These passes have not been shown to actually optimize any JS, and tests have become very flaky with optimizations enabled. Until some measurable benefit is shown, remove the optimization passes to reduce overhead of maintaining bytecode operations and to reduce CI churn. The framework for optimizations will live on in git history, and can be restored once proven useful.
811 lines
29 KiB
811 lines
29 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2021, Linus Groh <linusg@serenityos.org>
* Copyright (c) 2021-2022, David Tuin <davidot@serenityos.org>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/DeprecatedString.h>
#include <AK/Format.h>
#include <AK/JsonObject.h>
#include <AK/Result.h>
#include <AK/ScopeGuard.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
#include <LibCore/ArgsParser.h>
#include <LibCore/File.h>
#include <LibJS/Bytecode/BasicBlock.h>
#include <LibJS/Bytecode/Generator.h>
#include <LibJS/Bytecode/Interpreter.h>
#include <LibJS/Contrib/Test262/GlobalObject.h>
#include <LibJS/Interpreter.h>
#include <LibJS/Parser.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/VM.h>
#include <LibJS/Script.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#if !defined(AK_OS_MACOS) && !defined(AK_OS_EMSCRIPTEN)
// Only used to disable core dumps
# include <sys/prctl.h>
static DeprecatedString s_current_test = "";
static bool s_parse_only = false;
static DeprecatedString s_harness_file_directory;
static bool s_automatic_harness_detection_mode = false;
enum class NegativePhase {
struct TestError {
NegativePhase phase { NegativePhase::ParseOrEarly };
DeprecatedString type;
DeprecatedString details;
DeprecatedString harness_file;
using ScriptOrModuleProgram = Variant<JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Script>, JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::SourceTextModule>>;
template<typename ScriptType>
static Result<ScriptOrModuleProgram, TestError> parse_program(JS::Realm& realm, StringView source, StringView filepath)
auto script_or_error = ScriptType::parse(source, realm, filepath);
if (script_or_error.is_error()) {
return TestError {
return ScriptOrModuleProgram { script_or_error.release_value() };
static Result<ScriptOrModuleProgram, TestError> parse_program(JS::Realm& realm, StringView source, StringView filepath, JS::Program::Type program_type)
if (program_type == JS::Program::Type::Script)
return parse_program<JS::Script>(realm, source, filepath);
return parse_program<JS::SourceTextModule>(realm, source, filepath);
template<typename InterpreterT>
static Result<void, TestError> run_program(InterpreterT& interpreter, ScriptOrModuleProgram& program)
auto result = program.visit(
[&](auto& visitor) {
return interpreter.run(*visitor);
if (result.is_error()) {
auto error_value = *result.throw_completion().value();
TestError error;
error.phase = NegativePhase::Runtime;
if (error_value.is_object()) {
auto& object = error_value.as_object();
auto name = object.get_without_side_effects("name");
if (!name.is_empty() && !name.is_accessor()) {
error.type = name.to_string_without_side_effects().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors().to_deprecated_string();
} else {
auto constructor = object.get_without_side_effects("constructor");
if (constructor.is_object()) {
name = constructor.as_object().get_without_side_effects("name");
if (!name.is_undefined())
error.type = name.to_string_without_side_effects().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors().to_deprecated_string();
auto message = object.get_without_side_effects("message");
if (!message.is_empty() && !message.is_accessor())
error.details = message.to_string_without_side_effects().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors().to_deprecated_string();
if (error.type.is_empty())
error.type = error_value.to_string_without_side_effects().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors().to_deprecated_string();
return error;
return {};
static HashMap<DeprecatedString, DeprecatedString> s_cached_harness_files;
static Result<StringView, TestError> read_harness_file(StringView harness_file)
auto cache = s_cached_harness_files.find(harness_file);
if (cache == s_cached_harness_files.end()) {
auto file_or_error = Core::File::open(DeprecatedString::formatted("{}{}", s_harness_file_directory, harness_file), Core::File::OpenMode::Read);
if (file_or_error.is_error()) {
return TestError {
DeprecatedString::formatted("Could not open file: {}", harness_file),
auto contents_or_error = file_or_error.value()->read_until_eof();
if (contents_or_error.is_error()) {
return TestError {
DeprecatedString::formatted("Could not read file: {}", harness_file),
StringView contents_view = contents_or_error.value();
s_cached_harness_files.set(harness_file, contents_view.to_deprecated_string());
cache = s_cached_harness_files.find(harness_file);
VERIFY(cache != s_cached_harness_files.end());
return cache->value.view();
static Result<JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Script>, TestError> parse_harness_files(JS::Realm& realm, StringView harness_file)
auto source_or_error = read_harness_file(harness_file);
if (source_or_error.is_error())
return source_or_error.release_error();
auto program_or_error = parse_program<JS::Script>(realm, source_or_error.value(), harness_file);
if (program_or_error.is_error()) {
return TestError {
return program_or_error.release_value().get<JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Script>>();
enum class StrictMode {
static constexpr auto sta_harness_file = "sta.js"sv;
static constexpr auto assert_harness_file = "assert.js"sv;
static constexpr auto async_include = "doneprintHandle.js"sv;
struct TestMetadata {
Vector<StringView> harness_files { sta_harness_file, assert_harness_file };
StrictMode strict_mode { StrictMode::Both };
JS::Program::Type program_type { JS::Program::Type::Script };
bool is_async { false };
bool is_negative { false };
NegativePhase phase { NegativePhase::ParseOrEarly };
StringView type;
static Result<void, TestError> run_test(StringView source, StringView filepath, TestMetadata const& metadata)
if (s_parse_only || (metadata.is_negative && metadata.phase == NegativePhase::ParseOrEarly && metadata.program_type != JS::Program::Type::Module)) {
// Creating the vm and interpreter is heavy so we just parse directly here.
