LibWeb: Align NavigationParams and the creation AOs to the spec

And remove assorted spec FIXMEs along the way. Also align
populate_session_history_entry_document to the spec, with a bonus spec
bug to be filed.

This involves creating a new NonFetchSchemeNavigationParams spec, and
having the associated AOs take a Variant rather than Optional to
accomodate the fact that this extra struct could be returned by the
algorithm. We don't actually *do* anything with these params, but the
scaffolding is there now, with less TODOs.
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Kaster 2023-09-21 13:47:19 -06:00 committed by Andrew Kaster
parent f296382e1a
commit dc0f7c4c54
Notes: sideshowbarker 2024-07-17 09:39:38 +09:00
9 changed files with 400 additions and 125 deletions

View file

@ -236,7 +236,13 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<Document>> Document::create_and_initialize(
// FIXME: Environment is virtual. We *really* shouldn't be slicing it here
[](Empty const&) -> Optional<HTML::Environment> { return {}; },
[](HTML::Environment* env) -> Optional<HTML::Environment> { if (env) return *env; return {}; },
[](JS::NonnullGCPtr<HTML::EnvironmentSettingsObject>) -> Optional<HTML::Environment> {

View file

@ -445,6 +445,10 @@ public:
bool is_initial_about_blank() const { return m_is_initial_about_blank; }
void set_is_initial_about_blank(bool b) { m_is_initial_about_blank = b; }
Optional<AK::URL> about_base_url() const { return m_about_base_url; }
void set_about_base_url(Optional<AK::URL> url) { m_about_base_url = url; }
DeprecatedString domain() const;
void set_domain(String const&);
@ -655,6 +659,9 @@ private:
bool m_is_initial_about_blank { false };
Optional<AK::URL> m_about_base_url;
HTML::CrossOriginOpenerPolicy m_cross_origin_opener_policy;

View file

@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ JS::GCPtr<DOM::Document> load_document(Optional<HTML::NavigationParams> navigati
auto& realm = document->realm();
if (navigation_params->response->body()) {
auto process_body = [navigation_params, document](ByteBuffer bytes) {
auto process_body = [document](ByteBuffer bytes) {
if (!parse_document(*document, bytes)) {
dbgln("FIXME: Load html page with an error if parsing failed.");
@ -307,32 +307,35 @@ JS::GCPtr<DOM::Document> create_document_for_inline_content(JS::GCPtr<HTML::Navi
// 4. Let navigationParams be a new navigation params with
// id: navigationId
// navigable: navigable
// request: null
// response: a new response
// origin: origin
// fetch controller: null
// commit early hints: null
// COOP enforcement result: coopEnforcementResult
// reserved environment: null
// policy container: a new policy container
// final sandboxing flag set: an empty set
// cross-origin opener policy: coop
// COOP enforcement result: coopEnforcementResult
// reserved environment: null
// navigable: navigable
// FIXME: navigation timing type: navTimingType
// FIXME: fetch controller: fetch controller
// FIXME: commit early hints: null
// about base URL: null
auto response = Fetch::Infrastructure::Response::create(vm);
response->url_list().append(AK::URL("about:error")); // AD-HOC:
HTML::NavigationParams navigation_params {
.id = navigation_id,
.navigable = navigable,
.request = {},
.response = *response,
.fetch_controller = nullptr,
.commit_early_hints = nullptr,
.coop_enforcement_result = move(coop_enforcement_result),
.reserved_environment = {},
.origin = move(origin),
.policy_container = HTML::PolicyContainer {},
.final_sandboxing_flag_set = HTML::SandboxingFlagSet {},
.cross_origin_opener_policy = move(coop),
.coop_enforcement_result = move(coop_enforcement_result),
.reserved_environment = {},
.browsing_context = navigable->active_browsing_context(),
.navigable = navigable,
.about_base_url = {},
// 5. Let document be the result of creating and initializing a Document object given "html", "text/html", and navigationParams.

View file

@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ public:
void set_current_navigation_was_lazy_loaded(bool value) { m_current_navigation_was_lazy_loaded = value; }
Optional<HighResolutionTime::DOMHighResTimeStamp> const& pending_resource_start_time() const { return m_pending_resource_start_time; }
void set_pending_resource_start_time(Optional<HighResolutionTime::DOMHighResTimeStamp> time) { m_pending_resource_start_time = time; }
virtual void apply_presentational_hints(CSS::StyleProperties&) const override;
@ -41,6 +44,9 @@ private:
bool m_current_navigation_was_lazy_loaded { false };
Optional<HighResolutionTime::DOMHighResTimeStamp> m_pending_resource_start_time = {};
void run_iframe_load_event_steps(HTML::HTMLIFrameElement&);

