195 lines
5.7 KiB
195 lines
5.7 KiB
module.exports = function(grunt) {
var DEV_SERVER_PORT = 8383;
var TEST_SERVER_PORT = 8387;
// Tell our Express server that Grunt launched it
process.env.GRUNTED = true;
// Project configuration.
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
font: {
icons: {
src: ['app/public/fonts/svg-icons/*.svg'],
destCss: 'app/public/styles/less/icons.less',
destFonts: 'app/public/fonts/icons.woff',
// Optional: Custom routing of font filepaths for CSS
cssRouter: function (fontpath) {
var pathArray = fontpath.split('/');
var fileName = pathArray[pathArray.length - 1];
return '/public/fonts/' + fileName;
less: {
all: {
files: {
'app/public/styles/main.css': [ 'app/public/styles/less/main.less' ],
'app/public/styles/index.css': [ 'app/public/styles/less/index.less' ],
'app/public/styles/launchTest.css': [ 'app/public/styles/less/launchTest.less' ],
'app/public/styles/results.css': [ 'app/public/styles/less/results.less' ]
jshint: {
all: [
clean: {
icons: {
src: ['tmp']
coverage: {
src: ['coverage/']
copy: {
coverage: {
files: [
{src: ['test/**'], dest: 'coverage/'},
{src: ['lib/metadata/**'], dest: 'coverage/'},
{src: ['bin/**'], dest: 'coverage/'}
blanket: {
coverageApp: {
src: ['app/'],
dest: 'coverage/app/'
coverageLib: {
src: ['lib/'],
dest: 'coverage/lib/'
coverageBin: {
src: ['bin/'],
dest: 'coverage/bin/'
mochaTest: {
test: {
options: {
reporter: 'spec',
src: ['coverage/test/core/*.js', 'coverage/test/api/*.js']
'test-current-work': {
options: {
reporter: 'spec',
src: ['coverage/test/api/apiTest.js']
coverage: {
options: {
reporter: 'html-cov',
quiet: true,
captureFile: 'coverage/coverage.html'
src: ['coverage/test/core/*.js', 'coverage/test/api/*.js']
express: {
dev: {
options: {
port: 8383,
server: './bin/server.js',
serverreload: true,
showStack: true
testSuite: {
options: {
port: 8388,
bases: 'test/www'
// Custom task: copies the test settings.json file to the coverage folder, and checks if there's no missing fields
grunt.registerTask('copy-test-server-settings', function() {
var mainSettingsFile = './server_config/settings.json';
var testSettingsFile = './test/fixtures/settings.json';
var mainSettings = grunt.file.readJSON(mainSettingsFile);
var testSettings = grunt.file.readJSON(testSettingsFile);
// Recursively compare keys of two objects (not the values)
function compareKeys(original, copy, context) {
for (var key in original) {
if (!copy[key] && copy[key] !== '' && copy[key] !== 0) {
grunt.fail.warn('Settings file ' + testSettingsFile + ' doesn\'t contain key ' + context + '.' + key);
if (original[key] !== null && typeof original[key] === 'object') {
compareKeys(original[key], copy[key], context + '.' + key);
compareKeys(mainSettings, testSettings, 'settings');
var outputFile = './coverage/server_config/settings.json';
grunt.file.write(outputFile, JSON.stringify(testSettings, null, 4));
grunt.log.ok('File ' + outputFile + ' created');
grunt.registerTask('icons', [
grunt.registerTask('build', [
grunt.registerTask('hint', [
grunt.registerTask('dev', [
grunt.registerTask('test', [
grunt.registerTask('test-current-work', [
}; |