Aaron Lehmann 2f048f73e1 Prune digest references when deleting by tag
When pulling an image with content trust enabled, two references are
created: a digest reference and a tag reference. Deleting by tag
wouldn't actually remove the image, because the digest reference keeps
it alive.

This change modifies the rmi logic so that digest references don't keep
an image alive. If the last tag referencing a given image is deleted,
any digest references to it will be removed as well, so the image can
actually get deleted. This fixes the usability problem with deletions
when content trust is in use, so something like "docker pull busybox;
docker rmi busybox" will work as expected.

Signed-off-by: Aaron Lehmann <>
2016-01-12 12:11:43 -08:00

483 lines
19 KiB

package main
import (
var (
remoteRepoName = "dockercli/busybox-by-dgst"
repoName = fmt.Sprintf("%v/%s", privateRegistryURL, remoteRepoName)
pushDigestRegex = regexp.MustCompile("[\\S]+: digest: ([\\S]+) size: [0-9]+")
digestRegex = regexp.MustCompile("Digest: ([\\S]+)")
func setupImage(c *check.C) (digest.Digest, error) {
return setupImageWithTag(c, "latest")
func setupImageWithTag(c *check.C, tag string) (digest.Digest, error) {
containerName := "busyboxbydigest"
dockerCmd(c, "run", "-d", "-e", "digest=1", "--name", containerName, "busybox")
// tag the image to upload it to the private registry
repoAndTag := repoName + ":" + tag
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("commit", containerName, repoAndTag)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("image tagging failed: %s", out))
// delete the container as we don't need it any more
err = deleteContainer(containerName)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
// push the image
out, _, err = dockerCmdWithError("push", repoAndTag)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("pushing the image to the private registry has failed: %s", out))
// delete our local repo that we previously tagged
rmiout, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("rmi", repoAndTag)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("error deleting images prior to real test: %s", rmiout))
matches := pushDigestRegex.FindStringSubmatch(out)
c.Assert(matches, checker.HasLen, 2, check.Commentf("unable to parse digest from push output: %s", out))
pushDigest := matches[1]
return digest.Digest(pushDigest), nil
func (s *DockerRegistrySuite) TestPullByTagDisplaysDigest(c *check.C) {
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux)
pushDigest, err := setupImage(c)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("error setting up image"))
// pull from the registry using the tag
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "pull", repoName)
// the pull output includes "Digest: <digest>", so find that
matches := digestRegex.FindStringSubmatch(out)
c.Assert(matches, checker.HasLen, 2, check.Commentf("unable to parse digest from pull output: %s", out))
pullDigest := matches[1]
// make sure the pushed and pull digests match
c.Assert(pushDigest.String(), checker.Equals, pullDigest)
func (s *DockerRegistrySuite) TestPullByDigest(c *check.C) {
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux)
pushDigest, err := setupImage(c)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("error setting up image"))
// pull from the registry using the <name>@<digest> reference
imageReference := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", repoName, pushDigest)
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "pull", imageReference)
// the pull output includes "Digest: <digest>", so find that
matches := digestRegex.FindStringSubmatch(out)
c.Assert(matches, checker.HasLen, 2, check.Commentf("unable to parse digest from pull output: %s", out))
pullDigest := matches[1]
// make sure the pushed and pull digests match
c.Assert(pushDigest.String(), checker.Equals, pullDigest)
func (s *DockerRegistrySuite) TestPullByDigestNoFallback(c *check.C) {
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux)
// pull from the registry using the <name>@<digest> reference
imageReference := fmt.Sprintf("%s@sha256:ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", repoName)
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("pull", imageReference)
c.Assert(err, checker.NotNil, check.Commentf("expected non-zero exit status and correct error message when pulling non-existing image"))
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "manifest unknown", check.Commentf("expected non-zero exit status and correct error message when pulling non-existing image"))
func (s *DockerRegistrySuite) TestCreateByDigest(c *check.C) {
pushDigest, err := setupImage(c)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("error setting up image"))
imageReference := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", repoName, pushDigest)
containerName := "createByDigest"
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "create", "--name", containerName, imageReference)
res, err := inspectField(containerName, "Config.Image")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("failed to get Config.Image: %s", out))
c.Assert(res, checker.Equals, imageReference)
func (s *DockerRegistrySuite) TestRunByDigest(c *check.C) {
