Andreas Kling d89dc6e24c LibGUI: Add Model::unsafe_create_index()
This will be used by Ladybird to translate between LibGUI and Qt models.
2022-09-25 12:16:12 +02:00

215 lines
8.1 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2021, sin-ack <>
* Copyright (c) 2022, the SerenityOS developers.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/Badge.h>
#include <AK/Function.h>
#include <AK/HashMap.h>
#include <AK/HashTable.h>
#include <AK/RefCounted.h>
#include <AK/String.h>
#include <AK/WeakPtr.h>
#include <LibCore/MimeData.h>
#include <LibGUI/Forward.h>
#include <LibGUI/ModelIndex.h>
#include <LibGUI/ModelRole.h>
#include <LibGUI/ModelSelection.h>
#include <LibGUI/Variant.h>
#include <LibGfx/Forward.h>
#include <LibGfx/TextAlignment.h>
namespace GUI {
enum class SortOrder {
class ModelClient {
virtual ~ModelClient() = default;
virtual void model_did_update(unsigned flags) = 0;
virtual void model_did_insert_rows([[maybe_unused]] ModelIndex const& parent, [[maybe_unused]] int first, [[maybe_unused]] int last) { }
virtual void model_did_insert_columns([[maybe_unused]] ModelIndex const& parent, [[maybe_unused]] int first, [[maybe_unused]] int last) { }
virtual void model_did_move_rows([[maybe_unused]] ModelIndex const& source_parent, [[maybe_unused]] int first, [[maybe_unused]] int last, [[maybe_unused]] ModelIndex const& target_parent, [[maybe_unused]] int target_index) { }
virtual void model_did_move_columns([[maybe_unused]] ModelIndex const& source_parent, [[maybe_unused]] int first, [[maybe_unused]] int last, [[maybe_unused]] ModelIndex const& target_parent, [[maybe_unused]] int target_index) { }
virtual void model_did_delete_rows([[maybe_unused]] ModelIndex const& parent, [[maybe_unused]] int first, [[maybe_unused]] int last) { }
virtual void model_did_delete_columns([[maybe_unused]] ModelIndex const& parent, [[maybe_unused]] int first, [[maybe_unused]] int last) { }
class Model : public RefCounted<Model> {
enum UpdateFlag {
DontInvalidateIndices = 0,
InvalidateAllIndices = 1 << 0,
enum MatchesFlag {
AllMatching = 0,
FirstMatchOnly = 1 << 0,
CaseInsensitive = 1 << 1,
MatchAtStart = 1 << 2,
MatchFull = 1 << 3,
virtual ~Model();
virtual int row_count(ModelIndex const& = ModelIndex()) const = 0;
virtual int column_count(ModelIndex const& = ModelIndex()) const = 0;
virtual String column_name(int) const { return {}; }
virtual Variant data(ModelIndex const&, ModelRole = ModelRole::Display) const = 0;
virtual TriState data_matches(ModelIndex const&, Variant const&) const { return TriState::Unknown; }
virtual void invalidate();
virtual ModelIndex parent_index(ModelIndex const&) const { return {}; }
virtual ModelIndex index(int row, int column = 0, ModelIndex const& parent = ModelIndex()) const;
virtual bool is_editable(ModelIndex const&) const { return false; }
virtual bool is_searchable() const { return false; }
virtual void set_data(ModelIndex const&, Variant const&) { }
virtual int tree_column() const { return 0; }
virtual bool accepts_drag(ModelIndex const&, Vector<String> const& mime_types) const;
virtual Vector<ModelIndex> matches(StringView, unsigned = MatchesFlag::AllMatching, ModelIndex const& = ModelIndex()) { return {}; }
virtual bool is_column_sortable([[maybe_unused]] int column_index) const { return true; }
virtual void sort([[maybe_unused]] int column, SortOrder) { }
bool is_within_range(ModelIndex const& index) const
auto parent_index = this->parent_index(index);
return index.row() >= 0 && index.row() < row_count(parent_index) && index.column() >= 0 && index.column() < column_count(parent_index);
virtual StringView drag_data_type() const { return {}; }
virtual RefPtr<Core::MimeData> mime_data(ModelSelection const&) const;
void register_view(Badge<AbstractView>, AbstractView&);
void unregister_view(Badge<AbstractView>, AbstractView&);
void register_client(ModelClient&);
void unregister_client(ModelClient&);
WeakPtr<PersistentHandle> register_persistent_index(Badge<PersistentModelIndex>, ModelIndex const&);
// NOTE: This is a public version of create_index() which is normally protected,
// but this can be used when creating a model translator like in Ladybird.
