LibGfx: Cut down on magic constants in the TTF parser.
This commit is contained in:
2024-07-19 00:20:56 +09:00
Author: Commit: Pull-request: Issue: Reviewed-by: Reviewed-by:
2 changed files with 206 additions and 90 deletions
@ -59,37 +59,37 @@ static u32 tag_from_str(const char *str)
u16 Font::Head::units_per_em() const
return be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer(18));
return be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer((u32) Offsets::UnitsPerEM));
i16 Font::Head::xmin() const
return be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(36));
return be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer((u32) Offsets::XMin));
i16 Font::Head::ymin() const
return be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(38));
return be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer((u32) Offsets::YMin));
i16 Font::Head::xmax() const
return be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(40));
return be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer((u32) Offsets::XMax));
i16 Font::Head::ymax() const
return be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(42));
return be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer((u32) Offsets::YMax));
u16 Font::Head::lowest_recommended_ppem() const
return be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer(46));
return be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer((u32) Offsets::LowestRecPPEM));
Font::IndexToLocFormat Font::Head::index_to_loc_format() const
i16 raw = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(50));
i16 raw = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer((u32) Offsets::IndexToLocFormat));
switch (raw) {
case 0:
return IndexToLocFormat::Offset16;
@ -102,34 +102,53 @@ Font::IndexToLocFormat Font::Head::index_to_loc_format() const
i16 Font::Hhea::ascender() const
return be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(4));
return be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer((u32) Offsets::Ascender));
i16 Font::Hhea::descender() const
return be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(6));
return be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer((u32) Offsets::Descender));
i16 Font::Hhea::line_gap() const
return be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(8));
return be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer((u32) Offsets::LineGap));
u16 Font::Hhea::advance_width_max() const
return be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer(10));
return be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer((u32) Offsets::AdvanceWidthMax));
u16 Font::Hhea::number_of_h_metrics() const
return be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer(34));
return be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer((u32) Offsets::NumberOfHMetrics));
u16 Font::Maxp::num_glyphs() const
return be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer(4));
return be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer((u32) Offsets::NumGlyphs));
enum class SimpleGlyfFlags {
// From spec.
OnCurve = 0x01,
XShortVector = 0x02,
YShortVector = 0x04,
RepeatFlag = 0x08,
XIsSameOrPositiveXShortVector = 0x10,
YIsSameOrPositiveYShortVector = 0x20,
// Combinations
XMask = 0x12,
YMask = 0x24,
XLongVector = 0x00,
YLongVector = 0x00,
XNegativeShortVector = 0x02,
YNegativeShortVector = 0x04,
XPositiveShortVector = 0x12,
YPositiveShortVector = 0x24,
