195 lines
7.5 KiB
195 lines
7.5 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2020-2021, the SerenityOS developers.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/BinarySearch.h>
#include <AK/Function.h>
#include <AK/StringBuilder.h>
#include <LibCore/File.h>
#include <LibLine/SuggestionDisplay.h>
#include <LibLine/VT.h>
#include <stdio.h>
namespace Line {
ErrorOr<void> XtermSuggestionDisplay::display(SuggestionManager const& manager)
auto stderr_stream = TRY(Core::File::standard_error());
size_t longest_suggestion_length = 0;
size_t longest_suggestion_byte_length = 0;
size_t longest_suggestion_byte_length_without_trivia = 0;
TRY(manager.for_each_suggestion([&](auto& suggestion, auto) {
longest_suggestion_length = max(longest_suggestion_length, suggestion.text_view.length() + suggestion.display_trivia_view.length());
longest_suggestion_byte_length = max(longest_suggestion_byte_length, suggestion.text_string.length() + suggestion.display_trivia_string.length());
longest_suggestion_byte_length_without_trivia = max(longest_suggestion_byte_length_without_trivia, suggestion.text_string.length());
return IterationDecision::Continue;
size_t num_printed = 0;
size_t lines_used = 1;
TRY(VT::clear_lines(0, m_lines_used_for_last_suggestions, *stderr_stream));
auto spans_entire_line { false };
Vector<StringMetrics::LineMetrics> lines;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_prompt_lines_at_suggestion_initiation - 1; ++i)
lines.append({ {}, 0 });
lines.append({ {}, longest_suggestion_length });
auto max_line_count = StringMetrics { move(lines) }.lines_with_addition({ { { {}, 0 } } }, m_num_columns);
if (longest_suggestion_length >= m_num_columns - 2) {
spans_entire_line = true;
// We should make enough space for the biggest entry in
// the suggestion list to fit in the prompt line.
auto start = max_line_count - m_prompt_lines_at_suggestion_initiation;
for (size_t i = start; i < max_line_count; ++i)
lines_used += max_line_count;
longest_suggestion_length = 0;
TRY(VT::move_absolute(max_line_count + m_origin_row, 1, *stderr_stream));
if (m_pages.is_empty()) {
size_t num_printed = 0;
size_t lines_used = 1;
// Cache the pages.
size_t page_start = 0;
TRY(manager.for_each_suggestion([&](auto& suggestion, auto index) {
size_t next_column = num_printed + suggestion.text_view.length() + longest_suggestion_length + 2;
if (next_column > m_num_columns) {
auto lines = (suggestion.text_view.length() + m_num_columns - 1) / m_num_columns;
lines_used += lines;
num_printed = 0;
if (lines_used + m_prompt_lines_at_suggestion_initiation >= m_num_lines) {
m_pages.append({ page_start, index });
page_start = index;
lines_used = 1;
num_printed = 0;
if (spans_entire_line)
num_printed += m_num_columns;
num_printed += longest_suggestion_length + 2;
return IterationDecision::Continue;
// Append the last page.
m_pages.append({ page_start, manager.count() });
auto page_index = fit_to_page_boundary(manager.next_index());
TRY(manager.for_each_suggestion([&](auto& suggestion, auto index) -> ErrorOr<IterationDecision> {
size_t next_column = num_printed + suggestion.text_view.length() + longest_suggestion_length + 2;
if (next_column > m_num_columns) {
auto lines = (suggestion.text_view.length() + m_num_columns - 1) / m_num_columns;
lines_used += lines;
num_printed = 0;
// Show just enough suggestions to fill up the screen
// without moving the prompt out of view.
if (lines_used + m_prompt_lines_at_suggestion_initiation >= m_num_lines)
return IterationDecision::Break;
// Only apply color to the selection if something is *actually* added to the buffer.
if (manager.is_current_suggestion_complete() && index == manager.next_index()) {
TRY(VT::apply_style({ Style::Foreground(Style::XtermColor::Blue) }, *stderr_stream));
if (spans_entire_line) {
num_printed += m_num_columns;
} else {
auto field = DeprecatedString::formatted("{: <{}} {}", suggestion.text_string, longest_suggestion_byte_length_without_trivia, suggestion.display_trivia_string);
TRY(stderr_stream->write_until_depleted(DeprecatedString::formatted("{: <{}}", field, longest_suggestion_byte_length + 2).bytes()));
num_printed += longest_suggestion_length + 2;
if (manager.is_current_suggestion_complete() && index == manager.next_index())
TRY(VT::apply_style(Style::reset_style(), *stderr_stream));
return IterationDecision::Continue;
m_lines_used_for_last_suggestions = lines_used;
// The last line of the prompt is the same line as the first line of the buffer, so we need to subtract one here.
lines_used += m_prompt_lines_at_suggestion_initiation - 1;
// If we filled the screen, move back the origin.
if (m_origin_row + lines_used >= m_num_lines) {
m_origin_row = m_num_lines - lines_used;
if (m_pages.size() > 1) {
auto left_arrow = page_index > 0 ? '<' : ' ';
auto right_arrow = page_index < m_pages.size() - 1 ? '>' : ' ';
auto string = DeprecatedString::formatted("{:c} page {} of {} {:c}", left_arrow, page_index + 1, m_pages.size(), right_arrow);
if (string.length() > m_num_columns - 1) {
// This would overflow into the next line, so just don't print an indicator.
return {};
TRY(VT::move_absolute(m_origin_row + lines_used, m_num_columns - string.length() - 1, *stderr_stream));
TRY(VT::apply_style({ Style::Background(Style::XtermColor::Green) }, *stderr_stream));
TRY(VT::apply_style(Style::reset_style(), *stderr_stream));
return {};
ErrorOr<bool> XtermSuggestionDisplay::cleanup()
if (m_lines_used_for_last_suggestions) {
auto stderr_stream = TRY(Core::File::standard_error());
TRY(VT::clear_lines(0, m_lines_used_for_last_suggestions, *stderr_stream));
m_lines_used_for_last_suggestions = 0;
return true;
return false;
size_t XtermSuggestionDisplay::fit_to_page_boundary(size_t selection_index)
VERIFY(m_pages.size() > 0);
size_t index = 0;
auto* match = binary_search(
PageRange { selection_index, selection_index },
[](auto& a, auto& b) -> int {
if (a.start >= b.start && a.start < b.end)
return 0;
return a.start - b.start;
if (!match)
return m_pages.size() - 1;
return index;