mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 12:52:09 +00:00
672 lines
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672 lines
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#### Global configuration ######################################################
# Default display name for all accounts. It is used to build the full
# email address of an account: "Example" <example@localhost>
display-name = "Example"
# Default signature for all accounts. The signature is put at the
# bottom of all messages. It can be a path or a string. Supports TOML
# multilines.
# signature = "/path/to/signature/file"
# signature = """
# Thanks you,
# Regards
# """
signature = "Regards,\n"
# Default signature delimiter for all accounts. It delimits the end of
# the message body from the signature.
signature-delim = "-- \n"
# Default downloads directory path for all accounts. It is mostly used
# for downloading attachments. Defaults to the system temporary
# directory.
downloads-dir = "~/downloads"
# Customizes the charset used to build the table. Defaults to markdown
# table style.
# See <https://docs.rs/comfy-table/latest/comfy_table/presets/index.html>.
account.list.table.preset = "|| |-||| "
# Customizes the color of the NAME column of the account listing
# table.
account.list.table.name-color = "green"
# Customizes the color of the BACKENDS column of the account listing
# table.
account.list.table.backends-color = "blue"
# Customizes the color of the DEFAULT column of the account listing
# table.
account.list.table.default-color = "black"
#### Account configuration #####################################################
# Defaultness of the account. The current account will be used by
# default in all commands.
default = true
# The email address associated to the current account.
email = "example@localhost"
# The display name of the account. This and the email are used to
# build the full email address: "Example" <example@localhost>
display-name = "Example"
# The signature put at the bottom of composed messages. It can be a
# path or a string. Supports TOML multilines.
#signature = "/path/to/signature/file"
#signature = """
# Thanks you,
# Regards
signature = "Regards,\n"
# Signature delimiter. It delimits the end of the message body from
# the signature.
signature-delim = "-- \n"
# Downloads directory path. It is mostly used for downloading
# attachments. Defaults to the system temporary directory.
downloads-dir = "~/downloads"
#### Folder configuration ##############
# Defines aliases for your mailboxes. There are 4 special aliases used
# by the tool: inbox, sent, drafts and trash. Other aliases can be
# defined as well.
folder.alias.inbox = "INBOX"
folder.alias.sent = "Sent"
folder.alias.drafts = "Drafts"
folder.alias.trash = "Trash"
folder.alias.a23 = "Archives/2023"
# Customizes the number of folders to show by page.
folder.list.page-size = 10
# Customizes the charset used to build the table. Defaults to markdown
# table style.
# See <https://docs.rs/comfy-table/latest/comfy_table/presets/index.html>.
folder.list.table.preset = "|| |-||| "
# Customizes the color of the NAME column of the folder listing table.
folder.list.table.name-color = "blue"
# Customizes the color of the DESC column of the folder listing table.
folder.list.table.desc-color = "green"
#### Envelope configuration ############
# Customizes the number of envelopes to show by page.
envelope.list.page-size = 10
# Customizes the format of the envelope date.
# See supported formats at <https://docs.rs/chrono/latest/chrono/format/strftime/>.
envelope.list.datetime-fmt = "%F %R%:z"
# Transforms envelopes date timezone into the user's local one. For
# example, if the user's local timezone is UTC, the envelope date
# `2023-06-15T09:00:00+02:00` becomes `2023-06-15T07:00:00-00:00`.
envelope.list.datetime-local-tz = true
# Customizes the charset used to build the table. Defaults to markdown
# table style.
# See <https://docs.rs/comfy-table/latest/comfy_table/presets/index.html>.
envelope.list.table.preset = "|| |-||| "
# Customizes the character of the unseen flag of the envelope listing
# table.
envelope.list.table.unseen-char = "*"
# Customizes the character of the replied flag of the envelope listing
# table.
envelope.list.table.replied-char = "R"
# Customizes the character of the flagged flag of the envelope listing
# table.
envelope.list.table.flagged-char = "!"
