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LibJS: Replace GlobalObject with VM in Array AOs [Part 15/19]
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2024-07-17 07:53:39 +09:00
Author: https://github.com/linusg Commit: https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/commit/d69eaf8be9 Pull-request: https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/pull/14973 Reviewed-by: https://github.com/davidot ✅
5 changed files with 39 additions and 39 deletions
@ -157,9 +157,10 @@ ThrowCompletionOr<bool> Array::set_length(PropertyDescriptor const& property_des
// CompareArrayElements ( x, y, comparefn ), https://tc39.es/proposal-change-array-by-copy/#sec-comparearrayelements
ThrowCompletionOr<double> compare_array_elements(GlobalObject& global_object, Value x, Value y, FunctionObject* comparefn)
ThrowCompletionOr<double> compare_array_elements(VM& vm, Value x, Value y, FunctionObject* comparefn)
auto& vm = global_object.vm();
auto& realm = *vm.current_realm();
auto& global_object = realm.global_object();
// 1. If x and y are both undefined, return +0𝔽.
if (x.is_undefined() && y.is_undefined())
@ -212,10 +213,10 @@ ThrowCompletionOr<double> compare_array_elements(GlobalObject& global_object, Va
// SortIndexedProperties ( obj, len, SortCompare, skipHoles ), https://tc39.es/proposal-change-array-by-copy/#sec-sortindexedproperties
ThrowCompletionOr<MarkedVector<Value>> sort_indexed_properties(GlobalObject& global_object, Object const& object, size_t length, Function<ThrowCompletionOr<double>(Value, Value)> const& sort_compare, bool skip_holes)
ThrowCompletionOr<MarkedVector<Value>> sort_indexed_properties(VM& vm, Object const& object, size_t length, Function<ThrowCompletionOr<double>(Value, Value)> const& sort_compare, bool skip_holes)
// 1. Let items be a new empty List.
auto items = MarkedVector<Value> { global_object.heap() };
auto items = MarkedVector<Value> { vm.heap() };
// 2. Let k be 0.
// 3. Repeat, while k < len,
@ -255,7 +256,7 @@ ThrowCompletionOr<MarkedVector<Value>> sort_indexed_properties(GlobalObject& glo
// to be stable. FIXME: when initially scanning through the array, maintain a flag
// for if an unstable sort would be indistinguishable from a stable sort (such as just
// just strings or numbers), and in that case use quick sort instead for better performance.
TRY(array_merge_sort(global_object, sort_compare, items));
TRY(array_merge_sort(vm, sort_compare, items));
// 5. Return items.
return items;
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ private:
bool m_length_writable { true };
ThrowCompletionOr<double> compare_array_elements(GlobalObject&, Value x, Value y, FunctionObject* comparefn);
ThrowCompletionOr<MarkedVector<Value>> sort_indexed_properties(GlobalObject&, Object const&, size_t length, Function<ThrowCompletionOr<double>(Value, Value)> const& sort_compare, bool skip_holes);
ThrowCompletionOr<double> compare_array_elements(VM&, Value x, Value y, FunctionObject* comparefn);
ThrowCompletionOr<MarkedVector<Value>> sort_indexed_properties(VM&, Object const&, size_t length, Function<ThrowCompletionOr<double>(Value, Value)> const& sort_compare, bool skip_holes);
@ -113,10 +113,10 @@ void ArrayPrototype::initialize(Realm& realm)
// ArraySpeciesCreate ( originalArray, length ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-arrayspeciescreate
static ThrowCompletionOr<Object*> array_species_create(GlobalObject& global_object, Object& original_array, size_t length)
static ThrowCompletionOr<Object*> array_species_create(VM& vm, Object& original_array, size_t length)
auto& vm = global_object.vm();
auto& realm = *global_object.associated_realm();
auto& realm = *vm.current_realm();
auto& global_object = realm.global_object();
auto is_array = TRY(Value(&original_array).is_array(vm));
@ -174,12 +174,12 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ArrayPrototype::concat)
auto* this_object = TRY(vm.this_value().to_object(vm));
auto* new_array = TRY(array_species_create(global_object, *this_object, 0));
auto* new_array = TRY(array_species_create(vm, *this_object, 0));
size_t n = 0;
// IsConcatSpreadable ( O ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-isconcatspreadable
auto is_concat_spreadable = [&vm, &global_object](Value const& val) -> ThrowCompletionOr<bool> {
auto is_concat_spreadable = [&vm](Value const& val) -> ThrowCompletionOr<bool> {
if (!val.is_object())
return false;
auto& object = val.as_object();
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ArrayPrototype::filter)
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::NotAFunction, callback_function.to_string_without_side_effects());
// 4. Let A be ? ArraySpeciesCreate(O, 0).
auto* array = TRY(array_species_create(global_object, *object, 0));
auto* array = TRY(array_species_create(vm, *object, 0));
// 5. Let k be 0.
