Using the environment variable here also has the advantage that it can be copied and pasted directly in a terminal and it will work.
Signed-off-by: David Lechner <>
Rather than conflict with the unexposed task model, change the names of
the object-oriented task display to `docker <object> ps`. The command
works identically to `docker service tasks`. This change is superficial.
This provides a more sensical docker experience while not trampling on
the task model that may be introduced as a top-level command at a later
The following is an example of the display using `docker service ps`
with a service named `condescending_cori`:
$ docker service ps condescending_cori
e2cd9vqb62qjk38lw65uoffd2 condescending_cori.1 condescending_cori alpine Running 13 minutes ago Running 6c6d232a5d0e
The following shows the output for the node on which the command is
$ docker node ps self
b1tpbi43k1ibevg2e94bmqo0s mad_kalam.1 mad_kalam apline Accepted 2 seconds ago Accepted 6c6d232a5d0e
e2cd9vqb62qjk38lw65uoffd2 condescending_cori.1 condescending_cori alpine Running 12 minutes ago Running 6c6d232a5d0e
4x609m5o0qyn0kgpzvf0ad8x5 furious_davinci.1 furious_davinci redis Running 32 minutes ago Running 6c6d232a5d0e
Signed-off-by: Stephen J Day <>
These links were temporarily changed, because the
docs were published before the 1.12.0 tag was
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
this brings back the trailing whitespace in "runmetrics",
that were there intentially to force a line-break
also removes a duplicate redirect, that was present
on two pages
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
Swarm mode makes it possible through the API to set labels to containers
but not through command line. This tries to fix it.
Signed-off-by: Vincent Demeester <>
Instead reserve exit code 2 to be future proof, document that it should
not be used. Implementation-wise, it is considered as unhealthy, but
users should not rely on this as it may change in the future.
Signed-off-by: Tibor Vass <>
This adds a guide with recommendations on how to setup
Managers and keep the Swarm cluster healthy.
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Beslic <>
This changes the default behavior so that rolling updates will not
proceed once an updated task fails to start, or stops running during the
update. Users can use docker service inspect --pretty servicename to see
the update status, and if it pauses due to a failure, it will explain
that the update is paused, and show the task ID that caused it to pause.
It also shows the time since the update started.
A new --update-on-failure=(pause|continue) flag selects the
behavior. Pause means the update stops once a task fails, continue means
the old behavior of continuing the update anyway.
In the future this will be extended with additional behaviors like
automatic rollback, and flags controlling parameters like how many tasks
need to fail for the update to stop proceeding. This is a minimal
solution for 1.12.
Signed-off-by: Aaron Lehmann <>