# Customizes the character of the attachment property of the envelope
# listing table.
envelope.list.table.attachment-char = "@"
# Customizes the color of the ID column of the envelope listing table.
envelope.list.table.id-color = "red"
# Customizes the color of the FLAGS column of the envelope listing
# table.
envelope.list.table.flags-color = "black"
# Customizes the color of the SUBJECT column of the envelope listing
# table.
envelope.list.table.subject-color = "green"
# Customizes the color of the SENDER column of the envelope listing
# table.
envelope.list.table.sender-color = "blue"
# Customizes the color of the DATE column of the envelope listing
# table.
envelope.list.table.date-color = "yellow"
#### Message configuration #############
# Defines headers to show at the top of messages when reading them.
message.read.headers = ["From", "To", "Cc", "Subject"]
# Represents the message text/plain format as defined in the
# RFC2646.
# See <https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2646.txt>.
#message.read.format.fixed = 80
#message.read.format = "flowed"
message.read.format = "auto"
# Defines headers to show at the top of messages when writing them.
message.write.headers = ["From", "To", "In-Reply-To", "Cc", "Subject"]
# Saves a copy of sent messages to the sent folder. The sent folder is
# taken from folder.alias, defaults to Sent.
message.send.save-copy = true
# Hook called just before sending a message. The command should take a
# raw message as standard input (stdin) and returns the modified raw
# message to the standard output (stdout).
message.send.pre-hook = "process-markdown.sh"
# Customizes the message deletion style. Message deletion can be
# performed either by moving messages to the Trash folder or by adding
# the Deleted flag to their respective envelopes.
#message.delete.style = "flag"
message.delete.style = "folder"
#### Template configuration ############
# Defines how and where the signature should be displayed when writing
# a new message.
#template.new.signature-style = "hidden"
#template.new.signature-style = "attached"
template.new.signature-style = "inlined"
# Defines the posting style when replying to a message.
# See <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posting_style>.
#template.reply.posting-style = "interleaved"
#template.reply.posting-style = "bottom"
template.reply.posting-style = "top"
# Defines how and where the signature should be displayed when
# repyling to a message.
#template.reply.signature-style = "hidden"
#template.reply.signature-style = "attached"
#template.reply.signature-style = "above-quote"
template.reply.signature-style = "below-quote"
# Defines the headline format put at the top of a quote when replying
# to a message.
# Available placeholders: {senders}
# See supported date formats at <https://docs.rs/chrono/latest/chrono/format/strftime/>.
template.reply.quote-headline-fmt = "On %d/%m/%Y %H:%M, {senders} wrote:\n"
# Defines the posting style when forwarding a message.
# See <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posting_style>.
#template.forward.posting-style = "attached"
template.forward.posting-style = "top"
# Defines how and where the signature should be displayed when
# forwarding a message.
#template.forward.signature-style = "hidden"
#template.forward.signature-style = "attached"
template.forward.signature-style = "inlined"
# Defines the headline format put at the top of the quote when
# forwarding a message.
template.forward.quote-headline = "-------- Forwarded Message --------\n"
#### GPG-based PGP configuration #######
# Enables PGP using GPG bindings. It requires the GPG lib to be
# installed on the system, and the `pgp-gpg` cargo feature on.
#pgp.type = "gpg"
#### Command-based PGP configuration ###
# Enables PGP using shell commands. A PGP client needs to be installed
# on the system, like gpg. It also requires the `pgp-commands` cargo
# feature.
#pgp.type = "commands"
# Defines the encrypt command. The special placeholder `<recipients>`
# represents the list of recipients, formatted by
# `pgp.encrypt-recipient-fmt`.
#pgp.encrypt-cmd = "gpg --encrypt --quiet --armor <recipients>"
# Formats recipients for `pgp.encrypt-cmd`. The special placeholder
# `<recipient>` is replaced by an actual recipient at runtime.
#pgp.encrypt-recipient-fmt = "--recipient <recipient>"
# Defines the separator used between formatted recipients
# `pgp.encrypt-recipient-fmt`.
#pgp.encrypt-recipients-sep = " "
# Defines the decrypt command.
#pgp.decrypt-cmd = "gpg --decrypt --quiet"
# Defines the sign command.
#pgp.sign-cmd = "gpg --sign --quiet --armor"
# Defines the verify command.
#pgp.verify-cmd = "gpg --verify --quiet"
#### Native PGP configuration ##########
# Enables the native Rust implementation of PGP. It requires the
# `pgp-native` cargo feature.
#pgp.type = "native"
