file actions: add bucket and endpoint to notifications
The HTTP notifications are now invoked as POST and the notification is a JSON inside the POST body. This is a backward incompatible change but this way the actions can be extended more easily, sorry for the trouble Fixes #101
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 149 additions and 72 deletions
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ For each account, the following properties can be configured:
- `public_keys` array of public keys. At least one public key or the password is mandatory.
- `status` 1 means "active", 0 "inactive". An inactive account cannot login.
- `expiration_date` expiration date as unix timestamp in milliseconds. An expired account cannot login. 0 means no expiration.
- `home_dir` the user cannot upload or download files outside this directory. Must be an absolute path.
- `home_dir` the user cannot upload or download files outside this directory. Must be an absolute path. A local home directory is required for Cloud Storage Backends too: in this case it will store temporary files.
- `virtual_folders` list of mappings between virtual SFTP/SCP paths and local filesystem paths outside the user home directory. The specified paths must be absolute and the virtual path cannot be "/", it must be a sub directory. The parent directory for the specified virtual path must exist. SFTPGo will try to automatically create any missing parent directory for the configured virtual folders at user login
- `uid`, `gid`. If SFTPGo runs as root system user then the created files and directories will be assigned to this system uid/gid. Ignored on windows or if SFTPGo runs as non root user: in this case files and directories for all SFTP users will be owned by the system user that runs SFTPGo.
- `max_sessions` maximum concurrent sessions. 0 means unlimited.
@ -9,31 +9,36 @@ The `command`, if defined, is invoked with the following arguments:
- `action`, string, possible values are: `download`, `upload`, `delete`, `rename`, `ssh_cmd`
- `username`
- `path` is the full filesystem path, can be empty for some ssh commands
- `target_path`, non empty for `rename` action
- `ssh_cmd`, non empty for `ssh_cmd` action
- `target_path`, non-empty for `rename` action
- `ssh_cmd`, non-empty for `ssh_cmd` action
The `command` can also read the following environment variables:
- `SFTPGO_ACTION_TARGET`, non empty for `rename` `SFTPGO_ACTION`
- `SFTPGO_ACTION_SSH_CMD`, non empty for `ssh_cmd` `SFTPGO_ACTION`
- `SFTPGO_ACTION_FILE_SIZE`, non empty for `upload`, `download` and `delete` `SFTPGO_ACTION`
- `SFTPGO_ACTION_LOCAL_FILE`, `true` if the affected file is stored on the local filesystem, otherwise `false`
- `SFTPGO_ACTION_TARGET`, non-empty for `rename` `SFTPGO_ACTION`
- `SFTPGO_ACTION_SSH_CMD`, non-empty for `ssh_cmd` `SFTPGO_ACTION`
- `SFTPGO_ACTION_FILE_SIZE`, non-empty for `upload`, `download` and `delete` `SFTPGO_ACTION`
- `SFTPGO_ACTION_FS_PROVIDER`, `0` for local filesystem, `1` for S3 backend, `2` for Google Cloud Storage (GCS) backend
- `SFTPGO_ACTION_BUCKET`, non-empty for S3 and GCS backends
- `SFTPGO_ACTION_ENDPOINT`, non-empty for S3 backend if configured
Previous global environment variables aren't cleared when the script is called.
The `command` must finish within 30 seconds.
The `http_notification_url`, if defined, will contain the following, percent encoded, query string parameters:
The `http_notification_url`, if defined, will be invoked as HTTP POST. The request body will contain a JSON serialized struct with the following fields:
- `action`
- `username`
- `path`
- `local_file`, `true` if the affected file is stored on the local filesystem, otherwise `false`
- `target_path`, added for `rename` action
- `ssh_cmd`, added for `ssh_cmd` action
- `file_size`, added for `upload`, `download`, `delete` actions
- `target_path`, not null for `rename` action
- `ssh_cmd`, not null for `ssh_cmd` action
- `file_size`, not null for `upload`, `download`, `delete` actions
- `fs_provider`, `0` for local filesystem, `1` for S3 backend, `2` for Google Cloud Storage (GCS) backend
- `bucket`, not null for S3 and GCS backends
- `endpoint`, not null for S3 backend if configured
The HTTP request is executed with a 15-second timeout.