// We can also skip if we know the test is supposed to fail during parse
// time. Unfortunately the phases of modules are not as clear and thus we
// only do this for scripts. See also the comment at the end of verify_test.
auto parser = JS::Parser(JS::Lexer(source, filepath), metadata.program_type);
auto program_or_error = parser.parse_program();
if (parser.has_errors()) {
return TestError {
return {};
auto vm = MUST(JS::VM::create());
auto ast_interpreter = JS::Interpreter::create<JS::Test262::GlobalObject>(*vm);
auto& realm = ast_interpreter->realm();
auto program_or_error = parse_program(realm, source, filepath, metadata.program_type);
if (program_or_error.is_error())
return program_or_error.release_error();
auto* bytecode_interpreter = vm->bytecode_interpreter_if_exists();
auto run_with_interpreter = [&](ScriptOrModuleProgram& program) {
if (bytecode_interpreter)
return run_program(*bytecode_interpreter, program);
return run_program(*ast_interpreter, program);
for (auto& harness_file : metadata.harness_files) {
auto harness_program_or_error = parse_harness_files(realm, harness_file);
if (harness_program_or_error.is_error())
return harness_program_or_error.release_error();
ScriptOrModuleProgram harness_program { harness_program_or_error.release_value() };
auto result = run_with_interpreter(harness_program);
if (result.is_error()) {
return TestError {
return run_with_interpreter(program_or_error.value());
static Result<TestMetadata, DeprecatedString> extract_metadata(StringView source)
auto lines = source.lines();
TestMetadata metadata;
bool parsing_negative = false;
DeprecatedString failed_message;
auto parse_list = [&](StringView line) {
auto start = line.find('[');
if (!start.has_value())
return Vector<StringView> {};
Vector<StringView> items;
auto end = line.find_last(']');
if (!end.has_value() || end.value() <= start.value()) {
failed_message = DeprecatedString::formatted("Can't parse list in '{}'", line);
return items;
auto list = line.substring_view(start.value() + 1, end.value() - start.value() - 1);
for (auto const& item : list.split_view(","sv))
return items;
auto second_word = [&](StringView line) {
auto separator = line.find(' ');
if (!separator.has_value() || separator.value() >= (line.length() - 1u)) {
failed_message = DeprecatedString::formatted("Can't parse value after space in '{}'", line);
return ""sv;
return line.substring_view(separator.value() + 1);
Vector<StringView> include_list;
bool parsing_includes_list = false;
bool has_phase = false;
for (auto raw_line : lines) {
if (!failed_message.is_empty())
if (raw_line.starts_with("---*/"sv)) {
if (parsing_includes_list) {
for (auto& file : include_list)
return metadata;
auto line = raw_line.trim_whitespace();
if (parsing_includes_list) {
if (line.starts_with('-')) {
} else {
if (include_list.is_empty()) {
failed_message = "Supposed to parse a list but found no entries";
for (auto& file : include_list)
parsing_includes_list = false;
if (parsing_negative) {
if (line.starts_with("phase:"sv)) {
auto phase = second_word(line);
has_phase = true;
if (phase == "early"sv || phase == "parse"sv) {
metadata.phase = NegativePhase::ParseOrEarly;
} else if (phase == "resolution"sv) {
metadata.phase = NegativePhase::Resolution;
} else if (phase == "runtime"sv) {
metadata.phase = NegativePhase::Runtime;
} else {
has_phase = false;
failed_message = DeprecatedString::formatted("Unknown negative phase: {}", phase);
} else if (line.starts_with("type:"sv)) {
metadata.type = second_word(line);
} else {
if (!has_phase) {
failed_message = "Failed to find phase in negative attributes";
if (metadata.type.is_null()) {
failed_message = "Failed to find type in negative attributes";
parsing_negative = false;
if (line.starts_with("flags:"sv)) {
auto flags = parse_list(line);
for (auto flag : flags) {
if (flag == "raw"sv) {
metadata.strict_mode = StrictMode::NoStrict;
} else if (flag == "noStrict"sv) {
