LibJS: Use correct this value when callee is a with binding

If we're inside of a `with` statement scope, we have to take care to
extract the correct `this` value for use in calls when calling a method
on the binding object via an Identifier instead of a MemberExpression.

This makes Vue.js work way better in the bytecode VM. :^)

Also, 1 new pass on test262.
This commit is contained in:
Andreas Kling 2023-08-01 14:33:58 +02:00
parent e61fdd1dc6
commit e91bdedc93
Notes: sideshowbarker 2024-07-17 09:49:48 +09:00
4 changed files with 186 additions and 104 deletions

View file

@ -1526,6 +1526,19 @@ Bytecode::CodeGenerationErrorOr<void> CallExpression::generate_bytecode(Bytecode
} else if (is<OptionalChain>(*m_callee)) {
auto& optional_chain = static_cast<OptionalChain const&>(*m_callee);
TRY(generate_optional_chain(generator, optional_chain, callee_reg, this_reg));
} else if (is<Identifier>(*m_callee)) {
// If the callee is an identifier, we may need to extract a `this` value.
// This is important when we're inside a `with` statement and calling a method on
// the environment's binding object.
// NOTE: If the identifier refers to a known "local" or "global", we know it can't be
// a `with` binding, so we can skip this.
auto& identifier = static_cast<Identifier const&>(*m_callee);
if (!identifier.is_local() && !identifier.is_global()) {
generator.emit<Bytecode::Op::GetCalleeAndThisFromEnvironment>(generator.intern_identifier(identifier.string()), callee_reg, this_reg);
} else {
} else {
// FIXME: this = global object in sloppy mode.

View file

@ -10,110 +10,111 @@
#include <AK/Span.h>
#include <LibJS/Forward.h>
O(Add) \
O(Append) \
O(AsyncIteratorClose) \
O(Await) \
O(BitwiseAnd) \
O(BitwiseNot) \
O(BitwiseOr) \
O(BitwiseXor) \
O(BlockDeclarationInstantiation) \
O(Call) \
O(CallWithArgumentArray) \
O(ConcatString) \
O(ContinuePendingUnwind) \
O(CopyObjectExcludingProperties) \
O(CreateLexicalEnvironment) \
O(CreateVariable) \
O(Decrement) \
O(DeleteById) \
O(DeleteByIdWithThis) \
O(DeleteByValue) \
O(DeleteByValueWithThis) \
O(DeleteVariable) \
O(Div) \
O(EnterUnwindContext) \
O(EnterObjectEnvironment) \
O(Exp) \
O(GetById) \
O(GetByIdWithThis) \
O(GetByValue) \
O(GetByValueWithThis) \
O(GetIterator) \
O(GetMethod) \
O(GetNewTarget) \
O(GetImportMeta) \
O(GetObjectPropertyIterator) \
O(GetPrivateById) \
O(GetVariable) \
O(GetGlobal) \
O(GetLocal) \
O(GreaterThan) \
O(GreaterThanEquals) \
O(HasPrivateId) \
O(ImportCall) \
O(In) \
O(Increment) \
O(InstanceOf) \
O(IteratorClose) \
O(IteratorNext) \
O(IteratorResultDone) \
O(IteratorResultValue) \
O(IteratorToArray) \
O(Jump) \
O(JumpConditional) \
O(JumpNullish) \
O(JumpUndefined) \
O(LeaveLexicalEnvironment) \
O(LeaveUnwindContext) \
O(LeftShift) \
O(LessThan) \
O(LessThanEquals) \
O(Load) \
O(LoadImmediate) \
O(LooselyEquals) \
O(LooselyInequals) \
O(Mod) \
O(Mul) \
O(NewArray) \
O(NewBigInt) \
O(NewClass) \
O(NewFunction) \
O(NewObject) \
O(NewRegExp) \
O(NewString) \
O(NewTypeError) \
O(Not) \
O(PushDeclarativeEnvironment) \
O(PutById) \
O(PutByIdWithThis) \
O(PutByValue) \
O(PutByValueWithThis) \
O(PutPrivateById) \
O(ResolveThisBinding) \
O(ResolveSuperBase) \
O(Return) \
O(RightShift) \
O(ScheduleJump) \
O(SetVariable) \
O(SetLocal) \
O(Store) \
O(StrictlyEquals) \
O(StrictlyInequals) \
O(Sub) \
O(SuperCallWithArgumentArray) \
O(Throw) \
O(ThrowIfNotObject) \
O(ThrowIfNullish) \
O(ToNumeric) \
O(Typeof) \
O(TypeofVariable) \
O(TypeofLocal) \
O(UnaryMinus) \
O(UnaryPlus) \
O(UnsignedRightShift) \
O(Add) \
O(Append) \
O(AsyncIteratorClose) \
O(Await) \
O(BitwiseAnd) \
O(BitwiseNot) \
O(BitwiseOr) \
O(BitwiseXor) \
O(BlockDeclarationInstantiation) \
O(Call) \
O(CallWithArgumentArray) \
O(ConcatString) \
O(ContinuePendingUnwind) \
O(CopyObjectExcludingProperties) \
O(CreateLexicalEnvironment) \
O(CreateVariable) \
O(Decrement) \
O(DeleteById) \
O(DeleteByIdWithThis) \
O(DeleteByValue) \
O(DeleteByValueWithThis) \
O(DeleteVariable) \
O(Div) \
O(EnterUnwindContext) \
O(EnterObjectEnvironment) \
O(Exp) \
O(GetById) \
O(GetByIdWithThis) \
O(GetByValue) \
O(GetByValueWithThis) \
O(GetCalleeAndThisFromEnvironment) \
O(GetIterator) \
O(GetMethod) \
O(GetNewTarget) \
O(GetImportMeta) \
O(GetObjectPropertyIterator) \
O(GetPrivateById) \
O(GetVariable) \
O(GetGlobal) \
O(GetLocal) \
O(GreaterThan) \
O(GreaterThanEquals) \
O(HasPrivateId) \
O(ImportCall) \
O(In) \
O(Increment) \
O(InstanceOf) \
O(IteratorClose) \
O(IteratorNext) \
O(IteratorResultDone) \
O(IteratorResultValue) \
O(IteratorToArray) \
O(Jump) \
O(JumpConditional) \
O(JumpNullish) \
O(JumpUndefined) \
O(LeaveLexicalEnvironment) \
O(LeaveUnwindContext) \
O(LeftShift) \
O(LessThan) \
O(LessThanEquals) \
O(Load) \
O(LoadImmediate) \
O(LooselyEquals) \
O(LooselyInequals) \
O(Mod) \
O(Mul) \
O(NewArray) \
O(NewBigInt) \
O(NewClass) \
O(NewFunction) \
O(NewObject) \
O(NewRegExp) \
O(NewString) \
O(NewTypeError) \
O(Not) \
O(PushDeclarativeEnvironment) \
O(PutById) \
O(PutByIdWithThis) \
O(PutByValue) \
O(PutByValueWithThis) \
O(PutPrivateById) \
O(ResolveThisBinding) \
O(ResolveSuperBase) \
O(Return) \
O(RightShift) \
O(ScheduleJump) \
O(SetVariable) \
O(SetLocal) \
O(Store) \
O(StrictlyEquals) \
O(StrictlyInequals) \
O(Sub) \
O(SuperCallWithArgumentArray) \
O(Throw) \
O(ThrowIfNotObject) \
O(ThrowIfNullish) \
O(ToNumeric) \
O(Typeof) \
O(TypeofVariable) \
O(TypeofLocal) \
O(UnaryMinus) \
O(UnaryPlus) \
O(UnsignedRightShift) \
namespace JS::Bytecode {

