725 lines
21 KiB
725 lines
21 KiB
* This file is part of the ForkBB <https://github.com/forkbb>.
* @copyright (c) Visman <mio.visman@yandex.ru, https://github.com/MioVisman>
* @license The MIT License (MIT)
namespace ForkBB\Core;
use ForkBB\Core\Container;
use ForkBB\Core\Exceptions\MailException;
use ForkBB\Core\Exceptions\SmtpException;
use SensitiveParameter;
use function \ForkBB\e;
class Mail
protected string $folder;
protected string $language;
protected string $from;
protected array $to = [];
protected array $headers = [];
protected string $message;
protected ?array $smtp = null;
protected string $EOL;
protected $connect;
protected int $auth = 0;
protected int $maxRecipients = 1;
protected array $tplHeaders = [
'Subject' => true,
'Content-Type' => true,
protected string $response;
public function __construct(string $host, string $user, #[SensitiveParameter] string $pass, int $ssl, string $eol, protected Container $c)
if ('' != $host) {
$hp = \explode(':', $host, 2);
if (
|| ! \is_int($hp[1] + 0)
|| $hp[1] < 1
|| $hp[1] > 65535
) {
$hp[1] = 25;
$this->smtp = [
'host' => ($ssl ? 'ssl://' : '') . $hp[0],
'port' => (int) $hp[1],
'user' => $user,
'pass' => $pass,
'timeout' => 15,
$this->EOL = "\r\n";
} else {
$this->EOL = \in_array($eol, ["\r\n", "\n", "\r"], true) ? $eol : \PHP_EOL;
* Валидация email
public function valid(mixed $email, bool $strict = false, bool $idna = false): string|false
if (
! \is_string($email)
|| \mb_strlen($email, 'UTF-8') > 80 // for DB
|| ! \preg_match('%^([^\x00-\x1F]+)@([^\x00-\x1F\s@]++)$%Du', $email, $matches)
) {
return false;
$local = $matches[1];
$domain = $domainASCII = $matches[2];
if (
'[' === $domain[0]
&& ']' === $domain[-1]
) {
if (1 === \strpos($domain, 'IPv6:')) {
$ip = \substr($domain, 6, -1);
} else {
$ip = \substr($domain, 1, -1);
if (false === \filter_var($ip, \FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) {
return false;
} else {
$ip = null;
if (\preg_match('%[\x80-\xFF]%', $domain)) {
$domainASCII = \idn_to_ascii($domain, 0, \INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46);
if (false === \filter_var("{$local}@{$domainASCII}", \FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL, \FILTER_FLAG_EMAIL_UNICODE)) {
return false;
if ($strict) {
$level = $this->c->ErrorHandler->logOnly(\E_WARNING);
if ($ip) {
$mx = \checkdnsrr($ip, 'MX'); // ipv6 в пролёте :(
} else {
$mx = \dns_get_record($domainASCII, \DNS_MX);
if (empty($mx)) {
return false;
return $local . '@' . ($idna ? $domainASCII : $domain);
* Устанавливает максимальное кол-во получателей в одном письме
public function setMaxRecipients(int $max): Mail
$this->maxRecipients = $max;
return $this;
* Сброс
public function reset(): Mail
$this->to = [];
$this->headers = [
'MIME-Version' => '1.0',
'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => '8bit',
'Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8',
'X-Mailer' => 'ForkBB Mailer',
$this->message = '';
return $this;
* Задает тему письма
public function setSubject(string $subject): Mail
$this->headers['Subject'] = $this->encodeText(\preg_replace('%[\x00-\x1F]%', '', \trim($subject)));
return $this;
* Добавляет заголовок To
public function addTo(string|array $email, string $name = null): Mail
if (! \is_array($email)) {
$email = \preg_split('%[,\n\r]%', $email, -1, \PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
foreach ($email as $cur) {
$cur = $this->valid(\trim((string) $cur), false, true);
if (false !== $cur) {
$this->to[$cur] = $name ?? '';
return $this;
* Задает заголовок To
public function setTo(array|string $email, string $name = null): Mail
$this->to = [];
return $this->addTo($email, $name ?? '');
* Задает заголовок From
public function setFrom(string $email, string $name = null): Mail
$email = $this->valid($email, false, true);
if (false !== $email) {
$this->from = $email;
$this->headers['From'] = $this->formatAddress($email, $name);
return $this;
* Задает заголовок Reply-To
public function setReplyTo(string $email, string $name = null): Mail
$email = $this->valid($email, false, true);
if (false !== $email) {
$this->headers['Reply-To'] = $this->formatAddress($email, $name);
return $this;
* Форматирование адреса
protected function formatAddress(string $email, ?string $name): string
if (
null === $name
|| ! isset($name[0])
) {
return $email;
