Sneda8 28d9543c14
PHP 8.3 error suppression
PHP 8.3 has shortened the array access on null error message to "Trying to
access array offset on null". This commit changes the regular expression
used to circumvent errors.
2024-02-16 09:17:15 +01:00

465 lines
17 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env php
function adminer_errors($errno, $errstr) {
return !!preg_match('~^(Trying to access array offset on value of type null|Undefined array key)~', $errstr);
error_reporting(6135); // errors and warnings
set_error_handler('adminer_errors', E_WARNING);
include dirname(__FILE__) . "/adminer/include/";
include dirname(__FILE__) . "/externals/JsShrink/jsShrink.php";
function add_apo_slashes($s) {
return addcslashes($s, "\\'");
function add_quo_slashes($s) {
$return = $s;
$return = addcslashes($return, "\n\r\$\"\\");
$return = preg_replace('~\0(?![0-7])~', '\\\\0', $return);
$return = addcslashes($return, "\0");
return $return;
function remove_lang($match) {
global $translations;
$idf = strtr($match[2], array("\\'" => "'", "\\\\" => "\\"));
$s = ($translations[$idf] ? $translations[$idf] : $idf);
if ($match[3] == ",") { // lang() has parameters
return $match[1] . (is_array($s) ? "lang(array('" . implode("', '", array_map('add_apo_slashes', $s)) . "')," : "sprintf('" . add_apo_slashes($s) . "',");
return ($match[1] && $match[4] ? $s : "$match[1]'" . add_apo_slashes($s) . "'$match[4]");
function lang_ids($match) {
global $lang_ids;
$lang_id = &$lang_ids[stripslashes($match[1])];
if ($lang_id === null) {
$lang_id = count($lang_ids) - 1;
return ($_SESSION["lang"] ? $match[0] : "lang($lang_id$match[2]");
function put_file($match) {
global $project, $VERSION, $driver;
if (basename($match[2]) == '$') {
return $match[0]; // processed later
$return = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/$project/$match[2]");
if (basename($match[2]) == "") {
$return = str_replace("\n// caching headers added in compile.php", (preg_match('~-dev$~', $VERSION) ? '' : '
header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified");
header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + 365*24*60*60) . " GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
header("Cache-Control: immutable");
'), $return, $count);
if (!$count) {
echo "adminer/ Caching headers placeholder not found\n";
if ($driver && dirname($match[2]) == "../adminer/drivers") {
$return = preg_replace('~^if \(isset\(\$_GET\["' . $driver . '"]\)\) \{(.*)^}~ms', '\1', $return);
if (basename($match[2]) != "" || !$_SESSION["lang"]) {
$return = str_replace('<?php echo $GLOBALS[\'project\']; ?>', $project, $return);
if (basename($match[2]) == "") {
$return = str_replace('function lang($idf, $number = null) {', 'function lang($idf, $number = null) {
if (is_string($idf)) { // compiled version uses numbers, string comes from a plugin
// English translation is closest to the original identifiers //! pluralized translations are not found
$pos = array_search($idf, get_translations("en")); //! this should be cached
if ($pos !== false) {
$idf = $pos;
}', $return, $count);
if (!$count) {
echo "lang() not found\n";
$tokens = token_get_all($return); // to find out the last token
return "?>\n$return" . (in_array($tokens[count($tokens) - 1][0], array(T_CLOSE_TAG, T_INLINE_HTML), true) ? "<?php" : "");
} elseif (preg_match('~\s*(\$pos = (.+\n).+;)~sU', $return, $match2)) {
// single language lang() is used for plural
return "function get_lang() {
return '$_SESSION[lang]';
function lang(\$translation, \$number = null) {
if (is_array(\$translation)) {
\$pos = $match2[2]\t\t\t: " . (preg_match("~\\\$LANG == '$_SESSION[lang]'.* \\? (.+)\n~U", $match2[1], $match3) ? $match3[1] : "1") . '
$translation = $translation[$pos];
$translation = str_replace("%d", "%s", $translation);
$number = format_number($number);
return sprintf($translation, $number);
} else {
echo "lang() \$pos not found\n";
function lzw_compress($string) {
// compression
$dictionary = array_flip(range("\0", "\xFF"));
$word = "";
$codes = array();
for ($i=0; $i <= strlen($string); $i++) {
