2020-02-14 13:17:26 +01:00
* Copyright ( c ) 2020 , Andreas Kling < kling @ serenityos . org >
2021-04-22 01:24:48 -07:00
* SPDX - License - Identifier : BSD - 2 - Clause
2020-02-14 13:17:26 +01:00
2022-03-18 19:23:24 +01:00
# include <AK/LexicalPath.h>
2020-02-14 13:17:26 +01:00
# include <AK/StringBuilder.h>
2023-04-26 19:21:46 -04:00
# include <LibCore/File.h>
2020-02-14 13:17:26 +01:00
# include <LibCore/MimeData.h>
namespace Core {
2022-12-04 18:02:33 +00:00
Vector < DeprecatedString > MimeData : : formats ( ) const
2020-02-14 13:17:26 +01:00
2022-12-04 18:02:33 +00:00
Vector < DeprecatedString > mime_types ;
2020-02-14 13:17:26 +01:00
mime_types . ensure_capacity ( m_data . size ( ) ) ;
2021-05-14 20:53:27 +02:00
for ( auto & it : m_data )
2023-08-21 17:06:49 +02:00
mime_types . unchecked_append ( it . key . to_deprecated_string ( ) ) ;
2020-02-14 13:17:26 +01:00
return mime_types ;
Vector < URL > MimeData : : urls ( ) const
2023-08-21 17:06:49 +02:00
auto it = m_data . find ( " text/uri-list " sv ) ;
2020-02-14 13:17:26 +01:00
if ( it = = m_data . end ( ) )
return { } ;
Vector < URL > urls ;
for ( auto & line : StringView ( it - > value ) . split_view ( ' \n ' ) ) {
urls . append ( URL ( line ) ) ;
return urls ;
2023-03-07 14:31:34 +01:00
ErrorOr < void > MimeData : : set_urls ( Vector < URL > const & urls )
2020-02-14 13:17:26 +01:00
StringBuilder builder ;
for ( auto & url : urls ) {
2023-03-07 14:33:39 +01:00
TRY ( builder . try_append ( url . to_deprecated_string ( ) ) ) ;
TRY ( builder . try_append ( ' \n ' ) ) ;
2020-02-14 13:17:26 +01:00
2023-08-21 17:06:49 +02:00
set_data ( " text/uri-list " _string , TRY ( builder . to_byte_buffer ( ) ) ) ;
2023-03-07 14:31:34 +01:00
return { } ;
2020-02-14 13:17:26 +01:00
2022-12-04 18:02:33 +00:00
DeprecatedString MimeData : : text ( ) const
2020-02-14 13:17:26 +01:00
2023-08-21 17:06:49 +02:00
return DeprecatedString : : copy ( m_data . get ( " text/plain " sv ) . value_or ( { } ) ) ;
2020-02-14 13:17:26 +01:00
2022-12-04 18:02:33 +00:00
void MimeData : : set_text ( DeprecatedString const & text )
2020-02-14 13:17:26 +01:00
2023-08-21 17:06:49 +02:00
set_data ( " text/plain " _string , text . to_byte_buffer ( ) ) ;
2020-02-14 13:17:26 +01:00
2023-07-11 19:00:23 -04:00
// FIXME: Share this, TextEditor and HackStudio language detection somehow.
