AK: Add to_radians and to_degrees math functions
This commit is contained in:
2024-07-17 23:07:41 +09:00
Author: https://github.com/bplaat Commit: https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/commit/494a8cb816 Pull-request: https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/pull/20996 Reviewed-by: https://github.com/MacDue ✅ Reviewed-by: https://github.com/kalenikaliaksandr ✅
15 changed files with 40 additions and 40 deletions
@ -53,6 +53,18 @@ template<size_t value>
constexpr size_t product_odd() { return value * product_odd<value - 2>(); }
template<FloatingPoint T>
constexpr T to_radians(T degrees)
return degrees * AK::Pi<T> / 180;
template<FloatingPoint T>
constexpr T to_degrees(T radians)
return radians * 180 / AK::Pi<T>;
#define CONSTEXPR_STATE(function, args...) \
if (is_constant_evaluated()) { \
if (IsSame<T, long double>) \
@ -11,16 +11,6 @@
#include <LibProtocol/Request.h>
// Math helpers
static double radians(double degrees)
return degrees * M_PI / 180.0;
static double degrees(double radians)
return radians * 180.0 / M_PI;
// https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_map_tilenames#Pseudo-code
static double longitude_to_tile_x(double longitude, int zoom)
@ -29,7 +19,7 @@ static double longitude_to_tile_x(double longitude, int zoom)
static double latitude_to_tile_y(double latitude, int zoom)
return pow(2, zoom) * (1.0 - (log(tan(radians(latitude)) + (1.0 / cos(radians(latitude)))) / M_PI)) / 2.0;
return pow(2, zoom) * (1.0 - (log(tan(AK::to_radians(latitude)) + (1.0 / cos(AK::to_radians(latitude)))) / M_PI)) / 2.0;
static double tile_x_to_longitude(double x, int zoom)
@ -39,7 +29,7 @@ static double tile_x_to_longitude(double x, int zoom)
static double tile_y_to_latitude(double y, int zoom)
return degrees(atan(sinh(M_PI * (1.0 - 2.0 * y / pow(2, zoom)))));
return AK::to_degrees(atan(sinh(M_PI * (1.0 - 2.0 * y / pow(2, zoom)))));
static double nice_round_number(double number)
@ -52,7 +42,7 @@ static double nice_round_number(double number)
double MapWidget::LatLng::distance_to(LatLng const& other) const
double const earth_radius = 6371000.0;
return earth_radius * 2.0 * asin(sqrt(pow(sin((radians(other.latitude) - radians(latitude)) / 2.0), 2.0) + cos(radians(latitude)) * cos(radians(other.latitude)) * pow(sin((radians(other.longitude) - radians(longitude)) / 2.0), 2.0)));
return earth_radius * 2.0 * asin(sqrt(pow(sin((AK::to_radians(other.latitude) - AK::to_radians(latitude)) / 2.0), 2.0) + cos(AK::to_radians(latitude)) * cos(AK::to_radians(other.latitude)) * pow(sin((AK::to_radians(other.longitude) - AK::to_radians(longitude)) / 2.0), 2.0)));
// MapWidget class
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ void ColorWheelWidget::paint_event(GUI::PaintEvent&)
auto wedge_edge = Gfx::FloatPoint(0, -height() / 2);
float deg_as_radians = 10.0f * (AK::Pi<float> / 180);
float deg_as_radians = AK::to_radians(10.0f);
Gfx::AffineTransform transform;
@ -339,12 +339,12 @@ void ColorWheelWidget::paint_event(GUI::PaintEvent&)
deg_as_radians = static_cast<float>(hue()) * (AK::Pi<float> / 180);
deg_as_radians = AK::to_radians(static_cast<float>(hue()));
auto selected_color = Gfx::FloatPoint(0, -height() / 2);
deg_as_radians = static_cast<float>(color_range()) * (AK::Pi<float> / 180);
deg_as_radians = AK::to_radians(static_cast<float>(color_range()));
auto selected_color_edge_1 = Gfx::FloatPoint(0, -height() / 2);
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ void ColorWheelWidget::paint_event(GUI::PaintEvent&)
deg_as_radians = static_cast<float>(color_range() * static_cast<double>(hardness()) / 100.0) * (AK::Pi<float> / 180);
deg_as_radians = AK::to_radians(static_cast<float>(color_range() * static_cast<double>(hardness()) / 100.0));
auto hardness_edge_1 = Gfx::FloatPoint(0, -height() / 2);
@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ void ColorWheelWidget::calc_hue(Gfx::IntPoint const& position)
auto center = Gfx::IntPoint(width() / 2, height() / 2);
auto angle = AK::atan2(static_cast<float>(position.y() - center.y()), static_cast<float>(position.x() - center.x())) * 180 / AK::Pi<float>;
