LibGfx: Rasterize simple TTF glyphs.
This commit is contained in:
2024-07-19 00:21:08 +09:00
Author: Commit: Pull-request: Issue: Reviewed-by: Reviewed-by:
2 changed files with 483 additions and 78 deletions
@ -28,10 +28,21 @@
#include <AK/LogStream.h>
#include <bits/stdint.h>
#include <LibCore/File.h>
#include <math.h>
namespace Gfx {
namespace TTF {
static float min(float x, float y)
return x < y ? x : y;
static float max(float x, float y)
return x > y ? x : y;
static u16 be_u16(const u8* ptr)
return (((u16) ptr[0]) << 8) | ((u16) ptr[1]);
@ -105,6 +116,247 @@ u16 Font::Maxp::num_glyphs() const
return be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer(4));
struct Point {
float x;
float y;
Point(float x, float y)
: x(x)
, y(y)
static Point interpolate(const Point& a, const Point &b, float t)
return Point {
.x = a.x * (1.0f - t) + b.x * t,
.y = a.y * (1.0f - t) + b.y * t,
static float squared_distance(const Point& a, const Point& b)
float x_diff = a.x - b.x;
float y_diff = a.y - b.y;
return x_diff * x_diff + y_diff * y_diff;
class PointIterator {
struct Item {
bool on_curve;
Point point;
PointIterator(const ByteBuffer& slice, u16 num_points, u32 flags_offset, u32 x_offset, u32 y_offset, float x_translate, float y_translate, float x_scale, float y_scale)
: m_slice(slice)
, m_points_remaining(num_points)
, m_flags_offset(flags_offset)
, m_x_offset(x_offset)
, m_y_offset(y_offset)
, m_x_translate(x_translate)
, m_y_translate(y_translate)
, m_x_scale(x_scale)
, m_y_scale(y_scale)
Optional<Item> next()
if (m_points_remaining == 0) {
return {};
if (m_flags_remaining > 0) {
} else {
m_flag = m_slice[m_flags_offset++];
if (m_flag & 0x08) {
m_flags_remaining = m_slice[m_flags_offset++];
switch (m_flag & 0x12) {
case 0x00:
m_last_point.x += be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(m_x_offset));
m_x_offset += 2;
case 0x02:
m_last_point.x -= m_slice[m_x_offset++];
case 0x12:
m_last_point.x += m_slice[m_x_offset++];
switch (m_flag & 0x24) {
case 0x00:
m_last_point.y += be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(m_y_offset));
m_y_offset += 2;
case 0x04:
m_last_point.y -= m_slice[m_y_offset++];
case 0x24:
m_last_point.y += m_slice[m_y_offset++];
Item ret = {
.on_curve = (m_flag & 0x01) != 0,
.point = m_last_point,
ret.point.x += m_x_translate;
ret.point.y += m_y_translate;
ret.point.x *= m_x_scale;
ret.point.y *= m_y_scale;
return ret;
ByteBuffer m_slice;
u16 m_points_remaining;
u8 m_flag { 0 };
Point m_last_point = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
u32 m_flags_remaining = { 0 };
u32 m_flags_offset;
u32 m_x_offset;
u32 m_y_offset;
float m_x_translate;
float m_y_translate;
float m_x_scale;
float m_y_scale;
class Rasterizer {
Rasterizer(Size size)
: m_size(size)
m_data = OwnPtr(new float[m_size.width() * m_size.height()]);
void move_to(Point& point)
m_last_point = point;
void line_to(Point& point)
draw_line(m_last_point, point);
m_last_point = point;
// FIXME: Use a better algorithm to split/approximate bezier curve.