static Array constexpr s_plaintext_suffixes = {
// Extensions
2023-07-10 18:27:58 +03:00
" .c " sv ,
" .cpp " sv ,
" .gml " sv ,
" .h " sv ,
" .hpp " sv ,
" .ini " sv ,
" .ipc " sv ,
2023-07-11 19:00:23 -04:00
" .txt " sv ,
2023-07-10 18:27:58 +03:00
2023-07-11 19:00:23 -04:00
// Base names
2023-07-10 18:27:58 +03:00
" .history " sv ,
" .shellrc " sv
" CMakeLists.txt " sv ,
} ;
2023-07-11 19:00:23 -04:00
static Array const s_registered_mime_type = {
MimeType { . name = " application/gzip " sv , . common_extensions = { " .gz " sv , " .gzip " sv } , . description = " GZIP compressed data " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x1F , 0x8B } } ,
MimeType { . name = " application/javascript " sv , . common_extensions = { " .js " sv } , . description = " JavaScript source " sv } ,
MimeType { . name = " application/json " sv , . common_extensions = { " .json " sv } , . description = " JSON data " sv } ,
MimeType { . name = " application/pdf " sv , . common_extensions = { " .pdf " sv } , . description = " PDF document " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x25 , ' P ' , ' D ' , ' F ' , 0x2D } } ,
MimeType { . name = " application/rtf " sv , . common_extensions = { " .rtf " sv } , . description = " Rich text file " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x7B , 0x5C , 0x72 , 0x74 , 0x66 , 0x31 } } ,
MimeType { . name = " application/tar " sv , . common_extensions = { " .tar " sv } , . description = " Tape archive " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x75 , 0x73 , 0x74 , 0x61 , 0x72 } , . offset = 0x101 } ,
MimeType { . name = " application/vnd.iccprofile " sv , . common_extensions = { " .icc " sv } , . description = " ICC color profile " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' a ' , ' c ' , ' s ' , ' p ' } , . offset = 36 } ,
MimeType { . name = " application/vnd.sqlite3 " sv , . common_extensions = { " .sqlite " sv } , . description = " SQLite database " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' S ' , ' Q ' , ' L ' , ' i ' , ' t ' , ' e ' , ' ' , ' f ' , ' o ' , ' r ' , ' m ' , ' a ' , ' t ' , ' ' , ' 3 ' , 0x00 } } ,
MimeType { . name = " application/wasm " sv , . common_extensions = { " .wasm " sv } , . description = " WebAssembly bytecode " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x00 , ' a ' , ' s ' , ' m ' } } ,
MimeType { . name = " application/x-7z-compressed " sv , . common_extensions = { " 7z " sv } , . description = " 7-Zip archive " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x37 , 0x7A , 0xBC , 0xAF , 0x27 , 0x1C } } ,
MimeType { . name = " application/x-blender " sv , . common_extensions = { " .blend " sv , " .blended " sv } , . description = " Blender project file " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' B ' , ' L ' , ' E ' , ' N ' , ' D ' , ' E ' , ' R ' } } ,
MimeType { . name = " application/x-bzip2 " sv , . common_extensions = { " .bz2 " sv } , . description = " BZIP2 compressed data " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' B ' , ' Z ' , ' h ' } } ,
MimeType { . name = " application/x-sheets+json " sv , . common_extensions = { " .sheets " sv } , . description = " Serenity Spreadsheet document " sv } ,
MimeType { . name = " application/zip " sv , . common_extensions = { " .zip " sv } , . description = " ZIP archive " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x50 , 0x4B } } ,
MimeType { . name = " audio/flac " sv , . common_extensions = { " .flac " sv } , . description = " FLAC audio " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' f ' , ' L ' , ' a ' , ' C ' } } ,
MimeType { . name = " audio/midi " sv , . common_extensions = { " .mid " sv } , . description = " MIDI notes " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x4D , 0x54 , 0x68 , 0x64 } } ,
MimeType { . name = " audio/mpeg " sv , . common_extensions = { " .mp3 " sv } , . description = " MP3 audio " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0xFF , 0xFB } } ,