$x = @$string[$i];
if (strlen($x) && isset($dictionary[$word . $x])) {
$word .= $x;
} elseif ($i) {
$codes[] = $dictionary[$word];
$dictionary[$word . $x] = count($dictionary);
$word = $x;
// convert codes to binary string
$dictionary_count = 256;
$bits = 8; // ceil(log($dictionary_count, 2))
$return = "";
$rest = 0;
$rest_length = 0;
foreach ($codes as $code) {
$rest = ($rest << $bits) + $code;
$rest_length += $bits;
if ($dictionary_count >> $bits) {
while ($rest_length > 7) {
$rest_length -= 8;
$return .= chr($rest >> $rest_length);
$rest &= (1 << $rest_length) - 1;
return $return . ($rest_length ? chr($rest << (8 - $rest_length)) : "");
function put_file_lang($match) {
global $lang_ids, $project, $langs;
if ($_SESSION["lang"]) {
return "";
$return = "";
foreach ($langs as $lang => $val) {
include dirname(__FILE__) . "/adminer/lang/$"; // assign $translations
$translation_ids = array_flip($lang_ids); // default translation
foreach ($translations as $key => $val) {
if ($val !== null) {
$translation_ids[$lang_ids[$key]] = implode("\t", (array) $val);
$return .= '
case "' . $lang . '": $compressed = "' . add_quo_slashes(lzw_compress(implode("\n", $translation_ids))) . '"; break;';
$translations_version = crc32($return);
return '$translations = $_SESSION["translations"];
if ($_SESSION["translations_version"] != ' . $translations_version . ') {
$translations = array();
$_SESSION["translations_version"] = ' . $translations_version . ';
function get_translations($lang) {
switch ($lang) {' . $return . '
$translations = array();
foreach (explode("\n", lzw_decompress($compressed)) as $val) {
$translations[] = (strpos($val, "\t") ? explode("\t", $val) : $val);
return $translations;
if (!$translations) {
$translations = get_translations($LANG);
$_SESSION["translations"] = $translations;
function short_identifier($number, $chars) {
$return = '';
while ($number >= 0) {
$return .= $chars[$number % strlen($chars)];
$number = floor($number / strlen($chars)) - 1;
return $return;
// based on
function php_shrink($input) {
global $VERSION;
$special_variables = array_flip(array('$this', '$GLOBALS', '$_GET', '$_POST', '$_FILES', '$_COOKIE', '$_SESSION', '$_SERVER', '$http_response_header', '$php_errormsg'));
$short_variables = array();
$shortening = true;
$tokens = token_get_all($input);
// remove unnecessary { }
//! change also `while () { if () {;} }` to `while () if () ;` but be careful about `if () { if () { } } else { }
$shorten = 0;
$opening = -1;
foreach ($tokens as $i => $token) {
if (in_array($token[0], array(T_IF, T_ELSE, T_ELSEIF, T_WHILE, T_DO, T_FOR, T_FOREACH), true)) {
$shorten = ($token[0] == T_FOR ? 4 : 2);
$opening = -1;
} elseif (in_array($token[0], array(T_SWITCH, T_FUNCTION, T_CLASS, T_CLOSE_TAG), true)) {
$shorten = 0;
} elseif ($token === ';') {
} elseif ($token === '{') {
if ($opening < 0) {
$opening = $i;
} elseif ($shorten > 1) {
$shorten = 0;
} elseif ($token === '}' && $opening >= 0 && $shorten == 1) {
$shorten = 0;
$opening = -1;
$tokens = array_values($tokens);
foreach ($tokens as $i => $token) {
if ($token[0] === T_VARIABLE && !isset($special_variables[$token[1]])) {
$chars = implode(range('a', 'z')) . '_' . implode(range('A', 'Z'));
// preserve variable names between versions if possible
$short_variables2 = array_splice($short_variables, strlen($chars));
$short_variables += $short_variables2;
foreach (array_keys($short_variables) as $number => $key) {
$short_variables[$key] = short_identifier($number, $chars); // could use also numbers and \x7f-\xff
$set = array_flip(preg_split('//', '!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^`{|}'));
$space = '';
$output = '';
$in_echo = false;
$doc_comment = false; // include only first /**
for (reset($tokens); list($i, $token) = each($tokens); ) {
if (!is_array($token)) {
$token = array(0, $token);
if (!is_null($tokens[$i+2])
&& $tokens[$i+2][0] === T_CLOSE_TAG && $tokens[$i+3][0] === T_INLINE_HTML && $tokens[$i+4][0] === T_OPEN_TAG
&& strlen(add_apo_slashes($tokens[$i+3][1])) < strlen($tokens[$i+3][1]) + 3
