As ECMA262 regex allows `[^]` and literal newlines to match newlines in the input string, we shouldn't split the input string into lines, rather simply make boundaries and catchall patterns capable of checking for these conditions specifically.
300 lines
11 KiB
300 lines
11 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2020, Emanuel Sprung <emanuel.sprung@gmail.com>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include "RegexByteCode.h"
#include "RegexError.h"
#include "RegexLexer.h"
#include "RegexOptions.h"
#include <AK/Forward.h>
#include <AK/StringBuilder.h>
#include <AK/Types.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
#include <LibUnicode/Forward.h>
namespace regex {
class PosixExtendedParser;
class PosixBasicParser;
class ECMA262Parser;
template<typename T>
struct GenericParserTraits {
using OptionsType = T;
template<typename T>
struct ParserTraits : public GenericParserTraits<T> {
struct ParserTraits<PosixExtendedParser> : public GenericParserTraits<PosixOptions> {
struct ParserTraits<PosixBasicParser> : public GenericParserTraits<PosixOptions> {
struct ParserTraits<ECMA262Parser> : public GenericParserTraits<ECMAScriptOptions> {
class Parser {
struct Result {
ByteCode bytecode;
size_t capture_groups_count;
size_t named_capture_groups_count;
size_t match_length_minimum;
Error error;
Token error_token;
Vector<FlyString> capture_groups;
AllOptions options;
explicit Parser(Lexer& lexer)
: m_parser_state(lexer)
Parser(Lexer& lexer, AllOptions regex_options)
: m_parser_state(lexer, regex_options)
virtual ~Parser() = default;
Result parse(Optional<AllOptions> regex_options = {});
bool has_error() const { return m_parser_state.error != Error::NoError; }
Error error() const { return m_parser_state.error; }
AllOptions options() const { return m_parser_state.regex_options; }
virtual bool parse_internal(ByteCode&, size_t& match_length_minimum) = 0;
ALWAYS_INLINE bool match(TokenType type) const;
ALWAYS_INLINE bool match(char ch) const;
ALWAYS_INLINE bool match_ordinary_characters();
ALWAYS_INLINE Token consume();
ALWAYS_INLINE Token consume(TokenType type, Error error);
ALWAYS_INLINE bool consume(String const&);
ALWAYS_INLINE Optional<u32> consume_escaped_code_point(bool unicode);
ALWAYS_INLINE bool try_skip(StringView);
ALWAYS_INLINE bool lookahead_any(StringView);
ALWAYS_INLINE unsigned char skip();
ALWAYS_INLINE void back(size_t = 1);
ALWAYS_INLINE void reset();
ALWAYS_INLINE bool done() const;
ALWAYS_INLINE bool set_error(Error error);
struct NamedCaptureGroup {
size_t group_index { 0 };
size_t minimum_length { 0 };
struct ParserState {
Lexer& lexer;
Token current_token;
Error error = Error::NoError;
Token error_token { TokenType::Eof, 0, StringView(nullptr) };
ByteCode bytecode;
size_t capture_groups_count { 0 };
size_t named_capture_groups_count { 0 };
size_t match_length_minimum { 0 };
size_t repetition_mark_count { 0 };
AllOptions regex_options;
HashMap<int, size_t> capture_group_minimum_lengths;
HashMap<FlyString, NamedCaptureGroup> named_capture_groups;
explicit ParserState(Lexer& lexer)
: lexer(lexer)
, current_token(lexer.next())
explicit ParserState(Lexer& lexer, AllOptions regex_options)
: lexer(lexer)
, current_token(lexer.next())
, regex_options(regex_options)
ParserState m_parser_state;
class AbstractPosixParser : public Parser {
explicit AbstractPosixParser(Lexer& lexer)
: Parser(lexer)
AbstractPosixParser(Lexer& lexer, Optional<typename ParserTraits<PosixExtendedParser>::OptionsType> regex_options)
: Parser(lexer, regex_options.value_or({}))
ALWAYS_INLINE bool parse_bracket_expression(Vector<CompareTypeAndValuePair>&, size_t&);
class PosixBasicParser final : public AbstractPosixParser {
explicit PosixBasicParser(Lexer& lexer)
: AbstractPosixParser(lexer)
PosixBasicParser(Lexer& lexer, Optional<typename ParserTraits<PosixBasicParser>::OptionsType> regex_options)
: AbstractPosixParser(lexer, regex_options.value_or({}))
~PosixBasicParser() = default;
bool parse_internal(ByteCode&, size_t&) override;
bool parse_root(ByteCode&, size_t&);
bool parse_re_expression(ByteCode&, size_t&);
bool parse_simple_re(ByteCode&, size_t&);
bool parse_nonduplicating_re(ByteCode&, size_t&);
bool parse_one_char_or_collation_element(ByteCode&, size_t&);
constexpr static size_t number_of_addressable_capture_groups = 9;
size_t m_capture_group_minimum_lengths[number_of_addressable_capture_groups] { 0 };
bool m_capture_group_seen[number_of_addressable_capture_groups] { false };
size_t m_current_capture_group_depth { 0 };
class PosixExtendedParser final : public AbstractPosixParser {
constexpr static auto default_options = static_cast<PosixFlags>(AllFlags::SingleLine) | static_cast<PosixFlags>(AllFlags::Internal_ConsiderNewline);
explicit PosixExtendedParser(Lexer& lexer)
: AbstractPosixParser(lexer, default_options)