MimeType { . name = " audio/qoa " sv , . common_extensions = { " .qoa " sv } , . description = " Quite OK Audio " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' q ' , ' o ' , ' a ' , ' f ' } } ,
MimeType { . name = " audio/wav " sv , . common_extensions = { " .wav " sv } , . description = " WAVE audio " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' W ' , ' A ' , ' V ' , ' E ' } , . offset = 8 } ,
MimeType { . name = " extra/elf " sv , . common_extensions = { " .elf " sv } , . description = " ELF " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x7F , ' E ' , ' L ' , ' F ' } } ,
MimeType { . name = " extra/ext " sv , . description = " EXT filesystem " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x53 , 0xEF } , . offset = 0x438 } ,
MimeType { . name = " extra/iso-9660 " sv , . common_extensions = { " .iso " sv } , . description = " ISO 9660 CD/DVD image " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x43 , 0x44 , 0x30 , 0x30 , 0x31 } , . offset = 0x8001 } ,
MimeType { . name = " extra/iso-9660 " sv , . common_extensions = { " .iso " sv } , . description = " ISO 9660 CD/DVD image " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x43 , 0x44 , 0x30 , 0x30 , 0x31 } , . offset = 0x8801 } ,
MimeType { . name = " extra/iso-9660 " sv , . common_extensions = { " .iso " sv } , . description = " ISO 9660 CD/DVD image " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x43 , 0x44 , 0x30 , 0x30 , 0x31 } , . offset = 0x9001 } ,
MimeType { . name = " extra/isz " sv , . common_extensions = { " .isz " sv } , . description = " Compressed ISO image " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' I ' , ' s ' , ' Z ' , ' ! ' } } ,
MimeType { . name = " extra/lua-bytecode " sv , . description = " Lua bytecode " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x1B , ' L ' , ' u ' , ' a ' } } ,
MimeType { . name = " extra/nes-rom " sv , . common_extensions = { " .nes " sv } , . description = " Nintendo Entertainment System ROM " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' N ' , ' E ' , ' S ' , 0x1A } } ,
MimeType { . name = " extra/qcow " sv , . common_extensions = { " .qcow " sv , " .qcow2 " sv , " .qcow3 " sv } , . description = " QCOW file " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' Q ' , ' F ' , ' I ' } } ,
MimeType { . name = " extra/raw-zlib " sv , . description = " Raw zlib stream " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x78 , 0x01 } } ,
MimeType { . name = " extra/raw-zlib " sv , . description = " Raw zlib stream " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x78 , 0x5E } } ,
MimeType { . name = " extra/raw-zlib " sv , . description = " Raw zlib stream " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x78 , 0x9C } } ,
MimeType { . name = " extra/raw-zlib " sv , . description = " Raw zlib stream " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x78 , 0xDA } } ,
MimeType { . name = " extra/raw-zlib " sv , . description = " Raw zlib stream " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x78 , 0x20 } } ,
MimeType { . name = " extra/raw-zlib " sv , . description = " Raw zlib stream " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x78 , 0x7D } } ,
MimeType { . name = " extra/raw-zlib " sv , . description = " Raw zlib stream " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x78 , 0xBB } } ,
MimeType { . name = " extra/raw-zlib " sv , . description = " Raw zlib stream " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x78 , 0xF9 } } ,
MimeType { . name = " extra/win-31x-compressed " sv , . description = " Windows 3.1X compressed file " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' K ' , ' W ' , ' A ' , ' J ' } } ,
MimeType { . name = " extra/win-95-compressed " sv , . description = " Windows 95 compressed file " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' S ' , ' Z ' , ' D ' , ' D ' } } ,
2023-06-27 15:02:19 +01:00