View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/URL.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/BrowsingContext.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/DocumentState.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLIFrameElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HistoryHandlingBehavior.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Navigable.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Navigation.h>
@ -380,8 +381,87 @@ Vector<JS::NonnullGCPtr<SessionHistoryEntry>>& Navigable::get_session_history_en
static PolicyContainer determine_navigation_params_policy_container(AK::URL const& response_url,
Optional<PolicyContainer> history_policy_container,
Optional<PolicyContainer> initiator_policy_container,
Optional<PolicyContainer> parent_policy_container,
Optional<PolicyContainer> response_policy_container)
// NOTE: The clone a policy container AO is just a C++ copy
// 1. If historyPolicyContainer is not null, then:
if (history_policy_container.has_value()) {
// FIXME: 1. Assert: responseURL requires storing the policy container in history.
// 2. Return a clone of historyPolicyContainer.
return *history_policy_container;
// 2. If responseURL is about:srcdoc, then:
if (response_url == "about:srcdoc"sv) {
// 1. Assert: parentPolicyContainer is not null.
// 2. Return a clone of parentPolicyContainer.
return *parent_policy_container;
// 3. If responseURL is local and initiatorPolicyContainer is not null, then return a clone of initiatorPolicyContainer.
if (Fetch::Infrastructure::is_local_url(response_url) && initiator_policy_container.has_value())
return *initiator_policy_container;
// 4. If responsePolicyContainer is not null, then return responsePolicyContainer.
// FIXME: File a spec issue to say "a clone of" here for consistency
if (response_policy_container.has_value())
return *response_policy_container;
// 5. Return a new policy container.
return {};
static CrossOriginOpenerPolicy obtain_a_cross_origin_opener_policy(JS::NonnullGCPtr<Fetch::Infrastructure::Response>, Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::ReservedClientType const& reserved_client)
// 1. Let policy be a new cross-origin opener policy.
CrossOriginOpenerPolicy policy = {};
// AD-HOC: We don't yet setup environments in all cases
if (reserved_client.has<Empty>())
return policy;
auto& reserved_environment = reserved_client.visit(
[](Empty const&) -> Environment& { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); },
[](Environment* env) -> Environment& { return *env; },
[](JS::GCPtr<EnvironmentSettingsObject> eso) -> Environment& { return *eso; });
// 2. If reservedEnvironment is a non-secure context, then return policy.
if (is_non_secure_context(reserved_environment))
return policy;
// FIXME: We don't yet have the technology to extract structured data from Fetch headers
// FIXME: 3. Let parsedItem be the result of getting a structured field value given `Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy` and "item" from response's header list.
// FIXME: 4. If parsedItem is not null, then:
// FIXME: nested steps...
// FIXME: 5. Set parsedItem to the result of getting a structured field value given `Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy-Report-Only` and "item" from response's header list.
// FIXME: 6. If parsedItem is not null, then:
// FIXME: nested steps...
// 7. Return policy.
return policy;
static JS::GCPtr<DOM::Document> attempt_to_create_a_non_fetch_scheme_document(NonFetchSchemeNavigationParams const& params)
// FIXME: Implement this algorithm to hand off to external software or display inline content
dbgln("(FIXME) Don't know how to navigate to {}", params.url);
return nullptr;
static WebIDL::ExceptionOr<NavigationParams> create_navigation_params_from_a_srcdoc_resource(JS::GCPtr<SessionHistoryEntry> entry, JS::GCPtr<Navigable> navigable, SourceSnapshotParams const&, Optional<String> navigation_id)
static WebIDL::ExceptionOr<NavigationParams> create_navigation_params_from_a_srcdoc_resource(JS::GCPtr<SessionHistoryEntry> entry, JS::GCPtr<Navigable> navigable, TargetSnapshotParams const& target_snapshot_params, Optional<String> navigation_id)
auto& vm = navigable->vm();
auto& realm = navigable->active_window()->realm();
@ -400,11 +480,11 @@ static WebIDL::ExceptionOr<NavigationParams> create_navigation_params_from_a_src
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, response->header_list()->append(move(header)));
response->set_body(TRY(Fetch::Infrastructure::byte_sequence_as_body(realm, document_resource.get<String>().bytes())));
// 3. Let responseOrigin be the result of determining the origin given response's URL, targetSnapshotParams's sandboxing flags, null, and entry's document state's origin.
auto response_origin = determine_the_origin(*response->url(), SandboxingFlagSet {}, entry->document_state->origin());
// 3. Let responseOrigin be the result of determining the origin given response's URL, targetSnapshotParams's sandboxing flags, and entry's document state's origin.
auto response_origin = determine_the_origin(*response->url(), target_snapshot_params.sandboxing_flags, entry->document_state->origin());
// 4. Let coop be a new cross-origin opener policy.
CrossOriginOpenerPolicy coop;
CrossOriginOpenerPolicy coop = {};
// 5. Let coopEnforcementResult be a new cross-origin opener policy enforcement result with
// url: response's URL
@ -416,44 +496,53 @@ static WebIDL::ExceptionOr<NavigationParams> create_navigation_params_from_a_src
.cross_origin_opener_policy = coop
// FIXME: 6. Let policyContainer be the result of determining navigation params policy container given response's URL, entry's document state's history policy container, null, navigable's container document's policy container, and null.
// 6. Let policyContainer be the result of determining navigation params policy container given response's URL,
// entry's document state's history policy container, null, navigable's container document's policy container, and null.
Optional<PolicyContainer> history_policy_container = entry->document_state->history_policy_container().visit(
[](PolicyContainer const& c) -> Optional<PolicyContainer> { return c; },
[](DocumentState::Client) -> Optional<PolicyContainer> { return {}; });
auto policy_container = determine_navigation_params_policy_container(*response->url(), history_policy_container, {}, navigable->container_document()->policy_container(), {});
// 7. Return a new navigation params, with
// id: navigationId
// navigable: navigable
// request: null
// response: response
// origin: responseOrigin
// FIXME: policy container: policyContainer
// FIXME: final sandboxing flag set: targetSnapshotParams's sandboxing flags
// cross-origin opener policy: coop
// COOP enforcement result: coopEnforcementResult
// reserved environment: null
// navigable: navigable
// FIXME: navigation timing type: navTimingType
// fetch controller: null
// commit early hints: null
HTML::NavigationParams navigation_params {
.id = navigation_id,
.request = {},
// COOP enforcement result: coopEnforcementResult
// reserved environment: null
// origin: responseOrigin
// policy container: policyContainer
// final sandboxing flag set: targetSnapshotParams's sandboxing flags
// cross-origin opener policy: coop
// FIXME: navigation timing type: navTimingType
// about base URL: entry's document state's about base URL
return NavigationParams {
.id = move(navigation_id),
.navigable = navigable,
.request = nullptr,