class PointIterator {
struct Item {
@ -159,33 +178,33 @@ public:
} else {
m_flag = m_slice[m_flags_offset++];
if (m_flag & 0x08) {
if (m_flag & (u8) SimpleGlyfFlags::RepeatFlag) {
m_flags_remaining = m_slice[m_flags_offset++];
switch (m_flag & 0x12) {
case 0x00:
switch (m_flag & (u8) SimpleGlyfFlags::XMask) {
case (u8) SimpleGlyfFlags::XLongVector:
m_last_point.set_x(m_last_point.x() + be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(m_x_offset)));
m_x_offset += 2;
case 0x02:
case (u8) SimpleGlyfFlags::XNegativeShortVector:
m_last_point.set_x(m_last_point.x() - m_slice[m_x_offset++]);
case 0x12:
case (u8) SimpleGlyfFlags::XPositiveShortVector:
m_last_point.set_x(m_last_point.x() + m_slice[m_x_offset++]);
switch (m_flag & 0x24) {
case 0x00:
switch (m_flag & (u8) SimpleGlyfFlags::YMask) {
case (u8) SimpleGlyfFlags::YLongVector:
m_last_point.set_y(m_last_point.y() + be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(m_y_offset)));
m_y_offset += 2;
case 0x04:
case (u8) SimpleGlyfFlags::YNegativeShortVector:
m_last_point.set_y(m_last_point.y() - m_slice[m_y_offset++]);
case 0x24:
case (u8) SimpleGlyfFlags::YPositiveShortVector:
m_last_point.set_y(m_last_point.y() + m_slice[m_y_offset++]);
@ -193,7 +212,7 @@ public:
Item ret = {
.on_curve = (m_flag & 0x01) != 0,
.on_curve = (m_flag & (u8) SimpleGlyfFlags::OnCurve) != 0,
.point = m_last_point,
ret.point.move_by(m_x_translate, m_y_translate);
@ -332,7 +351,7 @@ Font::GlyphHorizontalMetrics Font::Hmtx::get_glyph_horizontal_metrics(u32 glyph_
ASSERT(glyph_id < m_num_glyphs);
if (glyph_id < m_number_of_h_metrics) {
auto offset = glyph_id * 4;
auto offset = glyph_id * (u32) Sizes::LongHorMetric;
u16 advance_width = be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset));
i16 left_side_bearing = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset + 2));
return GlyphHorizontalMetrics {
@ -340,9 +359,9 @@ Font::GlyphHorizontalMetrics Font::Hmtx::get_glyph_horizontal_metrics(u32 glyph_
.left_side_bearing = left_side_bearing,
} else {
auto offset = m_number_of_h_metrics * 4 + (glyph_id - m_number_of_h_metrics) * 2;
u16 advance_width = be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer((m_number_of_h_metrics - 1) * 2));
i16 left_side_bearing = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset + 2));
auto offset = m_number_of_h_metrics * (u32) Sizes::LongHorMetric + (glyph_id - m_number_of_h_metrics) * (u32) Sizes::LeftSideBearing;
u16 advance_width = be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer((m_number_of_h_metrics - 1) * (u32) Sizes::LongHorMetric));
i16 left_side_bearing = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset));
return GlyphHorizontalMetrics {
.advance_width = advance_width,
.left_side_bearing = left_side_bearing,
@ -379,7 +398,7 @@ Font::Cmap::Subtable::Format Font::Cmap::Subtable::format() const
u32 Font::Cmap::num_subtables() const
return be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer(2));
return be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer((u32) Offsets::NumTables));
Optional<Font::Cmap::Subtable> Font::Cmap::subtable(u32 index) const
@ -387,10 +406,10 @@ Optional<Font::Cmap::Subtable> Font::Cmap::subtable(u32 index) const
if (index >= num_subtables()) {
return {};
u32 record_offset = 4 + index * 8;
u32 record_offset = (u32) Sizes::TableHeader + index * (u32) Sizes::EncodingRecord;
