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Dirk PHP Templates
Tiny and powerfull template engine with syntax almost the same as in laravel/blade.
The package can be installed via Composer by requiring the "artoodetoo/dirk" package in your project's composer.json.
"require": {
"artoodetoo/dirk": "dev-master"
<h1>Hello {{{ $name }}}!<h1>
{{ $timestamp or 'Timestamp not defined' }}
@foreach($list as $l)
<p>{{ $l }} @if($l == 3) is equal 3 ! @endif</p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
@yield('sidebar', 'Default sidebar text')
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use R2\Templating\Dirk;
$view = new Dirk([
'views' => __DIR__.'/views',
'cache' => __DIR__.'/cache'
$name = '<artoodetoo>';
$list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
$view->render('hello', compact('name', 'list'));
Feature list
Echoes and comments
- {{ $var }} - Echo. NOTE: it's escaped by default, like in Laravel 5!
- {!! $var !!} - Raw echo without escaping
- {{ $var or 'default' }} - Echo content with a default value
- {{{ $var }}} - Echo escaped content
- {{-- Comment --}} - A comment (in code, not in output)
- @if(condition) - Starts an if block
- @else
- @elseif(condition)
- @endif
- @unless(condition) - Starts an unless block
- @endunless
- @foreach($list as $key => $val) - Starts a foreach block
- @endforeach
- @forelse($list as $key => $val) - Starts a foreach with empty block
- @empty
- @endforelse
- @for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) - Starts a for block
- @endfor
- @while(condition) - Starts a while block
- @endwhile
Inheritance and sections
- @include(file) - Includes another template
- @extends('layout') - Extends a template with a layout
- @section('name') - Starts a section
- @endsection - Ends section
- @yield('section') - Yields content of a section.
- @show - Ends section and yields its content
- @stop - Ends section
- @append - Ends section and appends it to existing of section of same name
- @overwrite - Ends section, overwriting previous section of same name
The Dirk is open-source software, licensed under the MIT license