.response = *response,
.origin = move(response_origin),
.policy_container = PolicyContainer {},
.final_sandboxing_flag_set = SandboxingFlagSet {},
.cross_origin_opener_policy = move(coop),
.fetch_controller = nullptr,
.commit_early_hints = nullptr,
.coop_enforcement_result = move(coop_enforcement_result),
.reserved_environment = {},
.browsing_context = navigable->active_browsing_context(),
.navigable = navigable,
.origin = move(response_origin),
.policy_container = policy_container,
.final_sandboxing_flag_set = target_snapshot_params.sandboxing_flags,
.cross_origin_opener_policy = move(coop),
.about_base_url = entry->document_state->about_base_url(),
return { navigation_params };
static WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Optional<NavigationParams>> create_navigation_params_by_fetching(JS::GCPtr<SessionHistoryEntry> entry, JS::GCPtr<Navigable> navigable, SourceSnapshotParams const& source_snapshot_params, Optional<String> navigation_id)
static WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Variant<Empty, NavigationParams, NonFetchSchemeNavigationParams>> create_navigation_params_by_fetching(JS::GCPtr<SessionHistoryEntry> entry, JS::GCPtr<Navigable> navigable, SourceSnapshotParams const& source_snapshot_params, TargetSnapshotParams const& target_snapshot_params, CSPNavigationType csp_navigation_type, Optional<String> navigation_id)
auto& vm = navigable->vm();
auto& realm = navigable->active_window()->realm();
auto& active_document = *navigable->active_document();
// FIXME: 1. Assert: this is running in parallel.
@ -470,7 +559,7 @@ static WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Optional<NavigationParams>> create_navigation_params_
// replaces client id: navigable's active document's relevant settings object's id
// mode: "navigate"
// referrer: entry's document state's request referrer
// FIXME: referrer policy: entry's document state's request referrer policy
// referrer policy: entry's document state's request referrer policy
auto request = Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::create(vm);
@ -478,7 +567,7 @@ static WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Optional<NavigationParams>> create_navigation_params_
auto replaces_client_id = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, String::from_deprecated_string(navigable->active_document()->relevant_settings_object().id));
auto replaces_client_id = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, String::from_deprecated_string(active_document.relevant_settings_object().id));
@ -517,6 +606,33 @@ static WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Optional<NavigationParams>> create_navigation_params_
if (entry->document_state->ever_populated())
// 7. If sourceSnapshotParams's has transient activation is true, then set request's user-activation to true.
if (source_snapshot_params.has_transient_activation)
// 8. If navigable's container is non-null:
if (navigable->container() != nullptr) {
// 1. If the navigable's container has a browsing context scope origin, then set request's origin to that browsing context scope origin.
// FIXME: From "browsing context scope origin": This definition is broken and needs investigation to see what it was intended to express: see issue #4703.
// The referenced issue suggests that it is a no-op to retrieve the browsing context scope origin.
// 2. Set request's destination to navigable's container's local name.
// FIXME: Are there other container types? If so, we need a helper here
Web::Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination destination = is<HTMLIFrameElement>(*navigable->container()) ? Web::Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination::IFrame
: Web::Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination::Object;
// 3. If sourceSnapshotParams's fetch client is navigable's container document's relevant settings object,
// then set request's initiator type to navigable's container's local name.
// NOTE: This ensure that only container-initiated navigations are reported to resource timing.
if (source_snapshot_params.fetch_client == &navigable->container_document()->relevant_settings_object()) {
// FIXME: Are there other container types? If so, we need a helper here
Web::Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::InitiatorType initiator_type = is<HTMLIFrameElement>(*navigable->container()) ? Web::Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::InitiatorType::IFrame
: Web::Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::InitiatorType::Object;
// 9. Let response be null.
// NOTE: We use a heap-allocated cell to hold the response pointer because the processResponse callback below
// might use it after this stack is freed.
@ -528,16 +644,36 @@ static WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Optional<NavigationParams>> create_navigation_params_
// 11. Let fetchController be null.
JS::GCPtr<Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchController> fetch_controller = nullptr;
// 12. Let coopEnforcementResult be a new cross-origin opener policy enforcement result, with
// - url: navigable's active document's URL
// - origin: navigable's active document's origin
// - cross-origin opener policy: navigable's active document's cross-origin opener policy
// - current context is navigation source: true if navigable's active document's origin is same origin with
// entry's document state's initiator origin otherwise false
CrossOriginOpenerPolicyEnforcementResult coop_enforcement_result = {
.url = active_document.url(),
.origin = active_document.origin(),
.cross_origin_opener_policy = active_document.cross_origin_opener_policy(),
.current_context_is_navigation_source = entry->document_state->initiator_origin().has_value() && active_document.origin().is_same_origin(*entry->document_state->initiator_origin())
// 13. Let finalSandboxFlags be an empty sandboxing flag set.
SandboxingFlagSet final_sandbox_flags = {};
// 14. Let responsePolicyContainer be null.
Optional<PolicyContainer> response_policy_container = {};
// 15. Let responseCOOP be a new cross-origin opener policy.
CrossOriginOpenerPolicy response_coop = {};
// 16. Let locationURL be null.
ErrorOr<Optional<AK::URL>> location_url { OptionalNone {} };
// 17. Let currentURL be request's current URL.
AK::URL current_url = request->current_url();
// FIXME: 18. Let commitEarlyHints be null.
// 18. Let commitEarlyHints be null.
Function<void(DOM::Document&)> commit_early_hints = nullptr;
// 19. While true:
while (true) {
@ -592,7 +728,7 @@ static WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Optional<NavigationParams>> create_navigation_params_
// If the latter condition occurs, then abort fetchController, and return. Otherwise, proceed onward.
if (navigation_id.has_value() && (!navigable->ongoing_navigation().has<String>() || navigable->ongoing_navigation().get<String>() != *navigation_id)) {
fetch_controller->abort(realm, {});
return OptionalNone {};
return Empty {};
// 8. If request's body is null, then set entry's document state's resource to null.
@ -600,9 +736,31 @@ static WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Optional<NavigationParams>> create_navigation_params_
entry->document_state->set_resource(Empty {});
// FIXME 9. Set responsePolicyContainer to the result of creating a policy container from a fetch response given response and request's reserved client.