auto angle = AK::atan2(static_cast<float>(position.y() - center.y()), AK::to_degrees(static_cast<float>(position.x() - center.x())));
set_hue(angle + 90);
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ void GradientTool::draw_gradient(GUI::Painter& painter, bool with_guidelines, co
int height = m_editor->active_layer()->rect().height() * scale;
float rotation_radians = atan2f(t_gradient_begin_line.a().y() - t_gradient_end_line.a().y(), t_gradient_begin_line.a().x() - t_gradient_end_line.a().x());
float rotation_degrees = (rotation_radians * 180) / AK::Pi<float>;
float rotation_degrees = AK::to_degrees(rotation_radians);
auto determine_required_side_length = [&](int center, int side_length) {
if (center < 0)
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public:
static FloatMatrix3x3 calculate_hue_rotate_matrix(float angle_degrees)
float const angle_rads = angle_degrees * (AK::Pi<float> / 180.0f);
float const angle_rads = AK::to_radians(angle_degrees);
float cos_angle = 0.;
float sin_angle = 0.;
AK::sincos(angle_rads, sin_angle, cos_angle);
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ void GLContext::gl_rotate(GLfloat angle, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
FloatVector3 axis = { x, y, z };
if (axis.length() > 0.f)
auto rotation_mat = Gfx::rotation_matrix(axis, angle * static_cast<float>(M_PI * 2 / 360));
auto rotation_mat = Gfx::rotation_matrix(axis, AK::to_radians(angle));
update_current_matrix(*m_current_matrix * rotation_mat);
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include <AK/Format.h>
#include <AK/Math.h>
#include <LibGfx/DeltaE.h>
#include <math.h>
@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ float DeltaE(CIELAB const& c1, CIELAB const& c2)
float h_prime = atan2(b, a_prime);
if (h_prime < 0)
h_prime += 2 * static_cast<float>(M_PI);
return h_prime * 180 / static_cast<float>(M_PI);
return AK::to_degrees(h_prime);
float h1_prime = h_prime(c1.b, a1_prime);
float h2_prime = h_prime(c2.b, a2_prime);
@ -54,8 +55,8 @@ float DeltaE(CIELAB const& c1, CIELAB const& c2)
delta_h_prime = h2_prime - h1_prime - 360;
auto sin_degrees = [](float x) { return sinf(x * static_cast<float>(M_PI) / 180); };
auto cos_degrees = [](float x) { return cosf(x * static_cast<float>(M_PI) / 180); };
auto sin_degrees = [](float x) { return sinf(AK::to_radians(x)); };
auto cos_degrees = [](float x) { return cosf(AK::to_radians(x)); };
float delta_H_prime = 2 * sqrtf(C1_prime * C2_prime) * sin_degrees(delta_h_prime / 2);
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ public:
static FloatMatrix3x3 calculate_hue_rotate_matrix(float angle_degrees)
float angle_rads = angle_degrees * (AK::Pi<float> / 180);
float angle_rads = AK::to_radians(angle_degrees);
float cos_angle = 0;
float sin_angle = 0;
AK::sincos(angle_rads, sin_angle, cos_angle);
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ static auto create_conic_gradient(ReadonlySpan<ColorStop> color_stops, FloatPoin
[=](int x, int y) {
auto point = FloatPoint { x, y } - center_point;
// FIXME: We could probably get away with some approximation here:
auto loc = fmod((AK::atan2(point.y(), point.x()) * 180.0f / AK::Pi<float> + 360.0f + normalized_start_angle), 360.0f);
auto loc = fmod((AK::to_degrees(AK::atan2(point.y(), point.x())) + 360.0f + normalized_start_angle), 360.0f);
return should_floor_angles ? floor(loc) : loc;
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ static auto create_radial_gradient(IntRect const& physical_rect, ReadonlySpan<Co
auto center_point = FloatPoint { center }.translated(0.5, 0.5);
AffineTransform rotation_transform;
if (rotation_angle.has_value()) {
auto angle_as_radians = rotation_angle.value() * (AK::Pi<float> / 180);
auto angle_as_radians = AK::to_radians(rotation_angle.value());
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ inline float normalized_gradient_angle_radians(float gradient_angle)
// Adjust angle so 0 degrees is bottom
float real_angle = 90 - gradient_angle;