@ -73,6 +78,6 @@ The `command` can also read the following environment variables:
Previous global environment variables aren't cleared when the script is called.
The `command` must finish within 15 seconds.
The `http_notification_url`, if defined, will be called invoked as http POST. The action is added to the query string, for example `<http_notification_url>?action=update`, and the user is sent serialized as JSON inside the POST body with sensitive fields removed.
The `http_notification_url`, if defined, will be invoked as HTTP POST. The action is added to the query string, for example `<http_notification_url>?action=update`, and the user is sent serialized as JSON inside the POST body with sensitive fields removed.
The HTTP request is executed with a 15-second timeout.
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ func (c Connection) handleSFTPRename(sourcePath string, targetPath string, reque
return vfs.GetSFTPError(c.fs, err)
logger.CommandLog(renameLogSender, sourcePath, targetPath, c.User.Username, "", c.ID, c.protocol, -1, -1, "", "", "")
go executeAction(operationRename, c.User.Username, sourcePath, targetPath, "", 0, vfs.IsLocalOsFs(c.fs))
go executeAction(newActionNotification(c.User, operationRename, sourcePath, targetPath, "", 0))
return nil
@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ func (c Connection) handleSFTPRemove(filePath string, request *sftp.Request) err
if fi.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != os.ModeSymlink {
dataprovider.UpdateUserQuota(dataProvider, c.User, -1, -size, false)
go executeAction(operationDelete, c.User.Username, filePath, "", "", fi.Size(), vfs.IsLocalOsFs(c.fs))
go executeAction(newActionNotification(c.User, operationDelete, filePath, "", "", fi.Size()))
return sftp.ErrSSHFxOk
@ -119,6 +119,46 @@ func newMockOsFs(err, statErr error, atomicUpload bool, connectionID, rootDir st
func TestNewActionNotification(t *testing.T) {
user := dataprovider.User{
Username: "username",
user.FsConfig.Provider = 0
user.FsConfig.S3Config = vfs.S3FsConfig{
Bucket: "s3bucket",
Endpoint: "endpoint",
user.FsConfig.GCSConfig = vfs.GCSFsConfig{
Bucket: "gcsbucket",
a := newActionNotification(user, operationDownload, "path", "target", "", 123)
if a.Username != "username" {
t.Errorf("unexpected username")
if len(a.Bucket) > 0 {
t.Errorf("unexpected bucket")
if len(a.Endpoint) > 0 {
t.Errorf("unexpected endpoint")
user.FsConfig.Provider = 1
a = newActionNotification(user, operationDownload, "path", "target", "", 123)
if a.Bucket != "s3bucket" {
t.Errorf("unexpected s3 bucket")
if a.Endpoint != "endpoint" {
t.Errorf("unexpected endpoint")
user.FsConfig.Provider = 2
a = newActionNotification(user, operationDownload, "path", "target", "", 123)
if a.Bucket != "gcsbucket" {
t.Errorf("unexpected gcs bucket")
if len(a.Endpoint) > 0 {
t.Errorf("unexpected endpoint")
func TestWrongActions(t *testing.T) {
actionsCopy := actions
badCommand := "/bad/command"
@ -130,17 +170,20 @@ func TestWrongActions(t *testing.T) {
Command: badCommand,
HTTPNotificationURL: "",
err := executeAction(operationDownload, "username", "path", "", "", 0, true)
user := dataprovider.User{
Username: "username",
err := executeAction(newActionNotification(user, operationDownload, "path", "", "", 0))
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("action with bad command must fail")
err = executeAction(operationDelete, "username", "path", "", "", 0, true)
err = executeAction(newActionNotification(user, operationDelete, "path", "", "", 0))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("action not configured must silently fail")
actions.Command = ""
actions.HTTPNotificationURL = "http://foo\"
err = executeAction(operationDownload, "username", "path", "", "", 0, true)
err = executeAction(newActionNotification(user, operationDownload, "path", "", "", 0))