// FIXME 10. Set finalSandboxFlags to the union of targetSnapshotParams's sandboxing flags and responsePolicyContainer's CSP list's CSP-derived sandboxing flags.
// 11. Set responseOrigin to the result of determining the origin given response's URL, finalSandboxFlags, and entry's document state's initiator origin.
response_origin = determine_the_origin(*response_holder->response()->url(), final_sandbox_flags, entry->document_state->initiator_origin());
// 12. If navigable is a top-level traversable, then:
if (navigable->is_top_level_traversable()) {
// 1. Set responseCOOP to the result of obtaining a cross-origin opener policy given response and request's reserved client.
response_coop = obtain_a_cross_origin_opener_policy(*response_holder->response(), request->reserved_client());
// FIXME: 2. Set coopEnforcementResult to the result of enforcing the response's cross-origin opener policy given navigable's active browsing context,
// response's URL, responseOrigin, responseCOOP, coopEnforcementResult and request's referrer.
// FIXME: 3. If finalSandboxFlags is not empty and responseCOOP's value is not "unsafe-none", then set response to an appropriate network error and break.
// NOTE: This results in a network error as one cannot simultaneously provide a clean slate to a response
// using cross-origin opener policy and sandbox the result of navigating to that response.
// 13. FIXME If response is not a network error, navigable is a child navigable, and the result of performing a cross-origin resource policy check
// with navigable's container document's origin, navigable's container document's relevant settings object, request's destination, response,
// and true is blocked, then set response to a network error and break.
// NOTE: Here we're running the cross-origin resource policy check against the parent navigable rather than navigable itself
// This is because we care about the same-originness of the embedded content against the parent context, not the navigation source.
// 14. Set locationURL to response's location URL given currentURL's fragment.
auto location_url = response_holder->response()->location_url(current_url.fragment());
@ -616,7 +774,8 @@ static WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Optional<NavigationParams>> create_navigation_params_
// 16. Assert: locationURL is a URL.
// FIXME: 17. Set entry's serialized state to StructuredSerializeForStorage(null).
// 17. Set entry's classic history API state to StructuredSerializeForStorage(null).
entry->classic_history_api_state = MUST(structured_serialize_for_storage(vm, JS::js_null()));
// 18. Let oldDocState be entry's document state.
auto old_doc_state = entry->document_state;
@ -654,10 +813,23 @@ static WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Optional<NavigationParams>> create_navigation_params_
entry->url = current_url;
// FIXME: 20. If locationURL is a URL whose scheme is not a fetch scheme, then return a new non-fetch scheme navigation params, with
// initiator origin request's current URL's origin
// 20. If locationURL is a URL whose scheme is not a fetch scheme, then return a new non-fetch scheme navigation params, with
if (!location_url.is_error() && location_url.value().has_value() && !Fetch::Infrastructure::is_fetch_scheme(location_url.value().value().scheme())) {
// - id: navigationId
// - navigable: navigable
// - URL: locationURL
// - target snapshot sandboxing flags: targetSnapshotParams's sandboxing flags
// - source snapshot has transient activation: sourceSnapshotParams's has transient activation
// - initiator origin: responseOrigin
// FIXME: - navigation timing type: navTimingType
return NonFetchSchemeNavigationParams {
.id = navigation_id,
.navigable = navigable,
.url = location_url.release_value().value(),
.target_snapshot_sandboxing_flags = target_snapshot_params.sandboxing_flags,
.source_snapshot_has_transient_activation = source_snapshot_params.has_transient_activation,
.initiator_origin = move(*response_origin),
// 21. If any of the following are true:
@ -666,57 +838,75 @@ static WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Optional<NavigationParams>> create_navigation_params_
// - locationURL is a URL whose scheme is a fetch scheme
// then return null.
if (response_holder->response()->is_network_error() || location_url.is_error() || (location_url.value().has_value() && Fetch::Infrastructure::is_fetch_scheme(location_url.value().value().scheme()))) {
return OptionalNone {};
return Empty {};
// 22. Assert: locationURL is null and response is not a network error.
// FIXME: 23. Let resultPolicyContainer be the result of determining navigation params policy container given response's
// URL, entry's document state's history policy container, sourceSnapshotParams's source policy container,
// null, and responsePolicyContainer.
// 23. Let resultPolicyContainer be the result of determining navigation params policy container given response's URL,
// entry's document state's history policy container, sourceSnapshotParams's source policy container, null, and responsePolicyContainer.
Optional<PolicyContainer> history_policy_container = entry->document_state->history_policy_container().visit(
[](PolicyContainer const& c) -> Optional<PolicyContainer> { return c; },
[](DocumentState::Client) -> Optional<PolicyContainer> { return {}; });
auto result_policy_container = determine_navigation_params_policy_container(*response_holder->response()->url(), history_policy_container, source_snapshot_params.source_policy_container, {}, response_policy_container);
// 24. If navigable's container is an iframe, and response's timing allow passed flag is set, then set container's pending resource-timing start time to null.
if (navigable->container() && is<HTML::HTMLIFrameElement>(*navigable->container()) && response_holder->response()->timing_allow_passed())
// 25. Return a new navigation params, with
// id: navigationId
// navigable: navigable
// request: request
// response: response
// origin: responseOrigin
// FIXME: policy container: resultPolicyContainer
// FIXME: final sandboxing flag set: finalSandboxFlags
// FIXME: cross-origin opener policy: responseCOOP
// FIXME: COOP enforcement result: coopEnforcementResult
// FIXME: reserved environment: request's reserved client
// navigable: navigable
// FIXME: navigation timing type: navTimingType
// fetch controller: fetchController
// FIXME: commit early hints: commitEarlyHints
// commit early hints: commitEarlyHints
// cross-origin opener policy: responseCOOP
// reserved environment: request's reserved client
// origin: responseOrigin
// policy container: resultPolicyContainer
// final sandboxing flag set: finalSandboxFlags
// COOP enforcement result: coopEnforcementResult
// FIXME: navigation timing type: navTimingType
// about base URL: entry's document state's about base URL
HTML::NavigationParams navigation_params {
.id = navigation_id,
.navigable = navigable,
.request = request,
.response = *response_holder->response(),
.origin = *response_origin,
.policy_container = PolicyContainer {},
.final_sandboxing_flag_set = SandboxingFlagSet {},
.cross_origin_opener_policy = CrossOriginOpenerPolicy {},
.coop_enforcement_result = CrossOriginOpenerPolicyEnforcementResult {},
.reserved_environment = {},
.browsing_context = navigable->active_browsing_context(),
.navigable = navigable,
.fetch_controller = fetch_controller,
.commit_early_hints = move(commit_early_hints),
.coop_enforcement_result = coop_enforcement_result,
.reserved_environment = request->reserved_client(),