MimeType { . name = " font/otf " sv , . common_extensions = { " otf " sv } , . description = " OpenType font " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' O ' , ' T ' , ' T ' , ' F ' } } ,
MimeType { . name = " font/ttf " sv , . common_extensions = { " ttf " sv } , . description = " TrueType font " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x00 , 0x01 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 } } ,
MimeType { . name = " font/woff " sv , . common_extensions = { " woff " sv } , . description = " WOFF font " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' W ' , ' O ' , ' F ' , ' F ' } } ,
MimeType { . name = " font/woff2 " sv , . common_extensions = { " woff2 " sv } , . description = " WOFF2 font " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' W ' , ' O ' , ' F ' , ' 2 ' } } ,
2023-07-11 19:00:23 -04:00
MimeType { . name = " image/bmp " sv , . common_extensions = { " .bmp " sv } , . description = " BMP image data " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' B ' , ' M ' } } ,
MimeType { . name = " image/gif " sv , . common_extensions = { " .gif " sv } , . description = " GIF image data " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' G ' , ' I ' , ' F ' , ' 8 ' , ' 7 ' , ' a ' } } ,
MimeType { . name = " image/gif " sv , . common_extensions = { " .gif " sv } , . description = " GIF image data " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' G ' , ' I ' , ' F ' , ' 8 ' , ' 9 ' , ' a ' } } ,
MimeType { . name = " image/jpeg " sv , . common_extensions = { " .jpg " sv , " .jpeg " sv } , . description = " JPEG image data " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0xFF , 0xD8 , 0xFF } } ,
2023-07-04 00:16:52 -04:00
MimeType { . name = " image/jxl " sv , . common_extensions = { " .jxl " sv } , . description = " JPEG XL image data " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0xFF , 0x0A } } ,
2023-07-11 19:00:23 -04:00
MimeType { . name = " image/png " sv , . common_extensions = { " .png " sv } , . description = " PNG image data " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x89 , ' P ' , ' N ' , ' G ' , 0x0D , 0x0A , 0x1A , 0x0A } } ,
MimeType { . name = " image/svg+xml " sv , . common_extensions = { " .svg " sv } , . description = " Scalable Vector Graphics image " sv } ,
MimeType { . name = " image/tiff " sv , . common_extensions = { " .tiff " sv } , . description = " TIFF image data " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' I ' , ' I ' , ' * ' , 0x00 } } ,
MimeType { . name = " image/tiff " sv , . common_extensions = { " .tiff " sv } , . description = " TIFF image data " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' M ' , ' M ' , 0x00 , ' * ' } } ,
MimeType { . name = " image/tinyvg " sv , . common_extensions = { " .tvg " sv } , . description = " TinyVG vector graphics " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x72 , 0x56 } } ,
2023-07-14 12:37:58 -04:00
MimeType { . name = " image/vnd.ms-dds " sv , . common_extensions = { " .dds " sv } , . description = " DDS image data " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' D ' , ' D ' , ' S ' , ' ' } } ,
2023-07-11 19:00:23 -04:00
MimeType { . name = " image/webp " sv , . common_extensions = { " .webp " sv } , . description = " WebP image data " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' W ' , ' E ' , ' B ' , ' P ' } , . offset = 8 } ,
2023-07-17 12:32:54 -04:00
MimeType { . name = " image/x-icon " sv , . common_extensions = { " .ico " sv } , . description = " ICO image data " sv } ,
2023-07-29 16:24:01 +02:00
MimeType { . name = " image/x-ilbm " sv , . common_extensions = { " .iff " sv } , . description = " Interleaved bitmap image data " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x46 , 0x4F , 0x52 , 0x4F } } ,
2023-07-11 19:00:23 -04:00
MimeType { . name = " image/x-portable-bitmap " sv , . common_extensions = { " .pbm " sv } , . description = " PBM image data " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x50 , 0x31 , 0x0A } } ,
