/* * Copyright (c) 2020, the SerenityOS developers. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { constexpr u32 ctrl(char c) { return c & 0x3f; } } namespace Line { Function Editor::find_internal_function(StringView name) { #define __ENUMERATE(internal_name) \ if (name == #internal_name) \ return EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(internal_name); ENUMERATE_EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTIONS(__ENUMERATE) return {}; } void Editor::search_forwards() { ScopedValueRollback inline_search_cursor_rollback { m_inline_search_cursor }; StringBuilder builder; builder.append(Utf32View { m_buffer.data(), m_inline_search_cursor }); auto search_phrase = builder.to_deprecated_string(); if (m_search_offset_state == SearchOffsetState::Backwards) --m_search_offset; if (m_search_offset > 0) { ScopedValueRollback search_offset_rollback { m_search_offset }; --m_search_offset; if (search(search_phrase, true)) { m_search_offset_state = SearchOffsetState::Forwards; search_offset_rollback.set_override_rollback_value(m_search_offset); } else { m_search_offset_state = SearchOffsetState::Unbiased; } } else { m_search_offset_state = SearchOffsetState::Unbiased; m_chars_touched_in_the_middle = buffer().size(); m_cursor = 0; m_buffer.clear(); insert(search_phrase); m_refresh_needed = true; } } void Editor::search_backwards() { ScopedValueRollback inline_search_cursor_rollback { m_inline_search_cursor }; StringBuilder builder; builder.append(Utf32View { m_buffer.data(), m_inline_search_cursor }); auto search_phrase = builder.to_deprecated_string(); if (m_search_offset_state == SearchOffsetState::Forwards) ++m_search_offset; if (search(search_phrase, true)) { m_search_offset_state = SearchOffsetState::Backwards; ++m_search_offset; } else { m_search_offset_state = SearchOffsetState::Unbiased; --m_search_offset; } } void Editor::cursor_left_word() { if (m_cursor > 0) { auto skipped_at_least_one_character = false; for (;;) { if (m_cursor == 0) break; if (skipped_at_least_one_character && !is_ascii_alphanumeric(m_buffer[m_cursor - 1])) // stop *after* a non-alnum, but only if it changes the position break; skipped_at_least_one_character = true; --m_cursor; } } m_inline_search_cursor = m_cursor; } void Editor::cursor_left_character() { if (m_cursor > 0) --m_cursor; m_inline_search_cursor = m_cursor; } void Editor::cursor_right_word() { if (m_cursor < m_buffer.size()) { // Temporarily put a space at the end of our buffer, // doing this greatly simplifies the logic below. m_buffer.append(' '); for (;;) { if (m_cursor >= m_buffer.size()) break; if (!is_ascii_alphanumeric(m_buffer[++m_cursor])) break; } m_buffer.take_last(); } m_inline_search_cursor = m_cursor; m_search_offset = 0; } void Editor::cursor_right_character() { if (m_cursor < m_buffer.size()) { ++m_cursor; } m_inline_search_cursor = m_cursor; m_search_offset = 0; } void Editor::erase_character_backwards() { if (m_is_searching) { return; } if (m_cursor == 0) { fputc('\a', stderr); fflush(stderr); return; } remove_at_index(m_cursor - 1); --m_cursor; m_inline_search_cursor = m_cursor; // We will have to redraw :( m_refresh_needed = true; } void Editor::erase_character_forwards() { if (m_cursor == m_buffer.size()) { fputc('\a', stderr); fflush(stderr); return; } remove_at_index(m_cursor); m_refresh_needed = true; } void Editor::finish_edit() { fprintf(stderr, "\n"); if (!m_always_refresh) { m_input_error = Error::Eof; finish(); really_quit_event_loop().