} else {
$name = $this->encodeText($this->filterName($name));
return \sprintf('"%s" <%s>', $name, $email);
* Кодирование заголовка/имени
protected function encodeText(string $str): string
if (\preg_match('%[^\x20-\x7F]%', $str)) {
return '=?UTF-8?B?' . \base64_encode($str) . '?=';
} else {
return $str;
* Фильтрация имени
protected function filterName(string $name): string
return \addcslashes(\preg_replace('%[\x00-\x1F]%', '', \trim($name)), '\\"');
* Установка папки для поиска шаблонов писем
public function setFolder(string $folder): Mail
$this->folder = $folder;
return $this;
* Установка языка для поиска шаблонов писем
public function setLanguage(string $language): Mail
$this->language = $language;
return $this;
* Задает сообщение по шаблону
public function setTpl(string $tpl, array $data): Mail
$file = \rtrim($this->folder, '\\/') . '/' . $this->language . '/mail/' . $tpl;
if (! \is_file($file)) {
throw new MailException("The template isn't found ({$file}).");
$tpl = \trim(\file_get_contents($file));
foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
$tpl = \str_replace('{!' . $key . '!}', (string) $val, $tpl);
if (false !== \strpos($tpl, '{{')) {
foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
$tpl = \str_replace('{{' . $key . '}}', e((string) $val), $tpl);
if (! \preg_match('%^(.+?)(?:\r\n\r\n|\n\n|\r\r)(.+)$%s', $tpl, $matches)) {
throw new MailException("Unknown format template ({$file}).");
foreach (\preg_split('%\r\n|\n|\r%', $matches[1]) as $line) {
list($type, $value) = \array_map('\\trim', \explode(':', $line, 2));
if (! isset($this->tplHeaders[$type])) {
throw new MailException("Unknown template header: {$type}.");
} elseif ('' == $value) {
throw new MailException("Empty template header: {$type}.");
if ('Subject' === $type) {
} else {
$this->headers[$type] = \preg_replace('%[\x00-\x1F]%', '', $value);
return $this->setMessage($matches[2]);
* Задает сообщение
public function setMessage(string $message): Mail
$this->message = \str_replace("\0", $this->EOL,
\str_replace(["\r\n", "\n", "\r"], "\0",
\str_replace("\0", '', \trim($message))
// $this->message = wordwrap ($this->message, 75, $this->EOL, false);
return $this;
* Отправляет письмо
public function send(): bool
if (empty($this->to)) {
throw new MailException('No recipient for the email.');
if (empty($this->headers['From'])) {
throw new MailException('No sender for the email.');
if (! isset($this->headers['Subject'])) {
throw new MailException('The subject of the email is empty.');
if ('' === \trim($this->message)) {
throw new MailException('The body of the email is empty.');
$this->headers['Date'] = \gmdate('r');
if (\is_array($this->smtp)) {
return $this->smtp();
} else {
return $this->mail();
* Отправка письма через функцию mail
* @return bool
protected function mail(): bool
$subject = $this->headers['Subject'];
$headers = $this->headers;
if (
1 === \count($this->to)
|| $this->maxRecipients <= 1
) {
foreach ($this->to as $to => $name) {
$to = $this->formatAddress($to, $name);
$result = \mail($to, $subject, $this->message, $headers);
if (true !== $result) {
return false;
} else {
$to = $this->from;
$arrArrBcc = \array_chunk($this->to, $this->maxRecipients, true);
foreach ($arrArrBcc as $arrBcc) {
foreach ($arrBcc as $email => &$name) {
$name = $this->formatAddress($email, $name);
$headers['Bcc'] = \implode(', ', $arrBcc);
$result = \mail($to, $subject, $this->message, $headers);
if (true !== $result) {
return false;
return true;
* Переводит заголовки из массива в строку
protected function strHeaders(array $headers): string
foreach ($headers as $key => &$value) {
$value = $key . ': ' . $value;
return \implode($this->EOL, $headers);
* Отправка письма через smtp
protected function smtp(): bool
// подлючение
if (! \is_resource($this->connect)) {
$level = $this->c->ErrorHandler->logOnly(\E_WARNING);
$connect = \fsockopen($this->smtp['host'], $this->smtp['port'], $errno, $errstr, $this->smtp['timeout']);
if (false === $connect) {
throw new SmtpException("Couldn't connect to smtp host \"{$this->smtp['host']}:{$this->smtp['port']}\" ({$errno}) ({$errstr}).");
\stream_set_timeout($connect, $this->smtp['timeout']);
$this->connect = $connect;
$this->smtpData(null, ['220']);
$message = $this->EOL
. \str_replace("\n.", "\n..", $this->EOL . $this->message)
. $this->EOL
. '.'