metadata.strict_mode = StrictMode::NoStrict;
} else if (flag == "onlyStrict"sv) {
metadata.strict_mode = StrictMode::OnlyStrict;
} else if (flag == "module"sv) {
VERIFY(metadata.strict_mode == StrictMode::Both);
metadata.program_type = JS::Program::Type::Module;
metadata.strict_mode = StrictMode::NoStrict;
} else if (flag == "async"sv) {
metadata.is_async = true;
} else if (line.starts_with("includes:"sv)) {
auto files = parse_list(line);
if (files.is_empty()) {
parsing_includes_list = true;
} else {
for (auto& file : files)
} else if (line.starts_with("negative:"sv)) {
metadata.is_negative = true;
parsing_negative = true;
if (failed_message.is_empty())
failed_message = DeprecatedString::formatted("Never reached end of comment '---*/'");
return failed_message;
static bool verify_test(Result<void, TestError>& result, TestMetadata const& metadata, JsonObject& output)
if (result.is_error()) {
if (result.error().phase == NegativePhase::Harness) {
output.set("harness_error", true);
output.set("harness_file", result.error().harness_file);
output.set("result", "harness_error");
} else if (result.error().phase == NegativePhase::Runtime) {
auto& error_type = result.error().type;
auto& error_details = result.error().details;
if ((error_type == "InternalError"sv && error_details.starts_with("TODO("sv))
|| (error_type == "Test262Error"sv && error_details.ends_with(" but got a InternalError"sv))) {
output.set("todo_error", true);
output.set("result", "todo_error");
if (metadata.is_async && output.has("output"sv)) {
auto output_messages = output.get_deprecated_string("output"sv);
if (output_messages->contains("AsyncTestFailure:InternalError: TODO("sv)) {
output.set("todo_error", true);
output.set("result", "todo_error");
auto phase_to_string = [](NegativePhase phase) {
switch (phase) {
case NegativePhase::ParseOrEarly:
return "parse";
case NegativePhase::Resolution:
return "resolution";
case NegativePhase::Runtime:
return "runtime";
case NegativePhase::Harness:
return "harness";
auto error_to_json = [&phase_to_string](TestError const& error) {
JsonObject error_object;
error_object.set("phase", phase_to_string(error.phase));
error_object.set("type", error.type);
error_object.set("details", error.details);
return error_object;
JsonValue expected_error;
JsonValue got_error;
ScopeGuard set_error = [&] {
JsonObject error_object;
error_object.set("expected", expected_error);
error_object.set("got", got_error);
output.set("error", error_object);
if (!metadata.is_negative) {
if (!result.is_error())
return true;
got_error = JsonValue { error_to_json(result.error()) };
return false;
JsonObject expected_error_object;
expected_error_object.set("phase", phase_to_string(metadata.phase));
expected_error_object.set("type", metadata.type.to_deprecated_string());
expected_error = expected_error_object;
if (!result.is_error()) {
if (s_parse_only && metadata.phase != NegativePhase::ParseOrEarly) {
// Expected non-parse error but did not get it but we never got to that phase.
return true;
return false;
auto const& error = result.error();
got_error = JsonValue { error_to_json(error) };
if (metadata.program_type == JS::Program::Type::Module && metadata.type == "SyntaxError"sv) {
// NOTE: Since the "phase" of negative results is both not defined and hard to
// track throughout the entire Module life span we will just accept any
// SyntaxError as the correct one.
// See for example:
// - test/language/module-code/instn-star-err-not-found.js
// - test/language/module-code/instn-resolve-err-syntax-1.js
// - test/language/import/json-invalid.js
// The first fails in runtime because there is no 'x' to export
// However this is during the linking phase of the upper module.
// Whereas the second fails with a SyntaxError because the linked module
// has one.
// The third test is the same as the second, upper module is fine but
// import a module with SyntaxError, however here the phase is runtime.