) {
$tokens[$i+2] = array(T_ECHO, 'echo');
$tokens[$i+3] = array(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, "'" . add_apo_slashes($tokens[$i+3][1]) . "'");
$tokens[$i+4] = array(0, ';');
if ($token[0] == T_COMMENT || $token[0] == T_WHITESPACE || ($token[0] == T_DOC_COMMENT && $doc_comment)) {
$space = "\n";
} else {
if ($token[0] == T_DOC_COMMENT) {
$doc_comment = true;
$token[1] = substr_replace($token[1], "* @version $VERSION\n", -2, 0);
if ($token[0] == T_VAR) {
$shortening = false;
} elseif (!$shortening) {
if ($token[1] == ';') {
$shortening = true;
} elseif ($token[0] == T_ECHO) {
$in_echo = true;
} elseif ($token[1] == ';' && $in_echo) {
if ($tokens[$i+1][0] === T_WHITESPACE && $tokens[$i+2][0] === T_ECHO) {
if ($tokens[$i+1][0] === T_ECHO) {
// join two consecutive echos
$token[1] = ','; // '.' would conflict with "a".1+2 and would use more memory //! remove ',' and "," but not $var","
} else {
$in_echo = false;
} elseif ($token[0] === T_VARIABLE && !isset($special_variables[$token[1]])) {
$token[1] = '$' . $short_variables[$token[1]];
if (isset($set[substr($output, -1)]) || isset($set[$token[1][0]])) {
$space = '';
$output .= $space . $token[1];
$space = '';
return $output;
function minify_css($file) {
return lzw_compress(preg_replace('~\s*([:;{},])\s*~', '\1', preg_replace('~/\*.*\*/~sU', '', $file)));
function minify_js($file) {
if (function_exists('jsShrink')) {
$file = jsShrink($file);
return lzw_compress($file);
function compile_file($match) {
global $project;
$file = "";
list(, $filenames, $callback) = $match;
if ($filenames != "") {
foreach (explode(";", $filenames) as $filename) {
$file .= file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/$project/$filename");
if ($callback) {
$file = call_user_func($callback, $file);
return '"' . add_quo_slashes($file) . '"';
if (!function_exists("each")) {
function each(&$arr) {
$key = key($arr);
return $key === null ? false : array($key, $arr[$key]);
function min_version() {
return true;
function number_type() {
return '';
function ini_bool($ini) {
$val = ini_get($ini);
return (preg_match('~^(on|true|yes)$~i', $val) || (int) $val); // boolean values set by php_value are strings
$project = "adminer";
if ($_SERVER["argv"][1] == "editor") {
$project = "editor";
$driver = "";
if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . "/adminer/drivers/" . $_SERVER["argv"][1] . ".inc.php")) {
$driver = $_SERVER["argv"][1];
$_SESSION["lang"] = $_SERVER["argv"][1]; // Adminer functions read language from session
include dirname(__FILE__) . "/adminer/include/";
if (isset($langs[$_SESSION["lang"]])) {
include dirname(__FILE__) . "/adminer/lang/$_SESSION[lang].inc.php";
if ($_SERVER["argv"][1]) {
echo "Usage: php compile.php [editor] [driver] [lang]\n";
echo "Purpose: Compile adminer[-driver][-lang].php or editor[-driver][-lang].php.\n";
// check function definition in drivers
$file = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/adminer/drivers/");
$file = preg_replace('~class Min_Driver.*\n\t}~sU', '', $file);
preg_match_all('~\bfunction ([^(]+)~', $file, $matches); //! respect context (extension, class)
$functions = array_combine($matches[1], $matches[0]);
//! do not warn about functions without declared support()
unset($functions["__construct"], $functions["__destruct"], $functions["set_charset"]);
foreach (glob(dirname(__FILE__) . "/adminer/drivers/" . ($driver ? $driver : "*") . ".inc.php") as $filename) {
if ($filename != "") {
$file = file_get_contents($filename);
foreach ($functions as $val) {
if (!strpos($file, "$val(")) {
fprintf(STDERR, "Missing $val in $filename\n");
include dirname(__FILE__) . "/adminer/include/";
include dirname(__FILE__) . "/adminer/include/";
$features = array("call" => "routine", "dump", "event", "privileges", "procedure" => "routine", "processlist", "routine", "scheme", "sequence", "status", "trigger", "type", "user" => "privileges", "variables", "view");
$lang_ids = array(); // global variable simplifies usage in a callback function
