LibWeb: Add SessionHistoryEntry::document()

No behaviour change intended.
This commit is contained in:
Aliaksandr Kalenik 2024-03-27 16:14:52 +01:00 committed by Andreas Kling
parent b590d1b48b
commit ce325a9912
Notes: sideshowbarker 2024-07-17 01:55:29 +09:00
7 changed files with 35 additions and 24 deletions

View file

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ static void indent(StringBuilder& builder, int levels)
static ErrorOr<void> dump_session_history_entry(StringBuilder& builder, HTML::SessionHistoryEntry const& session_history_entry, int indent_levels)
indent(builder, indent_levels);
auto const& document = session_history_entry.document_state()->document();
auto const& document = session_history_entry.document();
TRY(builder.try_appendff("step=({}) url=({}) is-active=({})\n", session_history_entry.step().get<int>(), session_history_entry.url(), document && document->is_active()));
for (auto const& nested_history : session_history_entry.document_state()->nested_histories()) {
for (auto const& nested_she : nested_history.entries) {

View file

@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ void Navigable::activate_history_entry(JS::GCPtr<SessionHistoryEntry> entry)
// FIXME: 1. Save persisted state to the navigable's active session history entry.
// 2. Let newDocument be entry's document.
JS::GCPtr<DOM::Document> new_document = entry->document_state()->document().ptr();
JS::GCPtr<DOM::Document> new_document = entry->document().ptr();
// 3. Assert: newDocument's is initial about:blank is false, i.e., we never traverse
// back to the initial about:blank Document because it always gets replaced when we
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ void Navigable::activate_history_entry(JS::GCPtr<SessionHistoryEntry> entry)
JS::GCPtr<DOM::Document> Navigable::active_document()
// A navigable's active document is its active session history entry's document.
return m_active_session_history_entry->document_state()->document();
return m_active_session_history_entry->document();
@ -1097,7 +1097,7 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Navigable::populate_session_history_entry_document(
// We probably are expected to skip to steps 13 and 14 and return after doing this
if (entry->document_state()->document()) {
if (entry->document()) {
@ -1131,7 +1131,7 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Navigable::populate_session_history_entry_document(
// 2. Set entry's document state's document's salvageable to false.
// FIXME: 3. If navigationParams is not null, then:
if (!navigation_params.has<Empty>()) {
@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Navigable::populate_session_history_entry_document(
// What is "request" here?
// 13. If entry's document state's document is not null, then set entry's document state's ever populated to true.
if (entry->document_state()->document()) {
if (entry->document()) {
@ -1805,7 +1805,7 @@ void finalize_a_cross_document_navigation(JS::NonnullGCPtr<Navigable> navigable,
// 3. If historyEntry's document is null, then return.
if (!history_entry->document_state()->document())
if (!history_entry->document())
// 4. If all of the following are true:
@ -1813,7 +1813,7 @@ void finalize_a_cross_document_navigation(JS::NonnullGCPtr<Navigable> navigable,
// - historyEntry's document's browsing context is not an auxiliary browsing context whose opener browsing context is non-null; and
// - historyEntry's document's origin is not navigable's active document's origin
// then set historyEntry's document state's navigable target name to the empty string.
if (navigable->parent() == nullptr && history_entry->document_state()->document()->browsing_context()->opener_browsing_context() != nullptr && history_entry->document_state()->document()->origin() != navigable->active_document()->origin())
if (navigable->parent() == nullptr && history_entry->document()->browsing_context()->opener_browsing_context() != nullptr && history_entry->document()->origin() != navigable->active_document()->origin())
history_entry->document_state()->set_navigable_target_name(String {});
// 5. Let entryToReplace be navigable's active session history entry if historyHandling is "replace", otherwise null.

View file

@ -1272,7 +1272,7 @@ bool Navigation::fire_a_traverse_navigate_event(JS::NonnullGCPtr<SessionHistoryE
// 8. Set destination's is same document to true if destinationSHE's document is equal to
// navigation's relevant global object's associated Document; otherwise false.
destination->set_is_same_document(destination_she->document_state()->document() == &verify_cast<Window>(relevant_global_object(*this)).associated_document());
destination->set_is_same_document(destination_she->document() == &verify_cast<Window>(relevant_global_object(*this)).associated_document());
// 9. Return the result of performing the inner navigate event firing algorithm given navigation, "traverse", event, destination, userInvolvement, null, and null.
// AD-HOC: We don't pass the event, but we do pass the classic_history_api state at the end to be set later

View file

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Optional<String>> NavigationHistoryEntry::url() const
// 4. If she's document does not equal document, and she's document state's request referrer policy
// is "no-referrer" or "origin", then return null.
if ((she->document_state()->document() != &document)
if ((she->document() != &document)
&& (she->document_state()->request_referrer_policy() == ReferrerPolicy::ReferrerPolicy::NoReferrer
|| she->document_state()->request_referrer_policy() == ReferrerPolicy::ReferrerPolicy::Origin))
return OptionalNone {};
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ bool NavigationHistoryEntry::same_document() const
return false;
// 3. Return true if this's session history entry's document equals document, and false otherwise.
return m_session_history_entry->document_state()->document() == &document;
return m_session_history_entry->document() == &document;

View file

@ -28,4 +28,13 @@ SessionHistoryEntry::SessionHistoryEntry()
JS::GCPtr<DOM::Document> SessionHistoryEntry::document() const
// To get a session history entry's document, return its document state's document.
if (!m_document_state)
return {};
return m_document_state->document();

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ public:
void visit_edges(Cell::Visitor&) override;
JS::GCPtr<DOM::Document> document() const;
enum class Pending {