pushDigest, err := setupImage(c)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
imageReference := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", repoName, pushDigest)
containerName := "runByDigest"
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "run", "--name", containerName, imageReference, "sh", "-c", "echo found=$digest")
foundRegex := regexp.MustCompile("found=([^\n]+)")
matches := foundRegex.FindStringSubmatch(out)
c.Assert(matches, checker.HasLen, 2, check.Commentf("unable to parse digest from pull output: %s", out))
c.Assert(matches[1], checker.Equals, "1", check.Commentf("Expected %q, got %q", "1", matches[1]))
res, err := inspectField(containerName, "Config.Image")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("failed to get Config.Image: %s", out))
c.Assert(res, checker.Equals, imageReference)
func (s *DockerRegistrySuite) TestRemoveImageByDigest(c *check.C) {
digest, err := setupImage(c)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("error setting up image"))
imageReference := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", repoName, digest)
// pull from the registry using the <name>@<digest> reference
dockerCmd(c, "pull", imageReference)
// make sure inspect runs ok
_, err = inspectField(imageReference, "Id")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("failed to inspect image"))
// do the delete
err = deleteImages(imageReference)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("unexpected error deleting image"))
// try to inspect again - it should error this time
_, err = inspectField(imageReference, "Id")
//unexpected nil err trying to inspect what should be a non-existent image
c.Assert(err, checker.NotNil)
c.Assert(err.Error(), checker.Contains, "No such image")
func (s *DockerRegistrySuite) TestBuildByDigest(c *check.C) {
digest, err := setupImage(c)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("error setting up image"))
imageReference := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", repoName, digest)
// pull from the registry using the <name>@<digest> reference
dockerCmd(c, "pull", imageReference)
// get the image id
imageID, err := inspectField(imageReference, "Id")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("error getting image id"))
// do the build
name := "buildbydigest"
_, err = buildImage(name, fmt.Sprintf(
`FROM %s
CMD ["/bin/echo", "Hello World"]`, imageReference),
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
// get the build's image id
res, err := inspectField(name, "Config.Image")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
// make sure they match
c.Assert(res, checker.Equals, imageID)
func (s *DockerRegistrySuite) TestTagByDigest(c *check.C) {
digest, err := setupImage(c)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("error setting up image"))
imageReference := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", repoName, digest)
// pull from the registry using the <name>@<digest> reference
dockerCmd(c, "pull", imageReference)
// tag it
tag := "tagbydigest"
dockerCmd(c, "tag", imageReference, tag)
expectedID, err := inspectField(imageReference, "Id")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("error getting original image id"))
tagID, err := inspectField(tag, "Id")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("error getting tagged image id"))
c.Assert(tagID, checker.Equals, expectedID)
func (s *DockerRegistrySuite) TestListImagesWithoutDigests(c *check.C) {
digest, err := setupImage(c)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("error setting up image"))
imageReference := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", repoName, digest)
// pull from the registry using the <name>@<digest> reference
dockerCmd(c, "pull", imageReference)
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "images")
c.Assert(out, checker.Not(checker.Contains), "DIGEST", check.Commentf("list output should not have contained DIGEST header"))
func (s *DockerRegistrySuite) TestListImagesWithDigests(c *check.C) {
// setup image1
digest1, err := setupImageWithTag(c, "tag1")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("error setting up image"))
imageReference1 := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", repoName, digest1)
c.Logf("imageReference1 = %s", imageReference1)
// pull image1 by digest
dockerCmd(c, "pull", imageReference1)
// list images
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "images", "--digests")
// make sure repo shown, tag=<none>, digest = $digest1
re1 := regexp.MustCompile(`\s*` + repoName + `\s*<none>\s*` + digest1.String() + `\s`)
c.Assert(re1.MatchString(out), checker.True, check.Commentf("expected %q: %s", re1.String(), out))
// setup image2
digest2, err := setupImageWithTag(c, "tag2")
//error setting up image
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
imageReference2 := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", repoName, digest2)
c.Logf("imageReference2 = %s", imageReference2)
// pull image1 by digest
dockerCmd(c, "pull", imageReference1)
// pull image2 by digest
dockerCmd(c, "pull", imageReference2)
// list images
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "images", "--digests")
// make sure repo shown, tag=<none>, digest = $digest1