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("action with bad url must fail")
@ -154,7 +197,10 @@ func TestActionHTTP(t *testing.T) {
Command: "",
HTTPNotificationURL: "",
err := executeAction(operationDownload, "username", "path", "", "", 0, true)
user := dataprovider.User{
Username: "username",
err := executeAction(newActionNotification(user, operationDownload, "path", "", "", 0))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
package sftpd
import (
@ -127,6 +129,57 @@ type sshSubsystemExecMsg struct {
Command string
type actionNotification struct {
Action string `json:"action"`
Username string `json:"username"`
Path string `json:"path"`
TargetPath string `json:"target_path,omitempty"`
SSHCmd string `json:"ssh_cmd,omitempty"`
FileSize int64 `json:"file_size,omitempty"`
FsProvider int `json:"fs_provider"`
Bucket string `json:"bucket,omitempty"`
Endpoint string `json:"endpoint,omitempty"`
func newActionNotification(user dataprovider.User, operation, filePath, target, sshCmd string, fileSize int64) actionNotification {
bucket := ""
endpoint := ""
if user.FsConfig.Provider == 1 {
bucket = user.FsConfig.S3Config.Bucket
endpoint = user.FsConfig.S3Config.Endpoint
} else if user.FsConfig.Provider == 2 {
bucket = user.FsConfig.GCSConfig.Bucket
return actionNotification{
Action: operation,
Username: user.Username,
Path: filePath,
TargetPath: target,
SSHCmd: sshCmd,
FileSize: fileSize,
FsProvider: user.FsConfig.Provider,
Bucket: bucket,
Endpoint: endpoint,
func (a *actionNotification) AsJSON() []byte {
res, _ := json.Marshal(a)
return res
func (a *actionNotification) AsEnvVars() []string {
return []string{fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_ACTION=%v", a.Action),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_ACTION_USERNAME=%v", a.Username),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_ACTION_PATH=%v", a.Path),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_ACTION_TARGET=%v", a.TargetPath),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_ACTION_SSH_CMD=%v", a.SSHCmd),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_ACTION_FILE_SIZE=%v", a.FileSize),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_ACTION_FS_PROVIDER=%v", a.FsProvider),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_ACTION_BUCKET=%v", a.Bucket),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_ACTION_ENDPOINT=%v", a.Endpoint)}
func init() {
openConnections = make(map[string]Connection)
idleConnectionTicker = time.NewTicker(5 * time.Minute)
@ -415,80 +468,53 @@ func isAtomicUploadEnabled() bool {
return uploadMode == uploadModeAtomic || uploadMode == uploadModeAtomicWithResume
func executeNotificationCommand(operation, username, path, target, sshCmd, fileSize, isLocalFile string) error {
func executeNotificationCommand(a actionNotification) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second)
defer cancel()
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, actions.Command, operation, username, path, target, sshCmd)
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_ACTION=%v", operation),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_ACTION_USERNAME=%v", username),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_ACTION_PATH=%v", path),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_ACTION_TARGET=%v", target),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_ACTION_SSH_CMD=%v", sshCmd),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_ACTION_FILE_SIZE=%v", fileSize),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_ACTION_LOCAL_FILE=%v", isLocalFile),
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, actions.Command, a.Action, a.Username, a.Path, a.TargetPath, a.SSHCmd)
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), a.AsEnvVars()...)