u16 platform_id = be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer(record_offset));
u16 encoding_id = be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer(record_offset + 2));
u32 subtable_offset = be_u32(m_slice.offset_pointer(record_offset + 4));
u16 encoding_id = be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer(record_offset + (u32) Offsets::EncodingRecord_EncodingID));
u32 subtable_offset = be_u32(m_slice.offset_pointer(record_offset + (u32) Offsets::EncodingRecord_Offset));
ASSERT(subtable_offset < m_slice.size());
auto subtable_slice = ByteBuffer::wrap(m_slice.offset_pointer(subtable_offset), m_slice.size() - subtable_offset);
return Subtable(subtable_slice, platform_id, encoding_id);
@ -411,25 +430,25 @@ u32 Font::Cmap::Subtable::glyph_id_for_codepoint(u32 codepoint) const
u32 Font::Cmap::Subtable::glyph_id_for_codepoint_table_4(u32 codepoint) const
u32 segcount_x2 = be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer(6));
if (m_slice.size() < segcount_x2 * 4 + 16) {
u32 segcount_x2 = be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer((u32) Table4Offsets::SegCountX2));
if (m_slice.size() < segcount_x2 * (u32) Table4Sizes::NonConstMultiplier + (u32) Table4Sizes::Constant) {
return 0;
for (u32 offset = 0; offset < segcount_x2; offset += 2) {
u32 end_codepoint = be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer(14 + offset));
u32 end_codepoint = be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer((u32) Table4Offsets::EndConstBase + offset));
if (codepoint > end_codepoint) {
u32 start_codepoint = be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer(16 + segcount_x2 + offset));
u32 start_codepoint = be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer((u32) Table4Offsets::StartConstBase + segcount_x2 + offset));
if (codepoint < start_codepoint) {
u32 delta = be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer(16 + segcount_x2 * 2 + offset));
u32 range = be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer(16 + segcount_x2 * 3 + offset));
u32 delta = be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer((u32) Table4Offsets::DeltaConstBase + segcount_x2 * 2 + offset));
u32 range = be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer((u32) Table4Offsets::RangeConstBase + segcount_x2 * 3 + offset));
if (range == 0) {
return (codepoint + delta) & 0xffff;
} else {
u32 glyph_offset = 16 + segcount_x2 * 3 + offset + range + (codepoint - start_codepoint) * 2;
u32 glyph_offset = (u32) Table4Offsets::GlyphOffsetConstBase + segcount_x2 * 3 + offset + range + (codepoint - start_codepoint) * 2;
ASSERT(glyph_offset + 2 <= m_slice.size());
return (be_u16(m_slice.offset_pointer(glyph_offset)) + delta) & 0xffff;
@ -439,18 +458,18 @@ u32 Font::Cmap::Subtable::glyph_id_for_codepoint_table_4(u32 codepoint) const
u32 Font::Cmap::Subtable::glyph_id_for_codepoint_table_12(u32 codepoint) const
u32 num_groups = be_u32(m_slice.offset_pointer(12));
ASSERT(m_slice.size() >= 16 + 12 * num_groups);
for (u32 offset = 0; offset < num_groups * 12; offset += 12) {
u32 start_codepoint = be_u32(m_slice.offset_pointer(16 + offset));
u32 num_groups = be_u32(m_slice.offset_pointer((u32) Table12Offsets::NumGroups));
ASSERT(m_slice.size() >= (u32) Table12Sizes::Header + (u32) Table12Sizes::Record * num_groups);
for (u32 offset = 0; offset < num_groups * (u32) Table12Sizes::Record; offset += (u32) Table12Sizes::Record) {
