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synced 2024-12-04 05:20:30 +00:00
This is useful for working with CMYK jpegs extracted from PDFs by mutool. CMYK channels for jpegs in PDFs are inverted compared to CMYK channels in standalone jpegs (!), and mutool doesn't compensate for that. You can now do: mutool extract ~/Downloads/0000/0000711.pdf 461 Followed by: Build/lagom/bin/image -o out.png \ --invert-cmyk \ --assign-color-profile \ Build/lagom/Root/res/icc/Adobe/CMYK/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc \ --convert-to-color-profile serenity-sRGB.icc \ cmyk.jpg Doesn't exactly roll off the keyboard, but at least it's possible. (We should probably add an implicit default CMYK color profile if the input file doesn't have one, and assume conversion to sRGB when saving to a format that can only store RGB.)
263 lines
11 KiB
263 lines
11 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2023, Nico Weber <thakis@chromium.org>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibCore/ArgsParser.h>
#include <LibCore/File.h>
#include <LibCore/MappedFile.h>
#include <LibGfx/ICC/Profile.h>
#include <LibGfx/ImageFormats/BMPWriter.h>
#include <LibGfx/ImageFormats/ImageDecoder.h>
#include <LibGfx/ImageFormats/JPEGWriter.h>
#include <LibGfx/ImageFormats/PNGWriter.h>
#include <LibGfx/ImageFormats/PortableFormatWriter.h>
#include <LibGfx/ImageFormats/QOIWriter.h>
using AnyBitmap = Variant<RefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap>, RefPtr<Gfx::CMYKBitmap>>;
struct LoadedImage {
Gfx::NaturalFrameFormat internal_format;
AnyBitmap bitmap;
Optional<ReadonlyBytes> icc_data;
static ErrorOr<LoadedImage> load_image(RefPtr<Gfx::ImageDecoder> const& decoder, int frame_index)
auto internal_format = decoder->natural_frame_format();
auto bitmap = TRY([&]() -> ErrorOr<AnyBitmap> {
switch (internal_format) {
case Gfx::NaturalFrameFormat::RGB:
case Gfx::NaturalFrameFormat::Grayscale:
case Gfx::NaturalFrameFormat::Vector:
return TRY(decoder->frame(frame_index)).image;
case Gfx::NaturalFrameFormat::CMYK:
return RefPtr(TRY(decoder->cmyk_frame()));
return LoadedImage { internal_format, move(bitmap), TRY(decoder->icc_data()) };
static ErrorOr<void> invert_cmyk(LoadedImage& image)
if (!image.bitmap.has<RefPtr<Gfx::CMYKBitmap>>())
return Error::from_string_view("Can't --invert-cmyk with RGB bitmaps"sv);
auto& frame = image.bitmap.get<RefPtr<Gfx::CMYKBitmap>>();
for (auto& pixel : *frame) {
pixel.c = ~pixel.c;
pixel.m = ~pixel.m;
pixel.y = ~pixel.y;
pixel.k = ~pixel.k;
return {};
static ErrorOr<void> move_alpha_to_rgb(LoadedImage& image)
if (!image.bitmap.has<RefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap>>())
return Error::from_string_view("Can't --move-alpha-to-rgb with CMYK bitmaps"sv);
auto& frame = image.bitmap.get<RefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap>>();
switch (frame->format()) {
case Gfx::BitmapFormat::Invalid:
return Error::from_string_view("Can't --move-alpha-to-rgb with invalid bitmaps"sv);
case Gfx::BitmapFormat::RGBA8888:
// No image decoder currently produces bitmaps with this format.
// If that ever changes, preferrably fix the image decoder to use BGRA8888 instead :)
// If there's a good reason for not doing that, implement support for this, I suppose.
return Error::from_string_view("--move-alpha-to-rgb not implemented for RGBA8888"sv);
case Gfx::BitmapFormat::BGRA8888:
case Gfx::BitmapFormat::BGRx8888:
// FIXME: If BitmapFormat::Gray8 existed (and image encoders made use of it to write grayscale images), we could use it here.
for (auto& pixel : *frame) {
u8 alpha = pixel >> 24;
pixel = 0xff000000 | (alpha << 16) | (alpha << 8) | alpha;
return {};
static ErrorOr<void> strip_alpha(LoadedImage& image)
if (!image.bitmap.has<RefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap>>())
return Error::from_string_view("Can't --strip-alpha with CMYK bitmaps"sv);
auto& frame = image.bitmap.get<RefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap>>();
switch (frame->format()) {
case Gfx::BitmapFormat::Invalid:
return Error::from_string_view("Can't --strip-alpha with invalid bitmaps"sv);
case Gfx::BitmapFormat::RGBA8888:
// No image decoder currently produces bitmaps with this format.