PosixExtendedParser(Lexer& lexer, Optional<typename ParserTraits<PosixExtendedParser>::OptionsType> regex_options)
: AbstractPosixParser(lexer, regex_options.value_or({}) | default_options.value())
~PosixExtendedParser() = default;
ALWAYS_INLINE bool match_repetition_symbol();
bool parse_internal(ByteCode&, size_t&) override;
bool parse_root(ByteCode&, size_t&);
ALWAYS_INLINE bool parse_sub_expression(ByteCode&, size_t&);
ALWAYS_INLINE bool parse_bracket_expression(ByteCode&, size_t&);
ALWAYS_INLINE bool parse_repetition_symbol(ByteCode&, size_t&);
class ECMA262Parser final : public Parser {
constexpr static ECMAScriptOptions default_options = static_cast<ECMAScriptFlags>(AllFlags::Internal_ConsiderNewline);
explicit ECMA262Parser(Lexer& lexer)
: Parser(lexer, default_options)
ECMA262Parser(Lexer& lexer, Optional<typename ParserTraits<ECMA262Parser>::OptionsType> regex_options)
: Parser(lexer, regex_options.value_or({}) | default_options.value())
m_should_use_browser_extended_grammar = regex_options.has_value() && regex_options->has_flag_set(ECMAScriptFlags::BrowserExtended);
~ECMA262Parser() = default;
bool parse_internal(ByteCode&, size_t&) override;
enum class ReadDigitsInitialZeroState {
StringView read_digits_as_string(ReadDigitsInitialZeroState initial_zero = ReadDigitsInitialZeroState::Allow, bool hex = false, int max_count = -1, int min_count = -1);
Optional<unsigned> read_digits(ReadDigitsInitialZeroState initial_zero = ReadDigitsInitialZeroState::Allow, bool hex = false, int max_count = -1, int min_count = -1);
FlyString read_capture_group_specifier(bool take_starting_angle_bracket = false);
struct Script {
Unicode::Script script {};
bool is_extension { false };
using PropertyEscape = Variant<Unicode::Property, Unicode::GeneralCategory, Script, Empty>;
Optional<PropertyEscape> read_unicode_property_escape();
bool parse_pattern(ByteCode&, size_t&, bool unicode, bool named);
bool parse_disjunction(ByteCode&, size_t&, bool unicode, bool named);
bool parse_alternative(ByteCode&, size_t&, bool unicode, bool named);
bool parse_term(ByteCode&, size_t&, bool unicode, bool named);
bool parse_assertion(ByteCode&, size_t&, bool unicode, bool named);
bool parse_atom(ByteCode&, size_t&, bool unicode, bool named);
bool parse_quantifier(ByteCode&, size_t&, bool unicode, bool named);
bool parse_interval_quantifier(Optional<u64>& repeat_min, Optional<u64>& repeat_max);
bool parse_atom_escape(ByteCode&, size_t&, bool unicode, bool named);
bool parse_character_class(ByteCode&, size_t&, bool unicode, bool named);
bool parse_capture_group(ByteCode&, size_t&, bool unicode, bool named);
Optional<CharClass> parse_character_class_escape(bool& out_inverse, bool expect_backslash = false);
bool parse_nonempty_class_ranges(Vector<CompareTypeAndValuePair>&, bool unicode);
bool parse_unicode_property_escape(PropertyEscape& property, bool& negated);
// Used only by B.1.4, Regular Expression Patterns (Extended for use in browsers)
bool parse_quantifiable_assertion(ByteCode&, size_t&, bool named);
bool parse_extended_atom(ByteCode&, size_t&, bool named);
bool parse_inner_disjunction(ByteCode& bytecode_stack, size_t& length, bool unicode, bool named);
bool parse_invalid_braced_quantifier(); // Note: This function either parses and *fails*, or doesn't parse anything and returns false.
bool parse_legacy_octal_escape_sequence(ByteCode& bytecode_stack, size_t& length);
Optional<u8> parse_legacy_octal_escape();
size_t ensure_total_number_of_capturing_parenthesis();
void enter_capture_group_scope() { m_capture_groups_in_scope.empend(); }
void exit_capture_group_scope()
auto last = m_capture_groups_in_scope.take_last();
void clear_all_capture_groups_in_scope(ByteCode& stack)
for (auto& index : m_capture_groups_in_scope.last())
// ECMA-262's flavour of regex is a bit weird in that it allows backrefs to reference "future" captures, and such backrefs
// always match the empty string. So we have to know how many capturing parenthesis there are, but we don't want to always
// parse it twice, so we'll just do so when it's actually needed.
// Most patterns should have no need to ever populate this field.
Optional<size_t> m_total_number_of_capturing_parenthesis;
// Keep the Annex B. behavior behind a flag, the users can enable it by passing the `ECMAScriptFlags::BrowserExtended` flag.
bool m_should_use_browser_extended_grammar { false };
// ECMA-262 basically requires that we clear the inner captures of a capture group before trying to match it,
// by requiring that (...)+ only contain the matches for the last iteration.
// To do that, we have to keep track of which capture groups are "in scope", so we can clear them as needed.
Vector<Vector<size_t>> m_capture_groups_in_scope;
using PosixExtended = PosixExtendedParser;
using PosixBasic = PosixBasicParser;
using ECMA262 = ECMA262Parser;
using regex::ECMA262;
using regex::PosixBasic;
using regex::PosixExtended;