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285 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2019 Nicola Murino
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Package cmd provides Command Line Interface support
package cmd
import (
const (
configDirFlag = "config-dir"
configDirKey = "config_dir"
configFileFlag = "config-file"
configFileKey = "config_file"
logFilePathFlag = "log-file-path"
logFilePathKey = "log_file_path"
logMaxSizeFlag = "log-max-size"
logMaxSizeKey = "log_max_size"
logMaxBackupFlag = "log-max-backups"
logMaxBackupKey = "log_max_backups"
logMaxAgeFlag = "log-max-age"
logMaxAgeKey = "log_max_age"
logCompressFlag = "log-compress"
logCompressKey = "log_compress"
logLevelFlag = "log-level"
logLevelKey = "log_level"
logUTCTimeFlag = "log-utc-time"
logUTCTimeKey = "log_utc_time"
loadDataFromFlag = "loaddata-from"
loadDataFromKey = "loaddata_from"
loadDataModeFlag = "loaddata-mode"
loadDataModeKey = "loaddata_mode"
loadDataQuotaScanFlag = "loaddata-scan"
loadDataQuotaScanKey = "loaddata_scan"
loadDataCleanFlag = "loaddata-clean"
loadDataCleanKey = "loaddata_clean"
graceTimeFlag = "grace-time"
graceTimeKey = "grace_time"
defaultConfigDir = "."
defaultConfigFile = ""
defaultLogFile = "sftpgo.log"
defaultLogMaxSize = 10
defaultLogMaxBackup = 5
defaultLogMaxAge = 28
defaultLogCompress = false
defaultLogLevel = "debug"
defaultLogUTCTime = false
defaultLoadDataFrom = ""
defaultLoadDataMode = 1
defaultLoadDataQuotaScan = 0
defaultLoadDataClean = false
defaultGraceTime = 0
var (
configDir string
configFile string
logFilePath string
logMaxSize int
logMaxBackups int
logMaxAge int
logCompress bool
logLevel string
logUTCTime bool
loadDataFrom string
loadDataMode int
loadDataQuotaScan int
loadDataClean bool
graceTime int
// used if awscontainer build tag is enabled
disableAWSInstallationCode bool
rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "sftpgo",
Short: "Full-featured and highly configurable file transfer server",
func init() {
rootCmd.CompletionOptions.DisableDefaultCmd = true
rootCmd.Flags().BoolP("version", "v", false, "")
rootCmd.Version = version.GetAsString()
rootCmd.SetVersionTemplate(`{{printf "SFTPGo "}}{{printf "%s" .Version}}
// Execute adds all child commands to the root command and sets flags appropriately.
// This is called by main.main(). It only needs to happen once to the rootCmd.
func Execute() {
if err := rootCmd.Execute(); err != nil {
func addConfigFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) {
viper.SetDefault(configDirKey, defaultConfigDir)
viper.BindEnv(configDirKey, "SFTPGO_CONFIG_DIR") //nolint:errcheck // err is not nil only if the key to bind is missing
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&configDir, configDirFlag, "c", viper.GetString(configDirKey),
`Location of the config dir. This directory
is used as the base for files with a relative
path, e.g. the private keys for the SFTP
server or the database file if you use a
file-based data provider.
The configuration file, if not explicitly set,
is looked for in this dir. We support reading
from JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, envfile and Java
properties config files. The default config
file name is "sftpgo" and therefore
"sftpgo.json", "sftpgo.yaml" and so on are
This flag can be set using SFTPGO_CONFIG_DIR
env var too.`)
viper.BindPFlag(configDirKey, cmd.Flags().Lookup(configDirFlag)) //nolint:errcheck
viper.SetDefault(configFileKey, defaultConfigFile)
viper.BindEnv(configFileKey, "SFTPGO_CONFIG_FILE") //nolint:errcheck
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&configFile, configFileFlag, viper.GetString(configFileKey),
`Path to SFTPGo configuration file.