// If that ever changes, preferrably fix the image decoder to use BGRA8888 instead :)
// If there's a good reason for not doing that, implement support for this, I suppose.
return Error::from_string_view("--strip-alpha not implemented for RGBA8888"sv);
case Gfx::BitmapFormat::BGRA8888:
case Gfx::BitmapFormat::BGRx8888:
return {};
static ErrorOr<OwnPtr<Core::MappedFile>> convert_image_profile(LoadedImage& image, StringView convert_color_profile_path, OwnPtr<Core::MappedFile> maybe_source_icc_file)
if (!image.icc_data.has_value())
return Error::from_string_view("No source color space embedded in image. Pass one with --assign-color-profile."sv);
auto source_icc_file = move(maybe_source_icc_file);
auto source_icc_data = image.icc_data.value();
auto icc_file = TRY(Core::MappedFile::map(convert_color_profile_path));
image.icc_data = icc_file->bytes();
auto source_profile = TRY(Gfx::ICC::Profile::try_load_from_externally_owned_memory(source_icc_data));
auto destination_profile = TRY(Gfx::ICC::Profile::try_load_from_externally_owned_memory(icc_file->bytes()));
if (destination_profile->data_color_space() != Gfx::ICC::ColorSpace::RGB)
return Error::from_string_view("Can only convert to RGB at the moment, but destination color space is not RGB"sv);
if (image.bitmap.has<RefPtr<Gfx::CMYKBitmap>>()) {
if (source_profile->data_color_space() != Gfx::ICC::ColorSpace::CMYK)
return Error::from_string_view("Source image data is CMYK but source color space is not CMYK"sv);
auto& cmyk_frame = image.bitmap.get<RefPtr<Gfx::CMYKBitmap>>();
auto rgb_frame = TRY(Gfx::Bitmap::create(Gfx::BitmapFormat::BGRx8888, cmyk_frame->size()));
TRY(destination_profile->convert_cmyk_image(*rgb_frame, *cmyk_frame, *source_profile));
image.bitmap = RefPtr(move(rgb_frame));
image.internal_format = Gfx::NaturalFrameFormat::RGB;
} else {
// FIXME: This likely wrong for grayscale images because they've been converted to
// RGB at this point, but their embedded color profile is still for grayscale.
auto& frame = image.bitmap.get<RefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap>>();
TRY(destination_profile->convert_image(*frame, *source_profile));
return icc_file;
static ErrorOr<void> save_image(LoadedImage& image, StringView out_path, bool ppm_ascii, u8 jpeg_quality)
auto stream = [out_path]() -> ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<Core::OutputBufferedFile>> {
auto output_stream = TRY(Core::File::open(out_path, Core::File::OpenMode::Write));
return Core::OutputBufferedFile::create(move(output_stream));
if (image.bitmap.has<RefPtr<Gfx::CMYKBitmap>>()) {
auto& cmyk_frame = image.bitmap.get<RefPtr<Gfx::CMYKBitmap>>();
if (out_path.ends_with(".jpg"sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive) || out_path.ends_with(".jpeg"sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive)) {
TRY(Gfx::JPEGWriter::encode(*TRY(stream()), *cmyk_frame, { .icc_data = image.icc_data, .quality = jpeg_quality }));
return {};
return Error::from_string_view("Can save CMYK bitmaps only as .jpg, convert to RGB first with --convert-to-color-profile"sv);
auto& frame = image.bitmap.get<RefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap>>();
if (out_path.ends_with(".jpg"sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive) || out_path.ends_with(".jpeg"sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive)) {
TRY(Gfx::JPEGWriter::encode(*TRY(stream()), *frame, { .icc_data = image.icc_data, .quality = jpeg_quality }));
return {};
if (out_path.ends_with(".ppm"sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive)) {
auto const format = ppm_ascii ? Gfx::PortableFormatWriter::Options::Format::ASCII : Gfx::PortableFormatWriter::Options::Format::Raw;