size_t k = 0;
@ -604,10 +604,11 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ArrayPrototype::find_last_index)
// FlattenIntoArray ( target, source, sourceLen, start, depth [ , mapperFunction [ , thisArg ] ] ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-flattenintoarray
static ThrowCompletionOr<size_t> flatten_into_array(GlobalObject& global_object, Object& new_array, Object& array, size_t array_length, size_t target_index, double depth, FunctionObject* mapper_func = {}, Value this_arg = {})
static ThrowCompletionOr<size_t> flatten_into_array(VM& vm, Object& new_array, Object& array, size_t array_length, size_t target_index, double depth, FunctionObject* mapper_func = {}, Value this_arg = {})
VERIFY(!mapper_func || (!this_arg.is_empty() && depth == 1));
auto& vm = global_object.vm();
auto& realm = *vm.current_realm();
auto& global_object = realm.global_object();
for (size_t j = 0; j < array_length; ++j) {
auto value_exists = TRY(array.has_property(j));
@ -624,7 +625,7 @@ static ThrowCompletionOr<size_t> flatten_into_array(GlobalObject& global_object,
return vm.throw_completion<InternalError>(ErrorType::CallStackSizeExceeded);
auto length = TRY(length_of_array_like(global_object, value.as_object()));
target_index = TRY(flatten_into_array(global_object, new_array, value.as_object(), length, target_index, depth - 1));
target_index = TRY(flatten_into_array(vm, new_array, value.as_object(), length, target_index, depth - 1));
@ -651,9 +652,9 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ArrayPrototype::flat)
depth = max(depth_num, 0.0);
auto* new_array = TRY(array_species_create(global_object, *this_object, 0));
auto* new_array = TRY(array_species_create(vm, *this_object, 0));
TRY(flatten_into_array(global_object, *new_array, *this_object, length, 0, depth));
TRY(flatten_into_array(vm, *new_array, *this_object, length, 0, depth));
return new_array;
@ -674,10 +675,10 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ArrayPrototype::flat_map)
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::NotAFunction, mapper_function.to_string_without_side_effects());
// 4. Let A be ? ArraySpeciesCreate(O, 0).
auto* array = TRY(array_species_create(global_object, *object, 0));
auto* array = TRY(array_species_create(vm, *object, 0));
// 5. Perform ? FlattenIntoArray(A, O, sourceLen, 0, 1, mapperFunction, thisArg).
TRY(flatten_into_array(global_object, *array, *object, source_length, 0, 1, &mapper_function.as_function(), this_arg));
TRY(flatten_into_array(vm, *array, *object, source_length, 0, 1, &mapper_function.as_function(), this_arg));
// 6. Return A.
return array;
@ -726,7 +727,7 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ArrayPrototype::for_each)
// 2.3 AddValueToKeyedGroup ( groups, key, value ), https://tc39.es/proposal-array-grouping/#sec-add-value-to-keyed-group
template<typename GroupsType, typename KeyType>
static void add_value_to_keyed_group(GlobalObject& global_object, GroupsType& groups, KeyType key, Value value)
static void add_value_to_keyed_group(VM& vm, GroupsType& groups, KeyType key, Value value)
// 1. For each Record { [[Key]], [[Elements]] } g of groups, do
// a. If SameValue(g.[[Key]], key) is true, then
@ -744,7 +745,7 @@ static void add_value_to_keyed_group(GlobalObject& global_object, GroupsType& gr
// 2. Let group be the Record { [[Key]]: key, [[Elements]]: « value » }.
MarkedVector<Value> new_elements { global_object.heap() };
MarkedVector<Value> new_elements { vm.heap() };
// 3. Append group as the last element of groups.
@ -787,7 +788,7 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ArrayPrototype::group)
auto property_key = TRY(property_key_value.to_property_key(vm));
// d. Perform AddValueToKeyedGroup(groups, propertyKey, kValue).
add_value_to_keyed_group(global_object, groups, property_key, k_value);
add_value_to_keyed_group(vm, groups, property_key, k_value);
// e. Set k to k + 1.
@ -859,7 +860,7 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ArrayPrototype::group_to_map)
key = Value(0);
// e. Perform AddValueToKeyedGroup(groups, key, kValue).
add_value_to_keyed_group(global_object, groups, make_handle(key), k_value);
add_value_to_keyed_group(vm, groups, make_handle(key), k_value);
// f. Set k to k + 1.
@ -1112,7 +1113,7 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ArrayPrototype::map)
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::NotAFunction, callback_function.to_string_without_side_effects());
// 4. Let A be ? ArraySpeciesCreate(O, len).
auto* array = TRY(array_species_create(global_object, *object, length));
auto* array = TRY(array_species_create(vm, *object, length));
// 5. Let k be 0.