View file

@ -418,6 +418,46 @@ ThrowCompletionOr<void> GetVariable::execute_impl(Bytecode::Interpreter& interpr
return {};
ThrowCompletionOr<void> GetCalleeAndThisFromEnvironment::execute_impl(Bytecode::Interpreter& interpreter) const
auto& vm = interpreter.vm();
auto get_reference = [&]() -> ThrowCompletionOr<Reference> {
auto const& string = interpreter.current_executable().get_identifier(m_identifier);
if (m_cached_environment_coordinate.has_value()) {
auto environment = vm.running_execution_context().lexical_environment;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_cached_environment_coordinate->hops; ++i)
environment = environment->outer_environment();
if (!environment->is_permanently_screwed_by_eval()) {
return Reference { *environment, string, vm.in_strict_mode(), m_cached_environment_coordinate };
m_cached_environment_coordinate = {};
auto reference = TRY(vm.resolve_binding(string));
if (reference.environment_coordinate().has_value())
m_cached_environment_coordinate = reference.environment_coordinate();
return reference;
auto reference = TRY(get_reference());
interpreter.reg(m_callee_reg) = TRY(reference.get_value(vm));
Value this_value = js_undefined();
if (reference.is_property_reference()) {
this_value = reference.get_this_value();
} else {
if (reference.is_environment_reference()) {
if (auto base_object = reference.base_environment().with_base_object(); base_object != nullptr)
this_value = base_object;
interpreter.reg(m_this_reg) = this_value;
return {};
ThrowCompletionOr<void> GetGlobal::execute_impl(Bytecode::Interpreter& interpreter) const
auto& vm = interpreter.vm();
@ -1498,6 +1538,11 @@ DeprecatedString ConcatString::to_deprecated_string_impl(Bytecode::Executable co
return DeprecatedString::formatted("ConcatString {}", m_lhs);
DeprecatedString GetCalleeAndThisFromEnvironment::to_deprecated_string_impl(Bytecode::Executable const& executable) const
return DeprecatedString::formatted("GetCalleeAndThisFromEnvironment {} -> callee: {}, this:{} ", executable.identifier_table->get(m_identifier), m_callee_reg, m_this_reg);
DeprecatedString GetVariable::to_deprecated_string_impl(Bytecode::Executable const& executable) const
return DeprecatedString::formatted("GetVariable {} ({})", m_identifier, executable.identifier_table->get(m_identifier));

View file

@ -441,6 +441,29 @@ private:
size_t m_index;
class GetCalleeAndThisFromEnvironment final : public Instruction {
explicit GetCalleeAndThisFromEnvironment(IdentifierTableIndex identifier, Register callee_reg, Register this_reg)
: Instruction(Type::GetCalleeAndThisFromEnvironment)
, m_identifier(identifier)
, m_callee_reg(callee_reg)
, m_this_reg(this_reg)
ThrowCompletionOr<void> execute_impl(Bytecode::Interpreter&) const;
DeprecatedString to_deprecated_string_impl(Bytecode::Executable const&) const;
IdentifierTableIndex identifier() const { return m_identifier; }
IdentifierTableIndex m_identifier;
Register m_callee_reg;
Register m_this_reg;
Optional<EnvironmentCoordinate> mutable m_cached_environment_coordinate;
class GetVariable final : public Instruction {
explicit GetVariable(IdentifierTableIndex identifier)