TRY(Gfx::PortableFormatWriter::encode(*TRY(stream()), *frame, { .format = format }));
return {};
ByteBuffer bytes;
if (out_path.ends_with(".bmp"sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive)) {
bytes = TRY(Gfx::BMPWriter::encode(*frame, { .icc_data = image.icc_data }));
} else if (out_path.ends_with(".png"sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive)) {
bytes = TRY(Gfx::PNGWriter::encode(*frame, { .icc_data = image.icc_data }));
} else if (out_path.ends_with(".qoi"sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive)) {
bytes = TRY(Gfx::QOIWriter::encode(*frame));
} else {
return Error::from_string_view("can only write .bmp, .jpg, .png, .ppm, and .qoi"sv);
return {};
struct Options {
StringView in_path;
StringView out_path;
bool no_output = false;
int frame_index = 0;
bool invert_cmyk = false;
bool move_alpha_to_rgb = false;
bool strip_alpha = false;
StringView assign_color_profile_path;
StringView convert_color_profile_path;
bool strip_color_profile = false;
bool ppm_ascii = false;
u8 quality = 75;
static ErrorOr<Options> parse_options(Main::Arguments arguments)
Options options;
Core::ArgsParser args_parser;
args_parser.add_positional_argument(options.in_path, "Path to input image file", "FILE");
args_parser.add_option(options.out_path, "Path to output image file", "output", 'o', "FILE");
args_parser.add_option(options.no_output, "Do not write output (only useful for benchmarking image decoding)", "no-output", {});
args_parser.add_option(options.frame_index, "Which frame of a multi-frame input image (0-based)", "frame-index", {}, "INDEX");
args_parser.add_option(options.invert_cmyk, "Invert CMYK channels", "invert-cmyk", {});
args_parser.add_option(options.move_alpha_to_rgb, "Copy alpha channel to rgb, clear alpha", "move-alpha-to-rgb", {});
args_parser.add_option(options.strip_alpha, "Remove alpha channel", "strip-alpha", {});
args_parser.add_option(options.assign_color_profile_path, "Load color profile from file and assign it to output image", "assign-color-profile", {}, "FILE");
args_parser.add_option(options.convert_color_profile_path, "Load color profile from file and convert output image from current profile to loaded profile", "convert-to-color-profile", {}, "FILE");
args_parser.add_option(options.strip_color_profile, "Do not write color profile to output", "strip-color-profile", {});
args_parser.add_option(options.ppm_ascii, "Convert to a PPM in ASCII", "ppm-ascii", {});
args_parser.add_option(options.quality, "Quality used for the JPEG encoder, the default value is 75 on a scale from 0 to 100", "quality", {}, {});
if (options.out_path.is_empty() ^ options.no_output)
return Error::from_string_view("exactly one of -o or --no-output is required"sv);
return options;
ErrorOr<int> serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments)
Options options = TRY(parse_options(arguments));
auto file = TRY(Core::MappedFile::map(options.in_path));
auto decoder = Gfx::ImageDecoder::try_create_for_raw_bytes(file->bytes());
if (!decoder)
return Error::from_string_view("Failed to decode input file"sv);
LoadedImage image = TRY(load_image(*decoder, options.frame_index));
if (options.invert_cmyk)
if (options.move_alpha_to_rgb)
if (options.strip_alpha)
OwnPtr<Core::MappedFile> icc_file;
if (!options.assign_color_profile_path.is_empty()) {
icc_file = TRY(Core::MappedFile::map(options.assign_color_profile_path));
image.icc_data = icc_file->bytes();
if (!options.convert_color_profile_path.is_empty())
icc_file = TRY(convert_image_profile(image, options.convert_color_profile_path, move(icc_file)));
if (options.strip_color_profile)
if (options.no_output)
return 0;
TRY(save_image(image, options.out_path, options.ppm_ascii, options.quality));
return 0;