.origin = *response_origin,
.policy_container = result_policy_container,
.final_sandboxing_flag_set = final_sandbox_flags,
.cross_origin_opener_policy = response_coop,
.about_base_url = entry->document_state->about_base_url(),
return { navigation_params };
return navigation_params;
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Navigable::populate_session_history_entry_document(JS::GCPtr<SessionHistoryEntry> entry, Optional<NavigationParams> navigation_params, Optional<String> navigation_id, SourceSnapshotParams const& source_snapshot_params, bool allow_POST, Function<void()> completion_steps)
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Navigable::populate_session_history_entry_document(
JS::GCPtr<SessionHistoryEntry> entry,
SourceSnapshotParams const& source_snapshot_params,
TargetSnapshotParams const& target_snapshot_params,
Optional<String> navigation_id,
Variant<Empty, NavigationParams, NonFetchSchemeNavigationParams> navigation_params,
CSPNavigationType csp_navigation_type,
bool allow_POST,
Function<void()> completion_steps)
// FIXME: 1. Assert: this is running in parallel.
// 2. Assert: if navigationParams is non-null, then navigationParams's response is non-null.
if (navigation_params.has_value())
// NavigationParams' response field is NonnullGCPtr
if (!navigation_params.has<Empty>())
// 3. Let currentBrowsingContext be navigable's active browsing context.
[[maybe_unused]] auto current_browsing_context = active_browsing_context();
@ -725,23 +915,36 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Navigable::populate_session_history_entry_document(JS:
auto document_resource = entry->document_state->resource();
// 5. If navigationParams is null, then:
if (!navigation_params.has_value()) {
if (navigation_params.has<Empty>()) {
// 1. If documentResource is a string, then set navigationParams to the result
// of creating navigation params from a srcdoc resource given entry, navigable,
// targetSnapshotParams, navigationId, and navTimingType.
if (document_resource.has<String>()) {
navigation_params = create_navigation_params_from_a_srcdoc_resource(entry, this, source_snapshot_params, navigation_id).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
navigation_params = TRY(create_navigation_params_from_a_srcdoc_resource(entry, this, target_snapshot_params, navigation_id));
// 2. Otherwise, if both of the following are true:
// - entry's URL's scheme is a fetch scheme; and
// - documentResource is null, or allowPOST is true and documentResource's request body is not failure (FIXME: check if request body is not failure)
else if (Fetch::Infrastructure::is_fetch_scheme(entry->url.scheme()) && (document_resource.has<Empty>() || allow_POST)) {
navigation_params = create_navigation_params_by_fetching(entry, this, source_snapshot_params, navigation_id).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
navigation_params = TRY(create_navigation_params_by_fetching(entry, this, source_snapshot_params, target_snapshot_params, csp_navigation_type, navigation_id));
// FIXME: 3. Otherwise, if entry's URL's scheme is not a fetch scheme, then set navigationParams to a new non-fetch scheme navigation params, with
// initiator origin: entry's document state's initiator origin
else {
// 3. Otherwise, if entry's URL's scheme is not a fetch scheme, then set navigationParams to a new non-fetch scheme navigation params, with:
else if (!Fetch::Infrastructure::is_fetch_scheme(entry->url.scheme())) {
// - id: navigationId
// - navigable: navigable
// - URL: entry's URL
// - target snapshot sandboxing flags: targetSnapshotParams's sandboxing flags
// - source snapshot has transient activation: sourceSnapshotParams's has transient activation
// - initiator origin: entry's document state's initiator origin
// FIXME: - navigation timing type: navTimingType
navigation_params = NonFetchSchemeNavigationParams {
.id = navigation_id,
.navigable = this,
.url = entry->url,
.target_snapshot_sandboxing_flags = target_snapshot_params.sandboxing_flags,
.source_snapshot_has_transient_activation = source_snapshot_params.has_transient_activation,
.initiator_origin = *entry->document_state->initiator_origin(),
@ -750,7 +953,7 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Navigable::populate_session_history_entry_document(JS:
return {};
// 6. Queue a global task on the navigation and traversal task source, given navigable's active window, to run these steps:
queue_global_task(Task::Source::NavigationAndTraversal, *active_window(), [this, entry, navigation_params, navigation_id, completion_steps = move(completion_steps)] {
queue_global_task(Task::Source::NavigationAndTraversal, *active_window(), [this, entry, navigation_params = move(navigation_params), navigation_id, completion_steps = move(completion_steps)]() mutable {
// NOTE: This check is not in the spec but we should not continue navigation if navigable has been destroyed.
if (has_been_destroyed())
@ -764,12 +967,21 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Navigable::populate_session_history_entry_document(JS:
// 2. Let failure be false.
auto failure = false;
// FIXME: 3. If navigationParams is a non-fetch scheme navigation params, then set entry's document state's document to the result of running attempt to create a non-fetch
// scheme document given entry's URL, navigable, targetSnapshotParams's sandboxing flags, navigationId, navTimingType, sourceSnapshotParams's has transient
// activation, and navigationParams's initiator origin.
// 3. If navigationParams is a non-fetch scheme navigation params, then set entry's document state's document to the result of
// running attempt to create a non-fetch scheme document navigationParams
if (navigation_params.has<NonFetchSchemeNavigationParams>()) {
// We probably are expected to skip to steps 13 and 14 and return after doing this
if (entry->document_state->document()) {
// 4. Otherwise, if navigationParams is null, then set failure to true.
if (!navigation_params.has_value()) {
if (navigation_params.has<Empty>()) {
failure = true;
@ -779,6 +991,9 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Navigable::populate_session_history_entry_document(JS:
// FIXME: 6. Otherwise, if navigationParams's reserved environment is non-null and the result of checking a navigation response's adherence to its embedder policy given
// navigationParams's response, navigable, and navigationParams's policy container's embedder policy is false, then set failure to true.
// FIXME: 7. Otherwise, if the result of checking a navigation response's adherence to `X-Frame-Options` given navigationParams's response, navigable,
// navigationParams's policy container's CSP list, and navigationParams's origin is false, then set failure to true.
// 8. If failure is true, then:
if (failure) {
// 1. Set entry's document state's document to the result of creating a document for inline content that doesn't have a DOM, given navigable, null, and navTimingType.
@ -792,12 +1007,14 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Navigable::populate_session_history_entry_document(JS:
// FIXME: 3. If navigationParams is not null, then:
if (navigation_params.has_value()) {
if (!navigation_params.has<Empty>()) {
// 1. FIXME: Run the environment discarding steps for navigationParams's reserved environment.
// 2. Invoke WebDriver BiDi navigation failed with currentBrowsingContext and a new WebDriver BiDi navigation status
// whose id is navigationId, status is "canceled", and url is navigationParams's response's URL.