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); } } void Editor::kill_line() { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_cursor; ++i) remove_at_index(0); m_cursor = 0; m_inline_search_cursor = m_cursor; m_refresh_needed = true; } void Editor::erase_word_backwards() { // A word here is space-separated. `foo=bar baz` is two words. bool has_seen_nonspace = false; while (m_cursor > 0) { if (is_ascii_space(m_buffer[m_cursor - 1])) { if (has_seen_nonspace) break; } else { has_seen_nonspace = true; } erase_character_backwards(); } } void Editor::erase_to_end() { while (m_cursor < m_buffer.size()) erase_character_forwards(); } void Editor::erase_to_beginning() { } void Editor::transpose_characters() { if (m_cursor > 0 && m_buffer.size() >= 2) { if (m_cursor < m_buffer.size()) ++m_cursor; swap(m_buffer[m_cursor - 1], m_buffer[m_cursor - 2]); // FIXME: Update anchored styles too. m_refresh_needed = true; m_chars_touched_in_the_middle += 2; } } void Editor::enter_search() { if (m_is_searching) { // How did we get here? VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } else { m_is_searching = true; m_search_offset = 0; m_pre_search_buffer.clear(); for (auto code_point : m_buffer) m_pre_search_buffer.append(code_point); m_pre_search_cursor = m_cursor; ensure_free_lines_from_origin(1 + num_lines()); // Disable our own notifier so as to avoid interfering with the search editor. m_notifier->set_enabled(false); m_search_editor = Editor::construct(Configuration { Configuration::Eager, Configuration::NoSignalHandlers }); // Has anyone seen 'Inception'? m_search_editor->initialize(); add_child(*m_search_editor); m_search_editor->on_display_refresh = [this](Editor& search_editor) { // Remove the search editor prompt before updating ourselves (this avoids artifacts when we move the search editor around). search_editor.cleanup().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); StringBuilder builder; builder.append(Utf32View { search_editor.buffer().data(), search_editor.buffer().size() }); if (!search(builder.to_deprecated_string(), false, false)) { m_chars_touched_in_the_middle = m_buffer.size(); m_refresh_needed = true; m_buffer.clear(); m_cursor = 0; } refresh_display().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); // Move the search prompt below ours and tell it to redraw itself. auto prompt_end_line = current_prompt_metrics().lines_with_addition(m_cached_buffer_metrics, m_num_columns); search_editor.set_origin(prompt_end_line + m_origin_row, 1); search_editor.m_refresh_needed = true; }; // Whenever the search editor gets a ^R, cycle between history entries. m_search_editor->register_key_input_callback(ctrl('R'), [this](Editor& search_editor) { ++m_search_offset; search_editor.m_refresh_needed = true; return false; // Do not process this key event }); // ^C should cancel the search. m_search_editor->register_key_input_callback(ctrl('C'), [this](Editor& search_editor) { search_editor.finish(); m_reset_buffer_on_search_end = true; search_editor.end_search(); search_editor.deferred_invoke([&search_editor] { search_editor.really_quit_event_loop().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); }); return false; }); // Whenever the search editor gets a backspace, cycle back between history entries // unless we're at the zeroth entry, in which case, allow the deletion. m_search_editor->register_key_input_callback(m_termios.c_cc[VERASE], [this](Editor& search_editor) { if (m_search_offset > 0) { --m_search_offset; search_editor.m_refresh_needed = true; return false; // Do not process this key event } search_editor.erase_character_backwards(); return false; }); // ^L - This is a source of issues, as the search editor refreshes first, // and we end up with the wrong order of prompts, so we will first refresh // ourselves, then refresh the search editor, and then tell him not to process // this event. m_search_editor->register_key_input_callback(ctrl('L'), [this](auto& search_editor) { fprintf(stderr, "\033[3J\033[H\033[2J"); // Clear screen. // refresh our own prompt { TemporaryChange refresh_change { m_always_refresh, true }; set_origin(1, 1); m_refresh_needed = true; refresh_display().