There was a bug in the "prepend_vector_object" test but it was masked
by us not printing failures. (The bug was that we were adding three
elements to the "objects" vector and then checking that another
vector called "more_objects" indeed had three elements. Oops!)
Restructure the makefile a little so it only builds objects once, and
then run them on make clean.
This is a little slower (since we're relinking tests each makeall), but
it also ensures that it will work.
This allows you to do things like:
vector.insert_before_matching(value, [](auto& entry) {
return value < entry;
Basically it scans until it finds an element that matches the condition
callback and then inserts the new value before the matching element.
Instead of manually doing String::format("%d"/"%u") everywhere, let's have
a String API for this. It's just a wrapper around format() for now, but it
could be made more efficient in the future.
Get rid of the ConstIterator classes for these containers and use templated
FooIterator<T, ...> and FooIterator<const T, ...> helpers.
This makes the HashTable class a lot easier to read.
The underlying data structure is a singly-linked list of Vector<T>.
We never shift any of the vector contents around, but we batch the memory
allocations into 1000-element segments.