158 lines
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158 lines
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/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Goosle - The fast, privacy oriented search tool that just works.
* Copyright 2023-2024 Arnan de Gans. All Rights Reserved.
* By using this code you agree to indemnify Arnan de Gans from any
* liability that might arise from its use.
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if(!defined('ABSPATH')) define('ABSPATH', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/');
require ABSPATH.'functions/tools.php';
require ABSPATH.'functions/tools-magnet.php';
require ABSPATH.'engines/boxoffice/yts.php';
require ABSPATH.'engines/boxoffice/eztv.php';
$opts = load_opts();
$search = load_search();
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Goosle Search Box Office</title>
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<meta property="og:description" content="View the latest magnet links available for download!" />
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<body class="boxofficepage">
if(verify_hash($opts->hash_auth, $opts->hash, $opts->user_auth)) {
<div class="header">
<form action="results.php" method="get" autocomplete="off">
<h1 class="logo"><a href="./?a=<?php echo $opts->user_auth; ?>"><span class="goosle-g">G</span>oosle</a></h1>
<input tabindex="1" class="search-field" type="search" value="<?php echo (strlen($search->nice_query) > 0) ? htmlspecialchars($search->nice_query) : "" ; ?>" name="q" /><input tabindex="2" class="button" type="submit" value="Search" />
<input type="hidden" name="t" value="<?php echo $search->type; ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="a" value="<?php echo $opts->user_auth; ?>">
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<?php if($opts->enable_web_search == 'on') { ?>
<a class="<?php echo ($search->type == '0') ? 'active ' : ''; ?>tab-search" href="./results.php?q=<?php echo $search->query; ?>&a=<?php echo $opts->user_auth; ?>&t=0">Search</a>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($opts->enable_image_search == 'on') { ?>
<a class="<?php echo ($search->type == '1') ? 'active ' : ''; ?>tab-image" href="./results.php?q=<?php echo $search->query; ?>&a=<?php echo $opts->user_auth; ?>&t=1" >Images</a>
<?php } ?>
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<?php } ?>
<?php if($opts->enable_magnet_search == 'on') { ?>
<a class="<?php echo ($search->type == '9') ? 'active ' : ''; ?>tab-magnet" href="./results.php?q=<?php echo $search->query; ?>&a=<?php echo $opts->user_auth; ?>&t=9">Magnet links</a>
<?php } ?>
<div class="content">
<h2>The Box Office</h2>
<p>Click on any movie poster for more information and available download links.</p>
<h3>Recently added movies on YTS</h3>
$highlights = array_slice(yts_boxoffice($opts, 'date_added'), 0, 24);
<ul class="result-grid">
foreach($highlights as $highlight) {
$thumb = (!empty($highlight['thumbnail'])) ? $highlight['thumbnail'] : $opts-pixel;
echo "<li class=\"result highlight yts id-".$highlight['id']."\">";
echo " <div class=\"thumb\">";
echo " <a onclick=\"openpopup('highlight-".$highlight['id']."')\" title=\"More info: ".$highlight['title']."\"><img src=\"".$thumb."\" alt=\"".$highlight['title']."\" /></a>";
echo " </div>";
echo " <span><center><a onclick=\"openpopup('highlight-".$highlight['id']."')\" title=\"More info: ".$highlight['title']."\">".$highlight['title']."</a></center></span>";
// HTML for popup
echo highlight_popup($opts->user_auth, $highlight);
echo "</li>";
unset($highlight, $thumb);
<h3>Latest TV Show releases from EZTV</h3>
$highlights = array_slice(eztv_boxoffice($opts), 0, 24);
<ul class="result-grid">
foreach($highlights as $highlight) {
$thumb = (!empty($highlight['thumbnail'])) ? $highlight['thumbnail'] : $opts->pixel;
echo "<li class=\"result highlight eztv id-".$highlight['id']."\">";
echo " <div class=\"thumb\">";
echo " <a onclick=\"openpopup('highlight-".$highlight['id']."')\" title=\"More info: ".$highlight['title']."\"><img src=\"".$thumb."\" alt=\"".$highlight['title']."\" /></a>";
echo " </div>";
echo " <span><center><a onclick=\"openpopup('highlight-".$highlight['id']."')\" title=\"More info: ".$highlight['title']."\">".$highlight['title']."</a></center></span>";
// HTML for popup
echo highlight_popup($opts->user_auth, $highlight);
echo "</li>";
unset($highlight, $thumb);
<p class="text-center"><small>Goosle does not index, offer or distribute torrent files.</small></p>
<div class="footer grid-container">
<div class="footer-grid">
© <?php echo the_date('Y'); ?> Goosle <?php echo $current_version; ?> <?php echo show_update_notification(); ?>
<div class="footer-grid">
<a href="./?a=<?php echo $opts->user_auth; ?>">Start</a> - <a href="./box-office.php?a=<?php echo $opts->user_auth; ?>&t=9">Box office</a> - <a href="./help.php?a=<?php echo $opts->user_auth; ?>">Help</a> - <a href="./stats.php?a=<?php echo $opts->hash; ?>">Stats</a>
<?php } else { ?>
<div class="auth-error">Redirecting</div>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=<?php echo get_base_url($opts->siteurl); ?>/error.php" />
<?php } ?>