// 6. Repeat, while k < len,
@ -1436,7 +1437,7 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ArrayPrototype::slice)
auto count = max(final - actual_start, 0.0);
auto* new_array = TRY(array_species_create(global_object, *this_object, count));
auto* new_array = TRY(array_species_create(vm, *this_object, count));
size_t index = 0;
size_t k = actual_start;
@ -1501,15 +1502,13 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ArrayPrototype::some)
return Value(false);
ThrowCompletionOr<void> array_merge_sort(GlobalObject& global_object, Function<ThrowCompletionOr<double>(Value, Value)> const& compare_func, MarkedVector<Value>& arr_to_sort)
ThrowCompletionOr<void> array_merge_sort(VM& vm, Function<ThrowCompletionOr<double>(Value, Value)> const& compare_func, MarkedVector<Value>& arr_to_sort)
// FIXME: it would probably be better to switch to insertion sort for small arrays for
// better performance
if (arr_to_sort.size() <= 1)
return {};
auto& vm = global_object.vm();
MarkedVector<Value> left(vm.heap());
MarkedVector<Value> right(vm.heap());
@ -1524,8 +1523,8 @@ ThrowCompletionOr<void> array_merge_sort(GlobalObject& global_object, Function<T
TRY(array_merge_sort(global_object, compare_func, left));
TRY(array_merge_sort(global_object, compare_func, right));
TRY(array_merge_sort(vm, compare_func, left));
TRY(array_merge_sort(vm, compare_func, right));
@ -1577,11 +1576,11 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ArrayPrototype::sort)
// 4. Let SortCompare be a new Abstract Closure with parameters (x, y) that captures comparefn and performs the following steps when called:
Function<ThrowCompletionOr<double>(Value, Value)> sort_compare = [&](auto x, auto y) -> ThrowCompletionOr<double> {
// a. Return ? CompareArrayElements(x, y, comparefn).
return TRY(compare_array_elements(global_object, x, y, comparefn.is_undefined() ? nullptr : &comparefn.as_function()));
return TRY(compare_array_elements(vm, x, y, comparefn.is_undefined() ? nullptr : &comparefn.as_function()));
// 6. Let sortedList be ? SortIndexedProperties(obj, len, SortCompare, true).
auto sorted_list = TRY(sort_indexed_properties(global_object, *object, length, sort_compare, true));
auto sorted_list = TRY(sort_indexed_properties(vm, *object, length, sort_compare, true));
// 7. Let itemCount be the number of elements in sortedList.
auto item_count = sorted_list.size();
@ -1644,7 +1643,7 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ArrayPrototype::splice)
if (new_length > MAX_ARRAY_LIKE_INDEX)
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(ErrorType::ArrayMaxSize);
auto* removed_elements = TRY(array_species_create(global_object, *this_object, actual_delete_count));
auto* removed_elements = TRY(array_species_create(vm, *this_object, actual_delete_count));
for (u64 i = 0; i < actual_delete_count; ++i) {
auto from = actual_start + i;
@ -1809,11 +1808,11 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ArrayPrototype::to_sorted)
// 5. Let SortCompare be a new Abstract Closure with parameters (x, y) that captures comparefn and performs the following steps when called:
Function<ThrowCompletionOr<double>(Value, Value)> sort_compare = [&](auto x, auto y) -> ThrowCompletionOr<double> {
// a. Return ? CompareArrayElements(x, y, comparefn).
return TRY(compare_array_elements(global_object, x, y, comparefn.is_undefined() ? nullptr : &comparefn.as_function()));
return TRY(compare_array_elements(vm, x, y, comparefn.is_undefined() ? nullptr : &comparefn.as_function()));
// 6. Let sortedList be ? SortIndexedProperties(obj, len, SortCompare, false).
auto sorted_list = TRY(sort_indexed_properties(global_object, *object, length, sort_compare, false));
auto sorted_list = TRY(sort_indexed_properties(vm, *object, length, sort_compare, false));
// 7. Let j be 0.
// 8. Repeat, while j < len,
@ -62,6 +62,6 @@ private:
ThrowCompletionOr<void> array_merge_sort(GlobalObject&, Function<ThrowCompletionOr<double>(Value, Value)> const& compare_func, MarkedVector<Value>& arr_to_sort);
ThrowCompletionOr<void> array_merge_sort(VM&, Function<ThrowCompletionOr<double>(Value, Value)> const& compare_func, MarkedVector<Value>& arr_to_sort);
@ -1337,7 +1337,7 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(TypedArrayPrototype::sort)
// 7. Let sortedList be ? SortIndexedProperties(obj, len, SortCompare, false).
auto sorted_list = TRY(sort_indexed_properties(global_object, *typed_array, length, sort_compare, false));
auto sorted_list = TRY(sort_indexed_properties(vm, *typed_array, length, sort_compare, false));
// 8. Let j be 0.
// 9. Repeat, while j < len,
@ -1552,7 +1552,7 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(TypedArrayPrototype::to_sorted)
// 9. Let sortedList be ? SortIndexedProperties(obj, len, SortCompare, false).
auto sorted_list = TRY(sort_indexed_properties(global_object, *object, length, sort_compare, false));
auto sorted_list = TRY(sort_indexed_properties(vm, *object, length, sort_compare, false));
// 10. Let j be 0.
// 11. Repeat, while j < len,
Reference in a new issue