void quadratic_bezier_to(Point& control, Point& end_point)
float arbitrary = 15.0;
auto mid_point = Point::interpolate(m_last_point, end_point, 0.5);
float squared_distance = Point::squared_distance(mid_point, control);
u32 num_sections = 1 + floor(sqrtf(arbitrary * squared_distance));
float delta = 1.0 / num_sections;
float t = 0.0;
Point p_cur = m_last_point;
for (u32 i = 0; i < num_sections - 1; i++) {
t += delta;
Point pn = Point::interpolate(Point::interpolate(m_last_point, control, t), Point::interpolate(control, end_point, t), t);
draw_line(p_cur, pn);
p_cur = pn;
draw_line(p_cur, end_point);
m_last_point = end_point;
AABitmap accumulate()
AABitmap bitmap(m_size);
float accumulator = 0.0;
for (int y = 0; y < m_size.height(); y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < m_size.width(); x++) {
accumulator += m_data[y * m_size.width() + x];
float value = accumulator;
if (value < 0.0) {
value = -value;
if (value > 1.0) {
value = 1.0;
bitmap.set_byte_at(x, y, value * 255.0);
return bitmap;
void draw_line(Point& p0, Point& p1)
ASSERT(p0.x >= 0.0 && p0.y >= 0.0 && p0.x <= m_size.width() && p0.y <= m_size.height());
ASSERT(p1.x >= 0.0 && p1.y >= 0.0 && p1.x <= m_size.width() && p1.y <= m_size.height());
// If we're on the same Y, there's no need to draw
if (p0.y == p1.y) {
float direction = 1.0;
if (p1.y < p0.y) {
direction = -1.0;
float dxdy = (p1.x - p0.x) / (p1.y - p0.y);
u32 y0 = floor(p0.y);
u32 y1 = ceil(p1.y);
float x_cur = p0.x;
for (u32 y = y0; y < y1; y++) {
u32 line_offset = m_size.width() * y;
float dy = min(y + 1, p1.y) - max(y, p0.y);
float directed_dy = dy * direction;
float x_next = x_cur + dy * dxdy;
if (x_next < 0.0) {
x_next = 0.0;
float x0 = x_cur;
float x1 = x_next;
if (x1 < x0) {
x1 = x_cur;
x0 = x_next;
float x0_floor = floor(x0);
float x1_ceil = ceil(x1);
u32 x0i = x0_floor;
if (x1_ceil <= x0_floor + 1.0) {
// If x0 and x1 are within the same pixel, then area to the right is (1 - (mid(x0, x1) - x0_floor)) * dy
float area = ((x0 + x1) * 0.5) - x0_floor;
m_data[line_offset + x0i] += directed_dy * (1.0 - area);
m_data[line_offset + x0i + 1] += directed_dy * area;
} else {
float dydx = 1.0 / dxdy;
float x0_right = 1.0 - (x0 - x0_floor);
u32 x1_floor_i = floor(x1);
float area_upto_here = 0.5 * x0_right * x0_right * dydx;
m_data[line_offset + x0i] += direction * area_upto_here;
for (u32 x = x0i + 1; x < x1_floor_i; x++) {
x0_right += 1.0;
float total_area_here = 0.5 * x0_right * x0_right * dydx;
m_data[line_offset + x] += direction * (total_area_here - area_upto_here);
area_upto_here = total_area_here;
m_data[line_offset + x1_floor_i] += direction * (dy - area_upto_here);
x_cur = x_next;
Size m_size;
Point m_last_point { 0.0, 0.0 };
OwnPtr<float> m_data;
Font::GlyphHorizontalMetrics Font::Hmtx::get_glyph_horizontal_metrics(u32 glyph_id) const
ASSERT(glyph_id < m_num_glyphs);
@ -168,7 +420,7 @@ Optional<Font::Cmap::Subtable> Font::Cmap::subtable(u32 index) const
u32 subtable_offset = be_u32(m_slice.offset_pointer(record_offset + 4));
ASSERT(subtable_offset < m_slice.size());
auto subtable_slice = ByteBuffer::wrap(m_slice.offset_pointer(subtable_offset), m_slice.size() - subtable_offset);
return Subtable(move(subtable_slice), platform_id, encoding_id);
return Subtable(subtable_slice, platform_id, encoding_id);
// FIXME: This only handles formats 4 (SegmentToDelta) and 12 (SegmentedCoverage) for now.
@ -254,6 +506,173 @@ u32 Font::Loca::get_glyph_offset(u32 glyph_id) const
Font::Glyf::Glyph Font::Glyf::Glyph::simple(const ByteBuffer& slice, u16 num_contours, i16 xmin, i16 ymin, i16 xmax, i16 ymax)
auto ret = Glyph(slice, Type::Composite);
ret.m_meta.simple = Simple {
.num_contours = num_contours,
.xmin = xmin,
.ymin = ymin,
.xmax = xmax,
.ymax = ymax,
return ret;
// FIXME: This is currently just a dummy. Need to add support for composite glyphs.