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); } // move the search prompt below ours // and tell it to redraw itself auto prompt_end_line = current_prompt_metrics().lines_with_addition(m_cached_buffer_metrics, m_num_columns); search_editor.set_origin(prompt_end_line + 1, 1); search_editor.m_refresh_needed = true; return false; }); // quit without clearing the current buffer m_search_editor->register_key_input_callback('\t', [this](Editor& search_editor) { search_editor.finish(); m_reset_buffer_on_search_end = false; return false; }); auto search_prompt = "\x1b[32msearch:\x1b[0m "sv; // While the search editor is active, we do not want editing events. m_is_editing = false; auto search_string_result = m_search_editor->get_line(search_prompt); // Grab where the search origin last was, anything up to this point will be cleared. auto search_end_row = m_search_editor->m_origin_row; remove_child(*m_search_editor); m_search_editor = nullptr; m_is_searching = false; m_is_editing = true; m_search_offset = 0; // Re-enable the notifier after discarding the search editor. m_notifier->set_enabled(true); if (search_string_result.is_error()) { // Somethine broke, fail m_input_error = search_string_result.error(); finish(); return; } auto& search_string = search_string_result.value(); // Manually cleanup the search line. auto stderr_stream = Core::File::standard_error().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); reposition_cursor(*stderr_stream).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); auto search_metrics = actual_rendered_string_metrics(search_string, {}); auto metrics = actual_rendered_string_metrics(search_prompt, {}); VT::clear_lines(0, metrics.lines_with_addition(search_metrics, m_num_columns) + search_end_row - m_origin_row - 1, *stderr_stream).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); reposition_cursor(*stderr_stream).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); m_refresh_needed = true; m_cached_prompt_valid = false; m_chars_touched_in_the_middle = 1; if (!m_reset_buffer_on_search_end || search_metrics.total_length == 0) { // If the entry was empty, or we purposely quit without a newline, // do not return anything; instead, just end the search. end_search(); return; } // Return the string, finish(); } } void Editor::transpose_words() { // A word here is contiguous alnums. `foo=bar baz` is three words. // 'abcd,.:efg...' should become 'efg...,.:abcd' if caret is after // 'efg...'. If it's in 'efg', it should become 'efg,.:abcd...' // with the caret after it, which then becomes 'abcd...,.:efg' // when alt-t is pressed a second time. // Move to end of word under (or after) caret. size_t cursor = m_cursor; while (cursor < m_buffer.size() && !is_ascii_alphanumeric(m_buffer[cursor])) ++cursor; while (cursor < m_buffer.size() && is_ascii_alphanumeric(m_buffer[cursor])) ++cursor; // Move left over second word and the space to its right. size_t end = cursor; size_t start = cursor; while (start > 0 && !is_ascii_alphanumeric(m_buffer[start - 1])) --start; while (start > 0 && is_ascii_alphanumeric(m_buffer[start - 1])) --start; size_t start_second_word = start; // Move left over space between the two words. while (start > 0 && !is_ascii_alphanumeric(m_buffer[start - 1])) --start; size_t start_gap = start; // Move left over first word. while (start > 0 && is_ascii_alphanumeric(m_buffer[start - 1])) --start; if (start != start_gap) { // To swap the two words, swap each word (and the gap) individually, and then swap the whole range. auto swap_range = [this](auto from, auto to) { for (size_t i = 0; i < (to - from) / 2; ++i) swap(m_buffer[from + i], m_buffer[to - 1 - i]); }; swap_range(start, start_gap); swap_range(start_gap, start_second_word); swap_range(start_second_word, end); swap_range(start, end); m_cursor = cursor; // FIXME: Update anchored styles too. m_refresh_needed = true; m_chars_touched_in_the_middle += end - start; } } void Editor::go_home() { m_cursor = 0; m_inline_search_cursor = m_cursor; m_search_offset = 0; } void Editor::go_end() { m_cursor = m_buffer.size(); m_inline_search_cursor = m_cursor; m_search_offset = 0; } void Editor::clear_screen() { warn("\033[3J\033[H\033[2J"); auto stream = Core::File::standard_error().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); VT::move_absolute(1, 1, *stream).