Memory swappiness option takes 0-100, and helps to tune swappiness
behavior per container.
For example, When a lower value of swappiness is chosen
the container will see minimum major faults. When no value is
specified for memory-swappiness in docker UI, it is inherited from
parent cgroup. (generally 60 unless it is changed).
Signed-off-by: Raghavendra K T <>
Carry #11675
Aside from what #11675 says, to me a key usecase for this is to support
more than one Docker cli running at the same time but each may have its
own set of config files.
Signed-off-by: Doug Davis <>
`docker login` in 1.7 produces a config file in `~/docker/config.json`
instead of a `~/.dockercfg`.
Signed-off-by: Nate Brennand <>
It was missing some variants and 'maintainer' isn't actually supported.
Also sorted the list of allowed cmds in the code just to make it easier
to diff with the docs.
Signed-off-by: Doug Davis <>
Update the man page for 'docker commit' to make explicit the fact that
'commit' does not save data in volumes.
Addresses comments in #7583
Signed-off-by: Lars Kellogg-Stedman <>
DeviceMapper must be explicitly selected because the Docker binary might not be linked to the right devmapper library.
With this change, Docker fails fast if the driver detection finds the devicemapper directory but the driver is not the default option.
The option `override_udev_sync_check` doesn't make sense anymore, since the user must be explicit to select devicemapper, so it's being removed.
Docker fails to use devicemapper only if Docker has been built statically unless the option was explicit.
Signed-off-by: David Calavera <>
Tweaking for Hugo
Updating the Dockerfile with new sed; fix broken link on Kitematic
Fixing image pull for Dockerfile
Removing docs targets
Signed-off-by: Mary Anthony <>
Export image/container metadata stored in graph driver. Right now 3 fields
DeviceId, DeviceSize and DeviceName are being exported from devicemapper.
Other graph drivers can export fields as they see fit.
This data can be used to mount the thin device outside of docker and tools
can look into image/container and do some kind of inspection.
Signed-off-by: Vivek Goyal <>
The main Dockerfile to was updated - this update brings the
sub-directory specific file inline with it.
Signed-off-by: Brian Exelbierd <>
Adding in other areas per comments
Updating with comments; equalizing generating man page info
Updating with duglin's comments
Doug is right here again;fixing.
Signed-off-by: Mary Anthony <>