// FIXME: 9. Otherwise, if navigationParams's response's status is 204 or 205, then:
else if (navigation_params->response->status() == 204 || navigation_params->response->status() == 205) {
else if (navigation_params.get<NavigationParams>().response->status() == 204 || navigation_params.get<NavigationParams>().response->status() == 205) {
// 1. Run completionSteps.
@ -810,7 +1027,7 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Navigable::populate_session_history_entry_document(JS:
else {
// 1. Let document be the result of loading a document given navigationParams, sourceSnapshotParams,
// and entry's document state's initiator origin.
auto document = load_document(navigation_params);
auto document = load_document(move(navigation_params.get<NavigationParams>()));
// 2. If document is null, then run completionSteps and return.
if (!document) {
@ -826,6 +1043,8 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Navigable::populate_session_history_entry_document(JS:
// FIXME: 12. If entry's document state's request referrer is "client", then set it to request's referrer.
// What is "request" here?
// 13. If entry's document state's document is not null, then set entry's document state's ever populated to true.
if (entry->document_state->document()) {
@ -947,7 +1166,7 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Navigable::navigate(
[[maybe_unused]] auto target_browsing_context = active_browsing_context();
// 14. Let targetSnapshotParams be the result of snapshotting target snapshot params given navigable.
[[maybe_unused]] auto target_snapshot_params = snapshot_target_snapshot_params();
auto target_snapshot_params = snapshot_target_snapshot_params();
// 15. Invoke WebDriver BiDi navigation started with targetBrowsingContext, and a new WebDriver BiDi navigation status whose id is navigationId, url is url, and status is "pending".
@ -1010,7 +1229,7 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Navigable::navigate(
// 20. In parallel, run these steps:
Platform::EventLoopPlugin::the().deferred_invoke([this, source_snapshot_params = move(source_snapshot_params), document_resource, url, navigation_id, referrer_policy, initiator_origin_snapshot, response, history_handling, initiator_base_url_snapshot] {
Platform::EventLoopPlugin::the().deferred_invoke([this, source_snapshot_params, target_snapshot_params, csp_navigation_type, document_resource, url, navigation_id, referrer_policy, initiator_origin_snapshot, response, history_handling, initiator_base_url_snapshot] {
// NOTE: Not in the spec but subsequent steps will fail because destroyed navigable does not have active document.
if (has_been_destroyed())
@ -1058,7 +1277,7 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Navigable::navigate(
history_entry->document_state = document_state;
// 8. Let navigationParams be null.
Optional<NavigationParams> navigation_params;
Variant<Empty, NavigationParams, NonFetchSchemeNavigationParams> navigation_params = Empty {};
// FIXME: 9. If response is non-null:
if (response) {
@ -1068,7 +1287,8 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Navigable::navigate(
// for historyEntry, given navigable, "navigate", sourceSnapshotParams,
// targetSnapshotParams, navigationId, navigationParams, cspNavigationType, with allowPOST
// set to true and completionSteps set to the following step:
populate_session_history_entry_document(history_entry, navigation_params, navigation_id, source_snapshot_params, true, [this, history_entry, history_handling, navigation_id] {
populate_session_history_entry_document(history_entry, source_snapshot_params, target_snapshot_params, navigation_id, move(navigation_params), csp_navigation_type, true, [this, history_entry, history_handling, navigation_id] {
// 1. Append session history traversal steps to navigable's traversable to finalize a cross-document navigation given navigable, historyHandling, and historyEntry.
traversable_navigable()->append_session_history_traversal_steps([this, history_entry, history_handling, navigation_id] {
if (this->has_been_destroyed()) {
// NOTE: This check is not in the spec but we should not continue navigation if navigable has been destroyed.
@ -1167,7 +1387,8 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::GCPtr<DOM::Document>> Navigable::evaluate_javascript_url
// 2. Let encodedScriptSource be the result of removing the leading "javascript:" from urlString.
auto encoded_script_source = url_string.substring_view(11, url_string.length() - 11);
// FIXME: 3. Let scriptSource be the UTF-8 decoding of the percent-decoding of encodedScriptSource.
// 3. Let scriptSource be the UTF-8 decoding of the percent-decoding of encodedScriptSource.
auto script_source = AK::URL::percent_decode(encoded_script_source);
// 4. Let settings be targetNavigable's active document's relevant settings object.
auto& settings = active_document()->relevant_settings_object();
@ -1176,7 +1397,7 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::GCPtr<DOM::Document>> Navigable::evaluate_javascript_url
auto base_url = settings.api_base_url();
// 6. Let script be the result of creating a classic script given scriptSource, settings, baseURL, and the default classic script fetch options.
auto script = HTML::ClassicScript::create("(javascript url)", encoded_script_source, settings, base_url);
auto script = HTML::ClassicScript::create("(javascript url)", script_source, settings, base_url);
// 7. Let evaluationStatus be the result of running the classic script script.
auto evaluation_status = script->run();
@ -1206,8 +1427,9 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::GCPtr<DOM::Document>> Navigable::evaluate_javascript_url
auto const& policy_container = active_document()->policy_container();
// FIXME: 13. Let finalSandboxFlags be policyContainer's CSP list's CSP-derived sandboxing flags.
auto final_sandbox_flags = SandboxingFlagSet {};
// FIXME: 14. Let coop be targetNavigable's active document's cross-origin opener policy.
// 14. Let coop be targetNavigable's active document's cross-origin opener policy.
auto const& coop = active_document()->cross_origin_opener_policy();
// 15. Let coopEnforcementResult be a new cross-origin opener policy enforcement result with
@ -1233,24 +1455,26 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::GCPtr<DOM::Document>> Navigable::evaluate_javascript_url
// policy container: policyContainer
// final sandboxing flag set: finalSandboxFlags
// cross-origin opener policy: coop
// navigation timing type: "navigate"
// FIXME: navigation timing type: "navigate"
// about base URL: targetNavigable's active document's about base URL
NavigationParams navigation_params {
.id = navigation_id,
.navigable = this,
.request = {},
.response = response,
.origin = new_document_origin,
.policy_container = policy_container,
.cross_origin_opener_policy = coop,
.fetch_controller = nullptr,
.commit_early_hints = nullptr,
.coop_enforcement_result = move(coop_enforcement_result),
.reserved_environment = {},
.browsing_context = active_browsing_context(),
.navigable = this,
.fetch_controller = nullptr,
.origin = new_document_origin,
.policy_container = policy_container,
.final_sandboxing_flag_set = final_sandbox_flags,
.cross_origin_opener_policy = coop,
.about_base_url = active_document()->about_base_url(),
// 17. Return the result of loading an HTML document given navigationParams.
return load_document(navigation_params);
return load_document(move(navigation_params));