u32 start_codepoint = be_u32(m_slice.offset_pointer((u32) Table12Offsets::Record_StartCode + offset));
if (codepoint < start_codepoint) {
u32 end_codepoint = be_u32(m_slice.offset_pointer(20 + offset));
u32 end_codepoint = be_u32(m_slice.offset_pointer((u32) Table12Offsets::Record_EndCode + offset));
if (codepoint > end_codepoint) {
u32 glyph_offset = be_u32(m_slice.offset_pointer(24 + offset));
u32 glyph_offset = be_u32(m_slice.offset_pointer((u32) Table12Offsets::Record_StartGlyph + offset));
return codepoint - start_codepoint + glyph_offset;
return 0;
@ -507,7 +526,7 @@ RefPtr<Bitmap> Font::Glyf::Glyph::raster(float x_scale, float y_scale) const
return raster_simple(x_scale, y_scale);
case Type::Composite:
// FIXME: Add support for composite glyphs
@ -519,19 +538,19 @@ static void get_ttglyph_offsets(const ByteBuffer& slice, u32 num_points, u32 fla
u32 repeat_count;
while (num_points > 0) {
u8 flag = slice[flags_offset + flags_size];
if (flag & 0x08) {
if (flag & (u8) SimpleGlyfFlags::RepeatFlag) {
repeat_count = slice[flags_offset + flags_size] + 1;
} else {
repeat_count = 1;
switch (flag & 0x12) {
case 0x00:
switch (flag & (u8) SimpleGlyfFlags::XMask) {
case (u8) SimpleGlyfFlags::XLongVector:
x_size += repeat_count * 2;
case 0x02:
case 0x12:
case (u8) SimpleGlyfFlags::XNegativeShortVector:
case (u8) SimpleGlyfFlags::XPositiveShortVector:
x_size += repeat_count;
@ -646,13 +665,13 @@ RefPtr<Bitmap> Font::Glyf::Glyph::raster_simple(float x_scale, float y_scale) co
Font::Glyf::Glyph Font::Glyf::glyph(u32 offset) const
ASSERT(m_slice.size() >= offset + 10);
ASSERT(m_slice.size() >= offset + (u32) Sizes::GlyphHeader);
i16 num_contours = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset));
i16 xmin = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset + 2));
i16 ymin = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset + 4));
i16 xmax = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset + 6));
i16 ymax = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset + 8));
auto slice = ByteBuffer::wrap(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset + 10), m_slice.size() - offset - 10);
i16 xmin = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset + (u32) Offsets::XMin));
i16 ymin = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset + (u32) Offsets::YMin));
i16 xmax = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset + (u32) Offsets::XMax));
i16 ymax = be_i16(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset + (u32) Offsets::YMax));
auto slice = ByteBuffer::wrap(m_slice.offset_pointer(offset + (u32) Sizes::GlyphHeader), m_slice.size() - offset - (u32) Sizes::GlyphHeader);
if (num_contours < 0) {
return Glyph::composite(slice);
} else {
@ -680,11 +699,11 @@ RefPtr<Font> Font::load_from_file(const StringView& path, unsigned index)
u32 tag = be_u32(;
if (tag == tag_from_str("ttcf")) {
// It's a font collection
if (buffer.size() < 12 + 4 * (index + 1)) {
if (buffer.size() < (u32) Sizes::TTCHeaderV1 + sizeof(u32) * (index + 1)) {
dbg() << "Font file too small";
return nullptr;
u32 offset = be_u32(buffer.offset_pointer(12 + 4 * index));
u32 offset = be_u32(buffer.offset_pointer((u32) Sizes::TTCHeaderV1 + sizeof(u32) * index));
return adopt(*new Font(move(buffer), offset));
} else if (tag == tag_from_str("OTTO")) {
dbg() << "CFF fonts not supported yet";
@ -701,7 +720,7 @@ RefPtr<Font> Font::load_from_file(const StringView& path, unsigned index)