startTime := time.Now()
err := cmd.Run()
logger.Debug(logSender, "", "executed command %#v with arguments: %#v, %#v, %#v, %#v, %#v, elapsed: %v, error: %v",
actions.Command, operation, username, path, target, sshCmd, time.Since(startTime), err)
actions.Command, a.Action, a.Username, a.Path, a.TargetPath, a.SSHCmd, time.Since(startTime), err)
return err
// executed in a goroutine
func executeAction(operation, username, path, target, sshCmd string, fileSize int64, isLocalFile bool) error {
if !utils.IsStringInSlice(operation, actions.ExecuteOn) {
func executeAction(a actionNotification) error {
if !utils.IsStringInSlice(a.Action, actions.ExecuteOn) {
return nil
var err error
size := ""
if fileSize > 0 {
size = fmt.Sprintf("%v", fileSize)
if len(actions.Command) > 0 && filepath.IsAbs(actions.Command) {
// we are in a goroutine but if we have to send an HTTP notification we don't want to wait for the
// end of the command
if len(actions.HTTPNotificationURL) > 0 {
go executeNotificationCommand(operation, username, path, target, sshCmd, size, fmt.Sprintf("%t", isLocalFile))
go executeNotificationCommand(a)
} else {
err = executeNotificationCommand(operation, username, path, target, sshCmd, size, fmt.Sprintf("%t", isLocalFile))
err = executeNotificationCommand(a)
if len(actions.HTTPNotificationURL) > 0 {
var url *url.URL
url, err = url.Parse(actions.HTTPNotificationURL)
if err == nil {
q := url.Query()
q.Add("action", operation)
q.Add("username", username)
q.Add("path", path)
if len(target) > 0 {
q.Add("target_path", target)
if len(sshCmd) > 0 {
q.Add("ssh_cmd", sshCmd)
if len(size) > 0 {
q.Add("file_size", size)
q.Add("local_file", fmt.Sprintf("%t", isLocalFile))
url.RawQuery = q.Encode()
startTime := time.Now()
httpClient := &http.Client{
Timeout: 15 * time.Second,
resp, err := httpClient.Get(url.String())
respCode := 0
if err == nil {
respCode = resp.StatusCode
logger.Debug(logSender, "", "notified operation %#v to URL: %v status code: %v, elapsed: %v err: %v",
operation, url.String(), respCode, time.Since(startTime), err)
} else {
if err != nil {
logger.Warn(logSender, "", "Invalid http_notification_url %#v for operation %#v: %v", actions.HTTPNotificationURL,
operation, err)
a.Action, err)
return err
startTime := time.Now()
httpClient := &http.Client{
Timeout: 15 * time.Second,
resp, err := httpClient.Post(url.String(), "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(a.AsJSON()))
respCode := 0
if err == nil {
respCode = resp.StatusCode
logger.Debug(logSender, "", "notified operation %#v to URL: %v status code: %v, elapsed: %v err: %v",
a.Action, url.String(), respCode, time.Since(startTime), err)
return err
@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ func (c *sshCommand) sendExitStatus(err error) {
realPath = p
go executeAction(operationSSHCmd, c.connection.User.Username, realPath, "", c.command, 0, vfs.IsLocalOsFs(c.connection.fs))
go executeAction(newActionNotification(c.connection.User, operationSSHCmd, realPath, "", c.command, 0))
@ -151,10 +151,10 @@ func (t *Transfer) Close() error {
elapsed := time.Since(t.start).Nanoseconds() / 1000000
if t.transferType == transferDownload {
logger.TransferLog(downloadLogSender, t.path, elapsed, t.bytesSent, t.user.Username, t.connectionID, t.protocol)
go executeAction(operationDownload, t.user.Username, t.path, "", "", t.bytesSent, (t.file != nil))
go executeAction(newActionNotification(t.user, operationDownload, t.path, "", "", t.bytesSent))
} else {
logger.TransferLog(uploadLogSender, t.path, elapsed, t.bytesReceived, t.user.Username, t.connectionID, t.protocol)
go executeAction(operationUpload, t.user.Username, t.path, "", "", t.bytesReceived+t.minWriteOffset, (t.file != nil))
go executeAction(newActionNotification(t.user, operationUpload, t.path, "", "", t.bytesReceived+t.minWriteOffset))
} else {
logger.Warn(logSender, t.connectionID, "transfer error: %v, path: %#v", t.transferError, t.path)
Reference in a new issue