Font::Glyf::Glyph Font::Glyf::Glyph::composite(const ByteBuffer& slice)
auto ret = Glyph(slice, Type::Composite);
ret.m_meta.composite = Composite();
return ret;
AABitmap Font::Glyf::Glyph::raster(float x_scale, float y_scale) const
switch (m_type) {
case Type::Simple:
return raster_simple(x_scale, y_scale);
case Type::Composite:
// FIXME: Add support for composite glyphs
static void get_ttglyph_offsets(const ByteBuffer& slice, u32 num_points, u32 flags_offset, u32 *x_offset, u32 *y_offset)
u32 flags_size = 0;
u32 x_size = 0;
u32 repeat_count;
while (num_points > 0) {
u8 flag = slice[flags_offset + flags_size];
if (flag & 0x08) {
repeat_count = slice[flags_offset + flags_size] + 1;
} else {
repeat_count = 1;
switch (flag & 0x12) {
case 0x00:
x_size += repeat_count * 2;
case 0x02:
case 0x12:
x_size += repeat_count;
num_points -= repeat_count;
*x_offset = flags_offset + flags_size;
*y_offset = *x_offset + x_size;
AABitmap Font::Glyf::Glyph::raster_simple(float x_scale, float y_scale) const
auto simple = m_meta.simple;
// Get offets for flags, x, and y.
u16 num_points = be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer((simple.num_contours - 1) * 2)) + 1;
u16 num_instructions = be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer(simple.num_contours * 2));
u32 flags_offset = simple.num_contours * 2 + 2 + num_instructions;
u32 x_offset = 0;
u32 y_offset = 0;
get_ttglyph_offsets(m_slice, num_points, flags_offset, &x_offset, &y_offset);
// Prepare to render glyph.
u32 width = (u32) (ceil((simple.xmax - simple.xmin) * x_scale)) + 2;
u32 height = (u32) (ceil((simple.ymax - simple.ymin) * y_scale)) + 2;
Rasterizer rasterizer(Size(width, height));
PointIterator point_iterator(m_slice, num_points, flags_offset, x_offset, y_offset, -simple.xmin, -simple.ymin, x_scale, -y_scale);
int last_contour_end = -1;
u32 contour_index = 0;
u32 contour_size = 0;
Optional<Point> contour_start = {};
Optional<Point> last_offcurve_point = {};
// Render glyph
while (true) {
if (!contour_start.has_value()) {
int current_contour_end = be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer(contour_index++ * 2));
contour_size = current_contour_end - last_contour_end - 1;
last_contour_end = current_contour_end;
auto opt_item =;
if (!opt_item.has_value() || !opt_item.value().on_curve) {
contour_start = opt_item.value().point;
} else if (!last_offcurve_point.has_value()) {
if (contour_size > 0) {
auto opt_item =;
auto item = opt_item.value();
if (item.on_curve) {
} else if (contour_size > 0) {
auto opt_next_item =;
auto next_item = opt_next_item.value();
if (next_item.on_curve) {
rasterizer.quadratic_bezier_to(item.point, next_item.point);
} else {
auto mid_point = Point::interpolate(item.point, next_item.point, 0.5);
rasterizer.quadratic_bezier_to(item.point, mid_point);
last_offcurve_point = next_item.point;
} else {
rasterizer.quadratic_bezier_to(item.point, contour_start.value());
contour_start = {};
} else {
contour_start = {};
} else {
auto point0 = last_offcurve_point.value();
last_offcurve_point = {};
if (contour_size > 0) {
auto opt_item =;
auto item = opt_item.value();
if (item.on_curve) {
rasterizer.quadratic_bezier_to(point0, item.point);
} else {
auto mid_point = Point::interpolate(point0, item.point, 0.5);
rasterizer.quadratic_bezier_to(point0, mid_point);
last_offcurve_point = item.point;
} else {
rasterizer.quadratic_bezier_to(point0, contour_start.value());
contour_start = {};
return rasterizer.accumulate();
Font::Glyf::Glyph Font::Glyf::glyph(u32 offset) const
ASSERT(m_slice.size() >= offset + 10);
i16 num_contours = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset));
i16 xmin = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset + 2));
i16 ymin = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset + 4));
i16 xmax = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset + 6));
i16 ymax = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset + 8));
auto slice = ByteBuffer::wrap(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset), m_slice.size() - offset);
if (num_contours < 0) {
return Glyph::composite(slice);
} else {
return Glyph::simple(slice, num_contours, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
OwnPtr<Font> Font::load_from_file(const StringView& path, unsigned index)
dbg() << "path: " << path << " | index: " << index;
@ -292,47 +711,13 @@ OwnPtr<Font> Font::load_from_file(const StringView& path, unsigned index)
Font::Glyf::Glyph Font::Glyf::Glyph::simple(ByteBuffer&& slice, u16 num_contours, i16 xmin, i16 ymin, i16 xmax, i16 ymax)
// FIXME: "loca" and "glyf" are not available for CFF fonts.