Font::Font(ByteBuffer&& buffer, u32 offset)
: m_buffer(move(buffer))
ASSERT(m_buffer.size() >= offset + 12);
ASSERT(m_buffer.size() >= offset + (u32) Sizes::OffsetTable);
Optional<ByteBuffer> head_slice = {};
Optional<ByteBuffer> hhea_slice = {};
Optional<ByteBuffer> maxp_slice = {};
@ -711,14 +730,14 @@ Font::Font(ByteBuffer&& buffer, u32 offset)
Optional<ByteBuffer> glyf_slice = {};
//auto sfnt_version = be_u32(data + offset);
auto num_tables = be_u16(m_buffer.offset_pointer(offset + 4));
ASSERT(m_buffer.size() >= offset + 12 + num_tables * 16);
auto num_tables = be_u16(m_buffer.offset_pointer(offset + (u32) Offsets::NumTables));
ASSERT(m_buffer.size() >= offset + (u32) Sizes::OffsetTable + num_tables * (u32) Sizes::TableRecord);
for (auto i = 0; i < num_tables; i++) {
u32 record_offset = offset + 12 + i * 16;
u32 record_offset = offset + (u32) Sizes::OffsetTable + i * (u32) Sizes::TableRecord;
u32 tag = be_u32(m_buffer.offset_pointer(record_offset));
u32 table_offset = be_u32(m_buffer.offset_pointer(record_offset + 8));
u32 table_length = be_u32(m_buffer.offset_pointer(record_offset + 12));
u32 table_offset = be_u32(m_buffer.offset_pointer(record_offset + (u32) Offsets::TableRecord_Offset));
u32 table_length = be_u32(m_buffer.offset_pointer(record_offset + (u32) Offsets::TableRecord_Length));
ASSERT(m_buffer.size() >= table_offset + table_length);
auto buffer = ByteBuffer::wrap(m_buffer.offset_pointer(table_offset), table_length);
@ -767,11 +786,11 @@ Font::Font(ByteBuffer&& buffer, u32 offset)
auto subtable = opt_subtable.value();
if (subtable.platform_id() == Cmap::Subtable::Platform::Windows) {
if (subtable.encoding_id() == 10) {
if (subtable.encoding_id() == (u16) Cmap::Subtable::WindowsEncoding::UnicodeFullRepertoire) {
if (subtable.encoding_id() == 1) {
if (subtable.encoding_id() == (u16) Cmap::Subtable::WindowsEncoding::UnicodeBMP) {
@ -35,6 +35,10 @@
#include <LibGfx/Size.h>
namespace Gfx {
#define POINTS_PER_INCH 72.0f
#define DEFAULT_DPI 96
namespace TTF {
class ScaledFont;
@ -65,6 +69,17 @@ public:
static RefPtr<Font> load_from_file(const StringView& path, unsigned index);
enum class Offsets {
NumTables = 4,
TableRecord_Offset = 8,
TableRecord_Length = 12,
enum class Sizes {
TTCHeaderV1 = 12,
OffsetTable = 12,
TableRecord = 16,
Font(ByteBuffer&& buffer, u32 offset);
ScaledFontMetrics metrics(float x_scale, float y_scale) const;
ScaledGlyphMetrics glyph_metrics(u32 glyph_id, float x_scale, float y_scale) const;
@ -82,7 +97,7 @@ private:
Head(const ByteBuffer& slice)
: m_slice(slice)
ASSERT(m_slice.size() >= 54);
ASSERT(m_slice.size() >= (size_t) Sizes::Table);
u16 units_per_em() const;
i16 xmin() const;
@ -93,6 +108,19 @@ private:
IndexToLocFormat index_to_loc_format() const;
enum class Offsets {
UnitsPerEM = 18,
XMin = 36,
YMin = 38,
XMax = 40,
YMax = 42,
LowestRecPPEM = 46,
IndexToLocFormat = 50,
enum class Sizes {
Table = 54,
ByteBuffer m_slice;
@ -102,7 +130,7 @@ private:
Hhea(const ByteBuffer& slice)
: m_slice(slice)
ASSERT(m_slice.size() >= 36);
ASSERT(m_slice.size() >= (size_t) Sizes::Table);
i16 ascender() const;
i16 descender() const;
@ -111,6 +139,17 @@ private:
u16 number_of_h_metrics() const;
enum class Offsets {
Ascender = 4,
Descender = 6,
LineGap = 8,
AdvanceWidthMax = 10,
NumberOfHMetrics = 34,
enum class Sizes {
Table = 36,
ByteBuffer m_slice;
@ -120,11 +159,18 @@ private:
Maxp(const ByteBuffer& slice)
: m_slice(slice)
ASSERT(m_slice.size() >= 6);
