.. | ||
Patches | ||
.gitignore | ||
BuildFuseExt2.sh | ||
BuildIt.sh | ||
BuildIt_x86_64.sh | ||
BuildPython.sh | ||
BuildQemu.sh | ||
CMakeToolchain.txt | ||
ComputeDependenciesHash.sh | ||
Serenity Toolchain - Building the Serenity operating system
This directory contains all toolchain related files. E.g. build scripts for the cross compilation toolchain and build toolchain for ports.
Cross Compile Toolchain
The cross compile toolchain contains
binutils 2.32
GCC 8.3.0
These are built from source with some patches applied.
Build Essentials
sudo apt install build-essential curl libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev libgmp-dev
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test sudo apt-get install gcc-8 g++-8 sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-8 800 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-8
sudo apt install e2fsprogs
Serenity (Full build)
If everything worked out, you now have the i686-pc-serenity toolchain ready and we can build Serenity.
Go into Kernel/
folder and build it:
Then take it for a spin:
See next chapter for more options on running SerenityOS in an emulator.
Running SerenityOS in an emulator
To run SerenityOS in a specific emulator, call the ./run
command in the Kernel/
There are several emulators supported to run SerenityOS in:
sudo apt install bochs
Add the
argument to the run script, to use bochs emulator:./run b
QEMU QEMU with networking enabled is used by default, when no extra argument is passed to the run script. There are some extra arguments to run QEMU emulator with specific settings:
Add the
argument to the run script to use QEMU without networking:./run qn
Add the
argument to the run script to use QEMU with grub bootloader:./run qgrub
Add the
argument to the run script to use QEMU with textmode:./run qtext
Note: there is a problem with the PS/2 keyboard/mouse emulation in QEMU 2.11.1 as packaged in Ubuntu's LTS releases. If you have any strange behaviour with missing keyboard inputs or jittery mouse movement, try building QEMU from source as described in QEMU. 2.12.1, 3.0.1, 3.1.0, and 4.0.0 are all confirmed as working when built from source.
QEMU installation / compilation
If your distribution contains a QEMU version > 2.11.1, then you can just install it via
sudo apt install qemu-system-i386 qemu-utils
If that is not the case, you can build QEMU from sources with the provided script BuildQemu.sh
To do so, some build dependencies have to be installed first:
sudo apt-get build-dep qemu
sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev
The source-repositories of your distribution have to be enabled to install the build-dep's.
has been tested with QEMU 3.0.0 and 4.1.0 (which is default). If you
want to build QEMU 3.0.0, change the variable QEMU_VERSION
Passing custom arguments to QEMU
You can modify the environment variable SERENITY_EXTRA_QEMU_ARGS
to your needs or hand it over directly before the run command:
SERENITY_EXTRA_QEMU_ARGS="-nographic" ./run qtext