AABitmap Font::raster_codepoint(u32 codepoint, float x_scale, float y_scale) const
auto ret = Glyph(move(slice), Type::Composite);
ret.m_meta.simple = Simple {
.num_contours = num_contours,
.xmin = xmin,
.ymin = ymin,
.xmax = xmax,
.ymax = ymax,
dbg() << "Loaded simple glyph:"
<< "\n num_contours: " << num_contours
<< "\n xmin: " << xmin
<< "\n ymin: " << ymin
<< "\n xmax: " << xmax
<< "\n ymax: " << ymax;
return ret;
// FIXME: This is currently just a dummy. Need to add support for composite glyphs.
Font::Glyf::Glyph Font::Glyf::Glyph::composite(ByteBuffer&& slice)
auto ret = Glyph(move(slice), Type::Composite);
ret.m_meta.composite = Composite();
return ret;
Font::Glyf::Glyph Font::Glyf::glyph(u32 offset) const
ASSERT(m_slice.size() >= offset + 10);
i16 num_contours = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset));
i16 xmin = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset + 2));
i16 ymin = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset + 4));
i16 xmax = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset + 6));
i16 ymax = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset + 8));
auto slice = ByteBuffer::wrap(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset), m_slice.size() - offset);
if (num_contours < 0) {
return Glyph::composite(move(slice));
} else {
return Glyph::simple(move(slice), num_contours, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
auto glyph_id = m_cmap.glyph_id_for_codepoint(codepoint);
auto glyph_offset = m_loca.get_glyph_offset(glyph_id);
auto glyph = m_glyf.glyph(glyph_offset);
return glyph.raster(x_scale, y_scale);
// FIXME: "loca" and "glyf" are not available for CFF fonts.
@ -362,19 +747,19 @@ Font::Font(ByteBuffer&& buffer, u32 offset)
// Get the table offsets we need.
if (tag == tag_from_str("head")) {
head_slice = move(buffer);
head_slice = buffer;
} else if (tag == tag_from_str("hhea")) {
hhea_slice = move(buffer);
hhea_slice = buffer;
} else if (tag == tag_from_str("maxp")) {
maxp_slice = move(buffer);
maxp_slice = buffer;
} else if (tag == tag_from_str("hmtx")) {
hmtx_slice = move(buffer);
hmtx_slice = buffer;
} else if (tag == tag_from_str("cmap")) {
cmap_slice = move(buffer);
cmap_slice = buffer;
} else if (tag == tag_from_str("loca")) {
loca_slice = move(buffer);
loca_slice = buffer;
} else if (tag == tag_from_str("glyf")) {
glyf_slice = move(buffer);
glyf_slice = buffer;
@ -388,13 +773,13 @@ Font::Font(ByteBuffer&& buffer, u32 offset)
// Load the tables.
m_head = Head(move(head_slice.value()));
m_hhea = Hhea(move(hhea_slice.value()));
m_maxp = Maxp(move(maxp_slice.value()));
m_hmtx = Hmtx(move(hmtx_slice.value()), m_maxp.num_glyphs(), m_hhea.number_of_h_metrics());
m_cmap = Cmap(move(cmap_slice.value()));
m_loca = Loca(move(loca_slice.value()), m_maxp.num_glyphs(), m_head.index_to_loc_format());
m_glyf = Glyf(move(glyf_slice.value()));
m_head = Head(head_slice.value());
m_hhea = Hhea(hhea_slice.value());
m_maxp = Maxp(maxp_slice.value());
m_hmtx = Hmtx(hmtx_slice.value(), m_maxp.num_glyphs(), m_hhea.number_of_h_metrics());
m_cmap = Cmap(cmap_slice.value());
m_loca = Loca(loca_slice.value(), m_maxp.num_glyphs(), m_head.index_to_loc_format());
m_glyf = Glyf(glyf_slice.value());
// Select cmap table. FIXME: Do this better. Right now, just looks for platform "Windows"
// and corresponding encoding "Unicode full repertoire", or failing that, "Unicode BMP"
@ -418,10 +803,6 @@ Font::Font(ByteBuffer&& buffer, u32 offset)
dbg() << "Glyph ID for 'A': " << m_cmap.glyph_id_for_codepoint('A');