return real_angle * (AK::Pi<float> / 180);
return AK::to_radians(real_angle);
template<typename T>
@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ void Device::calculate_vertex_lighting(GPU::Vertex& vertex) const
float spotlight_factor = 1.0f;
if (light.spotlight_cutoff_angle != 180.0f) {
auto const vertex_to_light_dot_spotlight_direction = sgi_dot_operator(vertex_to_light, light.spotlight_direction.normalized());
auto const cos_spotlight_cutoff = AK::cos<float>(light.spotlight_cutoff_angle * AK::Pi<float> / 180.f);
auto const cos_spotlight_cutoff = AK::cos<float>(AK::to_radians(light.spotlight_cutoff_angle));
if (vertex_to_light_dot_spotlight_direction >= cos_spotlight_cutoff)
spotlight_factor = AK::pow<float>(vertex_to_light_dot_spotlight_direction, light.spotlight_exponent);
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ double Angle::to_degrees() const
case Type::Grad:
return m_value * (360.0 / 400.0);
case Type::Rad:
return m_value * (180.0 / AK::Pi<double>);
return AK::to_degrees(m_value);
case Type::Turn:
return m_value * 360.0;
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ double Angle::to_degrees() const
double Angle::to_radians() const
return to_degrees() * (AK::Pi<double> / 180.0);
return AK::to_radians(to_degrees());
StringView Angle::unit_name() const
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ bool LinearGradientStyleValue::equals(StyleValue const& other_) const
float LinearGradientStyleValue::angle_degrees(CSSPixelSize gradient_size) const
auto corner_angle_degrees = [&] {
return atan2(gradient_size.height().to_double(), gradient_size.width().to_double()) * 180 / AK::Pi<double>;
return AK::to_degrees(atan2(gradient_size.height().to_double(), gradient_size.width().to_double()));
return m_properties.direction.visit(
[&](SideOrCorner side_or_corner) {
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ JS::NonnullGCPtr<DOMMatrix> DOMMatrix::skew_x_self(double sx)
// 1. Post-multiply a skewX transformation on the current matrix by the specified angle sx in degrees. The 2D skewX matrix is described in CSS Transforms with alpha = sx in degrees. [CSS3-TRANSFORMS]
// clang-format off
Gfx::DoubleMatrix4x4 skew_matrix = { 1, tan(sx * M_PI / 180.0), 0, 0,
Gfx::DoubleMatrix4x4 skew_matrix = { 1, tan(AK::to_radians(sx)), 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1 };
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ JS::NonnullGCPtr<DOMMatrix> DOMMatrix::skew_y_self(double sy)
// 1. Post-multiply a skewX transformation on the current matrix by the specified angle sy in degrees. The 2D skewY matrix is described in CSS Transforms with beta = sy in degrees. [CSS3-TRANSFORMS]
// clang-format off
Gfx::DoubleMatrix4x4 skew_matrix = { 1, 0, 0, 0,
tan(sy * M_PI / 180.0), 1, 0, 0,
tan(AK::to_radians(sy)), 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1 };
// clang-format on
@ -74,9 +74,6 @@ Optional<Gfx::PaintStyle const&> SVGGraphicsElement::stroke_paint_style(SVGPaint
Gfx::AffineTransform transform_from_transform_list(ReadonlySpan<Transform> transform_list)
Gfx::AffineTransform affine_transform;
auto to_radians = [](float degrees) {
return degrees * (AK::Pi<float> / 180.0f);
for (auto& transform : transform_list) {
[&](Transform::Translate const& translate) {
@ -90,14 +87,14 @@ Gfx::AffineTransform transform_from_transform_list(ReadonlySpan<Transform> trans
Gfx::AffineTransform {}
.translate({ rotate.x, rotate.y })
.translate({ -rotate.x, -rotate.y }));
[&](Transform::SkewX const& skew_x) {
affine_transform.multiply(Gfx::AffineTransform {}.skew_radians(to_radians(skew_x.a), 0));
affine_transform.multiply(Gfx::AffineTransform {}.skew_radians(AK::to_radians(skew_x.a), 0));
[&](Transform::SkewY const& skew_y) {
affine_transform.multiply(Gfx::AffineTransform {}.skew_radians(0, to_radians(skew_y.a)));
affine_transform.multiply(Gfx::AffineTransform {}.skew_radians(0, AK::to_radians(skew_y.a)));
[&](Transform::Matrix const& matrix) {
affine_transform.multiply(Gfx::AffineTransform {
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