Brian Gianforcaro 1682f0b760 Everything: Move to SPDX license identifiers in all files.
SPDX License Identifiers are a more compact / standardized
way of representing file license information.


This was done with the `ambr` search and replace tool.

 ambr --no-parent-ignore --key-from-file --rep-from-file key.txt rep.txt *
2021-04-22 11:22:27 +02:00

128 lines
4.5 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2020, Itamar S. <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include "Hunks.h"
#include <AK/Debug.h>
namespace Diff {
Vector<Hunk> parse_hunks(const String& diff)
Vector<String> diff_lines = diff.split('\n');
if (diff_lines.is_empty())
return {};
Vector<Hunk> hunks;
size_t line_index = 0;
HunkLocation current_location {};
// Skip to first hunk
while (diff_lines[line_index][0] != '@') {
while (line_index < diff_lines.size()) {
if (diff_lines[line_index][0] == '@') {
current_location = parse_hunk_location(diff_lines[line_index]);
if (diff_lines[line_index][0] == ' ') {
current_location.apply_offset(1, HunkLocation::LocationType::Both);
Hunk hunk {};
hunk.original_start_line = current_location.original_start_line;
hunk.target_start_line = current_location.target_start_line;
while (line_index < diff_lines.size() && diff_lines[line_index][0] == '-') {
hunk.removed_lines.append(diff_lines[line_index].substring(1, diff_lines[line_index].length() - 1));
current_location.apply_offset(1, HunkLocation::LocationType::Original);
while (line_index < diff_lines.size() && diff_lines[line_index][0] == '+') {
hunk.added_lines.append(diff_lines[line_index].substring(1, diff_lines[line_index].length() - 1));
current_location.apply_offset(1, HunkLocation::LocationType::Target);
while (line_index < diff_lines.size() && diff_lines[line_index][0] == ' ') {
current_location.apply_offset(1, HunkLocation::LocationType::Both);
if constexpr (HUNKS_DEBUG) {
for (const auto& hunk : hunks) {
dbgln("Hunk location:");
dbgln(" orig: {}", hunk.original_start_line);
dbgln(" target: {}", hunk.target_start_line);
dbgln(" removed:");
for (const auto& line : hunk.removed_lines)
dbgln("- {}", line);
dbgln(" added:");
for (const auto& line : hunk.added_lines)
dbgln("+ {}", line);
return hunks;
HunkLocation parse_hunk_location(const String& location_line)
size_t char_index = 0;
struct StartAndLength {
size_t start { 0 };
size_t length { 0 };
auto parse_start_and_length_pair = [](const String& raw) {
auto index_of_separator = raw.index_of(",").value();
auto start = raw.substring(0, index_of_separator);
auto length = raw.substring(index_of_separator + 1, raw.length() - index_of_separator - 1);
auto res = StartAndLength { start.to_uint().value() - 1, length.to_uint().value() - 1 };
return res;
while (char_index < location_line.length() && location_line[char_index++] != '-') {
VERIFY(char_index < location_line.length());
size_t original_location_start_index = char_index;
while (char_index < location_line.length() && location_line[char_index++] != ' ') {
VERIFY(char_index < location_line.length() && location_line[char_index] == '+');
size_t original_location_end_index = char_index - 2;
size_t target_location_start_index = char_index + 1;
char_index += 1;
while (char_index < location_line.length() && location_line[char_index++] != ' ') {
VERIFY(char_index < location_line.length());
size_t target_location_end_index = char_index - 2;
auto original_pair = parse_start_and_length_pair(location_line.substring(original_location_start_index, original_location_end_index - original_location_start_index + 1));
auto target_pair = parse_start_and_length_pair(location_line.substring(target_location_start_index, target_location_end_index - target_location_start_index + 1));
return { original_pair.start, original_pair.length, target_pair.start, target_pair.length };
void HunkLocation::apply_offset(size_t offset, HunkLocation::LocationType type)
if (type == LocationType::Original || type == LocationType::Both) {
original_start_line += offset;
original_length -= offset;
if (type == LocationType::Target || type == LocationType::Both) {
target_start_line += offset;
target_length -= offset;