c.Assert(re1.MatchString(out), checker.True, check.Commentf("expected %q: %s", re1.String(), out))
// make sure repo shown, tag=<none>, digest = $digest2
re2 := regexp.MustCompile(`\s*` + repoName + `\s*<none>\s*` + digest2.String() + `\s`)
c.Assert(re2.MatchString(out), checker.True, check.Commentf("expected %q: %s", re2.String(), out))
// pull tag1
dockerCmd(c, "pull", repoName+":tag1")
// list images
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "images", "--digests")
// make sure image 1 has repo, tag, <none> AND repo, <none>, digest
reWithTag1 := regexp.MustCompile(`\s*` + repoName + `\s*tag1\s*<none>\s`)
reWithDigest1 := regexp.MustCompile(`\s*` + repoName + `\s*<none>\s*` + digest1.String() + `\s`)
c.Assert(reWithDigest1.MatchString(out), checker.True, check.Commentf("expected %q: %s", reWithDigest1.String(), out))
c.Assert(reWithTag1.MatchString(out), checker.True, check.Commentf("expected %q: %s", reWithTag1.String(), out))
// make sure image 2 has repo, <none>, digest
c.Assert(re2.MatchString(out), checker.True, check.Commentf("expected %q: %s", re2.String(), out))
// pull tag 2
dockerCmd(c, "pull", repoName+":tag2")
// list images
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "images", "--digests")
// make sure image 1 has repo, tag, digest
c.Assert(reWithTag1.MatchString(out), checker.True, check.Commentf("expected %q: %s", reWithTag1.String(), out))
// make sure image 2 has repo, tag, digest
reWithTag2 := regexp.MustCompile(`\s*` + repoName + `\s*tag2\s*<none>\s`)
reWithDigest2 := regexp.MustCompile(`\s*` + repoName + `\s*<none>\s*` + digest2.String() + `\s`)
c.Assert(reWithTag2.MatchString(out), checker.True, check.Commentf("expected %q: %s", reWithTag2.String(), out))
c.Assert(reWithDigest2.MatchString(out), checker.True, check.Commentf("expected %q: %s", reWithDigest2.String(), out))
// list images
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "images", "--digests")
// make sure image 1 has repo, tag, digest
c.Assert(reWithTag1.MatchString(out), checker.True, check.Commentf("expected %q: %s", reWithTag1.String(), out))
// make sure image 2 has repo, tag, digest
c.Assert(reWithTag2.MatchString(out), checker.True, check.Commentf("expected %q: %s", reWithTag2.String(), out))
// make sure busybox has tag, but not digest
busyboxRe := regexp.MustCompile(`\s*busybox\s*latest\s*<none>\s`)
c.Assert(busyboxRe.MatchString(out), checker.True, check.Commentf("expected %q: %s", busyboxRe.String(), out))
func (s *DockerRegistrySuite) TestInspectImageWithDigests(c *check.C) {
digest, err := setupImage(c)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil, check.Commentf("error setting up image"))
imageReference := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", repoName, digest)
// pull from the registry using the <name>@<digest> reference
dockerCmd(c, "pull", imageReference)
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "inspect", imageReference)
var imageJSON []types.ImageInspect
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(out), &imageJSON)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(imageJSON, checker.HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(imageJSON[0].RepoDigests, checker.HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(stringutils.InSlice(imageJSON[0].RepoDigests, imageReference), checker.Equals, true)
func (s *DockerRegistrySuite) TestPsListContainersFilterAncestorImageByDigest(c *check.C) {
digest, err := setupImage(c)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("error setting up image"))
imageReference := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", repoName, digest)
// pull from the registry using the <name>@<digest> reference
dockerCmd(c, "pull", imageReference)
// build a image from it
imageName1 := "images_ps_filter_test"
_, err = buildImage(imageName1, fmt.Sprintf(
`FROM %s
LABEL match me 1`, imageReference), true)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
// run a container based on that
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "run", "-d", imageReference, "echo", "hello")
expectedID := strings.TrimSpace(out)
// run a container based on the a descendant of that too
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "run", "-d", imageName1, "echo", "hello")
expectedID1 := strings.TrimSpace(out)
expectedIDs := []string{expectedID, expectedID1}
// Invalid imageReference
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "ps", "-a", "-q", "--no-trunc", fmt.Sprintf("--filter=ancestor=busybox@%s", digest))
// Filter container for ancestor filter should be empty
c.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(out), checker.Equals, "")
// Valid imageReference
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "ps", "-a", "-q", "--no-trunc", "--filter=ancestor="+imageReference)
checkPsAncestorFilterOutput(c, out, imageReference, expectedIDs)
func (s *DockerRegistrySuite) TestDeleteImageByIDOnlyPulledByDigest(c *check.C) {
pushDigest, err := setupImage(c)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("error setting up image"))
// pull from the registry using the <name>@<digest> reference
imageReference := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", repoName, pushDigest)
dockerCmd(c, "pull", imageReference)
// just in case...