This flag explicitly defines the path, name
and extension of the config file. If must be
an absolute path or a path relative to the
configuration directory. The specified file
name must have a supported extension (JSON,
YAML, TOML, HCL or Java properties).
This flag can be set using SFTPGO_CONFIG_FILE
env var too.`)
viper.BindPFlag(configFileKey, cmd.Flags().Lookup(configFileFlag)) //nolint:errcheck
func addBaseLoadDataFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) {
viper.SetDefault(loadDataFromKey, defaultLoadDataFrom)
viper.BindEnv(loadDataFromKey, "SFTPGO_LOADDATA_FROM") //nolint:errcheck
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&loadDataFrom, loadDataFromFlag, viper.GetString(loadDataFromKey),
`Load users and folders from this file.
The file must be specified as absolute path
and it must contain a backup obtained using
the "dumpdata" REST API or compatible content.
This flag can be set using SFTPGO_LOADDATA_FROM
env var too.
viper.BindPFlag(loadDataFromKey, cmd.Flags().Lookup(loadDataFromFlag)) //nolint:errcheck
viper.SetDefault(loadDataModeKey, defaultLoadDataMode)
viper.BindEnv(loadDataModeKey, "SFTPGO_LOADDATA_MODE") //nolint:errcheck
cmd.Flags().IntVar(&loadDataMode, loadDataModeFlag, viper.GetInt(loadDataModeKey),
`Restore mode for data to load:
0 - new users are added, existing users are
1 - New users are added, existing users are
not modified
This flag can be set using SFTPGO_LOADDATA_MODE
env var too.
viper.BindPFlag(loadDataModeKey, cmd.Flags().Lookup(loadDataModeFlag)) //nolint:errcheck
viper.SetDefault(loadDataCleanKey, defaultLoadDataClean)
viper.BindEnv(loadDataCleanKey, "SFTPGO_LOADDATA_CLEAN") //nolint:errcheck
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&loadDataClean, loadDataCleanFlag, viper.GetBool(loadDataCleanKey),
`Determine if the loaddata-from file should
be removed after a successful load. This flag
can be set using SFTPGO_LOADDATA_CLEAN env var
too. (default "false")
viper.BindPFlag(loadDataCleanKey, cmd.Flags().Lookup(loadDataCleanFlag)) //nolint:errcheck
func addServeFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) {
viper.SetDefault(logFilePathKey, defaultLogFile)
viper.BindEnv(logFilePathKey, "SFTPGO_LOG_FILE_PATH") //nolint:errcheck
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&logFilePath, logFilePathFlag, "l", viper.GetString(logFilePathKey),
`Location for the log file. Leave empty to write
logs to the standard output. This flag can be
set using SFTPGO_LOG_FILE_PATH env var too.
viper.BindPFlag(logFilePathKey, cmd.Flags().Lookup(logFilePathFlag)) //nolint:errcheck
viper.SetDefault(logMaxSizeKey, defaultLogMaxSize)
viper.BindEnv(logMaxSizeKey, "SFTPGO_LOG_MAX_SIZE") //nolint:errcheck
cmd.Flags().IntVarP(&logMaxSize, logMaxSizeFlag, "s", viper.GetInt(logMaxSizeKey),
`Maximum size in megabytes of the log file
before it gets rotated. This flag can be set
using SFTPGO_LOG_MAX_SIZE env var too. It is
unused if log-file-path is empty.
viper.BindPFlag(logMaxSizeKey, cmd.Flags().Lookup(logMaxSizeFlag)) //nolint:errcheck
viper.SetDefault(logMaxBackupKey, defaultLogMaxBackup)
viper.BindEnv(logMaxBackupKey, "SFTPGO_LOG_MAX_BACKUPS") //nolint:errcheck
cmd.Flags().IntVarP(&logMaxBackups, "log-max-backups", "b", viper.GetInt(logMaxBackupKey),
`Maximum number of old log files to retain.