. $this->EOL;
$headers = $this->strHeaders($this->headers);
if (
1 === \count($this->to)
|| $this->maxRecipients <= 1
) {
foreach ($this->to as $email => $name) {
$this->smtpData("MAIL FROM:<{$this->from}>", ['250']);
$this->smtpData("RCPT TO:<{$email}>", ['250', '251']);
$this->smtpData('DATA', ['354']);
'To: '
. $this->formatAddress($email, $name)
. $this->EOL
. $headers
. $message,
$this->smtpData('NOOP', ['250']);
} else {
$arrRecipients = \array_chunk($this->to, $this->maxRecipients, true);
foreach ($arrRecipients as $recipients) {
$this->smtpData("MAIL FROM:<{$this->from}>", ['250']);
foreach ($recipients as $email => $name) {
$this->smtpData("RCPT TO:<{$email}>", ['250', '251']);
$this->smtpData('DATA', ['354']);
. $message,
$this->smtpData('NOOP', ['250']);
return true;
* Возвращает массив расширений из ответа сервера
protected function smtpExtn(string $response): array
$result = [];
if (\preg_match_all('%250[- ]([0-9A-Z_-]+)(?:[ =]([^\n\r]+))?%', $response, $matches, \PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
foreach ($matches as $cur) {
$result[$cur[1]] = $cur[2] ?? '';
return $result;
* Hello SMTP server
protected function smtpHello(): void
switch ($this->auth) {
case 1:
$this->smtpData('EHLO ' . $this->hostname(), ['250']);
case 0:
if (
'' !== $this->smtp['user']
&& '' !== $this->smtp['pass']
) {
$code = $this->smtpData('EHLO ' . $this->hostname(), ['250', '500', '501', '502', '550']);
if ('250' === $code) {
$extn = $this->smtpExtn($this->response);
if (
&& \function_exists('\\stream_socket_enable_crypto')
) {
$this->smtpData('STARTTLS', ['220']);
$level = $this->c->ErrorHandler->logOnly(\E_WARNING);
$crypto = \stream_socket_enable_crypto(
if (true !== $crypto) {
throw new SmtpException('Failed to enable encryption on the stream using TLS.');
$this->smtpData('EHLO ' . $this->hostname(), ['250']);
$extn = $this->smtpExtn($this->response);
if (isset($extn['AUTH'])) {
$methods = \array_flip(\explode(' ', $extn['AUTH']));
if (isset($methods['CRAM-MD5'])) {
$this->smtpData('AUTH CRAM-MD5', ['334']);
$challenge = \base64_decode(
\substr($this->response, 4)
$digest = \hash_hmac('md5', $challenge, $this->smtp['pass']);
$cramMd5 = \base64_encode("{$this->smtp['user']} {$digest}");
$this->smtpData($cramMd5, ['235']);
$this->auth = 1;
} elseif (isset($methods['LOGIN'])) {
$this->smtpData('AUTH LOGIN', ['334']);
$this->smtpData(\base64_encode($this->smtp['user']), ['334']);
$this->smtpData(\base64_encode($this->smtp['pass']), ['235']);
$this->auth = 1;
} elseif (isset($methods['PLAIN'])) {
$plain = \base64_encode("\0{$this->smtp['user']}\0{$this->smtp['pass']}");
$this->smtpData("AUTH PLAIN {$plain}", ['235']);
$this->auth = 1;
} else {
throw new SmtpException("Unknown AUTH methods: \"{$extn['AUTH']}\".");
if (
&& ! isset($extn['AUTH'])
) {
if (\function_exists('\\stream_socket_enable_crypto')) {
throw new SmtpException("The server \"{$this->smtp['host']}:{$this->smtp['port']}\" requires STARTTLS.");
} else {
throw new SmtpException("The server \"{$this->smtp['host']}:{$this->smtp['port']}\" requires STARTTLS, but \stream_socket_enable_crypto() was not found.");
$this->auth = 1;
$this->auth = -1;
$this->smtpData('HELO ' . $this->hostname(), ['250']);
* Отправляет данные на сервер
* Проверяет ответ
* Возвращает код ответа
protected function smtpData(?string $data, ?array $responseOptions): string
$level = $this->c->ErrorHandler->logOnly(\E_WARNING);
if (
&& null !== $data
&& false === \fwrite($this->connect, $data . $this->EOL)
) {
throw new SmtpException('Couldn\'t send data to mail server.');
$this->response = '';
$responseCode = '';
while (
&& ! \feof($this->connect)
) {
$get = \fgets($this->connect, 512);
if (false === $get) {
throw new SmtpException('Couldn\'t get mail server response codes.');
$this->response .= $get;
if (
&& ' ' === $get[3]
) {
$responseCode = \substr($get, 0, 3);
if (
null !== $responseOptions
&& ! \in_array($responseCode, $responseOptions, true)
) {
throw new SmtpException("Unable to send email. Response of mail server: \"{$this->response}\"");
return $responseCode;
* Возвращает имя сервера или его ip
protected function hostname(): string
$name = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ?? null;
$ip = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] ?? '';
if (
! $name
|| '' === ($name = \preg_replace('%(?:[\x00-\x1F\x7F]|\xC2[\x80-\x9F])%', '', \trim($name)))
) {
$name = '[]';
if (\filter_var($ip, \FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, \FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) {
$name = "[{$ip}]";
} elseif (\filter_var($ip, \FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, \FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) {
$name = "[IPv6:{$ip}]";
return $name;
* Завершает сеанс smtp
public function __destruct()
if (\is_resource($this->connect)) {
try {
$this->smtpData('QUIT', null);
} catch (MailException $e) {