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); set_origin(1, 1); m_refresh_needed = true; m_cached_prompt_valid = false; } void Editor::insert_last_words() { if (!m_history.is_empty()) { // FIXME: This isn't quite right: if the last arg was `"foo bar"` or `foo\ bar` (but not `foo\\ bar`), we should insert that whole arg as last token. if (auto last_words = m_history.last().entry.split_view(' '); !last_words.is_empty()) insert(last_words.last()); } } void Editor::erase_alnum_word_backwards() { // A word here is contiguous alnums. `foo=bar baz` is three words. bool has_seen_alnum = false; while (m_cursor > 0) { if (!is_ascii_alphanumeric(m_buffer[m_cursor - 1])) { if (has_seen_alnum) break; } else { has_seen_alnum = true; } erase_character_backwards(); } } void Editor::erase_alnum_word_forwards() { // A word here is contiguous alnums. `foo=bar baz` is three words. bool has_seen_alnum = false; while (m_cursor < m_buffer.size()) { if (!is_ascii_alphanumeric(m_buffer[m_cursor])) { if (has_seen_alnum) break; } else { has_seen_alnum = true; } erase_character_forwards(); } } void Editor::case_change_word(Editor::CaseChangeOp change_op) { // A word here is contiguous alnums. `foo=bar baz` is three words. while (m_cursor < m_buffer.size() && !is_ascii_alphanumeric(m_buffer[m_cursor])) ++m_cursor; size_t start = m_cursor; while (m_cursor < m_buffer.size() && is_ascii_alphanumeric(m_buffer[m_cursor])) { if (change_op == CaseChangeOp::Uppercase || (change_op == CaseChangeOp::Capital && m_cursor == start)) { m_buffer[m_cursor] = to_ascii_uppercase(m_buffer[m_cursor]); } else { VERIFY(change_op == CaseChangeOp::Lowercase || (change_op == CaseChangeOp::Capital && m_cursor > start)); m_buffer[m_cursor] = to_ascii_lowercase(m_buffer[m_cursor]); } ++m_cursor; } m_refresh_needed = true; m_chars_touched_in_the_middle = 1; } void Editor::capitalize_word() { case_change_word(CaseChangeOp::Capital); } void Editor::lowercase_word() { case_change_word(CaseChangeOp::Lowercase); } void Editor::uppercase_word() { case_change_word(CaseChangeOp::Uppercase); } void Editor::edit_in_external_editor() { auto const* editor_command = getenv("EDITOR"); if (!editor_command) editor_command = m_configuration.m_default_text_editor.characters(); char file_path[] = "/tmp/line-XXXXXX"; auto fd = mkstemp(file_path); if (fd < 0) { perror("mktemp"); return; } { auto write_fd = dup(fd); auto stream = Core::File::adopt_fd(write_fd, Core::File::OpenMode::Write).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); StringBuilder builder; builder.append(Utf32View { m_buffer.data(), m_buffer.size() }); auto bytes = builder.string_view().bytes(); while (!bytes.is_empty()) { auto nwritten = stream->write_some(bytes).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); bytes = bytes.slice(nwritten); } lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); } ScopeGuard remove_temp_file_guard { [fd, file_path] { close(fd); unlink(file_path); } }; Vector args { editor_command, file_path, nullptr }; auto pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) { perror("fork"); return; } if (pid == 0) { execvp(editor_command, const_cast(args.data())); perror("execv"); _exit(126); } else { int wstatus = 0; do { waitpid(pid, &wstatus, 0); } while (errno == EINTR); if (!(WIFEXITED(wstatus) && WEXITSTATUS(wstatus) == 0)) return; } { auto file = Core::File::open({ file_path, strlen(file_path) }, Core::File::OpenMode::Read).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); auto contents = file->read_until_eof().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); StringView data { contents }; while (data.ends_with('\n')) data = data.substring_view(0, data.length() - 1); m_cursor = 0; m_chars_touched_in_the_middle = m_buffer.size(); m_buffer.clear_with_capacity(); m_refresh_needed = true; Utf8View view { data }; if (view.validate()) { for (auto cp : view) insert(cp); } else { for (auto ch : data) insert(ch); } } } }