This flag can be set using SFTPGO_LOG_MAX_BACKUPS
env var too. It is unused if log-file-path is
viper.BindPFlag(logMaxBackupKey, cmd.Flags().Lookup(logMaxBackupFlag)) //nolint:errcheck
viper.SetDefault(logMaxAgeKey, defaultLogMaxAge)
viper.BindEnv(logMaxAgeKey, "SFTPGO_LOG_MAX_AGE") //nolint:errcheck
cmd.Flags().IntVarP(&logMaxAge, "log-max-age", "a", viper.GetInt(logMaxAgeKey),
`Maximum number of days to retain old log files.
This flag can be set using SFTPGO_LOG_MAX_AGE env
var too. It is unused if log-file-path is empty.
viper.BindPFlag(logMaxAgeKey, cmd.Flags().Lookup(logMaxAgeFlag)) //nolint:errcheck
viper.SetDefault(logCompressKey, defaultLogCompress)
viper.BindEnv(logCompressKey, "SFTPGO_LOG_COMPRESS") //nolint:errcheck
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&logCompress, logCompressFlag, "z", viper.GetBool(logCompressKey),
`Determine if the rotated log files
should be compressed using gzip. This flag can
be set using SFTPGO_LOG_COMPRESS env var too.
It is unused if log-file-path is empty.
viper.BindPFlag(logCompressKey, cmd.Flags().Lookup(logCompressFlag)) //nolint:errcheck
viper.SetDefault(logLevelKey, defaultLogLevel)
viper.BindEnv(logLevelKey, "SFTPGO_LOG_LEVEL") //nolint:errcheck
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&logLevel, logLevelFlag, viper.GetString(logLevelKey),
`Set the log level. Supported values:
debug, info, warn, error.
This flag can be set
using SFTPGO_LOG_LEVEL env var too.
viper.BindPFlag(logLevelKey, cmd.Flags().Lookup(logLevelFlag)) //nolint:errcheck
viper.SetDefault(logUTCTimeKey, defaultLogUTCTime)
viper.BindEnv(logUTCTimeKey, "SFTPGO_LOG_UTC_TIME") //nolint:errcheck
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&logUTCTime, logUTCTimeFlag, viper.GetBool(logUTCTimeKey),
`Use UTC time for logging. This flag can be set
using SFTPGO_LOG_UTC_TIME env var too.
viper.BindPFlag(logUTCTimeKey, cmd.Flags().Lookup(logUTCTimeFlag)) //nolint:errcheck
viper.SetDefault(loadDataQuotaScanKey, defaultLoadDataQuotaScan)
viper.BindEnv(loadDataQuotaScanKey, "SFTPGO_LOADDATA_QUOTA_SCAN") //nolint:errcheck
cmd.Flags().IntVar(&loadDataQuotaScan, loadDataQuotaScanFlag, viper.GetInt(loadDataQuotaScanKey),
`Quota scan mode after data load:
0 - no quota scan
1 - scan quota
2 - scan quota if the user has quota restrictions
This flag can be set using SFTPGO_LOADDATA_QUOTA_SCAN
env var too.
(default 0)`)
viper.BindPFlag(loadDataQuotaScanKey, cmd.Flags().Lookup(loadDataQuotaScanFlag)) //nolint:errcheck
viper.SetDefault(graceTimeKey, defaultGraceTime)
viper.BindEnv(graceTimeKey, "SFTPGO_GRACE_TIME") //nolint:errcheck
cmd.Flags().IntVar(&graceTime, graceTimeFlag, viper.GetInt(graceTimeKey),
`Graceful shutdown is an option to initiate a
shutdown without abrupt cancellation of the
currently ongoing client-initiated transfer
This grace time defines the number of seconds
allowed for existing transfers to get
completed before shutting down.
A graceful shutdown is triggered by an
interrupt signal.
This flag can be set using SFTPGO_GRACE_TIME env
var too. 0 means disabled. (default 0)`)
viper.BindPFlag(graceTimeKey, cmd.Flags().Lookup(graceTimeFlag)) //nolint:errcheck