// In conclusion all the test which would cause the initial module to not
// be evaluated !should! have '$DONOTEVALUATE();' at the top causing a
// Reference error, meaning we just ignore the phase in the SyntaxError case.
return error.type == metadata.type;
return error.phase == metadata.phase && error.type == metadata.type;
static bool extract_harness_directory(DeprecatedString const& test_file_path)
auto test_directory_index = test_file_path.find("test/"sv);
if (!test_directory_index.has_value()) {
warnln("Attempted to find harness directory from test file '{}', but did not find 'test/'", test_file_path);
return false;
s_harness_file_directory = DeprecatedString::formatted("{}harness/", test_file_path.substring_view(0, test_directory_index.value()));
return true;
static FILE* saved_stdout_fd;
static bool g_in_assert = false;
[[noreturn]] static void handle_failed_assert(char const* assert_failed_message)
if (!g_in_assert) {
// Just in case we trigger an assert while creating the JSON output just
// immediately stop if we are already in a failed assert.
g_in_assert = true;
JsonObject assert_fail_result;
assert_fail_result.set("test", s_current_test);
assert_fail_result.set("assert_fail", true);
assert_fail_result.set("result", "assert_fail");
assert_fail_result.set("output", assert_failed_message);
outln(saved_stdout_fd, "RESULT {}{}", assert_fail_result.to_deprecated_string(), '\0');
// (Attempt to) Ensure that messages are written before quitting.
// FIXME: Use a SIGABRT handler here instead of overriding internal libc assertion handlers.
// Fixing this will likely require updating the test driver as well to pull the assertion failure
// message out of stderr rather than from the json object printed to stdout.
void __assertion_failed(char const* assertion)
# ifdef ASSERT_FAIL_HAS_INT /* Set by CMake */
extern "C" __attribute__((__noreturn__)) void __assert_fail(char const* assertion, char const* file, int line, char const* function)
# else
extern "C" __attribute__((__noreturn__)) void __assert_fail(char const* assertion, char const* file, unsigned int line, char const* function)
# endif
auto full_message = DeprecatedString::formatted("{}:{}: {}: Assertion `{}' failed.", file, line, function, assertion);
constexpr int exit_wrong_arguments = 2;
constexpr int exit_stdout_setup_failed = 1;
constexpr int exit_setup_input_failure = 7;
constexpr int exit_read_file_failure = 3;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Vector<StringView> arguments;
for (auto i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
arguments.append({ argv[i], strlen(argv[i]) });
int timeout = 10;
bool enable_debug_printing = false;
bool disable_core_dumping = false;
bool use_bytecode = false;
Core::ArgsParser args_parser;
args_parser.set_general_help("LibJS test262 runner for streaming tests");
args_parser.add_option(s_harness_file_directory, "Directory containing the harness files", "harness-location", 'l', "harness-files");
args_parser.add_option(use_bytecode, "Use the bytecode interpreter", "use-bytecode", 'b');
args_parser.add_option(s_parse_only, "Only parse the files", "parse-only", 'p');
args_parser.add_option(timeout, "Seconds before test should timeout", "timeout", 't', "seconds");
args_parser.add_option(enable_debug_printing, "Enable debug printing", "debug", 'd');
args_parser.add_option(disable_core_dumping, "Disable core dumping", "disable-core-dump", 0);
#if !defined(AK_OS_MACOS) && !defined(AK_OS_EMSCRIPTEN)
if (disable_core_dumping && prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 0, 0) < 0) {
return exit_wrong_arguments;
if (s_harness_file_directory.is_empty()) {
s_automatic_harness_detection_mode = true;
} else if (!s_harness_file_directory.ends_with('/')) {
s_harness_file_directory = DeprecatedString::formatted("{}/", s_harness_file_directory);
if (timeout <= 0) {
warnln("timeout must be at least 1");
return exit_wrong_arguments;
// The piping stuff is based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/956269.