View file

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include <LibWeb/Forward.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/ActivateTab.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HistoryHandlingBehavior.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigationParams.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/POSTResource.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/SandboxingFlagSet.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/SourceSnapshotParams.h>
@ -111,7 +112,15 @@ public:
Variant<Empty, Traversal, String> ongoing_navigation() const { return m_ongoing_navigation; }
void set_ongoing_navigation(Variant<Empty, Traversal, String> ongoing_navigation);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> populate_session_history_entry_document(JS::GCPtr<SessionHistoryEntry>, Optional<NavigationParams>, Optional<String> navigation_id, SourceSnapshotParams const&, bool allow_POST, Function<void()>);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> populate_session_history_entry_document(
JS::GCPtr<SessionHistoryEntry> entry,
SourceSnapshotParams const& source_snapshot_params,
TargetSnapshotParams const& target_snapshot_params,
Optional<String> navigation_id = {},
Variant<Empty, NavigationParams, NonFetchSchemeNavigationParams> navigation_params = Empty {},
CSPNavigationType csp_navigation_type = CSPNavigationType::Other,
bool allow_POST = false,
Function<void()> completion_steps = [] {});
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> navigate(
AK::URL const&,
@ -154,6 +163,8 @@ public:
[[nodiscard]] bool has_a_rendering_opportunity() const;
[[nodiscard]] TargetSnapshotParams snapshot_target_snapshot_params();
@ -167,7 +178,6 @@ protected:
bool allowed_by_sandboxing_to_navigate(Navigable const& target, SourceSnapshotParams const&);
TargetSnapshotParams snapshot_target_snapshot_params();
void scroll_offset_did_change();

