2021-05-07 05:32:58 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from sys import argv, stderr
from os import path
from string import whitespace
import re
import math
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from subprocess import call
import json
atom_end = set('()"' + whitespace)
def parse(sexp):
sexp = re.sub(r'(?m)\(;.*;\)', '', re.sub(r'(;;.*)', '', sexp))
stack, i, length = [[]], 0, len(sexp)
while i < length:
c = sexp[i]
kind = type(stack[-1])
if kind == list:
if c == '(':
elif c == ')':
elif c == '"':
elif c in whitespace:
elif kind == str:
if c == '"':
elif c == '\\':
i += 1
stack[-1] += sexp[i]
stack[-1] += c
elif kind == tuple:
if c in atom_end:
atom = stack.pop()
stack[-1] = ((stack[-1][0] + c),)
i += 1
return stack.pop()
def parse_typed_value(ast):
types = {
'i32.const': 'i32',
'i64.const': 'i64',
'f32.const': 'float',
'f64.const': 'double',
if len(ast) == 2 and ast[0][0] in types:
return {"type": types[ast[0][0]], "value": ast[1][0]}
return {"type": "error"}
def generate_module_source_for_compilation(entries):
s = '('
for entry in entries:
if type(entry) == tuple and len(entry) == 1 and type(entry[0]) == str:
s += entry[0] + ' '
elif type(entry) == str:
s += json.dumps(entry) + ' '
elif type(entry) == list:
s += generate_module_source_for_compilation(entry)
raise Exception("wat? I dunno how to pretty print " + str(type(entry)))
while s.endswith(' '):
s = s[:len(s) - 1]
return s + ')'
def generate(ast):
if type(ast) != list:
return []
tests = []
for entry in ast:
if len(entry) > 0 and entry[0] == ('module',):
"module": generate_module_source_for_compilation(entry),
"tests": []
elif len(entry) in [2, 3] and entry[0][0].startswith('assert_'):
if entry[1][0] == ('invoke',):
"kind": entry[0][0][len('assert_'):],
"function": {
"name": entry[1][1],
"args": list(parse_typed_value(x) for x in entry[1][2:])
"result": parse_typed_value(entry[2]) if len(entry) == 3 else None
print("Ignoring unknown assertion argument", entry[1][0], file=stderr)
elif len(entry) >= 2 and entry[0][0] == 'invoke':
# toplevel invoke :shrug:
"kind": "ignore",
"function": {
"name": entry[1][1],
"args": list(parse_typed_value(x) for x in entry[1][2:])
"result": parse_typed_value(entry[2]) if len(entry) == 3 else None
print("Ignoring unknown entry", entry, file=stderr)
return tests
def genarg(spec):
if spec['type'] == 'error':
return '0'
def gen():
x = spec['value']
if x == 'nan':
return 'NaN'
if x == '-nan':
return '-NaN'
2021-05-23 18:52:46 +00:00
x = float(x)
2021-05-07 05:32:58 +00:00
if math.isnan(x):
# FIXME: This is going to mess up the different kinds of nan
return '-NaN' if math.copysign(1.0, x) < 0 else 'NaN'
if math.isinf(x):
return 'Infinity' if x > 0 else '-Infinity'
return str(x)
except ValueError:
2021-05-23 18:52:46 +00:00
x = float.fromhex(x)
if math.isnan(x):
# FIXME: This is going to mess up the different kinds of nan
return '-NaN' if math.copysign(1.0, x) < 0 else 'NaN'
if math.isinf(x):
return 'Infinity' if x > 0 else '-Infinity'
2021-05-07 05:32:58 +00:00
return str(x)
except ValueError:
2021-05-23 18:52:46 +00:00
x = int(x, 0)
return str(x)
except ValueError:
return x
2021-05-07 05:32:58 +00:00
x = gen()
if x.startswith('nan'):
return 'NaN'
if x.startswith('-nan'):
return '-NaN'
return x
all_names_in_main = {}
def genresult(ident, entry):
if entry['kind'] == 'return':
return_check = f'expect({ident}_result).toBe({genarg(entry["result"])})' if entry["result"] is not None else ''
return (
f'let {ident}_result ='
f' module.invoke({ident}, {", ".join(genarg(x) for x in entry["function"]["args"])});\n '
f'{return_check};\n '
if entry['kind'] == 'trap':
return (
f'expect(() => module.invoke({ident}, {", ".join(genarg(x) for x in entry["function"]["args"])}))'
'.toThrow(TypeError, "Execution trapped");\n '
if entry['kind'] == 'ignore':
return f'module.invoke({ident}, {", ".join(genarg(x) for x in entry["function"]["args"])});\n '
return f'throw Exception("(Test Generator) Unknown test kind {entry["kind"]}");\n '
def gentest(entry, main_name):
2021-05-23 18:52:46 +00:00
name = json.dumps(entry["function"]["name"])[1:-1]
2021-05-07 05:32:58 +00:00
if type(name) != str:
print("Unsupported test case (call to", name, ")", file=stderr)
return '\n '
ident = '_' + re.sub("[^a-zA-Z_0-9]", "_", name)
count = all_names_in_main.get(name, 0)
all_names_in_main[name] = count + 1
test_name = f'execution of {main_name}: {name} (instance {count})'
source = (
f'test({json.dumps(test_name)}, () => {{\n'
f'let {ident} = module.getExport({json.dumps(name)});\n '
f'expect({ident}).not.toBeUndefined();\n '
f'{genresult(ident, entry)}'
'});\n\n '
return source
def gen_parse_module(name):
return (
f'let content;\n '
f'try {{\n '
f'content = readBinaryWasmFile("Fixtures/SpecTests/{name}.wasm");\n '
f'}} catch {{ read_okay = false; }}\n '
f'const module = parseWebAssemblyModule(content)\n '
def main():
with open(argv[1]) as f:
sexp = f.read()
name = argv[2]
module_output_path = argv[3]
ast = parse(sexp)
for index, description in enumerate(generate(ast)):
testname = f'{name}_{index}'
outpath = path.join(module_output_path, f'{testname}.wasm')
with NamedTemporaryFile("w+") as temp:
rc = call(["wasm-as", "-n", temp.name, "-o", outpath])
if rc != 0:
print("Failed to compile", name, "module index", index, "skipping that test", file=stderr)
sep = ""
let readOkay = true;
if (readOkay) {{
{sep.join(gentest(x, testname) for x in description["tests"])}
if __name__ == "__main__":