{Success: common_err.INVALID_PARAMS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.INVALID_PARAMS)}) return } // decodedPath, err := url.QueryUnescape(path) // if err != nil { // c.JSON(http.StatusOK, model.Result{Success: common_err.INVALID_PARAMS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.INVALID_PARAMS)}) // return // } code, _ = service.MyService.System().CreateFile(path) c.JSON(common_err.SUCCESS, model.Result{Success: code, Message: common_err.GetMsg(code)}) } // @Summary upload file // @Produce application/json // @Accept application/json // @Tags file // @Security ApiKeyAuth // @Param path formData string false "file path" // @Param file formData file true "file" // @Success 200 {string} string "ok" // @Router /file/upload [get] func GetFileUpload(c *gin.Context) { relative := c.Query("relativePath") fileName := c.Query("filename") chunkNumber := c.Query("chunkNumber") totalChunks, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.DefaultQuery("totalChunks", "0")) path := c.Query("path") dirPath := "" hash := file.GetHashByContent([]byte(fileName)) tempDir := filepath.Join(path, ".temp", hash+strconv.Itoa(totalChunks)) + "/" if fileName != relative { dirPath = strings.TrimSuffix(relative, fileName) tempDir += dirPath file.MkDir(path + "/" + dirPath) } tempDir += chunkNumber if !file.CheckNotExist(tempDir) { c.JSON(200, model.Result{Success: 200, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS)}) return } c.JSON(204, model.Result{Success: 204, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SUCCESS)}) } // @Summary upload file // @Produce application/json // @Accept multipart/form-data // @Tags file // @Security ApiKeyAuth // @Param path formData string false "file path" // @Param file formData file true "file" // @Success 200 {string} string "ok" // @Router /file/upload [post] func PostFileUpload(c *gin.Context) { f, _, _ := c.Request.FormFile("file") relative := c.PostForm("relativePath") fileName := c.PostForm("filename") totalChunks, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.DefaultPostForm("totalChunks", "0")) chunkNumber := c.PostForm("chunkNumber") dirPath := "" path := c.PostForm("path") hash := file.GetHashByContent([]byte(fileName)) if len(path) == 0 { logger.Error("path should not be empty") c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, model.Result{Success: common_err.INVALID_PARAMS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.INVALID_PARAMS)}) return } tempDir := filepath.Join(path, ".temp", hash+strconv.Itoa(totalChunks)) + "/" if fileName != relative { dirPath = strings.TrimSuffix(relative, fileName) tempDir += dirPath if err := file.MkDir(path + "/" + dirPath); err != nil { logger.Error("error when trying to create `"+path+"/"+dirPath+"`", zap.Error(err)) c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, model.Result{Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, Message: err.Error()}) return } } path += "/" + relative if !file.CheckNotExist(tempDir + chunkNumber) { if err := file.RMDir(tempDir + chunkNumber); err != nil { logger.Error("error when trying to remove existing `"+tempDir+chunkNumber+"`", zap.Error(err)) c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, model.Result{Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, Message: err.Error()}) return } } if totalChunks > 1 { if err := file.IsNotExistMkDir(tempDir); err != nil { logger.Error("error when trying to create `"+tempDir+"`", zap.Error(err)) c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, model.Result{Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, Message: err.Error()}) return } out, err := os.OpenFile(tempDir+chunkNumber, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0o644) if err != nil { logger.Error("error when trying to open `"+tempDir+chunkNumber+"` for creation", zap.Error(err)) c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, model.Result{Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, Message: err.Error()}) return } defer out.Close() if _, err := io.Copy(out, f); err != nil { // recommend to use for faster copy logger.Error("error when trying to write to `"+tempDir+chunkNumber+"`", zap.Error(err)) c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, model.Result{Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, Message: err.Error()}) return } fileNum, err := ioutil.ReadDir(tempDir) if err != nil { logger.Error("error when trying to read number of files under `"+tempDir+"`", zap.Error(err)) c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, model.Result{Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, Message: err.Error()}) return } if totalChunks == len(fileNum) { if err := file.SpliceFiles(tempDir, path, totalChunks, 1); err != nil { logger.Error("error when trying to splice files under `"+tempDir+"`", zap.Error(err)) c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, model.Result{Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, Message: err.Error()}) return } if