ModelIndex unsafe_create_index(int row, int column, void const* data = nullptr) const
return create_index(row, column, data);
void for_each_view(Function<void(AbstractView&)>);
void for_each_client(Function<void(ModelClient&)>);
void did_update(unsigned flags = UpdateFlag::InvalidateAllIndices);
static bool string_matches(StringView str, StringView needle, unsigned flags)
auto case_sensitivity = (flags & CaseInsensitive) ? CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive : CaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive;
if (flags & MatchFull)
return str.length() == needle.length() && str.starts_with(needle, case_sensitivity);
if (flags & MatchAtStart)
return str.starts_with(needle, case_sensitivity);
return str.contains(needle, case_sensitivity);
ModelIndex create_index(int row, int column, void const* data = nullptr) const;
void begin_insert_rows(ModelIndex const& parent, int first, int last);
void begin_insert_columns(ModelIndex const& parent, int first, int last);
void begin_move_rows(ModelIndex const& source_parent, int first, int last, ModelIndex const& target_parent, int target_index);
void begin_move_columns(ModelIndex const& source_parent, int first, int last, ModelIndex const& target_parent, int target_index);
void begin_delete_rows(ModelIndex const& parent, int first, int last);
void begin_delete_columns(ModelIndex const& parent, int first, int last);
void end_insert_rows();
void end_insert_columns();
void end_move_rows();
void end_move_columns();
void end_delete_rows();
void end_delete_columns();
void change_persistent_index_list(Vector<ModelIndex> const& old_indices, Vector<ModelIndex> const& new_indices);
enum class OperationType {
Invalid = 0,
enum class Direction {
struct Operation {
OperationType type { OperationType::Invalid };
Direction direction { Direction::Row };
ModelIndex source_parent;
int first { 0 };
int last { 0 };
ModelIndex target_parent;
int target { 0 };
Operation(OperationType type)
: type(type)
Operation(OperationType type, Direction direction, ModelIndex const& parent, int first, int last)
: type(type)
, direction(direction)
, source_parent(parent)
, first(first)
, last(last)
Operation(OperationType type, Direction direction, ModelIndex const& source_parent, int first, int last, ModelIndex const& target_parent, int target)
: type(type)
, direction(direction)
, source_parent(source_parent)
, first(first)
, last(last)
, target_parent(target_parent)
, target(target)
void handle_insert(Operation const&);
void handle_move(Operation const&);
void handle_delete(Operation const&);
template<bool IsRow>
void save_deleted_indices(ModelIndex const& parent, int first, int last);
HashMap<ModelIndex, OwnPtr<PersistentHandle>> m_persistent_handles;
Vector<Operation> m_operation_stack;
// NOTE: We need to save which indices have been deleted before the delete
// actually happens, because we can't figure out which persistent handles
// belong to us in end_delete_rows/columns (because accessing the parents of
// the indices might be impossible).
Vector<Vector<ModelIndex>> m_deleted_indices_stack;
HashTable<AbstractView*> m_views;
HashTable<ModelClient*> m_clients;
inline ModelIndex ModelIndex::parent() const
return m_model ? m_model->parent_index(*this) : ModelIndex();