# Defines where to find the PGP secret key.
#pgp.secret-key.path = "/path/to/secret.key"
#pgp.secret-key.keyring = "my-pgp-secret-key"
# Defines how to retrieve the PGP secret key passphrase.
#pgp.secret-key-passphrase.raw = "p@assw0rd"
#pgp.secret-key-passphrase.keyring = "my-pgp-passphrase"
#pgp.secret-key-passphrase.cmd = "pass show pgp-passphrase"
# Enables the Web Key Discovery protocol to discover recipients'
# public key based on their email address.
#pgp.wkd = true
# Enables public key servers discovery.
#pgp.key-servers = ["hkps://keys.openpgp.org", "hkps://keys.mailvelope.com"]
#### IMAP configuration ################
# Defines the IMAP backend as the default one for all features.
backend.type = "imap"
# IMAP server host name.
backend.host = "localhost"
# IMAP server port.
#backend.port = 143
backend.port = 993
# IMAP server encryption.
#backend.encryption = "none" # or false
#backend.encryption = "start-tls"
backend.encryption = "tls" # or true
# IMAP server login.
backend.login = "example@localhost"
# IMAP server password authentication configuration.
backend.auth.type = "password"
# Password can be inlined (not recommended).
#backend.auth.raw = "p@assw0rd"
# Password can be stored inside your system global keyring (requires
# the keyring cargo feature). You must run at least once `himalaya
# account configure` to set up the password.
#backend.auth.keyring = "example-imap"
# Password can be retrieved from a shell command.
backend.auth.cmd = "pass show example-imap"
# IMAP server OAuth 2.0 authorization configuration.
#backend.auth.type = "oauth2"
# Client identifier issued to the client during the registration
# process described in RFC6749.
# See <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749#section-2.2>.
#backend.auth.client-id = "client-id"
# Client password issued to the client during the registration process
# described in RFC6749.
# Defaults to keyring "<account-name>-imap-client-secret".
# See <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749#section-2.2>.
#backend.auth.client-secret.raw = "<raw-client-secret>"
#backend.auth.client-secret.keyring = "example-imap-client-secret"
#backend.auth.client-secret.cmd = "pass show example-imap-client-secret"
# Method for presenting an OAuth 2.0 bearer token to a service for
# authentication.
#backend.auth.method = "oauthbearer"
#backend.auth.method = "xoauth2"
# URL of the authorization server's authorization endpoint.
#backend.auth.auth-url = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth"
# URL of the authorization server's token endpoint.
#backend.auth.token-url = "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/token"
# Access token returned by the token endpoint and used to access
# protected resources. It is recommended to use the keyring variant,
# as it will refresh automatically.
# Defaults to keyring "<account-name>-imap-access-token".
#backend.auth.access-token.raw = "<raw-access-token>"
#backend.auth.access-token.keyring = "example-imap-access-token"
#backend.auth.access-token.cmd = "pass show example-imap-access-token"
# Refresh token used to obtain a new access token (if supported by the
# authorization server). It is recommended to use the keyring variant,
# as it will refresh automatically.
# Defaults to keyring "<account-name>-imap-refresh-token".
#backend.auth.refresh-token.raw = "<raw-refresh-token>"
#backend.auth.refresh-token.keyring = "example-imap-refresh-token"
#backend.auth.refresh-token.cmd = "pass show example-imap-refresh-token"
# Enable the protection, as defined in RFC7636.
# See <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7636>.
#backend.auth.pkce = true
# Access token scope(s), as defined by the authorization server.
#backend.auth.scope = "unique scope"
#backend.auth.scopes = ["multiple", "scopes"]
# URL scheme of the redirect server.
# Defaults to http.
#backend.auth.redirect-scheme = "http"
# Host name of the redirect server.
# Defaults to localhost.
#backend.auth.redirect-host = "localhost"
# Port of the redirect server.
# Defaults to the first available one.
#backend.auth.redirect-port = 9999
#### Maildir configuration #############
# Defines the Maildir backend as the default one for all features.
#backend.type = "maildir"
# The Maildir root directory. The path should point to the root level
# of the Maildir directory.
#backend.root-dir = "~/.Mail/example"