imageID, err := inspectField(imageReference, "Id")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("error inspecting image id"))
dockerCmd(c, "rmi", imageID)
func (s *DockerRegistrySuite) TestDeleteImageWithDigestAndTag(c *check.C) {
pushDigest, err := setupImage(c)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("error setting up image"))
// pull from the registry using the <name>@<digest> reference
imageReference := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", repoName, pushDigest)
dockerCmd(c, "pull", imageReference)
imageID, err := inspectField(imageReference, "Id")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("error inspecting image id"))
repoTag := repoName + ":sometag"
repoTag2 := repoName + ":othertag"
dockerCmd(c, "tag", imageReference, repoTag)
dockerCmd(c, "tag", imageReference, repoTag2)
dockerCmd(c, "rmi", repoTag2)
// rmi should have deleted only repoTag2, because there's another tag
_, err = inspectField(repoTag, "Id")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("repoTag should not have been removed"))
dockerCmd(c, "rmi", repoTag)
// rmi should have deleted the tag, the digest reference, and the image itself
_, err = inspectField(imageID, "Id")
c.Assert(err, checker.NotNil, check.Commentf("image should have been deleted"))
// TestPullFailsWithAlteredManifest tests that a `docker pull` fails when
// we have modified a manifest blob and its digest cannot be verified.
func (s *DockerRegistrySuite) TestPullFailsWithAlteredManifest(c *check.C) {
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux)
manifestDigest, err := setupImage(c)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("error setting up image"))
// Load the target manifest blob.
manifestBlob := s.reg.readBlobContents(c, manifestDigest)
var imgManifest schema1.Manifest
err = json.Unmarshal(manifestBlob, &imgManifest)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("unable to decode image manifest from blob"))
// Change a layer in the manifest.
imgManifest.FSLayers[0] = schema1.FSLayer{
BlobSum: digest.Digest("sha256:0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"),
// Move the existing data file aside, so that we can replace it with a
// malicious blob of data. NOTE: we defer the returned undo func.
undo := s.reg.tempMoveBlobData(c, manifestDigest)
defer undo()
alteredManifestBlob, err := json.MarshalIndent(imgManifest, "", " ")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("unable to encode altered image manifest to JSON"))
s.reg.writeBlobContents(c, manifestDigest, alteredManifestBlob)
// Now try pulling that image by digest. We should get an error about
// digest verification for the manifest digest.
// Pull from the registry using the <name>@<digest> reference.
imageReference := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", repoName, manifestDigest)
out, exitStatus, _ := dockerCmdWithError("pull", imageReference)
c.Assert(exitStatus, checker.Not(check.Equals), 0)
expectedErrorMsg := fmt.Sprintf("image verification failed for digest %s", manifestDigest)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, expectedErrorMsg)
// TestPullFailsWithAlteredLayer tests that a `docker pull` fails when
// we have modified a layer blob and its digest cannot be verified.
func (s *DockerRegistrySuite) TestPullFailsWithAlteredLayer(c *check.C) {
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux)
manifestDigest, err := setupImage(c)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
// Load the target manifest blob.
manifestBlob := s.reg.readBlobContents(c, manifestDigest)
var imgManifest schema1.Manifest
err = json.Unmarshal(manifestBlob, &imgManifest)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
// Next, get the digest of one of the layers from the manifest.
targetLayerDigest := imgManifest.FSLayers[0].BlobSum
// Move the existing data file aside, so that we can replace it with a
// malicious blob of data. NOTE: we defer the returned undo func.
undo := s.reg.tempMoveBlobData(c, targetLayerDigest)
defer undo()
// Now make a fake data blob in this directory.
s.reg.writeBlobContents(c, targetLayerDigest, []byte("This is not the data you are looking for."))
// Now try pulling that image by digest. We should get an error about
// digest verification for the target layer digest.
// Remove distribution cache to force a re-pull of the blobs
if err := os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(dockerBasePath, "image", s.d.storageDriver, "distribution")); err != nil {
c.Fatalf("error clearing distribution cache: %v", err)
// Pull from the registry using the <name>@<digest> reference.
imageReference := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", repoName, manifestDigest)
out, exitStatus, _ := dockerCmdWithError("pull", imageReference)
c.Assert(exitStatus, checker.Not(check.Equals), 0, check.Commentf("expected a zero exit status"))
expectedErrorMsg := fmt.Sprintf("filesystem layer verification failed for digest %s", targetLayerDigest)
c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, expectedErrorMsg, check.Commentf("expected error message in output: %s", out))