93 lines
2.8 KiB
93 lines
2.8 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export XPI_PATH="$PROJECT_ROOT"/interfacer/src/browsh/browsh.xpi
export XPI_SOURCE_DIR=$PROJECT_ROOT/webext/dist/web-ext-artifacts
export NODE_BIN=$PROJECT_ROOT/webext/node_modules/.bin
function versioned_xpi_file() {
echo "$XPI_SOURCE_DIR/browsh-$(browsh_version).xpi"
# You'll want to use this with `go run ./cmd/browsh --debug --firefox.use-existing`
function build_webextension_watch() {
"$NODE_BIN"/web-ext run \
--firefox contrib/firefoxheadless.sh \
function build_webextension_production() {
local version && version=$(browsh_version)
cd "$PROJECT_ROOT"/webext && "$NODE_BIN"/webpack
cd "$PROJECT_ROOT"/webext/dist && rm ./*.map
if [ -f core ]; then
# Is this a core dump for some failed process?
rm core
ls -alh .
"$NODE_BIN"/web-ext build --overwrite-dest
ls -alh web-ext-artifacts
local source_file && source_file=$(versioned_xpi_file)
echo "Bundling $source_file to $XPI_PATH"
cp -f "$source_file" "$XPI_PATH"
echo "Making extra copy for Goreleaser to put in Github release:"
local goreleaser_pwd="$PROJECT_ROOT"/interfacer/
cp -a "$source_file" "$goreleaser_pwd"
ls -alh "$goreleaser_pwd"
# It is possible to use unsigned webextensions in Firefox but it requires that Firefox
# uses problematically insecure config. I know it's a hassle having to jump through all
# these signing hoops, but I think it's better to use a standard Firefox configuration.
# Moving away from the webextension alltogether is another story, but something I'm still
# thinking about.
# NB: There can only be one canonical XPI for each semantic version.
# shellcheck disable=2120
function webextension_sign() {
local use_existing=$1
if [ "$use_existing" == "" ]; then
"$NODE_BIN"/web-ext sign --api-key "$MDN_USER" --api-secret "$MDN_KEY"
echo "Skipping signing, downloading existing webextension"
local base="https://github.com/browsh-org/browsh/releases/download"
curl -L \
-o "$(versioned_xpi_file)" \
function _rename_built_xpi() {
pushd "$XPI_SOURCE_DIR" || _panic
local xpi_file
find ./*.xpi \
-printf "%T@ %f\n" |
sort |
cut -d' ' -f2 |
tail -n1
cp -a "$xpi_file" "$(versioned_xpi_file)"
popd || _panic
function bundle_production_webextension() {
local version && version=$(browsh_version)
local base='https://github.com/browsh-org/browsh/releases/download'
local release_url="$base/v$version/browsh-$version.xpi"
echo "Downloading webextension from: $release_url"
curl -L -o "$XPI_PATH" "$release_url"
local size && size=$(wc -c <"$XPI_PATH")
if [ "$size" -lt 500 ]; then
echo "XPI size seems too small: $size"
_panic "Problem downloading latest webextension XPI"
cp -a "$XPI_PATH" "$(versioned_xpi_file)"