# Does the Maildir folder follows the Maildir++ standard?
# See <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maildir#Maildir++>.
#backend.maildirpp = false
#### Notmuch configuration #############
# Defines the Notmuch backend as the default one for all features.
#backend.type = "notmuch"
# The path to the Notmuch database. The path should point to the root
# directory containing the Notmuch database (usually the root Maildir
# directory).
#backend.db-path = "~/.Mail/example"
# Overrides the default path to the Maildir folder.
#backend.maildir-path = "~/.Mail/example"
# Overrides the default Notmuch configuration file path.
#backend.config-path = "~/.notmuchrc"
# Override the default Notmuch profile name.
#backend.profile = "example"
#### SMTP configuration ################
# Defines the SMTP backend for the message sending feature.
message.send.backend.type = "smtp"
# SMTP server host name.
message.send.backend.host = "localhost"
# SMTP server port.
#message.send.backend.port = 25
#message.send.backend.port = 465
message.send.backend.port = 587
# SMTP server encryption.
#message.send.backend.encryption = "none" # or false
#message.send.backend.encryption = "start-tls"
message.send.backend.encryption = "tls" # or true
# SMTP server login.
message.send.backend.login = "example@localhost"
# SMTP server password authentication configuration.
message.send.backend.auth.type = "password"
# Password can be inlined (not recommended).
#message.send.backend.auth.raw = "p@assw0rd"
# Password can be stored inside your system global keyring (requires
# the keyring cargo feature). You must run at least once `himalaya
# account configure` to set up the password.
#message.send.backend.auth.keyring = "example-smtp"
# Password can be retrieved from a shell command.
message.send.backend.auth.cmd = "pass show example-smtp"
# SMTP server OAuth 2.0 authorization configuration.
#message.send.backend.auth.type = "oauth2"
# Client identifier issued to the client during the registration
# process described in RFC6749.
# See <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749#section-2.2>.
#message.send.backend.auth.client-id = "client-id"
# Client password issued to the client during the registration process
# described in RFC6749.
# Defaults to keyring "<account-name>-smtp-client-secret".
# See <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749#section-2.2>.
#message.send.backend.auth.client-secret.raw = "<raw-client-secret>"
#message.send.backend.auth.client-secret.keyring = "example-smtp-client-secret"
#message.send.backend.auth.client-secret.cmd = "pass show example-smtp-client-secret"
# Method for presenting an OAuth 2.0 bearer token to a service for
# authentication.
#message.send.backend.auth.method = "oauthbearer"
#message.send.backend.auth.method = "xoauth2"
# URL of the authorization server's authorization endpoint.
#message.send.backend.auth.auth-url = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth"
# URL of the authorization server's token endpoint.
#message.send.backend.auth.token-url = "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/token"
# Access token returned by the token endpoint and used to access
# protected resources. It is recommended to use the keyring variant,
# as it will refresh automatically.
# Defaults to keyring "<account-name>-smtp-access-token".
#message.send.backend.auth.access-token.raw = "<raw-access-token>"
#message.send.backend.auth.access-token.keyring = "example-smtp-access-token"
#message.send.backend.auth.access-token.cmd = "pass show example-smtp-access-token"
# Refresh token used to obtain a new access token (if supported by the
# authorization server). It is recommended to use the keyring variant,
# as it will refresh automatically.
# Defaults to keyring "<account-name>-smtp-refresh-token".
#message.send.backend.auth.refresh-token.raw = "<raw-refresh-token>"
#message.send.backend.auth.refresh-token.keyring = "example-smtp-refresh-token"
#message.send.backend.auth.refresh-token.cmd = "pass show example-smtp-refresh-token"
# Enable the protection, as defined in RFC7636.
# See <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7636>.
#message.send.backend.auth.pkce = true
# Access token scope(s), as defined by the authorization server.
#message.send.backend.auth.scope = "unique scope"
#message.send.backend.auth.scopes = ["multiple", "scopes"]
# URL scheme of the redirect server.
# Defaults to http.
#message.send.backend.auth.redirect-scheme = "http"
# Host name of the redirect server.
# Defaults to localhost.
#message.send.backend.auth.redirect-host = "localhost"
# Port of the redirect server.
# Defaults to the first available one.
#message.send.backend.auth.redirect-port = 9999
#### Sendmail configuration ############
# Defines the Sendmail backend for the message sending feature.
#message.send.backend.type = "sendmail"
# Customizes the sendmail shell command.
#message.send.backend.cmd = "/usr/bin/sendmail"