ASSERT(m_slice.size() >= (size_t) Sizes::TableV0p5);
u16 num_glyphs() const;
enum class Offsets {
NumGlyphs = 4
enum class Sizes {
TableV0p5 = 6,
ByteBuffer m_slice;
@ -141,11 +187,16 @@ private:
, m_num_glyphs(num_glyphs)
, m_number_of_h_metrics(number_of_h_metrics)
ASSERT(m_slice.size() >= number_of_h_metrics * 2 + num_glyphs * 2);
ASSERT(m_slice.size() >= number_of_h_metrics * (u32) Sizes::LongHorMetric + (num_glyphs - number_of_h_metrics) * (u32) Sizes::LeftSideBearing);
GlyphHorizontalMetrics get_glyph_horizontal_metrics(u32 glyph_id) const;
enum class Sizes {
LongHorMetric = 4,
LeftSideBearing = 2
ByteBuffer m_slice;
u32 m_num_glyphs;
u32 m_number_of_h_metrics;
@ -156,22 +207,25 @@ private:
class Subtable {
enum class Platform {
Unicode = 0,
Macintosh = 1,
Windows = 3,
Custom = 4,
enum class Format {
ByteEncoding = 0,
HighByte = 2,
SegmentToDelta = 4,
TrimmedTable = 6,
Mixed16And32 = 8,
TrimmedArray = 10,
SegmentedCoverage = 12,
ManyToOneRange = 13,
UnicodeVariationSequences = 14,
enum class WindowsEncoding {
UnicodeBMP = 1,
UnicodeFullRepertoire = 10,
Subtable(const ByteBuffer& slice, u16 platform_id, u16 encoding_id)
@ -187,6 +241,29 @@ private:
Format format() const;
enum class Table4Offsets {
SegCountX2 = 6,
EndConstBase = 14,
StartConstBase = 16,
DeltaConstBase = 16,
RangeConstBase = 16,
GlyphOffsetConstBase = 16,
enum class Table4Sizes {
Constant = 16,
NonConstMultiplier = 4,
enum class Table12Offsets {
NumGroups = 12,
Record_StartCode = 16,
Record_EndCode = 20,
Record_StartGlyph = 24,
enum class Table12Sizes {
Header = 16,
Record = 12,
u32 glyph_id_for_codepoint_table_4(u32 codepoint) const;
u32 glyph_id_for_codepoint_table_12(u32 codepoint) const;
@ -199,7 +276,7 @@ private:
Cmap(const ByteBuffer& slice)
: m_slice(slice)
ASSERT(m_slice.size() > 4);
ASSERT(m_slice.size() > (size_t) Sizes::TableHeader);
u32 num_subtables() const;
@ -209,6 +286,16 @@ private:
u32 glyph_id_for_codepoint(u32 codepoint) const;
enum class Offsets {
NumTables = 2,
EncodingRecord_EncodingID = 2,
EncodingRecord_Offset = 4,
enum class Sizes {
TableHeader = 4,
EncodingRecord = 8,
ByteBuffer m_slice;
u32 m_active_index { UINT32_MAX };
@ -251,7 +338,7 @@ private:
return m_meta.simple.ymax;
} else {
// FIXME: Support composite outlines.
int descender() const
@ -260,7 +347,7 @@ private:
return m_meta.simple.ymin;
} else {
// FIXME: Support composite outlines.
@ -302,6 +389,16 @@ private:
Glyph glyph(u32 offset) const;
enum class Offsets {
XMin = 2,
YMin = 4,
XMax = 6,
YMax = 8,
enum class Sizes {
GlyphHeader = 10,
ByteBuffer m_slice;
@ -319,12 +416,12 @@ private:
class ScaledFont {
ScaledFont(RefPtr<Font> font, float point_width, float point_height, unsigned dpi_x = 96, unsigned dpi_y = 96)
ScaledFont(RefPtr<Font> font, float point_width, float point_height, unsigned dpi_x = DEFAULT_DPI, unsigned dpi_y = DEFAULT_DPI)
: m_font(font)
float units_per_em = m_font->m_head.units_per_em();
m_x_scale = (point_width * dpi_x) / (72.0 * units_per_em);
m_y_scale = (point_height * dpi_y) / (72.0 * units_per_em);
m_x_scale = (point_width * dpi_x) / (POINTS_PER_INCH * units_per_em);
m_y_scale = (point_height * dpi_y) / (POINTS_PER_INCH * units_per_em);
u32 glyph_id_for_codepoint(u32 codepoint) const { return m_font->m_cmap.glyph_id_for_codepoint(codepoint); }
ScaledFontMetrics metrics() const { return m_font->metrics(m_x_scale, m_y_scale); }
Add table
Reference in a new issue