err := file.RMDir(tempDir); err != nil { logger.Error("error when trying to remove `"+tempDir+"`", zap.Error(err)) c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, model.Result{Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, Message: err.Error()}) return } } } else { out, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0o644) if err != nil { logger.Error("error when trying to open `"+path+"` for creation", zap.Error(err)) c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, model.Result{Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, Message: err.Error()}) return } defer out.Close() if _, err := io.Copy(out, f); err != nil { // recommend to use for faster copy logger.Error("error when trying to write to `"+path+"`", zap.Error(err)) c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, model.Result{Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR), Data: err.Error()}) return } } c.JSON(http.StatusOK, model.Result{Success: common_err.SUCCESS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SUCCESS)}) } // @Summary copy or move file // @Produce application/json // @Accept application/json // @Tags file // @Security ApiKeyAuth // @Param body body model.FileOperate true "type:move,copy" // @Success 200 {string} string "ok" // @Router /file/operate [post] func PostOperateFileOrDir(c *gin.Context) { list := model.FileOperate{} c.ShouldBind(&list) if len(list.Item) == 0 { c.JSON(common_err.CLIENT_ERROR, model.Result{Success: common_err.INVALID_PARAMS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.INVALID_PARAMS)}) return } if list.To == list.Item[0].From[:strings.LastIndex(list.Item[0].From, "/")] { c.JSON(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, model.Result{Success: common_err.SOURCE_DES_SAME, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SOURCE_DES_SAME)}) return } var total int64 = 0 for i := 0; i < len(list.Item); i++ { size, err := file.GetFileOrDirSize(list.Item[i].From) if err != nil { continue } list.Item[i].Size = size total += size if list.Type == "move" { mounted := service.IsMounted(list.Item[i].From) if mounted { c.JSON(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, model.Result{Success: common_err.MOUNTED_DIRECTIORIES, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.MOUNTED_DIRECTIORIES), Data: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.MOUNTED_DIRECTIORIES)}) return } } } list.TotalSize = total list.ProcessedSize = 0 uid := uuid.NewV4().String() service.FileQueue.Store(uid, list) service.OpStrArr = append(service.OpStrArr, uid) if len(service.OpStrArr) == 1 { go service.ExecOpFile() go service.CheckFileStatus() go service.MyService.Notify().SendFileOperateNotify(false) } c.JSON(common_err.SUCCESS, model.Result{Success: common_err.SUCCESS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SUCCESS)}) } // @Summary delete file // @Produce application/json // @Accept application/json // @Tags file // @Security ApiKeyAuth // @Param body body string true "paths eg ["/a/b/c","/d/e/f"]" // @Success 200 {string} string "ok" // @Router /file/delete [delete] func DeleteFile(c *gin.Context) { paths := []string{} c.ShouldBind(&paths) if len(paths) == 0 { c.JSON(common_err.CLIENT_ERROR, model.Result{Success: common_err.INVALID_PARAMS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.INVALID_PARAMS)}) return } // path := c.Query("path") // paths := strings.Split(path, ",") for _, v := range paths { mounted := service.IsMounted(v) if mounted { c.JSON(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, model.Result{Success: common_err.MOUNTED_DIRECTIORIES, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.MOUNTED_DIRECTIORIES), Data: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.MOUNTED_DIRECTIORIES)}) return } } for _, v := range paths { err := os.RemoveAll(v) if err != nil { c.JSON(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, model.Result{Success: common_err.FILE_DELETE_ERROR, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.FILE_DELETE_ERROR), Data: err}) return } } c.JSON(common_err.SUCCESS, model.Result{Success: common_err.SUCCESS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SUCCESS)}) } // @Summary update file // @Produce application/json // @Accept application/json // @Tags file // @Security ApiKeyAuth // @Param path body string true "path" // @Param content body string true "content" // @Success 200 {string} string "ok" // @Router /file/update [put] func PutFileContent(c *gin.Context) { fi := model.FileUpdate{} c.ShouldBind(&fi) // path := c.PostForm("path") // content := c.PostForm("content") if !file.Exists(fi.FilePath) { c.JSON(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, model.Result{Success: common_err.FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS)}) return } // err := os.Remove(path) f, err := os.Stat(fi.FilePath) if err != nil { c.JSON(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, model.Result{Success: common_err.FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS)}) return } fm := f.Mode() if err != nil { c.JSON(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, model.Result{Success: common_err.FILE_DELETE_ERROR, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.FILE_DELETE_ERROR), Data: err}) return } os.OpenFile(fi.FilePath, os.O_CREATE, fm) err = file.WriteToFullPath([]byte(fi.FileContent), fi.FilePath, fm) if err != nil { c.JSON(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, model.Result{Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR), Data: err.Error()}) return } c.JSON(common_err.SUCCESS, model.Result{Success: common_err.SUCCESS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SUCCESS)}) } // @Summary image thumbnail/original image // @Produce application/json // @Accept application/json // @Tags file // @Security ApiKeyAuth // @Param path query string true "path" // @Param type query string false "original,thumbnail" Enums(original,thumbnail) // @Success 200 {string} string "ok" // @Router /file/image [get] func GetFileImage(c *gin.Context) { t := c.Query("type") path := c.Query("path") if !file.Exists(path) { c.JSON(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, model.Result{Success: common_err.FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS)}) return } if t == "thumbnail" { f, err := file.GetImage(path, 100, 0) if err != nil { c.JSON(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, model.Result{Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR), Data: err.Error()}) return } c.Writer.WriteString(string(f)) return } f, err := os.Open(path) if err != nil { c.JSON(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, model.Result{Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR), Data: err.Error()}) return } defer f.Close() data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f) if err != nil { c.JSON(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, model.Result{Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR), Data: err.Error()}) return } c.Writer.WriteString(string(data)) } func DeleteOperateFileOrDir(c *gin.Context) { id := c.Param("id") if id == "0" { service.FileQueue = sync.Map{} service.OpStrArr = []string{} } else { service.FileQueue.Delete(id) tempList := []string{} for _, v := range service.OpStrArr { if v != id { tempList = append(tempList, v) } } service.OpStrArr = tempList } go service.MyService.Notify().SendFileOperateNotify(true) c.JSON(common_err.SUCCESS, model.Result{Success: common_err.SUCCESS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SUCCESS)}) } func GetSize(c *gin.Context) { json := make(map[string]string) c.ShouldBind(&json) path := json["path"] size, err := file.GetFileOrDirSize(path) if err != nil { c.JSON(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, model.Result{Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR), Data: err.Error()}) return } c.JSON(common_err.SUCCESS, model.Result{Success: common_err.SUCCESS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SUCCESS), Data: size}) } type CenterHandler struct { // 广播通道,有数据则循环每个用户广播出去 broadcast chan []byte // 注册通道,有用户进来 则推到用户集合map中 register chan *Client // 注销通道,有用户关闭连接 则将该用户剔出集合map中 unregister chan *Client // 用户集合,每个用户本身也在跑两个协程,监听用户的读、写的状态 clients map[string]*Client } type Client struct { handler *CenterHandler conn *websocket.Conn // 每个用户自己的循环跑起来的状态监控 send chan []byte ID string `json:"id"` IP string `json:"ip"` Name service.Name `json:"name"` RtcSupported bool `json:"rtcSupported"` TimerId int `json:"timerId"` LastBeat time.Time `json:"lastBeat"` } type PeerModel struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name service.Name `json:"name"` RtcSupported bool `json:"rtcSupported"` } func ConnectWebSocket(c *gin.Context) { peerId := c.Query("peer") writer := c.Writer request := c.Request key := uuid.NewV4().String() //peerModel := service.MyService.Peer().GetPeerByUserAgent(c.Request.UserAgent()) peerModel := model2.PeerDriveDBModel{} name := service.GetName(request) if conn, err = upgraderFile.Upgrade(writer, request, writer.Header()); err != nil { log.Println(err) return } client := &Client{handler: &handler, conn: conn, send: make(chan []byte, 256), ID: service.GetPeerId(request, key), IP: service.GetIP(request), Name: name, RtcSupported: true, TimerId: 0, LastBeat: time.Now()} if peerId != "" || len(peerModel.ID) > 0 { if len(peerModel.ID) == 0 { peerModel = service.MyService.Peer().GetPeerByID(peerId) } if len(peerModel.ID) > 0 { key = peerId client.ID = peerModel.ID client.Name = service.GetNameByDB(peerModel) } } var list = service.MyService.Peer().GetPeers() if len(peerModel.ID) == 0 { peerModel.ID = key peerModel.DisplayName = name.DisplayName peerModel.DeviceName = name.DeviceName peerModel.Model = name.Model peerModel.OS = name.OS peerModel.Browser = name.Browser peerModel.UserAgent = c.Request.UserAgent() peerModel.IP = client.IP service.MyService.Peer().CreatePeer(&peerModel) list = append(list, peerModel) } cookie := http.Cookie{ Name: "peerid", Value: key, Path: "/", } http.SetCookie(writer, &cookie) if len(list) > 10 { kickoutList := []Client{} count := len(list) - 10 for i := len(list) - 1; count > 0 && i > -1; i-- { if _, ok := handler.clients[list[i].ID]; !ok { count-- kickoutList = append(kickoutList, Client{ID: list[i].ID, Name: service.GetNameByDB(list[i]), IP: list[i].IP}) service.MyService.Peer().DeletePeer(list[i].ID) } } // if len(kickoutList) > 0 { // other := make(map[string]interface{}) // other["type"] = "kickout" // other["peers"] = kickoutList // otherBy, err := json.Marshal(other) // fmt.Println(err) // client.handler.broadcast <- otherBy // } } list = service.MyService.Peer().GetPeers() if len(list) > 10 { fmt.Println("解决完后依然有溢出", list) } currentPeer := PeerModel{ID: client.ID, Name: client.Name, RtcSupported: client.RtcSupported} pmsg := make(map[string]interface{}) pmsg["type"] = "peer-joined" pmsg["peer"] = currentPeer pby, err := json.Marshal(pmsg) fmt.Println(err) for _, v := range handler.clients { v.send <- pby } //client.handler.broadcast <- pby clients := []PeerModel{} for _, v := range client.handler.clients { if _, ok := handler.clients[v.ID]; ok { clients = append(clients, PeerModel{ID: v.ID, Name: v.Name, RtcSupported: v.RtcSupported}) } } other := make(map[string]interface{}) other["type"] = "peers" other["peers"] = clients otherBy, err := json.Marshal(other) fmt.Println(err) client.send <- otherBy // 推给监控中心注册到用户集合中 handler.register <- client client.send <- []byte(`{"type":"ping"}`) data := make(map[string]string) data["displayName"] = client.Name.DisplayName data["deviceName"] = client.Name.DeviceName data["id"] = client.ID msg := make(map[string]interface{}) msg["type"] = "display-name" msg["message"] = data by, _ := json.Marshal(msg) client.send <- by // 每个 client 都挂起 2 个新的协程,监控读、写状态 go client.writePump() go client.readPump() c.JSON(common_err.SUCCESS, model.Result{Success: common_err.SUCCESS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SUCCESS)}) } var handler = CenterHandler{broadcast: make(chan []byte), register: make(chan *Client), unregister: make(chan *Client), clients: make(map[string]*Client)} func init() { // 起个协程跑起来,监听注册、注销、消息 3 个 channel go handler.monitoring() crontab := cron.New(cron.WithSeconds()) //精确到秒 //定义定时器调用的任务函数 task := func() { handler.broadcast <- []byte(`{"type":"ping"}`) } //定时任务 spec := "*/30 * * * * ?" //cron表达式,每五秒一次 // 添加定时任务, crontab.AddFunc(spec, task) // 启动定时器 crontab.Start() } func (c *Client) writePump() { defer func() { c.handler.unregister <- c c.conn.Close() }() for { // 广播推过来的新消息,马上通过websocket推给自己 message, _ := <-c.send fmt.Println("推送消息", string(message), "1") if err := c.conn.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, message); err != nil { return } } } // 读,监听客户端是否有推送内容过来服务端 func (c *Client) readPump() { defer func() { c.handler.unregister <- c c.conn.Close() }() for { // 循环监听是否该用户是否要发言 _, message, err := c.conn.ReadMessage() if err != nil { // 异常关闭的处理 if websocket.IsUnexpectedCloseError(err, websocket.CloseGoingAway, websocket.CloseAbnormalClosure) { log.Printf("error: %v", err) } break } // 要的话,推给广播中心,广播中心再推给每个用户 t := gjson.GetBytes(message, "type") if t.String() == "disconnect" { c.handler.unregister <- c c.conn.Close() // clients := []Client{} // list := service.MyService.Peer().GetPeers() // for _, v := range list { // if _, ok := handler.clients[v.ID]; ok { // clients = append(clients, *handler.clients[v.ID]) // } else { // clients = append(clients, Client{ID: v.ID, Name: service.GetNameByDB(v), IP: v.IP, Offline: true}) // } // } // other := make(map[string]interface{}) // other["type"] = "peers" // other["peers"] = clients // otherBy, err := json.Marshal(other) // fmt.Println(err) c.handler.broadcast <- []byte(`{"type":"peer-left","peerId":"` + c.ID + `"}`) //c.handler.broadcast <- otherBy break } else if t.String() == "pong" { c.LastBeat = time.Now() continue } to := gjson.GetBytes(message, "to") if len(to.String()) > 0 { toC := c.handler.clients[to.String()] if toC == nil { continue } data := map[string]interface{}{} json.Unmarshal(message, &data) data["sender"] = c.ID delete(data, "to") message, err = json.Marshal(data) toC.send <- message continue } c.handler.broadcast <- message } } func (ch *CenterHandler) monitoring() { for { select { // 注册,新用户连接过来会推进注册通道,这里接收推进来的用户指针 case client := <-ch.register: ch.clients[client.ID] = client // 注销,关闭连接或连接异常会将用户推出群聊 case client := <-ch.unregister: delete(ch.clients, client.ID) // 消息,监听到有新消息到来 case message := <-ch.broadcast: println("消息来了,message:" + string(message)) // 推送给每个用户的通道,每个用户都有跑协程起了writePump的监听 for _, client := range ch.clients { client.send <- message } } } } func GetPeers(c *gin.Context) { peers := service.MyService.Peer().GetPeers() for i := 0; i < len(peers); i++ { if _, ok := handler.clients[peers[i].ID]; ok { peers[i].Online = true } } c.JSON(common_err.SUCCESS, model.Result{Success: common_err.SUCCESS, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SUCCESS), Data: peers}) }