constexpr auto BUFFER_SIZE = 1 * KiB;
char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE] = {};
auto saved_stdout = dup(STDOUT_FILENO);
if (saved_stdout < 0) {
return exit_stdout_setup_failed;
saved_stdout_fd = fdopen(saved_stdout, "w");
if (!saved_stdout_fd) {
return exit_stdout_setup_failed;
int stdout_pipe[2];
if (pipe(stdout_pipe) < 0) {
return exit_stdout_setup_failed;
auto flags = fcntl(stdout_pipe[0], F_GETFL);
flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
fcntl(stdout_pipe[0], F_SETFL, flags);
auto flags2 = fcntl(stdout_pipe[1], F_GETFL);
flags2 |= O_NONBLOCK;
fcntl(stdout_pipe[1], F_SETFL, flags2);
if (dup2(stdout_pipe[1], STDOUT_FILENO) < 0) {
return exit_stdout_setup_failed;
if (close(stdout_pipe[1]) < 0) {
return exit_stdout_setup_failed;
auto collect_output = [&] {
auto nread = read(stdout_pipe[0], buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
DeprecatedString value;
if (nread > 0) {
value = DeprecatedString { buffer, static_cast<size_t>(nread) };
while (nread > 0) {
nread = read(stdout_pipe[0], buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
return value;
#define ARM_TIMER() \
#define DISARM_TIMER() \
auto standard_input_or_error = Core::File::standard_input();
if (standard_input_or_error.is_error())
return exit_setup_input_failure;
Array<u8, 1024> input_buffer {};
auto buffered_standard_input_or_error = Core::InputBufferedFile::create(standard_input_or_error.release_value());
if (buffered_standard_input_or_error.is_error())
return exit_setup_input_failure;
auto& buffered_input_stream = buffered_standard_input_or_error.value();
size_t count = 0;
while (!buffered_input_stream->is_eof()) {
auto path_or_error = buffered_input_stream->read_line(input_buffer);
if (path_or_error.is_error() || path_or_error.value().is_empty())
auto& path = path_or_error.value();
s_current_test = path;
if (s_automatic_harness_detection_mode) {
if (!extract_harness_directory(path))
return exit_read_file_failure;
s_automatic_harness_detection_mode = false;
auto file_or_error = Core::File::open(path, Core::File::OpenMode::Read);
if (file_or_error.is_error()) {
warnln("Could not open file: {}", path);
return exit_read_file_failure;
auto& file = file_or_error.value();
DeprecatedString source_with_strict;
static StringView use_strict = "'use strict';\n"sv;
static size_t strict_length = use_strict.length();
auto contents_or_error = file->read_until_eof();
if (contents_or_error.is_error()) {
warnln("Could not read contents of file: {}", path);
return exit_read_file_failure;
auto& contents = contents_or_error.value();
StringBuilder builder { contents.size() + strict_length };
source_with_strict = builder.to_deprecated_string();
StringView with_strict = source_with_strict.view();
StringView original_contents = source_with_strict.substring_view(strict_length);
JsonObject result_object;
result_object.set("test", path);
ScopeGuard output_guard = [&] {
outln(saved_stdout_fd, "RESULT {}{}", result_object.to_deprecated_string(), '\0');
auto metadata_or_error = extract_metadata(original_contents);
if (metadata_or_error.is_error()) {
result_object.set("result", "metadata_error");
result_object.set("metadata_error", true);
result_object.set("metadata_output", metadata_or_error.error());
auto& metadata = metadata_or_error.value();
bool passed = true;
if (metadata.strict_mode != StrictMode::OnlyStrict) {
result_object.set("strict_mode", false);
auto result = run_test(original_contents, path, metadata);
DeprecatedString first_output = collect_output();
if (!first_output.is_null())
result_object.set("output", first_output);
passed = verify_test(result, metadata, result_object);
if (metadata.is_async && !s_parse_only) {
if (!first_output.contains("Test262:AsyncTestComplete"sv) || first_output.contains("Test262:AsyncTestFailure"sv)) {
result_object.set("async_fail", true);
if (first_output.is_null())
result_object.set("output", JsonValue { AK::JsonValue::Type::Null });
passed = false;
if (passed && metadata.strict_mode != StrictMode::NoStrict) {
result_object.set("strict_mode", true);
auto result = run_test(with_strict, path, metadata);
DeprecatedString first_output = collect_output();
if (!first_output.is_null())
result_object.set("strict_output", first_output);
passed = verify_test(result, metadata, result_object);
if (metadata.is_async && !s_parse_only) {
if (!first_output.contains("Test262:AsyncTestComplete"sv) || first_output.contains("Test262:AsyncTestFailure"sv)) {
result_object.set("async_fail", true);
if (first_output.is_null())
result_object.set("output", JsonValue { AK::JsonValue::Type::Null });
passed = false;
if (passed)
if (!result_object.has("result"sv))
result_object.set("result"sv, passed ? "passed"sv : "failed"sv);
s_current_test = "";
outln(saved_stdout_fd, "DONE {}", count);
// After this point we have already written our output so pretend everything is fine if we get an error.
if (dup2(saved_stdout, STDOUT_FILENO) < 0) {
return 0;
if (fclose(saved_stdout_fd) < 0) {
return 0;
if (close(stdout_pipe[0]) < 0) {
return 0;
return 0;