MimeType { . name = " image/x-portable-graymap " sv , . common_extensions = { " .pgm " sv } , . description = " PGM image data " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x50 , 0x32 , 0x0A } } ,
MimeType { . name = " image/x-portable-pixmap " sv , . common_extensions = { " .ppm " sv } , . description = " PPM image data " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x50 , 0x33 , 0x0A } } ,
MimeType { . name = " image/x-qoi " sv , . common_extensions = { " .qoi " sv } , . description = " QOI image data " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' q ' , ' o ' , ' i ' , ' f ' } } ,
MimeType { . name = " image/x-targa " sv , . common_extensions = { " .tga " sv } , . description = " Targa image data " sv } ,
MimeType { . name = " text/css " sv , . common_extensions = { " .css " sv } , . description = " Cascading Style Sheet " sv } ,
MimeType { . name = " text/csv " sv , . common_extensions = { " .csv " sv } , . description = " CSV text " sv } ,
2023-09-03 11:51:28 +02:00
MimeType { . name = " text/html " sv , . common_extensions = { " .html " sv , " .htm " sv , " .xht " sv , " / " sv } , . description = " HTML document " sv } , // FIXME: The "/" seems dubious
2023-07-11 19:00:23 -04:00
MimeType { . name = " text/markdown " sv , . common_extensions = { " .md " sv } , . description = " Markdown document " sv } ,
MimeType { . name = " text/plain " sv , . common_extensions = Vector ( s_plaintext_suffixes . span ( ) ) , . description = " plain text " sv } ,
MimeType { . name = " text/x-shellscript " sv , . common_extensions = { " .sh " sv } , . description = " POSIX shell script text executable " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { ' # ' , ' ! ' , ' / ' , ' b ' , ' i ' , ' n ' , ' / ' , ' s ' , ' h ' , ' \n ' } } ,
MimeType { . name = " video/matroska " sv , . common_extensions = { " .mkv " sv } , . description = " Matroska container " sv , . magic_bytes = Vector < u8 > { 0x1A , 0x45 , 0xDF , 0xA3 } } ,
MimeType { . name = " video/webm " sv , . common_extensions = { " .webm " sv } , . description = " WebM video " sv } ,
} ;
2023-07-10 18:27:58 +03:00
2023-01-20 01:57:33 +02:00
StringView guess_mime_type_based_on_filename ( StringView path )
2020-07-27 19:49:43 +02:00
2023-07-11 19:00:23 -04:00
for ( auto const & mime_type : s_registered_mime_type ) {
for ( auto const possible_extension : mime_type . common_extensions ) {
if ( path . ends_with ( possible_extension ) )
return mime_type . name ;
2023-07-10 18:27:58 +03:00
2023-01-20 01:57:33 +02:00
return " application/octet-stream " sv ;
2020-07-27 19:49:43 +02:00
2023-02-01 21:39:31 +02:00
Optional < StringView > guess_mime_type_based_on_sniffed_bytes ( ReadonlyBytes bytes )
2021-05-03 21:48:21 +03:00
2023-07-11 19:00:23 -04:00
for ( auto const & mime_type : s_registered_mime_type ) {
if ( mime_type . magic_bytes . has_value ( )
& & bytes . size ( ) > = mime_type . offset
& & bytes . slice ( mime_type . offset ) . starts_with ( * mime_type . magic_bytes ) ) {
return mime_type . name ;
2021-05-03 21:48:21 +03:00
return { } ;
2023-04-26 19:21:46 -04:00
2023-07-11 19:03:23 -04:00
Optional < StringView > get_description_from_mime_type ( StringView mime_name )
for ( auto const & mime_type : s_registered_mime_type ) {
if ( mime_name = = mime_type . name )
return mime_type . description ;
return OptionalNone { } ;
2023-02-01 21:39:31 +02:00
Optional < StringView > guess_mime_type_based_on_sniffed_bytes ( Core : : File & file )
2023-04-26 19:21:46 -04:00
// Read accounts for longest possible offset + signature we currently match against (extra/iso-9660)
auto maybe_buffer = ByteBuffer : : create_uninitialized ( 0x9006 ) ;
if ( maybe_buffer . is_error ( ) )
return { } ;
auto maybe_bytes = file . read_some ( maybe_buffer . value ( ) ) ;
if ( maybe_bytes . is_error ( ) )
return { } ;
return Core : : guess_mime_type_based_on_sniffed_bytes ( maybe_bytes . value ( ) ) ;
2020-02-14 13:17:26 +01:00