$file = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/$project/index.php");
$file = preg_replace('/\\$GLOBALS\\[\'project\'\\][^;]+;\\s+/', '', $file);
if ($driver) {
$_GET[$driver] = true; // to load the driver
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/adminer/drivers/$";
foreach ($features as $key => $feature) {
if (!support($feature)) {
if (!is_int($key)) {
$feature = $key;
$file = str_replace("} elseif (isset(\$_GET[\"$feature\"])) {\n\tinclude \"./$\";\n", "", $file);
if (!support("routine")) {
$file = str_replace("if (isset(\$_GET[\"callf\"])) {\n\t\$_GET[\"call\"] = \$_GET[\"callf\"];\n}\nif (isset(\$_GET[\"function\"])) {\n\t\$_GET[\"procedure\"] = \$_GET[\"function\"];\n}\n", "", $file);
$file = preg_replace_callback('~\b(include|require) "([^"]*)";~', 'put_file', $file);
$file = str_replace('include "../adminer/include/";', '', $file);
if ($driver) {
$file = preg_replace('(include "../adminer/drivers/(?!' . preg_quote($driver) . '\.).*\s*)', '', $file);
$file = preg_replace_callback('~\b(include|require) "([^"]*)";~', 'put_file', $file); //
if ($driver) {
foreach ($features as $feature) {
if (!support($feature)) {
$file = preg_replace("((\t*)" . preg_quote('if (support("' . $feature . '")') . ".*\n\\1\\})sU", '', $file);
if (count($drivers) == 1) {
$file = str_replace('<?php echo html_select("auth[driver]", $drivers, DRIVER) . "\n"; ?>', "<input type='hidden' name='auth[driver]' value='" . ($driver == "mysql" ? "server" : $driver) . "'>" . reset($drivers), $file);
$file = preg_replace('(;../externals/jush/modules/jush-(?!textarea\.|txt\.|js\.|' . preg_quote($driver == "mysql" ? "sql" : $driver) . '\.)[^.]+.js)', '', $file);
$file = preg_replace_callback('~doc_link\(array\((.*)\)\)~sU', function ($match) use ($driver) {
list(, $links) = $match;
$links = preg_replace("~'(?!(" . ($driver == "mysql" ? "sql|mariadb" : $driver) . ")')[^']*' => [^,]*,?~", '', $links);
return (trim($links) ? "doc_link(array($links))" : "''");
}, $file);
//! strip doc_link() definition
if ($project == "editor") {
$file = preg_replace('~;.\.\/externals/jush/jush\.css~', '', $file);
$file = preg_replace('~compile_file\(\'\.\./(externals/jush/modules/jush\.js|adminer/static/[^.]+\.gif)[^)]+\)~', "''", $file);
$file = preg_replace_callback("~lang\\('((?:[^\\\\']+|\\\\.)*)'([,)])~s", 'lang_ids', $file);
$file = preg_replace_callback('~\b(include|require) "([^"]*\$";~', 'put_file_lang', $file);
$file = str_replace("\r", "", $file);
if ($_SESSION["lang"]) {
// single language version
$file = preg_replace_callback("~(<\\?php\\s*echo )?lang\\('((?:[^\\\\']+|\\\\.)*)'([,)])(;\\s*\\?>)?~s", 'remove_lang', $file);
$file = str_replace("<?php switch_lang(); ?>\n", "", $file);
$file = str_replace('<?php echo $LANG; ?>', $_SESSION["lang"], $file);
$file = str_replace('<?php echo script_src("static/editing.js"); ?>' . "\n", "", $file);
$file = preg_replace('~\s+echo script_src\("\.\./externals/jush/modules/jush-(textarea|txt|js|\$jush)\.js"\);~', '', $file);
$file = str_replace('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../externals/jush/jush.css">' . "\n", "", $file);
$file = preg_replace_callback("~compile_file\\('([^']+)'(?:, '([^']*)')?\\)~", 'compile_file', $file); // integrate static files
$replace = 'preg_replace("~\\\\\\\\?.*~", "", ME) . "?file=\1&version=' . $VERSION . '"';
$file = preg_replace('~\.\./adminer/static/(default\.css|favicon\.ico)~', '<?php echo h(' . $replace . '); ?>', $file);
$file = preg_replace('~"\.\./adminer/static/(functions\.js)"~', $replace, $file);
$file = preg_replace('~\.\./adminer/static/([^\'"]*)~', '" . h(' . $replace . ') . "', $file);
$file = preg_replace('~"\.\./externals/jush/modules/(jush\.js)"~', $replace, $file);
$file = preg_replace("~<\\?php\\s*\\?>\n?|\\?>\n?<\\?php~", '', $file);
$file = php_shrink($file);
$filename = $project . (preg_match('~-dev$~', $VERSION) ? "" : "-$VERSION") . ($driver ? "-$driver" : "") . ($_SESSION["lang"] ? "-$_SESSION[lang]" : "") . ".php";
file_put_contents($filename, $file);
echo "$filename created (" . strlen($file) . " B).\n";