View file

@ -23,11 +23,26 @@ struct NavigationParams {
// null or a navigation ID
Optional<String> id;
// the navigable to be navigated
JS::Handle<Navigable> navigable;
// null or a request that started the navigation
JS::GCPtr<Fetch::Infrastructure::Request> request;
// a response that ultimately was navigated to (potentially a network error)
JS::NonnullGCPtr<Fetch::Infrastructure::Response> response;
JS::GCPtr<Fetch::Infrastructure::Response> response;
// null or a fetch controller
JS::GCPtr<Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchController> fetch_controller { nullptr };
// null or an algorithm accepting a Document, once it has been created
Function<void(DOM::Document&)> commit_early_hints { nullptr };
// a cross-origin opener policy enforcement result, used for reporting and potentially for causing a browsing context group switch
CrossOriginOpenerPolicyEnforcementResult coop_enforcement_result;
// null or an environment reserved for the new Document
Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::ReservedClientType reserved_environment;
// an origin to use for the new Document
Origin origin;
@ -41,32 +56,33 @@ struct NavigationParams {
// a cross-origin opener policy to use for the new Document
CrossOriginOpenerPolicy cross_origin_opener_policy;
// a cross-origin opener policy enforcement result, used for reporting and potentially for causing a browsing context group switch
CrossOriginOpenerPolicyEnforcementResult coop_enforcement_result;
// FIXME: a NavigationTimingType used for creating the navigation timing entry for the new Document
// null or an environment reserved for the new Document
Optional<Environment> reserved_environment;
// a URL or null used to populate the new Document's about base URL
Optional<AK::URL> about_base_url;
// the browsing context to be navigated (or discarded, if a browsing context group switch occurs)
JS::Handle<HTML::BrowsingContext> browsing_context;
struct NonFetchSchemeNavigationParams {
// null or a navigation ID
Optional<String> id;
// the navigable to be navigated
JS::Handle<Navigable> navigable;
// a history handling behavior
HistoryHandlingBehavior history_handling { HistoryHandlingBehavior::Default };
// a URL
AK::URL url;
// a boolean
bool has_cross_origin_redirects { false };
// the target snapshot params's sandboxing flags present during navigation
SandboxingFlagSet target_snapshot_sandboxing_flags = {};
// FIXME: an algorithm expecting a response
void* process_response_end_of_body { nullptr };
// a copy of the source snapshot params's has transient activation boolean present during activation
bool source_snapshot_has_transient_activation = { false };
// null or a fetch controller
JS::GCPtr<Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchController> fetch_controller { nullptr };
// an origin possibly for use in a user-facing prompt to confirm the invocation of an external software package
Origin initiator_origin;
// FIXME: null or an algorithm accepting a Document, once it has been created
void* commit_early_hints { nullptr };
// FIXME: a NavigationTimingType used for creating the navigation timing entry for the new Document

View file

@ -325,7 +325,8 @@ void TraversableNavigable::apply_the_history_step(int step, Optional<SourceSnaps
if (!target_entry->document_state->document() || target_entry->document_state->reload_pending()) {
// FIXME: 1. Let navTimingType be "back_forward" if targetEntry's document is null; otherwise "reload".
// FIXME: 2. Let targetSnapshotParams be the result of snapshotting target snapshot params given navigable.
// 2. Let targetSnapshotParams be the result of snapshotting target snapshot params given navigable.
auto target_snapshot_params = navigable->snapshot_target_snapshot_params();
// 3. Let potentiallyTargetSpecificSourceSnapshotParams be sourceSnapshotParams.
Optional<SourceSnapshotParams> potentially_target_specific_source_snapshot_params = source_snapshot_params;
@ -344,7 +345,7 @@ void TraversableNavigable::apply_the_history_step(int step, Optional<SourceSnaps
// 7. In parallel, attempt to populate the history entry's document for targetEntry, given navigable, potentiallyTargetSpecificSourceSnapshotParams,
// targetSnapshotParams, with allowPOST set to allowPOST and completionSteps set to queue a global task on the navigation and traversal task source given
// navigable's active window to run afterDocumentPopulated.
navigable->populate_session_history_entry_document(target_entry, {}, {}, *potentially_target_specific_source_snapshot_params, allow_POST, [this, after_document_populated]() mutable {
navigable->populate_session_history_entry_document(target_entry, *potentially_target_specific_source_snapshot_params, target_snapshot_params, {}, Empty {}, CSPNavigationType::Other, allow_POST, [this, after_document_populated]() mutable {
queue_global_task(Task::Source::NavigationAndTraversal, *active_window(), [after_document_populated]() mutable {

View file

@ -54,16 +54,18 @@ ErrorOr<NonnullRefPtr<SVGDecodedImageData>> SVGDecodedImageData::create(Page& ho
HTML::NavigationParams navigation_params {
.id = {},
.navigable = navigable,
.request = nullptr,
.response = response,
.fetch_controller = nullptr,
.commit_early_hints = nullptr,
.coop_enforcement_result = HTML::CrossOriginOpenerPolicyEnforcementResult {},
.reserved_environment = {},
.origin = HTML::Origin {},
.policy_container = HTML::PolicyContainer {},
.final_sandboxing_flag_set = HTML::SandboxingFlagSet {},
.cross_origin_opener_policy = HTML::CrossOriginOpenerPolicy {},
.coop_enforcement_result = HTML::CrossOriginOpenerPolicyEnforcementResult {},
.reserved_environment = {},
.browsing_context = nullptr,
.navigable = navigable,
.about_base_url = {},
auto document = DOM::Document::create_and_initialize(DOM::Document::Type::HTML, "text/html", navigation_params).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();