dbg() << "Glyph ID for 'B': " << m_cmap.glyph_id_for_codepoint('B');
auto gid = m_cmap.glyph_id_for_codepoint('A');
auto glyph_offset = m_loca.get_glyph_offset(gid);
auto glyph = m_glyf.glyph(glyph_offset);
@ -27,17 +27,39 @@
#pragma once
#include <AK/ByteBuffer.h>
#include <AK/Noncopyable.h>
#include <AK/OwnPtr.h>
#include <AK/StringView.h>
#include <LibGfx/Size.h>
namespace Gfx {
namespace TTF {
class Font;
class AABitmap {
AABitmap(Size size)
: m_size(size)
m_data = OwnPtr(new u8[size.width() * size.height()]);
Size size() const { return m_size; }
u8 byte_at(int x, int y) const { return m_data[y * m_size.width() + x]; }
void set_byte_at(int x, int y, u8 value)
m_data[y * m_size.width() + x] = value;
Size m_size;
OwnPtr<u8> m_data;
class Font {
static OwnPtr<Font> load_from_file(const StringView& path, unsigned index);
AABitmap raster_codepoint(u32 codepoint, float x_scale, float y_scale) const;
enum class IndexToLocFormat {
@ -48,8 +70,8 @@ private:
class Head {
Head() {}
Head(ByteBuffer&& slice)
: m_slice(move(slice))
Head(const ByteBuffer& slice)
: m_slice(slice)
ASSERT(m_slice.size() >= 54);
@ -68,8 +90,8 @@ private:
class Hhea {
Hhea() {}
Hhea(ByteBuffer&& slice)
: m_slice(move(slice))
Hhea(const ByteBuffer& slice)
: m_slice(slice)
ASSERT(m_slice.size() >= 36);
@ -82,8 +104,8 @@ private:
class Maxp {
Maxp() {}
Maxp(ByteBuffer&& slice)
: m_slice(move(slice))
Maxp(const ByteBuffer& slice)
: m_slice(slice)
ASSERT(m_slice.size() >= 6);
@ -101,8 +123,8 @@ private:
class Hmtx {
Hmtx() {}
Hmtx(ByteBuffer&& slice, u32 num_glyphs, u32 number_of_h_metrics)
: m_slice(move(slice))
Hmtx(const ByteBuffer& slice, u32 num_glyphs, u32 number_of_h_metrics)
: m_slice(slice)
, m_num_glyphs(num_glyphs)
, m_number_of_h_metrics(number_of_h_metrics)
@ -139,8 +161,8 @@ private:
Subtable(ByteBuffer&& slice, u16 platform_id, u16 encoding_id)
: m_slice(move(slice))
Subtable(const ByteBuffer& slice, u16 platform_id, u16 encoding_id)
: m_slice(slice)
, m_raw_platform_id(platform_id)
, m_encoding_id(encoding_id)
@ -161,8 +183,8 @@ private:
Cmap() {}
Cmap(ByteBuffer&& slice)
: m_slice(move(slice))
Cmap(const ByteBuffer& slice)
: m_slice(slice)
ASSERT(m_slice.size() > 4);
@ -181,8 +203,8 @@ private:
class Loca {
Loca() {}
Loca(ByteBuffer&& slice, u32 num_glyphs, IndexToLocFormat index_to_loc_format)
: m_slice(move(slice))
Loca(const ByteBuffer& slice, u32 num_glyphs, IndexToLocFormat index_to_loc_format)
: m_slice(slice)
, m_num_glyphs(num_glyphs)
, m_index_to_loc_format(index_to_loc_format)
@ -207,8 +229,9 @@ private:
class Glyph {
static Glyph simple(ByteBuffer&& slice, u16 num_contours, i16 xmin, i16 ymin, i16 xmax, i16 ymax);
static Glyph composite(ByteBuffer&& slice); // FIXME: This is currently just a dummy. Need to add support for composite glyphs.
static Glyph simple(const ByteBuffer& slice, u16 num_contours, i16 xmin, i16 ymin, i16 xmax, i16 ymax);
static Glyph composite(const ByteBuffer& slice); // FIXME: This is currently just a dummy. Need to add support for composite glyphs.
AABitmap raster(float x_scale, float y_scale) const;
enum class Type {
@ -225,11 +248,12 @@ private:
struct Composite {
Glyph(ByteBuffer&& slice, Type type)
Glyph(const ByteBuffer& slice, Type type)
: m_type(type)
, m_slice(move(slice))
AABitmap raster_simple(float x_scale, float y_scale) const;
Type m_type;
ByteBuffer m_slice;
@ -240,7 +264,7 @@ private:
Glyf() {}
Glyf(ByteBuffer&& slice)
Glyf(const ByteBuffer& slice)
: m_slice(move(slice))
Add table
Reference in a new issue