View file

@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ Vector<JS::Handle<Navigable>> TraversableNavigable::get_all_navigables_whose_cur
// 3. If targetEntry's document is navigable's document, and targetEntry's document state's reload pending is false, then extend navigablesToCheck with the child navigables of navigable.
if (target_entry->document_state()->document() == navigable->active_document() && !target_entry->document_state()->reload_pending()) {
if (target_entry->document() == navigable->active_document() && !target_entry->document_state()->reload_pending()) {
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ Vector<JS::Handle<Navigable>> TraversableNavigable::get_all_navigables_that_migh
// 2. If targetEntry's document is not navigable's document or targetEntry's document state's reload pending is true, then append navigable to results.
// NOTE: Although navigable's active history entry can change synchronously, the new entry will always have the same Document,
// so accessing navigable's document is reliable.
if (target_entry->document_state()->document() != navigable->active_document() || target_entry->document_state()->reload_pending()) {
if (target_entry->document() != navigable->active_document() || target_entry->document_state()->reload_pending()) {
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ TraversableNavigable::HistoryStepResult TraversableNavigable::apply_the_history_
// 3. Let changingNavigableContinuation be a changing navigable continuation state with:
auto changing_navigable_continuation = ChangingNavigableContinuationState {
.displayed_document = displayed_entry->document_state()->document(),
.displayed_document = displayed_entry->document(),
.target_entry = target_entry,
.navigable = navigable,
.update_only = false
@ -444,13 +444,13 @@ TraversableNavigable::HistoryStepResult TraversableNavigable::apply_the_history_
auto after_document_populated = [old_origin, target_entry, changing_navigable_continuation, &changing_navigable_continuations, &vm, &navigable]() mutable {
// 1. If targetEntry's document is null, then set changingNavigableContinuation's update-only to true.
if (!target_entry->document_state()->document()) {
if (!target_entry->document()) {
changing_navigable_continuation.update_only = true;
else {
// 2. If targetEntry's document's origin is not oldOrigin, then set targetEntry's classic history API state to StructuredSerializeForStorage(null).
if (target_entry->document_state()->document()->origin() != old_origin) {
if (target_entry->document()->origin() != old_origin) {
target_entry->set_classic_history_api_state(MUST(structured_serialize_for_storage(vm, JS::js_null())));
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ TraversableNavigable::HistoryStepResult TraversableNavigable::apply_the_history_
// - targetEntry's document's origin is not oldOrigin,
// then set targetEntry's document state's navigable target name to the empty string.
if (navigable->parent() != nullptr
&& target_entry->document_state()->document()->browsing_context()->opener_browsing_context() == nullptr
&& target_entry->document()->browsing_context()->opener_browsing_context() == nullptr
&& target_entry->document_state()->origin() != old_origin) {
target_entry->document_state()->set_navigable_target_name(String {});
@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ TraversableNavigable::HistoryStepResult TraversableNavigable::apply_the_history_
// 6. If targetEntry's document is null, or targetEntry's document state's reload pending is true, then:
if (!target_entry->document_state()->document() || target_entry->document_state()->reload_pending()) {
if (!target_entry->document() || target_entry->document_state()->reload_pending()) {
// FIXME: 1. Let navTimingType be "back_forward" if targetEntry's document is null; otherwise "reload".
// 2. Let targetSnapshotParams be the result of snapshotting target snapshot params given navigable.
@ -593,9 +593,9 @@ TraversableNavigable::HistoryStepResult TraversableNavigable::apply_the_history_
// 1. If changingNavigableContinuation's update-only is false, then:
if (!update_only) {
// 1. If targetEntry's document does not equal displayedDocument, then:
if (target_entry->document_state()->document().ptr() != displayed_document.ptr()) {
if (target_entry->document().ptr() != displayed_document.ptr()) {
// 1. Unload displayedDocument given targetEntry's document.
// 2. For each childNavigable of displayedDocument's descendant navigables, queue a global task on the navigation and traversal task source given
// childNavigable's active window to unload childNavigable's active document.
@ -624,16 +624,16 @@ TraversableNavigable::HistoryStepResult TraversableNavigable::apply_the_history_
// 3. Let updateDocument be an algorithm step which performs update document for history step application given targetEntry's document,
// targetEntry, changingNavigableContinuation's update-only, scriptHistoryLength, scriptHistoryIndex, and entriesForNavigationAPI.
auto update_document = JS::SafeFunction<void()>([target_entry, update_only, script_history_length, script_history_index, entries_for_navigation_api = move(entries_for_navigation_api)] {
target_entry->document_state()->document()->update_for_history_step_application(*target_entry, update_only, script_history_length, script_history_index, entries_for_navigation_api);
target_entry->document()->update_for_history_step_application(*target_entry, update_only, script_history_length, script_history_index, entries_for_navigation_api);
// 4. If targetEntry's document is equal to displayedDocument, then perform updateDocument.
if (target_entry->document_state()->document() == displayed_document.ptr()) {
if (target_entry->document() == displayed_document.ptr()) {
// 5. Otherwise, queue a global task on the navigation and traversal task source given targetEntry's document's relevant global object to perform updateDocument
else {
queue_global_task(Task::Source::NavigationAndTraversal, relevant_global_object(*target_entry->document_state()->document()), move(update_document));
queue_global_task(Task::Source::NavigationAndTraversal, relevant_global_object(*target_entry->document()), move(update_document));
// 6. Increment completedChangeJobs.
@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ void TraversableNavigable::destroy_top_level_traversable()
// 2. For each historyEntry in traversable's session history entries:
for (auto& history_entry : m_session_history_entries) {
// 1. Let document be historyEntry's document.
auto document = history_entry->document_state()->document();
auto document = history_entry->document();
// 2. If document is not null, then destroy document.
if (document)